, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


Breaking News!!

It really is game over for Dave Whitby and each and every share-holder of the bargepole stock/company that is Andalas Energy (LON: ADL).

The news here is that the so called agreement with PT PERTAMINA (Persoro) the national state Indonesian Oil Company, which actually was some kind of regional loose MOU with regional PERTAMINA Jambi Province has now ceased to exist! It has ‘Lapsed’ and not been renewed.

Sadly after just speaking to Cantor Fitzgerald they’re refusing to RNS this. Stating that under AIM Rules they don’t need too. Let me educate Cantors and Whitby. Here’s the general rule of thumb on RNS’s on AIM. If the signing of an agreement has to be RNS’d then the termination of that agreement MUST also be RNS’d. To deliberately seek to hide such market sensitive information away from share-holders is fraud & deception!

Demand answers phone Cantor Fitzgerald Sarah Wharry Direct Line 020-7894 8896

I’ll be contacting the AIM regulator as a matter of urgency and seeking another ‘Clarification’ RNS!

It really beggars belief that the Nomad here is assisting Whitby/Andalas to conceal material market sensitive information!




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2 Responses

  1. LawernceJ says:

    Doesn’t surprize me, quite frankly looking back to how Canter Fitsgerald behaved with African Potash, it shouldn’t surprise any body.

  2. Anumtuncle says:

    Bang on fellah. RGM like RRR total crap. Andrew Bell is full of shit. Yet another AIM liar of the #Cesspool Enjoy Ed reading your rip of the Cnut, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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