, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Tagged: Business

Encore Oil. Update!

Encore Oil. Update!

Now lets see where were we? Ah yes; here we are. Encore oil are currently sat on a huge find as we all know at Catcher with an expected  increase in OIP. Now Cladhan;...

Nautical. Congratulations!

Nautical. Congratulations!

Congratulations to all on the Blogship and the Boards who have invested in Nautical petroleum. A truly fantastic result. You can expect broker upgrades on this stock in the very near future. Catcher will...

Sterling Energy. A right carry on!.

Sterling Energy. A right carry on!.

I cannot believe the amount of emails currently piling up in the blog’s in-tray vis-a-vis Sterling and a good entry point. There are many investors who if they carry on here will be carried...

Nautical Petroleum/Encore Oil. Mammon speaks!

Nautical Petroleum/Encore Oil. Mammon speaks!

The share price of these two beauties have started to consolidate/firm up. The signals coming from the city of London will in my opinion get stronger and stronger. As each day goes by Encore’s...

Encore/Nautical. Reiteration. Hold!

Encore/Nautical. Reiteration. Hold!

Many emails on the above two companies seeking advice on sell,hold buy etc. So the best course of action is for the Blog to give a full reiteration of where these two companies are...

Johnson Services Group. Solid

Johnson Services Group. Solid

Not had time today to post on the solid set of results released today by JSG. As previously posted on here JSG are well and truly over the worst. Debt is steadily decreasing and...

ENCORE. Cladhan/Catcher.  A thought here!

ENCORE. Cladhan/Catcher. A thought here!

As previously mentioned here Premier are known to be discussing Encores Catcher operators’ licence and greedily eyeing their stake. However there are now two schools of thought currently being discussed here in the city....

MATRA. Whats the Matra here?

MATRA. Whats the Matra here?

Very disappointing sp at the moment but this is purely due to lack of investor confidence with the A12/13 well problems. News by MTA will be released in short order here. The feeling is..., pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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