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Zenith Energy. Congo Update!

Just a quick update on Zenith Energy (LON: ZEN). Those that follow this blog will be aware that I’ve been tracking the company for quite some time. You’ll also be aware that, unlike others, who’ve...

West Newton: Twist, Fold Or Hold?

** Before I give my update, there are a few things that mug punters & genuine followers, readers need to address and that is your own personal situation and attitude! If you feel at...

Concepta Under The Radar ‘Covid’ Punt…..

Concepta Under The Radar ‘Covid’ Punt…..

First and foremost & in the interest of transparency. I now own shares in Concepta: AIM CPT. Concepta listed in 2016. They’re a small bio/healthcare company. You can read their listing RNS HERE  Currently...

Zenith Energy Update. Binary Play….

It was good news yesterday for the much beleaguered UK and Norwegian shareholders of Zenith Energy (LON: ZEN). The Company returned from their self-imposed suspension after the audited financial results for the year ended...

Shareprophets: The ‘Stinky Pete’ Scandal!

It’s Groundhog Day once again at ShareProphets…….. Not so long ago Tom Winnifrith had to boot out his editor Ben(t) Turney, after ‘yours truly’ exposed his drug dealing to teenagers the length and breadth..., pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0