, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Tagged: Business

Encore/Nautical.  Catcher/Kraken/Cladhan.

Encore/Nautical. Catcher/Kraken/Cladhan.

Transocean Galaxy ii Rig             This week is a VERY important one re’ the above two companies.Institutional investors who have already taken positions in both company’s are thought to...

Leni Gas and Oil.  Alerts on! News sought!

Leni Gas and Oil. Alerts on! News sought!

    Well it finally looks like  some in the market are now turning their attention to Leni. Alerted here at 8.05am. News is now being sought re’ this company. When market brokerages get...

Leni Gas and Oil. It isn’t Rocket Science!

Leni Gas and Oil. It isn’t Rocket Science!

    Many emails requesting response/information on Leni. Take a look at Leni’s full asset portfolio and research the company in full. The 1 BILLION BOE is not a typo, an invention of the...

Encore oil  News in!

Encore oil News in!

Yes as foretold here the news is and was in! Great result 200p will certainly be hit here in the very near future. Expect a 150p minimum hit before the end of the week....

Matra Oil flowing rumours?

Matra Oil flowing rumours?

Rumours of Oil  flowing from the A12 well are  driving this SP. Just spoke to some friends via the telephone. If the sp continues upward the thinking in the city is that Matra’s hand...

Petrolatina. The Blame Game.

Petrolatina. The Blame Game.

An awful lot of emails and blog comments on PELE at the moment asking for opinion on the above. Some emails/ blog comments blaming posters for ramping. I’ve gone through as much as I...



Yes you’ll all now know that the official news on the spud has been released. As foretold here on the blog! It is now “game on” here. The official time span for the drill..., pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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