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Westminister Group. Another pointer?

There are many reasons why I am invested in Westminster Group (LON: WSG). Strong, fundamentals, cash at hand, excellent management, big contracts on the cusp of being signed and a reach in their sector (security)...

Horse Hill Scoop!

Hot on the success of our major Horse Hill oil discovery scoop I see that some over on ShareProphets have their nose out of joint by the scoop and what a tremendous scoop that...

Range Resources. Todays Sickening RNS!

It’s another day & another truly shocking piece of news lands via the London Stock Exchange RNS news service. This time it comes from Range Resources (LON: RRL) that shining example of how to...

Quindell. Today’s Wiffy RNS…

The world of high finance & telelies, oops sorry typo, telematics was awash today with yet more spin from beleaguered Quindell PLC (LON: QPP). In todays RNS we learned of a super deal for QPP...

Sound Oil The Swiss are coming!

For all those familiar with the Sound Oil story here’s a quick update. There’s a Swiss clock ticking over at Sound Oil (LON: SOU) Hot off the press and following on from the James...

John James Ellerton. Stay Away From Sefton Resources!

The highly respected financial journalist Mr Thomas Winnifrith has fired a warning salvo over the head of the disgraced former Executive Chairman of Sefton Resources James ‘fingers’ Ellerton today. Let there be no doubt we will..., pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0