Haike Chemical . Update

Hasn’t it been a terrific few weeks for Haike chemical currently trading at 60p . You’ll all recall the Blog mutterings on this one several months back when we correctly formed an opinion that good gains were on the cards. I think they hit 70p from 29p then slowly retraced to the low 30p’s well they have risen once again as the Board of directors conduct a city of London PR drive. Another success! Apparently the FT have written an article on how the Chinese are going round the city shouting how good the company is. We knew that months ago! They employ over 2000 people and have a tiny market capital. Profits are growing and they look as though they may have finally come to realise just how important investor relations can be for growing companys!



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No Responses

  1. Danny says:

    Whats the changes of a placing on the cards? These good news stories are usually ruined by such things…

    • Brokerman says:

      Unfortunatley it’s part of the evolutionary process. Placings always occur somewhere down the line however a dividend declaration here usually indicates that there’s no plans in the immediate pipe-line.
      Good point though Danny.
