GCM Investors are all too aware of the need here for solid information. We are still attempting to firm up information recently passed to the Blog.
However as part of the New BMD site launch we will be imposing ourselves onto the company via a planned visit to the Phulbari Project in Bangladesh.
Unless news breaks before hand.
If there are any Blog subscribers interested in joining the venture then please contact the Administrator email account. You need to be able to demonstrate proven skills/research aptitude. Flights and accommodation will be paid for from new site revenues.
I hope you will also comment on Polo Resources in due course, Dan.
What is the likely timescale of this fact finding trip to Phulbari and does this proposed visit have the approval of GCM?
Eve Dan, fantastic idea mate tip the hat on that call. Moves such as this will push the boundaries of markets related investigative reporting…..not the company funded ramp trips such as CEY for a choice few M’s and pro press.
Better be sharp on your heels tho as I’m already booked as per my email several days ago, then on to JKT for some clove ciggies, night at tanamur 😉 Kehala boss?
Hi Dan,
I work for an asset management company in Bangladesh. I research on local stocks, however during my times in the Square Mile I used to follow this stock with great passion. If you want to meet up, if and when you are in Bangladesh drop me a line 2 hours in advance. thanks
What area in Bangladesh do you live & work, Xak? Are you in Gulshan Dhaka by any chance?
Reaz Shaheed? house no6 road 36?
Email me please
Dan, yes I live in Dhaka and Gulshan is not too far from where I live. Send me an email to my email address I can give you my local mobile number.
OK Xak.
I just ran a trace on your email and ip through our new company dns search tool.
It’s amazing how accurate it is.
Let me know when you are around.