Tagged: trading

ShareProphets ‘Individual-1’ & Dev Clever…

Last week saw a real ‘Cheap Shot’ taken by “Individual-1” (Tom Winnifrith) & ShareProphets on myself. Apparently headlines were screaming thus: “A shameful ramp by Brokerman Dan, that is to say Dev Clever”. Well...

Message to Andalas Energy, RNS or I Will!

Sadly for the poor souls suckered into Andalas Energy (LON: ADL) by the $600,000,000 fantasyman, CEO Dave Whitby and his pump and dump gang, news on the current situation has and is being deliberately...

Bloodbath on the way. CEB/Andalas

Followers will recall that we published a piece over the weekend on the sham being perpetrated by the fantasy $600,000,000 man Dave Whitby. You can read that piece HERE. News has dropped from City...