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No Responses

  1. Richard Austin says:

    Dan, as I said before how can you be taken seriously when you can’t even spell the name of the drill correctly? For you future reference it is Cladhan.

  2. Brokerman says:

    I knew that it would bring you out!!!
    I’ll change it back now!
    Good stuff……..


    PS Please construct your sentences correctly. ” For YOU future reference? You’ve missed the RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. glass houses and all that………….

  3. OILBUG says:



    Do you know news is positive ?

    more importantly what about second side track – would that be another RNS in 10 days time ?

    • Brokerman says:

      I’ll know what’s in it at the same time as the city. If i could read it an hour before its release it would be a criminal act.


  4. OILBUG says:

    Thanks Dan

    As always help welcome.

    I am going to donate 10% of my profts to help for heroes at the end of the year.

    Its only fair the way my oil companies are going thanks to people like you helping investors.

  5. apur32 says:

    Valuable information, its fantastic to read the blog. Keep it up!!!
    I went ahead with EO let’s see what comes up now!!!

  6. Tony says:

    It’s all looking very promising here Dan, I for one cannot wait for Tuesday morning now. Just a thought, what do you make of another AIM lister (CHAR) Chariot Oil and Gas. They have similar amount of shares in issue and are cash rich like encore. Only thing is no drill dates confirmed yet???

    • Brokerman says:

      I posted on Char long before the jump. char and circle were on the radar here char rocketed and circle have just stagnated even though they have excellent broker ratings.
