Johnson Services Group. Solid

Not had time today to post on the solid set of results released today by JSG.

As previously posted on here JSG are well and truly over the worst. Debt is steadily decreasing and the Dividend has been increased. A good solid performance and Talbot has topped up his holding yet again. A sure sign of confidence. JSG have been completely restructured, all the brokerages are seeing considerable upside over the coming months. Investec,Hemscott,Numis,Evolution the list goes on and on.

These really are a favourite of mine, share-holders are treated extremely well with a quick return to divi and special share-holder discount vouchers.   After the tumultuous upheaval last year and beyond JSG will steadily and slowly climb over the next 18 months.

A terrific example of accountable professional management


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No Responses

  1. Wrongy says:

    Thx for this news Dan I have alot of faith in the board. Dont suppose you have any news on SIRIUS EXPLORATION PLC

    • Brokerman says:

      I’d have to do some nosing around if i get time i’ll put a few feelers out.
      Can’t say i’ve come across any significant alerts here mentioning them they may be in another section. I’ll send out a few emails over the next week or so; work permitting.

  2. bw says:

    Was hoping you would give SXX a mention too, would love some feedback on this. Keep up the good work, great call on Cladham btw