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No Responses

  1. Justin says:


    I’ve invested in this company.
    It’s great to hear you’re speaking with Jan Nelson tomorrow.

    When will we have a post regarding to how the conversation went?



  2. Tony says:

    I didn’t think Jan Nelson was attending tomorrow due to family illness?

    • Brokerman says:

      As far as I am aware the last time I spoke to the company he was intending to attend. However that was last week. I’ll check it up. However I will also be speaking to RRR,SEFTON,LENI etc so all’s not lost even if Jan doesn’t attend. Thanks for the update. I can always conduct the brief over the telephone or via email so please do still send in questions.


  3. Milk says:


    Excellent website, appreciate the effort you are putting into it. I hold share in this and would like to learn a few things:

    When is the pre-feasibility report for Manica due out?
    How is the negotiations with the land owners for Amira going? When is it expected to be resolved?
    Finally the most important, when is the Phoenix plant due to go online?

    Answers to these and anything else you can get would be invaluable.
