Shots Fired. AnewFN v ADVFN
It’s war…., pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Incorporating the Infamous, "Libellous" Daniel Levi & the Famous BMD Financial Blog
It’s war….
Tip: I often see and hear this: “Know The Game”. Let me tell you something, anyone who consistently espouses this shite is ‘at the bollox’. Investing/trading at any level isn’t a ‘game’. It’s deadly...
Ascent Resources (LON: AST) Yesterday plunged the knife yet again into their own shareholders via a huge discounted placing raising a piss poor £750,000. The last placing they tried was with Primary Bid ‘in...
Total Market Shite. Strikes again!
Online Blockchain have been quietly going about their business and news has been and is being dampened down, particularly on their mining operation and the on-going negotiations that are always just an RNS...
On Saturday 28th July I take on the mammoth task of hiking 33 miles over the South Downs from the Gatwick Gusher that never gushed to Woodlarks camp site for the disabled with my...
Today yet again we have ‘yet again’ another scandalous placing & acquisition RNS and a Board change RNS from the corporate crooks who run Andalas Energy & Power (LON: ADL). Make no mistake these...
Further update on client recoveries and distribution, client data notifications (GDPR) and cessation of ISA manager status Private & Confidential To the Firms’ clients Dear Sir/Madam, Beaufort Securities Limited (“BSL”) in administration; and Beaufort...