, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Tagged: London

Alpha Growth ‘Rampathon’ Now Under Way!

*I’m re-posting this most excellent article that was published on ShareProphets yesterday: You’ll note that was predicted re the P&D etc Is now in full flow. Alpha Growth (ALGW) is running on ‘vapours.’  It hasn’t got a pot to piss in. Cash on hand is probably close to...

Wessex Exploration. VOTE MILROY CAPITAL IN!

The bumbling, fumbling over at Wessex Exploration continues as the share -price tanked yet again today as it did on an RNS release yesterday revealing the “Heads of Agreement relating to its proposed acquisition of Hague and London...

Nautical Petroleum/Encore Oil. Mammon speaks!

Nautical Petroleum/Encore Oil. Mammon speaks!

The share price of these two beauties have started to consolidate/firm up. The signals coming from the city of London will in my opinion get stronger and stronger. As each day goes by Encore’s..., pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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