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  1. Cartier says:

    Hopefully it will be good news. Really need some as I’m down on everything apart from CNR! (XEL completely tanked on me after I sold my BPC and RRL shares to jump in! HER have slumped, EML have dropped despite the magician Jim Mellon being in charge, and of course there is MTA as well :-/ )

  2. johnptfranks says:

    I agree with cartier. Matra desperately need some good news to realise the real value of this site.

    I do wonder how realistic it is to fix the water ingress into the well. I’m not a drill expert so I am unclear how they will identify the location of the leak and effect repair.

    Does anyone have any clue as to how long this could take?

  3. OB1 says:

    Looks like you have adopted the Matra scale of time ^^

    Only kidding, fingers crossed for A12 and I wish had the balls to top up, just not sure about it till we know the funding position.

    Good luck all keep the faith



  4. steve says:

    what has happened to the update?

    • Brokerman says:

      I am awaiting the company to return my call.


      • Lt says:

        Dan, surely you would not have posted “on-line shortly” if you were reliant on a phone call from Matra? They are notorious for their lack of communication. With the best will in the world they will not spill any beans. If only there was a leak!!!! I was half expecting you to say that your contacts have seen tankers in & out of Soko.

        • Brokerman says:

          No you’re missing the point. I am attempting to cross check information gleaned from OTHER sources. I’d like to have the company line/response before I publish.


  5. steve says:

    fair play dan. Info from the company will be a trusted source. Maybe u will build a relationship now and obtain info.