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GKP Update 16.

GKP Update 16.

The city and financial institutions  are well aware of the growing disquiet among private investors at the lack lustre performance of GKP post the DGA report. I have spoken to an awful lot of Brokers...

GKP Update DGA report

GKP Update DGA report

First let me state that that this post will be in two parts as i feel it is called for that i deal with,, The must vaunted DGA report, contrary to popular myth GKP...

GKP Update to follow

GKP Update to follow

Interesting times about to begin here. Shall post ALL the news,views,rumours and whispers. Shortly. WATCH this space important announcement tonight. Daniel

GKP Reuters 4th Jan’ 2010. RNS alert!

GKP Reuters 4th Jan’ 2010. RNS alert!

As promised please click on the link below for a report/analysis on GKP that was published by Reuters on the 4th of Jan this year. GULFKEYSTONE London stock exchange/Reuters 4th Jan 2010 Don’t bother...

GKP Update 15  (back in the uk)

GKP Update 15 (back in the uk)

Well it’s been a real rollercoaster of a day here in the city. First let me explain for the benefit of those who can’t work out what an embargo means. When an embargo is...

Oil Sector news.

Oil Sector news.

The new year is expected to get off to a good start in the E+P oil sector. Hardy (which are rebounding as we speak) are expected to claw their way back up out of the recent doldrums...., pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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