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No Responses

  1. robert says:

    keep up the good work dan /us followers dont want to lose you/.dan,i am having trouble getting in to read your tweets,any instructions would be helpfull/regards

  2. Joseph says:

    Keep up the good work dan your efforts are much appreciated . Feathers are being ruffled and the press want to get involved ,you must be doing something right .

  3. Biggleswick says:

    Yeah, fight the power, Dan!

  4. MIOPUS says:

    Love the photos you use, especially this one. It is a sort of gasmasked “Stig”.

    Very good. Very happy with my investments in EO and NPE which were sparked off by your comments.

  5. kennyb says:

    Dan ur the Robin Hood of the stock market world just trying to make us poor rich!….sterling work and much appreciated long may u reign.