, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Tagged: NEW

New World Oil & Gas. Will it ever return?

New World Oil & Gas. Will it ever return?

Read the next thrilling chapter in the New World Oil & Gas debacle. Exclusive tomorrow. Will it ever return? Don’t forget everyone give a big thanks to? NWOG action group and it’s now ‘resigned’...

New World Oil & Gas. Delisted?

I’m heading back to London this morning. So I’ll make this brief. I note todays RNS from Metal Tiger (LON: MTR) who were the main protagonists running the bear squeeze with the farcically named...

ShareProphets Ben Turney! Gotcha!

As most know I am boycotting the Crony Capitalist Hypocrites at shareProphets & strongly urge others to do so. Explained HERE.  As such I do not read what they write hence my belated response to yet..., pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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