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Francis Richard Moore. A Good American!

Francis Richard Moore. August 23, 1921 – April 19, 2014

Francis Richard Moore. August 23, 1921 – April 19, 2014

Condolences  to the Moore family USA.

I’d like to pass on my personal condolences to the family of  Francis Richard Moore  (known as Frank) who passed away on Saturday, April 19, 2014, in Escondido, California, USA.  Aged 92.

It’s people like Francis Moore who helped to reign in America and the world holding them accountable for their actions. By never turning away from injustice and highlighting it the Francis Moore’s of the world are the unknown Guardians of decency, democracy and justice.

Frank Moore was a man that not only fought in the pacific in World War 2 but fought for the rights of the little guy.  This he did all his life. He is and always will be representative of all that is good about America.

A true American.

Our Members salute you.

Daniel Levi

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