, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Sterling energy. Penny for your drops!

Two pence drop

Eventually the Penny drops!

You’ll all recall the blogs position on Sterling energy. It’s been a litany of dust,gas and disasters for the company. The recent RNS has yet again proven that the Blogs opinion has been correct. As I understand it the chance of oil being hit is extremely low. If the company had hit oil they would have heralded the news with a blast of trumpets. So it looks like they have more gas on their hands with water to boot. Evolution are slowly changing their stance. The current intrinsic value of SEY is approx’ 31/32p depending on who one speaks to. All in all it’s been an emotional ride for holders of the stock with some bitter disputes online between posters as the penny began to drop. Fortunately for followers of the Blog the penny dropped six months ago!



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No Responses

  1. Rosalimacat says:

    Hi Dan
    OEX. Why the drop

  2. Ken Rose says:

    Hi Dan,

    As self congratulation is a recurring and often well deserved theme of your blog, would you care to revisit your blog which I seem to remember wanted to raise £1m from you disobliging bank to invest in Encore, at around 115-130p or is my memory failing me? Regards, Ken

    • Brokerman says:

      They were about 110p at the time of the article. They then went on to rise to over 155p. I could theoretically of made 400k on the deal. However the post was a wee bit tongue in cheek and I take your point.


  3. Mt says:

    Hi Dan, I notice that Lloyds bank is in your favourite companies list on the site. I’ve taken quite a hit on them so just wondering if you had a recent view given the banking commission report and potential Moody’s downgrade and whatever else gets thrown at it.

  4. andy says:

    Bullshit.. Dan.

    Even if its gas they company is worth more, its not there only asset and they are well funded.

    So your shorting the share then?

  5. JULIE says:

    Is there any word of a takeover or is it another rumor?

  6. JULIE says:

    Sorry, I mean a takeover rumor on Encore Oil?

  7. Angela says:

    News for me Dan


  8. peaches says:

    Can you please update on encore. Thanks., pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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