Nautical/Encore. Update.

The Kraken destroys the Edinburgh Trader

Image via Wikipedia

The news on Nautical’ Kraken drill doing the rounds here is that they are ahead of schedule. No problems encountered and the weather is on their side, long-range weather forecasts are known to be favourable for the next 6 weeks that is to say no force 10’s on the horizon! Catcher news; negotiations re’ the next move/drills are thought to be at an advanced stage the likely hood of more drills to quantify the extent of the discovery and extent of the field have been penciled in for Oct’/Nov’ new site surveys recently acquired are thought to be very encouraging, expect the oip to increase. Nautical; 300p will be hit before Xmas

The Cladham drill is now thought to be completed. News this week if good should see Encores’s sp increase, lets face it we know it’s not a duster!! OIP is the key here!

Encore 100p/150p hit before Xmas.

Keep holding

Official News is out there winging its way to the market.


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No Responses

  1. bonzo says:

    have a look at XEL dan this the next north sea biggy to rocket. They’re getting the rig next after Nautical.

  2. david says:

    Why would EO’s share price move up on a potential net high estimate of 1.5mmbls?

    • Brokerman says:

      Read the post! Cladhan/Catcher will significantly push the sp upwards. Catcher on its own would certainly push the sp once the full oip is known; clarification (good news) on Cladhan will consolidate and improve the sp coupled with Encores other interests.Consistent Good news, however small, always has an incremental effect. Potential here is very encouraging.


      PS I shall allow your comment. However please refrain from using fake email address’s. Otherwise your posts clog up the moderation programme.

  3. david says:

    On this occasion I must respectfully disagree with you. Cladhan’s P10 estimate is completely tiny in relation to NAV on catcher, it wont/cant move the share price on any more. Completely overvalued IMO for now…

  4. Richard Austin says:

    Sorry Dan but given that you are unable to spell the name of the drill correctly do you really expect to be taken seriously?

  5. David says:

    Encores other interests – Tudor Rose? That’s pretty much it.

    • Brokerman says:

      I think first what you need to do is log on to Encores’ website,the London stock exchange news service followed by Reuters. You are obviously a novice or just niave. re’ this company. Before you post foolish comments re’ the above i suggest you research Encores full licenses/blocks etc etc.


  6. David says:

    Sorry about the fake email address, however this is the first time I have posted on this site and I don’t make a habit of giving it away easily.

    I saw reference to you made by Neil Hind (FT) in regards to Dominion. I was interested to find out more about you/your legitimacy, hence here I am.

    I reiterate, Encore’s current share price is far too inflated for the miniscule Cladhan to have any positive implication.

    • Brokerman says:

      Unfortunately David you’ll have to log on with a genuine email address otherwise your posts will get lost in the spam/nuisance programme.

      Good luck
      Back to work here.


  7. Rogerio Setubal says:

    DAN thank you for the update on nautical/encore i agree with you, i bought shares in both i buy more if the sp come down i feel very confident thank you again R.S

  8. OILBUG says:


    Any more news on Encore ?????????????????? re Cladhan

    Is it positive whats the city rumours ???????????????????????????????

  9. OILBUG says:

    Thanks Dan

    Can you confirm some news end of the month ?

    sterling resources email me and stated would not expect to announce results until end of the month ?

    Expect Tuesday 31st from my sources.

    Is that the position

    as always a fan of your blog …………………………………………