, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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  1. ABZ says:

    Thanks Dan.
    I have been waiting all day to hear this from you. Hope to see a nice and positive article tomorrow.
    I have seen a huge jump from MXP today. I have seen an article about MXP in your blog a while ago. Any update on that from your end?
    Many thanks Dan for all that you are doing.
    Kind Regards,

  2. Mo says:

    Hi Dan,
    Been keeping up with your blog for about a month or so and have to say rather impressed. Especially Matra which i bought a month back and still keeping for long term (only invested 5% of my portfolio into it …wish i had done more now :P). One question when would you say be a good time to sell? a year? till Q2?

    One more question i bought into OEX with your recommendation and thats very risky with india as its only play card. Its on a upward streak at the moment but do you know what might be causing this? MM doing their normal thing before a results for the confirmation for the reserves to come out??

    • Olivanders says:

      Hi Mo,

      I’m not sure that Dan will tell you when to sell. That’s not his style, it’s down to your choice when to buy and sell, Dan just gives his opinion.

      I cannot see any reason why OEX have risen, other than the fact they have had some very good publicity recently (mentioned in the Daily Express). I sold my OEX at a profit, and bought more Matra this afternoon.



  3. Paul says:

    Matra has been on a steady rise since today’s post (9%+ at 16:35). Either other people have heard what you may have,Dan,or this blog carries a significant amount of weight.

    Cheers mate,


  4. TJ says:

    Hey dan,

    Nice 20% rise on mxp today, what do you reckon – UTS news leaking or just a rise in anticipation of the results?

    Also what are your current views on Leni? Worth holding still? You’ve not updated on them in a while.

    Keep up the good work – a great blog site!

  5. Asif ghafoor says:

    Hi Dan. Big increase in price of VOG. Any update on this?, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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