, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

SimiGon. One for the Day-Traders & Investors. Get in quick.

A McDonnell Douglas A-4N Skyhawk of the Israel...

SimiGon on the up.


Yes it’s a weird name but there’s nothing weird about this small company. There are an awful lot of London eyes on it. Not least due to the 131% revenue increase announced on the 14 Sept 2011. The company (SimiGon) has been chosen as the prime contractor by the U.S. Air Force Air Education Training Command for the delivery of SIMbox based T-6A  Modular Training Devices. Under the terms of the contract, SimiGon will be paid $2.6 million for the successful delivery of the MTD. The contract is expected to have a positive impact on FY 2011 revenues and contribute to improved visibility over FY 2012 revenues. Additionally, it positions SimiGon for similar opportunities globally as the T-6A is also used as a basic trainer by the Canadian Forces, the Luftwaffe of Germany, the Greek Air Force, the Israeli Air Force, and others. Now remember that any foot-hold/contracts with the US Government/Military could become very lucrative for the company which is now well placed with the US Military. XCap are known to be pushing the stock out. Analyst Tim Freeborn, who bought 100,000 Simigon shares on Wednesday, HAS BEEN TRUMPETING AND HERALDING them as the next best thing since sliced bread: “After over two years’ effort Simigon gained prime contractor status on the Joint Strike Fighter. From next year it will charge US$10,000 for every pilot who takes a course to fly the plane. There will be many thousands of them””.

The company are also working in alliance with over 15 major aerospace companys including the UK MFTS. They are cash rich and have just announced an approx decrease of 15% in costs. Friday saw them rise by 40% with a big spread on low volume. They are a day-traders dream.

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