- Spend a few hours @ the Roadshow.
The Plus Markets group are staging a roadshow for private investors next week in London. If you would like to come along you’d be very welcome. It’s free of charge – they just ask that people register in advance at www.plusroadshow.com
There’s three presentations; Chapel Down Group, Eden Research plc, Imperial Music & Media.
The event starts at 5pm on 11th October 2011 at The May Fair Hotel, Stratton Street. Senior management from the three companies will present with plenty of opportunity to talk to them afterwards over Free drinks.
Plus Markets are an up and coming company themselves and I’ve been assured that Vivienne Cassley will be available to answer any queries Investors have about The Plus Markets Group. In-fact Vivienne is currently penning an article for the Blog on this very subject!
See you there!
bmd… Are you planning to update investors on aminex? You recommended them and since then they have plummeted. Please update