, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

MATRA! What is the Matra?

Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress "Thunderbird...

Matra soon to fly?

Who would want to be an oil executive at Matra Petroleum at the moment?

The wailing and gnashing of teeth currently doing the rounds over the latest RNS is laughable! Yes laughable.  Laughable because it’s fuelled by day-traders having been caught yet again with their pants down. Investing in any AIM junior oiler is fraught with difficulty at the best of times.

Day-trading is not investing. This blog is all about investing and when one invests in any company they should do so for the right reasons. Trying to second guess an sp second by second jumping in and out 2/3 times during any given day is not for the faint hearted and usually results in a condition known as subjective internet rage. Whereby the trader screams at the computer blaming each and everyone else for their day trade failure.

The latest company epistle although mildly irritating is nothing more in a long line of delays and hiccups associated with junior oil exploration.

People reading anything other than this are completely wrong.

Matra have just released a very upbeat CPR  and are almost certain to double their 15.1 million oil figure with huge swathes of the Matra block as yet un mapped. Yes we know it’s a bit of a pisser that the rig had to be pulled but when TNK/BP want their rig then there’s nothing that the board can do about it. TNK/BP are a major player in the Orenburg region with a daily out-put of over 360,000 bopd

Today’s RNS although slightly disappointing is nothing more than a delay of a few weeks on the A12 side-track. It doesn’t matter and it shouldn’t matter to genuine investors there’s no doubt that Matra holders have been through the mill as of late but stick with your reasons for investing and do not be swayed by the mob posting utter rubbish

I’ve just spoken to the company and passed on concerns and I am fully happy with their explanation.

A13 work has been completed and they are now running production test-logging the acidization looks to have been a success and I think it’s safe to say that Matra will be able to increase production on A13 of course this is only one opinion among the many out there.

I’ve, as stated in yesterday’s post, spoken to the Orenburg Chamber and am quietly confident that the license issue mooted by some is just a red-herring born of  self flagellation demon creating idle minds of the few.

We’ve also upped Matra to full Brokermandaniel Favoured status. (And I haven’t done that lightly)

Understand your reasons for investing which should be based on the fundamentals and prospects of the company and not for a quick Dollar on a day-trade.

There’s 10 days to go here before they release the A13 update and my inclination is to give this company some breathing space and let them get on with the job.

There are good gains here, They have the oil in place, A13 is progressing very well, The License should be resolved before the end of the year and the A12 side-track has a delay on it. Good news on any one of the three will substantially increase your investment here.



PS Lets see what the sp is @ Xmas?

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No Responses

  1. TJ says:

    what about leni? why havent you put it in a catergory at the side?

  2. SolaKing says:

    Hi Dan,
    While the whingers whinge, I am happy for the SP to fluctuate as it offers me the opportunity to pick up some stocks at a lower price.
    Oh happy days!!!…
    Cheers, SK.

  3. Brad says:

    Hi dan. What else has full Brokermandaniel Favoured status?

  4. Jimmy says:

    You must be laughing by writing this post

    Great Man. Love the profit.

    Dan the great Man/Woman who knows???

  5. Jimmy says:

    Great Man. Love the profit.


    Dan the great Man/Woman who knows???

  6. pwoodroffe says:

    Sorry posting this on the MTA board but cant find one for XEL. Can you please check if there is news of an RNS been lodged for XEL, SP going mad

    Can you do it NOW haha

  7. N says:


    I’m not a day trader and I’m not currently in Matra either.

    Just pointing out that your blog saying “I can now exclusively reveal work on Matra’s assets is well and truly underway” was shortly followed by an RNS from the company effectively saying work on A-12 was suspended.

    I have no problem with that – just curious as to how you would respond. Now I know.



    • Biggleswick says:

      He explains it in the post he has just posted.

    • Brokerman says:

      No your wrong.
      Work is well and truly underway at A13 and is close to completion. The license is pencilled in for news end of December and A12 site has been completed and awaiting drilling to get underway yet again!

      Take your point.
      Just relax and wait for the production.
      Simple really.


  8. Biggleswick says:

    I saw the RNS this morning and simply assumed it was minor niggles on the way to a hopefully greater gain. People need to be patient and not assume everything is crashing around them just because it doesn’t occur in an exact trail of happy-clappy events. I believe we are working towards production but it will simply take some time to get the sometimes unforseen issues that crop up, sorted. It’s no biggie if you are a serious or longer term investor and are prepared to sit tight for awhile and be patient.

    Thanks Dan for the info provided. I am perfectly relaxed about MTA and tbh if nothing occurs until early next year I’m in for the longterm so the only people it’s bothering are day traders.

  9. OILBUG says:


    can you do a leni update please with your views on todays recent issue of shares and views on a new ceo ???????????????????

    • SolaKing says:

      i know this is not address to me, but feel Dan the Man needs a breather of some space. i think he is very happy to give out info when he has it. so there is no point “heckling or hassling” him when he is not saying anything. afterall he isn’t a magician or a chatboard commentator.
      i hope you don’t take offence at my intrusion.
      cheers, SK.

    • Brokerman says:

      I’ll have a poke around.


  10. Aj says:

    Hi Dan, (Hope you don’t mind me posting my message again – not sure if you saw it?) I would love to see some views on the blog here, thanks Aj.

    I remember you mentioned Bowleven PLC a little while back and wondered what you were hearing from within the city walls so to speak.

    The company have just made two highly significant discoveries at their Sapele-1 exploration well, offshore Cameroon. With estimates of the combined size of the discoveries ranging from 95 million barrels oil equivalent (boe) to 670 million boe, Mr Kevin Hart CEO (previously Finance Director at Cairn Energy PLC for over eight years) said they were “potentially transformational” for the company.

    The well is around 40 days from reaching the deepest point that it will target in the Douala Basin. This is the location of a prospect that Bowleven believes may contain as much as 3.7 billion boe. YES potentially 3.7 Billion Barrels of OIL.

    Fox Davies Capital estimate a risked NAV of 317p based on net risked resources of 77MMboe, with unrisked values of 1,807p and 500MMboe respectively.

    I would love to hear what your thoughts are here Dan.

    The potential over the next few weeks is enormous for investors



  11. TraderBoyBow says:

    Hi Dan

    Coming up to crunch time on XEL, any news floating around? Been looking around and BIP should be a good one in the next week, do you know anything about that one, heard it’s about to start producing oil in its own refinary, market cap only £7m. Keep up the good work on the blog.

  12. MT says:

    Hey Dan – i was wondering if you’d heard much about EOG. Drill in progress in Romania which has already has hydrocarbon shows and there are a lot bigger prospects next year with gas in France etc. Have you been following? Any thoughts? It’s up 13% today getting close to TD but this isn’t even the main even… next year could surely be massive?, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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