There’s an update on the way stay tuned. It will be password protected so please do not email the admin requesting the password. We are snowed under here with the NEW SITE LAUNCH/DESIGN. Subscribe to the Blog TO RECEIVE THE PASSWORD!
Dan, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Incorporating the Infamous, "Libellous" Daniel Levi & the Famous BMD Financial Blog
There’s an update on the way stay tuned. It will be password protected so please do not email the admin requesting the password. We are snowed under here with the NEW SITE LAUNCH/DESIGN. Subscribe to the Blog TO RECEIVE THE PASSWORD!
Hey Dan, will that be today or tomorrow? TIA
Next 24 hours. Could come late today depends on the contacts confirming the information.
Looks like someone took this as an opportunity to offload just over 2,000,000 shares. We are due news on A14 approval any day now. A13 should have a pump fitted in the next few weeks or so and if there is any sign of water then i can see Matra struggling to raise the next tranche of funding so let’s hope NH was right and that funding should be in place prior to A13 coming back online.
Frustrating x 3!
not leaving this god forsaken share till at least 10p!!! š i know …i’ll be retired!! if im lucky cheers feedthepony!!
GUST!!!!!..;) I can read LSE but been banned now 10 ban!! tosspots..sorry o/t here come on matra 3.5p average and been impaled for what seems like years!! hey ho there’s oil there somewhere just need a better form of numpty to get it out… keep the faith GUSTOMED RICH3R and all the other LSE faithful your time will LSE you’re a bunch of sad little jobsworth fekkers!! cheers all feedthepony!!
LOL Stuart – Keep the faith? Nothin’ else to keep when it comes to Matra “no” Petroleum!!! Agreed re LSE – Pathetic!
Dan can i feed my kids or shall i wait more for the password, thanks…!!!!!
Feed the kids. Just got the news in will publish it tomorrow after the newspaper round-up + smallcap weekly round-up.
Hi Feed,
Can you not join LSE under a new name?