, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

NTOG Back-peddling.

Yes i’ve finally had a response from NTOG. Unfortunately the CEO has decided to hide behind an excuse quoting market sensitivity. Strange that as i never requested an article about ANYTHING REMOTELY SENSITIVE. My request was for him or any of his employees to write an article with any slant they wanted about how junior oilers operate etc etc.

I specifically stated that.

The plot thickens and the SP keeps plummeting!


PS Any one fancy a trip to Kansas?

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No Responses

  1. Anonymous says:


    See my previous comment.

  2. mozza7 says:

    what you think dan this company in the sh**

  3. Anonymous says:


    British Bulls rating this as a buy and there was a massive buy today. CEO has stated why he cannot post on blog or BB.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Dan – as a regulated AIM company, Nostra Terra cannot post their comments on anonymous blogs such as this (wonderful as it is).
    If you were to approach this from a different angle, and involve your employers, this might be more beneficial.

    • Brokerman says:

      Absolute rubbish i seem to recall Todd Kosel giving interviews many times over the last few months. Not to mention willie walsh and many, many, many, many senior company figures. One only has to read the FT to see that CEOS of every persuasion talk to the media and cooperate on articles. NTOG have copped out.
      My request stated that NTOG had full copy control and were not being requested to release ANY market sensitive data.
      One wonders how long they will remain in business.
      Solvency is a big problem in this current climate for many oilers not least NTOG.


      • Anonymous says:

        Presumably the CEO didn’t want to deal with yet another blog then – probably had a bad experience with one ……….

      • Anonymous says:

        They don’t post on blogs run by people hiding from their actual employer in their spare time though do they ?

      • Anonymous says:

        I wouldn’t mind betting that if you were to ask Kozel for the same thing you wouldn’t get him posting it on your blog, Dan.

        Have you seen the sort of blogs there are in existence ?
        FT yes – blog, no way !

  5. TheSevenDwarves says:

    Should be called British Bull Sh*t! Do yourself a favour miopus and sell now while you still have some money left in this dead dog of a company. The writing is on the wall for all to see, can you read it? Look, that last buy of the day may appear to be a huge buy because 1,800,000 sounds like a big number, in reality though it is only £11,700! Very small buy in my opinion, but maybe enough to sucker investors with less cash to burn. You know what they say, a fool easily parts with his money, and to quote Mr T “I pity the fool!”

    You lot now need more than luck. Don’t be suckered in by polite emails from a con man! That’s what he is whether you lot like it or not. Think about it, up to now none of what he/they promised has come to fruition. Hoping that that will change is delusional. Just stick with the facts you know, and what are the facts? You already know the answer to that one, now all you need to do is put the pieces together.

    • Anonymous says:

      You are entitled to your view, but please accept that many do not agree with your view.

      • TheSevenDwarves says:

        “Many” do not need to agree with me for me to be right. I have chosen to look at the available evidence, you and yours choose to ignore available evidence and believe in a CEO who has so far not delivered but seems to have ample time to respond to each and every email PI’s send him. Make no mistake, something is very wrong here as brokerman has already pointed out. I only hope you all manage to get at least some of your money back.

    • Anonymous says:

      Rather libellous to call someone a “con man” .

      I shouldn’t imagine he wants much contact with you !

      I wonder what you’ll invent next !

      • TheSevenDwarves says:

        Nothing to invent. Just calling a spade a spade. If he is unhappy about that tell him he can sue me when he cashes his chips, I understand he has quite a few coming to him and I doubt he cares very much about yours.

        From elsewhere.

        “CEOs share options = 29.9% of capital at 0.1p = 0.65 billion shares (about $1,000,000 worth)

        0.2p = $1million profit
        0.3p = $2million profit
        0.4p = $3million profit

        The CEO stands to make a few million here not through oil flows but through share options. The SP could drop to 0.3p and ML would still be laughing all the way to the bank.”

        • TheSevenDwarves says:

          As someone else has already pointed out, flow rates are probably too embarrassingly low to reveal. Ridiculous is what this has become. Glad I got out when I did, shame I didn’t realise it was a con sooner. Bloody Matt emailed me too with the usual bull sh*t delay tactics and I was fooled for a while too. Not anymore, and I just want to help get it into the heads of a few PI’s out there that they don’t have to loose all their money on this one, there is still time to escape with some of their money rather than loose it all. Billy over at LSE spouting his usual nonsense about how the “MM’s want your shares” and all that crap, that sort of chat traps the inexperienced investors out there cause they believe that sh*t! They don’t sell because they seriously believe that idiot, so they hold on only to watch it drop from 1.25 to .95, .85 “dont worry! MM’s still want your shares!” .75…65…As I was saying the guy chats crap and people loose money because they listen to crap. Shame really.

          • Anonymous says:

            Size is important – dwarves do suffer from inferiority complexes – coupled with an inability to spell and communicate well. Shame you haven’t risen to the heights of being a CEO yourself, but it is obvious why.

          • TheSevenDwarves says:

            That’s the best response you could think of? lol

          • TheSevenDwarves says:

            Take the blinkers off Miopus!

          • TheSevenDwarves says:

            The CEO of Nostra Terra is really an estate agent in disguise. Care to tell me what you think of them? Estate agents I mean. My experiences have rarely good.

            Please point out any spelling mistakes, and don’t let my 6’2 stature intimidate you.

          • Anonymous says:

            Estate agents ? CEOs ? – no problem with them at all.

          • Anonymous says:

            One day three midgets were sitting around the table drinking
            tea and having crumpets.

            The first midget says to the other two, “You know, I think
            I have the smallest hands in the world.” He continues, “and
            I think I should go down the Guiness Book or World Records
            and try to get in the book!”

            The second midget replies with, “You know, now that you
            mention it, I probably have the smallest feet in the world.
            I think I`ll go with you and try to get into the record book,

            The third midget joins in with, “I`m going too because I
            think I have the smallest penis in the world. Let`s go!”

            So the midgets set off to the offices of the Guiness Book of
            World Records.

            When they arrive, the first midget is called in and is gone
            for awile. Finally he comes out very excited. “I made it!
            They measured my hands, and sure enough they are the smallest
            in the world. I`m in the record book!”

            The second midget is called in, and soon he comes out very
            excited. “I made it too! They measured my feet and sure
            enough, they are the smallest in the world. I`m in the
            record book, too!”

            The third midget goes in, is gone a very long time, so long
            that His friends became concerned. Finally he appears with a
            rather forlorn look on His face.

            “What`s the matter?”, His friends asked.

            The third midget responds with “Who the hell is Bill

          • Anonymous says:


  6. Pan says:

    Dan, anymore on the Optare deal?

    are things still happening or is it dead?

  7. Anonymous says:

    Why would he wish to waste his time writing a report on junior oilers?

    • Brokerman says:

      He wasn’t asked to write a report on junior oilers. He was asked if he or any employee of NTOG could find the time to write an article on junior oil exploration with any slant on their story funny, serious or just a commentary on the history of NTOG’s founding, ie how he came to the business his likes and dislikes of being on the cutting edge of oil exploration!


      • Anonymous says:

        I have it on very good authority that he finds blogs quite a source of amusement …….certainly not because of their truth content.

    • Anonymous says:

      Were I the CEO of NTOG I would give all blogs a very wide berth and just stick to RNS’s.

    • Anonymous says:

      Seems as if he did the right thing – why lay yourself open to criticism ?

  8. Anonymous says:

    Chinese whispers on the boards

    This is a repaste of a post from Economicbubble on iii – due to the misleading post of “futureearner” on ADVFN repeated on iii by “pugglelump”.

    Hi pugglelump

    You Wrote:

    “MT will string this production rate news out until after June 30th (when he can sell almost a third of the companies shares)”

    “ I do hope I am completely wrong”

    I can confirm you are completely wrong see below.

    RNS 30 June 2009

    “Lock-In and Orderly Market Arrangements Mr. Lofgran has entered into a lock-in and orderly market agreement with the Company, under which he has agreed not to dispose of any of the Placing Shares, or any other ordinary shares acquired by him, for a period of 12 months from the date of admission.

    Mr. Lofgran has also undertaken not to dispose of any ordinary shares in which he is beneficially interested for a further period of 12 months”

    Then relevant section from the above RNS is :
    “or any other ordinary shares acquired by him, for a period of 12 months from the date of admission”

    Meaning that even if ML does raise the necessary funds to convert the warrants into shares in June 2010, he won’t be able sell any until June 2011, if permission from the company and the broker is obtained. If permission is not granted ML won’t be able to sell until June 2012.

    Hope that helps


  9. Anonymous says:

    Talking of dodgy blogs – “Saynotontog” blog is coming unstuck now with some of its lies on the CEO being a “felon” !!!!

    What will they come up with next ? Shoe bomber ?

  10. Anonymous says:

    Dan – any idea why this stock is up around 40 per cent today ???

  11. Anonymous says:

    Rockstar from iii

    “Nick, Will you please calm the f** k down mate. I’m pretty sure you are not a deramper and merely trying to make back some lost money from the previous spike.
    However your constant negativity and analysis of every single trade is doing my head in.
    It will also be worrying everyone else who reads your non stop commentry of the share price movements.

    I spoke to Matt last night as I too was getting the jitters.

    Here is the email conversation I had with him. Read into it what you will. My interpretation is that the prelims this month will detail multiple flow rates on producing wells.

    Hello xxxxxxxxxxxx,

    We will announce news on flow rates.
    May is not over.
    Liberty is a tight hole.



    From: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2010 7:33 AM
    To: Matt Lofgran (NTOG)
    Subject: Current Volatility

    Can I urge you to do the right thing for your PI’s and share some news on progress with the market.

    The volatility in NTOG is horrendous. We desperately need an operations update with some production flow rates.

    Your website states May for your prelims, we haven’t seen them yet either.

    Also how is the Liberty drill going?


  12. Anonymous says:

    Dozens of Kansas oil producers are suing Goldman Sachs and several oil companies, contending they deliberately avoided paying for millions of dollars worth of oil.

    The suit stems from the 2008 bankruptcy of oil and gas middleman SemGroup and its many subsidiaries.

    SemGroup, based in Tulsa, collected oil from 54 producers in Kansas and 33 in Oklahoma in June and July of 2008, but it declared bankruptcy in late July before paying for the oil.

    In the bankruptcy settlement, the producers received some money for the oil, but they are now seeking the full amount.

    SemGroup emerged from bankruptcy in December and now operates as a public company.

    In the suit, the producers are going after the companies that acquired the oil from SemGroup, contending they never actually paid for it.

    The suit names as defendants J. Aron, Goldman Sachs’ commodities trading unit, as well as British Petroleum, ConocoPhilllips, Plains Marketing GP and Plains Marketing.

    The producers contend J. Aron knew of SemGroup’s precarious cash flow problems in 2008 because Goldman Sachs was SemGroup’s investment banker.

    By May 2008, as the price of crude oil and gas spiked, margins on SemGroup’s options contracts rose. On May 21 of that year, according to the suit, J. Aron told SemGroup to expect a margin call of $80 million to $100 million.

    J. Aron and SemGroup agreed to an arrangement where SemGroup would buy large amounts of oil and gas from the Kansas and Oklahoma plaintiffs and deliver it to J. Aron as collateral, even though it knew SemGroup didn’t have the cash available to pay for it, according to the suit. Payment for the oil and gas typically was not due to the producers for 50 days after the delivery.

    But SemGroup’s financial situation deteriorated and, on July 21, J. Aron notified SemGroup that it was in default on the options margins and foreclosed on the producers’ oil and gas.

    The suit contends British Petroleum also took oil from SemGroup in lieu of money owed by SemGroup, without actually paying for it.

    But, said Kyle Lonergan, the producers’ New York attorney, Kansas and Oklahoma law gives the producers a lien on the oil that was never cleared.

    “The defendants never paid for the oil,” Lonergan said. “Our clients are entitled to the proceeds from their production.”

    Representatives of Goldman Sachs and British Petroleum declined to comment., pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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