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Nostra Terra Oil & Gastar? Freudian slip? 150 boepd!

It's all happening here.It’s a big call this week on Nostra Terra oil & gas. The inside line is that the much awaited increase in oil production has began in earnest. The known baseline extrapolated from what the company were saying in the last quarterly update was 60/65boepd. Remember these figures are always behind the time-line they’re actually a picture of what has already occurred. Investors & traders alike should seriously think on where the sp is heading should the numbers below come into play. There are big gains here for the shrewd, willing to take a position on increasing oil production equating to a rising sp.

Get yourself over to  where you’ll find lots of new information, pics, and a video presentation. Remember the next time a CEO comes calling at a seminar or a pie & a pint take advantage of it.  Lot of clever chaps/investors from the North (The Northern Barons) are pushing Lofgran for a meeting in Manchester. Now I’m willing to help organise this. I know just the place. It’s a lap-dancing bar, the drinks are rather expensive but I’m sure Nostra Terra with all the increased production can afford it!

BMD Sources are intimating that oil production has moved upwards over the last week or two and may be heading for a summer peak of 150/200 barrels of oil equivalent per day. Now these figures are coming in-directly from good solid sources & of course my research. There’s also a rumour that Lofgran is eyeing up an acquisition. Can’t confirm this but I do know that the man is always wheeling and dealing in the market. For instance Matt has been busy in Africa. Of course Matt doesn’t want people to know that! But heyho they do know.

Those that follow the tiddler will know that recent well results have all beaten expectations with 30 day IP’S (10 day Initial Production) ranging from 258 boepd to 555 boepd.

The current state of play. CT15 (Curly 1-26H) 11.26% Now fracced almost certainly close to or actually producing.  The rig has gone.

CT11 (Bugg 1-25H) 3.55% The rig has gone.Now producing. CT14 (Gant 1-22H) 20%  Last reported as being drilled. Close to being fracced. 2/4 weeks then production. Rig still on site.

Nostra Terra have 15 wells in Chisholm Trail, 9 of which the company reported as “producing” with 6 in various stages of development. That information will be redundant by the summer of 2014.  NTOG will have close on 14/15 wells producing oil hence the belief/confidence that production is well and truly on the up.

Let’s hope that the extra cash-flow gets used wisely. Eyes on Nostra Terra Oil & Gastar?


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PS. Any one for an RNS later today?

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