Gulf Keystone Petroleum. Dublin Today.


Research is the key!

Just a very quick piece of information . The directors of Gulf Keystone Petroleum Ltd. (AIM: GKP), will be presenting today at a seminar hosted by Proactive Investors. Any one in the vicinity of The Shelbourne Hotel, 27 St Stephen’s Green, Dublin, 2 Ireland (Adams Suite) should make a bee-line for the presentation. Also presenting will be GGG Resources (AIM: GGG), Lydian International (TSX: LYD) and Respect Your Universe (OTCBB: RYUN). (GGG have had a terrific ride as of this year. Gold-Miner)

They’re a very good outfit are Proactive. Don’t worry about having a personal invitation. If you turn up unannounced they will always let you in!

The presentations will start at 6:00pm and finish at approx 8:00pm. After the presentations are complete the directors will also be available to take questions during a free canapé and wine reception.
So today those of you in or around Dublin have the opportunity to actually meet & greet the very people who’ve you’ve entrusted with your cash/investment. Excellent opportunity to become a little Proactive yourselves. Get there and ASK SOME QUESTIONS! Research is the key! These kind of meetings can really pay off for the lowly Private Investor. And they do help to crystallize opinion.


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No Responses

  1. Mark says:

    Any news about Matra by any chance?

  2. Bradley says:

    Hi Dan

    Sold my Lansdwne oil and gas shares yesterday. Did I do the right thing? I got them at 22p after you wrote on them. I did check them out but now i’m worried that maybe ive jumped the gun
    What do you think my profit was $2481.67cents. I’m based in New York but i always read your Blog its real guerny and points made are always checked out by me and the gang.


  3. Pensioner says:

    Thanks for the Rockhopper news Dann. Another excellent call mate. I held on to them + got a few more @160p. I’d like to make a donation on your behalf only a few quid (£25) as a token of my thanks. The missus thinks your a nutjob for giving peeps the heads up for free. It must cost you many hours in time not forgetting the cost of phone calls and travel
    Thank you. Men of honour are few + far between. Your dead right on Liam Fox too.

    Of pensionable age

  4. evil knivel says:

    yes right
    October 12, 2011 at 9:29 am
    Thanks for the Rockhopper news Dann. Another excellent call mate. I held on to them + got a few more @160p. I’d like to make a donation on your behalf only a few quid (£25) as a token of my thanks. The missus thinks your a nutjob for giving peeps the heads up for free. It must cost you many hours in time not forgetting the cost of phone calls and travel
    Thank you. Men of honour are few + far between. Your dead right on Liam Fox too.

    Of pensionable age