Well what a great few weeks it’s been for Matra Petroleum. There will be an update posted tomorrow on the Blog.
Keep watching.
google.com, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Incorporating the Infamous, "Libellous" Daniel Levi & the Famous BMD Financial Blog
Well what a great few weeks it’s been for Matra Petroleum. There will be an update posted tomorrow on the Blog.
Keep watching.
Thanks Dan.
I have been waiting all day to hear this from you. Hope to see a nice and positive article tomorrow.
I have seen a huge jump from MXP today. I have seen an article about MXP in your blog a while ago. Any update on that from your end?
Many thanks Dan for all that you are doing.
Kind Regards,
Hi Dan,
Been keeping up with your blog for about a month or so and have to say rather impressed. Especially Matra which i bought a month back and still keeping for long term (only invested 5% of my portfolio into it …wish i had done more now :P). One question when would you say be a good time to sell? a year? till Q2?
One more question i bought into OEX with your recommendation and thats very risky with india as its only play card. Its on a upward streak at the moment but do you know what might be causing this? MM doing their normal thing before a results for the confirmation for the reserves to come out??
Hi Mo,
I’m not sure that Dan will tell you when to sell. That’s not his style, it’s down to your choice when to buy and sell, Dan just gives his opinion.
I cannot see any reason why OEX have risen, other than the fact they have had some very good publicity recently (mentioned in the Daily Express). I sold my OEX at a profit, and bought more Matra this afternoon.
Matra has been on a steady rise since today’s post (9%+ at 16:35). Either other people have heard what you may have,Dan,or this blog carries a significant amount of weight.
Cheers mate,
Hey dan,
Nice 20% rise on mxp today, what do you reckon – UTS news leaking or just a rise in anticipation of the results?
Also what are your current views on Leni? Worth holding still? You’ve not updated on them in a while.
Keep up the good work – a great blog site!
Hi Dan. Big increase in price of VOG. Any update on this?