, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

World Exclusive! shareProphets renamed shareProfits!


I’d like to take the weekend break to personally thank those who have emailed, phoned and left supportive comments on confronting the liars and bullshitters from shareProphets or as I now refer to them shareProfits. The crony capitalists masquerading behind the banner of freespeech and liberty just can’t help themselves. Another foot in the mouth of freespeech will be revealed further down in my article.

Let’s have a big cheer for the witless Ben Turney & shareProfits who just can’t seem to understand that by publishing ramping NWOG shite on shareProfits that THEY are also culpable.  Tom Winnifrith, is spending some time with his father who isn’t in the best of health. I hope Winnifrith senior and TW have a great time as a father & son should have. I wish them all the very best. I am not here to destroy personal relationships or attack those that are in a weak, physical, emotional state. I would never kick a man when he is down. 7 Day respite for TW.

The New World Oil & Gas (LON: NEW) Bear squeeze disaster that exploded in the faces of the BB lemmings, that poor out of his depth ‘Safehouse’ Turney, had lead them too on the 11th of May 2015, when the open offer RNS grenade blew up in the faces of the farcically named NWOG action, is entering a critical phase. Come the 19th May the egm vote will be held. No one knows how that vote will go. But I can assure you all of one thing our man Chris Oil and myself and the team helping/advising the Williams family will be on the winning side.

Now let’s just get one thing straight, Turney has been lead by the nose by those who have been running the naked short. Those pulling the strings are perfectly entitled to do so. It is after all just business they know who they are and they know I know who they are. I wish them all the best. Our aims are not at odds etc.

What I find reprehensible is that I have emails from the NWOG action group that specifically states that they ‘NWOG’ are in it for? ‘FINANCIAL GAIN’. Turney knows that the sword of Da(n)mocles  hovers above his witless head. Hence Turneys tweeting that he’s not selling any shares in NEW. Tweets that only started AFTER I made him aware of the damning emails in one of his pestering damage limitation phone calls/emails. I know that TW does not know of this emails existence. So TW is not on the hook for it. So much for the masquerade that operates behind the smoke-screen share-holder action group. It’s a get your greed in first play! Farcical.

Now as mentioned earlier in this piece re ‘ the Freespeech & Li(e)bartarians operating out of shareProfits.  Recent emails from Mr Ben Turney asking for what? The removal of my articles exposing him for the LIAR that he is. With an inferred threat of?  Legal action! So much for freespeech! pmsl….

“See you in court Bitchesz”


Have a great weekend.





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1 Response

  1. catempire says:

    Dan – Keep it up. I suspect the only reason TW took Ben back was he saw a threat and being the man he is made a move to cover is arse a little.. It’s a shame Ben didn’t seize the oppertunity to give him the middle finger. I’m sure it will all come out eventually!

    On a second note, I hope Chrisoil has voted No as he said he was going too.. Even if he sells into the movement this week his vote will still have made a substantial difference to the outcome of the placing. We will find out if he is a man on integrity or not! Atb, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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