, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

West Newton. Oil Discovery Briefed To The Corporates Behind The Scenes.

Some times, in life, one scratches the ‘proverbial’ head. trying to understand the mechanics/reasons of companies listed on the London AIM. AIM is an incubator where companies list in-order to grow into fully fledged self sustaining profit making business’s. Part of that process involves the timely release of  market sensitive information. There are numerous valid reasons why such information is withheld. But holding back material price sensitive information from retail investors while at the same time furnishing that information to ‘selected’ Funds, Brokers and Analysts isn’t one of them. Neither is withholding  RNSable information from retail investors so as not to upset or appease protesters!

Documents seen by ‘Yours Truly’  on West Newton state that the initial well results and gas discovery are ‘Outstanding”. With25 metre net pay gas which is likely to be upgraded to 300bcf” The whole report reads like a lottery win.

Cores taken from the Cadby Reef are “Oil Saturated”. Raithlin and partners are quoting a “40 Metre Net Oil/Condensate column” just under the gas cap, with an expected “70-100 million barrels from the 40 Metre Oil/Condensate column”.

One has to question why this information has been given to Corporates and not the retail hoards? Why has none of the above been explained via RNS?

Further down in the report it states thus: “Due to the environmental sensitivities <sic> from the operator (Raithlin) regarding the Oil Discovery <sic> high alert from the anti-frac contingent”

It really does take the biscuit when corporates are being briefed behind the scenes of an OIL DISCOVERY let alone a Gas Discovery, while the great unwashed are left in the dark to scrabble around trying to read the runes.

How many investors have sold out on the lack of news flow in RNS’s? Every thing I’ve read in this report has been supplied to the corporates by Raithlin and the partners, yet, I challenge any one to find that information in the RNS’s of Reabold Resources (AIM: RBD), Union Jack Oil (AIM: UJO) or by Raithlin. Yet this ‘Privileged Information’ has been supplied freely to the corporates by the Operator and the management teams of their partners. And these fookers are targeting “a 3x return on 0.25p initial investment”

The playing field should be level. Certain groups shouldn’t be briefed while others are kept in the dark.

We ALL now know. Those behind the scenes believe, there’s an Oil Discovery underneath the Gas Discovery on site at West Newton. (The Gas Discovery itself is a company maker). So, with the well about to be ‘perfed’ tomorrow & Tankers on standby isn’t it time both listed partners coughed up exactly what they’ve been telling Corporates behind the scenes?

Your duty is to your shareholders not a rag, tag, bag of anti-frac protestors who regardless of what you try to do would still be there. 

Potentially The Biggest Oil, Gas & Condensate Discovery in 50yrs, second only to  Wytch Farm.

Of course there’s always a risk regardless, it’s O&G, but knowing what’s being quoted by the corporates gives us all a better understanding when it comes to making our decisions. Information is key….






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1 Response

  1. MasterC says:

    Good point you’re making there Dan.

    It’s wrong that the City are getting 1st dibs on the potential game changer West Newton. Doesn’t matter if it’s great news or bad news. We should all be treated the same., pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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