, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


I am still awaiting emails and confirmation of the information on the above company. Should receive them some time today. Once they drop I will post  immediately. Probably after the market closes. Unfortunately I have been delayed chasing them up due to another hack attempt with a backdoor virus keylogger that nearly got through. Such is life!


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No Responses

  1. Stewart McKegg says:

    Hi daniel,

    Great posts as usual however I am somewhat disappointed that you have yet to report on Empyrean Energy despite saying you would some 8 weeks ago, if you say you are going to comment then you should, you have a large following and people have been looking for your views

    Kind regards


    • Brokerman says:

      Yes I do recall you asking for an opinion but I have been so busy Stewart that it has been really hard to focus on one particular company however I promise that I have been seeking information and opinion on Empyrean the sticking point here has been the £600 i was quoted from Global Data. I usually have a good contact with Global unfortunately she has now moved to Citi. I will post on them just give me some time. Work,and life are very busy at the moment and I do have the new site too WHICH IS EATING INTO A LOT OF MAN-HOURS which I usually have for research.

      • Stewart McKegg says:

        Hi Dan
        Your reply is much appreciated and I look forward to your views with great interest, perhaps you may buy about 2 Million shares in eme and put it towards your 100K to 1million scheme.

        There was a post on ADVFN within minutes of you replying, told you that you had influence.

        Thanks again

        viva the revolution


  2. Margaret says:

    Thanks Dan. How come your site keeps getting attacked by hackers? Lots of confidential information? Or just bloody minded idiots?

    • Brokerman says:

      Nothing confidential is kept online. This latest incident occurred just as i got back from Vietnam. I always scan emails and downloads however a friend of mine helping with the marketing for the new site isn’t as cautious, hence how the worm got into the management system which created a total lock-down of the platform as a precautionary measure, this meant that we have had to use safe mode and system restore in-order to capture and quarantine the virus/s! And of course all passwords have now been changed. It’s a pain but that’s the way of the net!


  3. Keith Parry says:

    The following report was published by JICA on the 9th April. It is entitled “The Study for Master Plan on Coal Development in the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. Final Report”

    In view of the importance of this report , I am surprised that so far there has been no discussion of its implications in the Bangladesh press that I have seen. Have you read the report?
    Dr Keith Parry

  4. How do you do England or Great Britain
    I can tell you that Danish Television is sending from London the whole day the wedding you know.
    Dan can you get some info from Matra Petroleum – London will be open again the third of Mai – right, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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