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Update3 (hotting up here.)

Update3 (hotting up here.)

News/speculation from the city,market,floors. GKP have finalised the much awaited Resource report it has been signed off by the Board. ( Rumoured to be circulating between various interested parties.) The leaks will come now!...



Speculation of an impending Embargo/RNS maybe lodged  beginning to gain  credence among some City Chins. Alerts and positions have been RESET through out the market. I will of course post  if an embargo is lodged . This was triggered by==...

GKP Update1

GKP Update1

As my first update i will try to explain what the general feeling is vis-a-vis this stock. The stock is on every Major funds radar, every Brokerage, and every Financial Institution in the City of London..., pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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