
A North Sea Oil rig. North Sea oil production ...

Race is run and it's won


There’s been an awful lot of requests for updates and whispers on the North sea oil explorers Encore, Xel,Nautical,Premier.

The race has been run and it’s all but won.

At this present time I am focusing my attention on other oil  sectors particularly Eastern Europe. Where news is being sourced re’ several companies. These things take time and trust has to be built up with contacts /sources/Industry thinkers. I am planning (provisionally) a trip to Russia on a fact-finding mission.

I think it’s safe to say that XEL,ENCORE,NAUTICAL and dear old PREMIER are all safe bets for future growth and the risk has all but evaporated on these four company’s. In fact it’s safe to say that the risk is now minimal.

It’s been a fantastic success for the Blog and I know that there are many out there who have benefitted from its opinions. Stats have like these sp’s increased which is another sign of success.

There’s one company that I will be posting on either today or tomorrow depending on how quickly emails and telephone calls are returned.

A quick note to all re’ the North Sea 4.  They are now on track and will continue to trend up over the next quarter. How high? Who knows; Xel 500p,EO 200P, NPE 600P, Premier £22/3. Only my opinion of course and there are others (not many) who think differently.

Good Luck to all holders and remember no one ever goes Bankrupt taking some profit.



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No Responses

  1. Apur32 says:

    I am in XEL and EO
    Xciting time …….
    Keep it Dan!

  2. ABZ says:

    Thanks Danny Boi!
    I got stock in XEL and EO.
    It is nice to see positive feedback from you about it.
    Just love following your blog.

  3. OILBUG says:


    any news regarding cpr RNS of xcite – rumour has it on Thursday 7.00am before oil barrel presentation.

    also rumour it was 26 days after rkh flow test they brought out their cpr.

    any alterts re this ?

    Thanks as always……………………………

  4. caroline says:

    Dan as ever you are right on the money! Woooo!
    Just wondered what you think of XTR. I’m in these with some XEL profit as didn’t want to miss the boat. Bought when the XEL price was fluctuating so much and jumped in with what I could filch from the highs in XEL.
    IMHO I think XTR will be a biggie this year and just wanted your view on whether I should pitch a bit more in…..
    x 🙂 x

  5. Well dan just like to say you are a fountain of knowledge matey but i am sick of hearing people down playing your info when for me in 2010 you have made me 50k richer so i want to say thanks so much for your blog its the best right now and hope it grows.

  6. peaches says:

    what are your thoughts on bmr (berkeley minerals) and orm (ormonde mining) Dan? I also hold eo………due you think eo could reach £4 on takeover? Thanks.

  7. Nabeel says:

    Hi, this was in this week’s Shares Magazine (in the UK), re. Directors Dealings:

    “Investors should ignore heavy selling by directors at North Sea oil explorer EnCore Oil (EO.:AIM) and buy ahead of results from drilling on the Burgman prospect due at the end of this month. The selling, in the wake of a successful result from the Varadero exploration well (4 Jan), was led by chief executive officer Alan Booth, with a £2.2 million divestment. Finance director Eugene Whyms and exploration director Graham Doré sold £2.1 million and £1.4 million worth of shares respectively. Despite these chunky disposals all three directors retain at least 80% of their previous holdings. EnCore was part of a consortium, including peers Premier Oil (PMO) and Nautical Petroleum (NPE:AIM), which last summer (3 Jun ‘10) discovered the 300 million barrel Catcher oil field. The discovery, made on Block 28/9 in the central North Sea, has since prompted a stratospheric 743% rise in EnCore’s share price. Follow-up drilling on the block, in which EnCore has a material 15% stake, is proving successful. The £398 million market cap and its partners struck oil with Varadero at the beginning of the year. Burgman is the next in what is set to be a number of wells on the acreage. Elsewhere, the group is likely to conduct appraisal drilling on its Cladhan discovery at some point in the first quarter providing a separate catalyst for the shares. An independent report from industry consultant RPS Energy suggests Cladhan could contain more than 300 million barrels of oil. Shares says: Buy Encore Oil at 137p.”

    Hope this helps – but as Dan says, for me this Share is a no-brainer!

  1. 12 January, 2011

    […] and we get taken over my Statoil or BP.  Let the bidding war commence! [Success all round on the North Sea 4 – much better than the South Atlantic […]