, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Nostra Terra Alden McCall. A new Chapter?


NFROG change needed here?

Much has been made about this new appointment of Alden McCall  and how he’s the man to turn things around and help to start a new chapter in NTOG’S evolution.

Well it dosen’t look particularly  Good old Alden has already been involved with a chapters in his  career one of which was the CHAPTER 11 filed in the United States of America concerning Provident Royalties; where good old Alden was according to his resume; Chief Geologist (Exploration Manager) at Provident Royalties, LLC

Not exactly an inspiring move on the part of Matt Lofgran! The much vaunted Chief operating officer’s involvement with Provident Royalties  can be found online. Although being employed by a company that goes bankrupt isn’t Aldens fault he was still part of the set-up.

Case No 09-33886-hdh11.  Doc177   Filed 08/10/09  In the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of the Texas Dallas Division contains 74 pages of hard copy.

It’s a litany of abject failure.

There’s some thing just not right with a company that employs former employees of bankrupt companies and if truth be told success breeds success while failure breeds failure.

No mention of Aldens involvement with this company in any of NTOG’S press releases.

Stay well away from this company until the new CEO brings about real change. We here will be watching!.


Protecting and serving the interest of small investors!

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No Responses

  1. mike says:

    Hi Dan

    Please can you give us an update on LGO, apart from some cash they raised yesterday all seems very quite.
    Kind regards

  2. Tom says:

    id love an update on LGO also, the impression i get is of continous raising of funds, i know you have looked closey at them but seems a similar pattern for the last few years, always appreciate your views Dan


  3. Mike says:

    Hi Dan

    Hope all is well.

    Could you take a look at EME (Empyrean Energy) they look about the only oiler yet to make a rapid rise north! They have recently had good results on their Riverbend project (Cartright) and are due very shortly to update the market again on this project after clean-up operations. I know Simon Cawkwell has been buying the shares and believes that short term they could rise up to 12-15p. What is your thoughts? Maybe you could do a section on them??


  4. Maz P says:

    Thanks for this Dan, its great that you help with stocks to avoid as well as tip which ones to buy. Avoiding losers is just as important as finding winners as 1 big loss can wipe out a year’s worth of gains.

    I had a look at this share the other day but after reading up on it, it just didn’t sound right. Earlier this year they said their well came online at 75 bopd (8th Feb RNS) then a month later after the price had jumped up they told the market is was actually more like 1 bopd!

    If directors have been involved in things like Provident Royalties LLC (I just googled it) then its definitely one to avoid.


    • Brokerman says:

      Well thanks.
      But the Blog doesn’t tip stocks to buy or sell we try to post pointers for investors to use for research.
      It’s better that we say “Have a look at this company etc and research them then make up your own mind”
      As we have with MTA we think they are a decent little oiler with some quality assets that have been under valued and we try to get info to support the view.
      Just like Encore,gkp and a whole raft of company’s that we write on. It’s never easy investing at the best of times and any help however small can make a difference. Some company’s have a terrible track record the difficulty is sifting the wheat from the chaff Ntog are all chaff while mta are mostly wheat same as nautical,xel, premier so on and so forth.
      Eventually the chaff gets blown away and ones left with the wheat.

      Good Post
      What ever you do stay well away from NTOG! Until they prove their business model.


      • Maz P says:

        Ah yep good point on research. I thought the favoured companies on the top right meant ones to buy but you mean just ones to keep an eye on!

        Going back to that point earlier it was actually 74 bopd they said the first well was doing, then the half-yearly results that came out showed in June it did just 9.

        But here’s the thing… That was 9 barrels not per day but for the whole month!

        And not for 1 well but for 2 of ’em!

        Each one was doing 0.15 barrels a day !

        That means to fill up a standard 3 litre drinks bottle from one of those wells you’d have to stand there for 3 hours…

        Has to be the worst oil stock out there surely?

        Enough chat, off to research some better ones!

  5. Joseph says:

    You been strangely quiet on xel dan old fruit ,thats not like you . The news so big that the next blog update takes some sorting ? 🙂 looking good

  6. bobbyshafto says:

    XEL should be on fire tomorrow dan , get an update son for the followers. We’re going to £15 with XEL mark my words.

  7. miopus says:


    “LowerSharpNose” has posted this on ADVFN.

    “BMD was a keen pusher of NTOG before he had his mind changed.

    I know because I posted on his old NTOG thread when he was positive, oddly he seems to have lost that old stuff”.

    Could you clarify this please ?

    • Brokerman says:

      I have never been positive on NTOG. As you Mio well know.
      And have always advised against it. Although i do have some sympathy with Matt Lofgran who has taken on an impossible as well as an implausible task trying to suck oil out of old wells with new technology that in theory could be cost-effective but in practice has failed.
      As for the Babbling idiot Lowersharpnose character whoever he be. Post this for me.

      “Half-wit begone!”


  8. miopus says:

    Thanks Dan.

    I thought “LowerSharpNose” gave the impression you were on some sort of mind bending drugs there……., pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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