MATRA up and running…….. What’s the Matra? NOTHING!

Oil (petroleum) drop

A drop of good news.

Well there’s an awful lot of red faces around today.

Yes as foretold Matra’s production License has been confirmed.

You’ll all recall that this Blog is a big supporter of this punchy little oiler and expect great things from Matra’s Board of Directors. Yes there’s been a few technical problems along the way and no doubt there’ll be some more but what investors need to know is that oil exploration wouldn’t be oil exploration without technical problems if it was that easy we would all abandon our suits and head for the penines with a jerry can and a rather large drill bit!

The production License was as mentioned on here a red-herring they were always going to get it. It was those terrible Demons, created by the mind ,riding roughshod over your sanity the Demons! The Demons!!!! clouds your judgement the fear of losing your investment coupled with nonsense written on chat sites!  So lets move on.

The PL is for twenty years, which leads me onto the oil field discovery. Now twenty years is quite a considerable time so you can take it as a done deal that the problems re’ production will and are, just like the PL, being solved.  It is obvious to say the least that this stock will rise substantially over the next 12 months!

Stick with this company and you’ll be rewarded….Eventually…..




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No Responses

  1. Biggleswick says:

    Nice call, Dan.

    I have stuck with them and today has seen a very nice boost to the old portfolio from MTA. But, I am no day trader, and sense there are better gains to be made by being patient – as you have also said – with this one. I am looking forward to 2011 with MTA and just see where we go. Even if there are any bumps in the road from now on the PL should underpin this price solidly. Merry Xmas!

    • Brokerman says:

      Contrary to myth Biggleswick they are a very decent set of people running this company. I too get the feeling of “much more to come.” They are more than a punt! Matra will shortly be trading over 10p very near term once production is sustained.
      Merry Xmas


  2. Sandra says:

    Daniel i’m so happy Take a look at HAIKE they are going through the roof.
    I love you Preacher Dan! Thanks for the posts on them they have doubled since you wrote about them. I’ve made nearly ten thou’ as I live and breathe Preacher Dan you are the man!


  3. discotrader says:

    i did wonder with this one dan, but you have been proved right, good stuff keep up the good work.
    have a good xmas!
    oh and any chance of a wee update on gcm?

  4. Cityof London says:

    I know you. I know you Daniel you were in the Chambers bar last nite. You walk with a limp and use a cane? You were wearing an expensive suit and a slim Jim tie there was about 10 of you there and you were the one drinking water. Am I right?

  5. Charles says:

    How come you keep giving out this kind of information to Private I’s What’s your angle? Why would some one be helping small investors what’s your agenda come come my good man NO ONE gets it right as much as you have over the last year! If I’d of bought or held every time you posted on a companys worth I’d be showing several hundred thousand pounds in gains.
    You are not liked by the City you have cost them millions!
    An employee with a grudge? No I don’t think so. A journalist? Maybe. A city investor?Maybe. A lucky amateur No! So just who are you Daniel?

  6. Steve says:

    Daniel Haike are on the charge.
    What’s going on with them? They are one of your tips. UP 30% today 25% yesterday and well over 100% since you wrote about them. I’m in them at 33p so am over the moon should I sell/ Please advise.


  7. Ann Chance says:


    you metioned many times you did not own shares in Xcite. Did you buy in the end? I am intrigued by Parkmead. Can this all be because the market believes Tom Cross will be transformational?

    • Brokerman says:

      No never had any stock in them.


    • rbarton says:

      Ann. Re Parkmead- I don t know what Dan thinks but there is a lot of
      speculation in the papers that Tom Cross has put together a very strong
      team ! i suppose we (us invested) hope he can replicate Dana s success !
      Good luck if your invested.

  8. Abz says:

    Hi Dan,
    So when do you think the production will be sustained? Sorry if I have missed. I am a newbies in this business.

  9. Richard says:

    Thanks, Dan. I’m in. Just bought 20,000. Fully committed with XEL but scraped a few hundred out of the bills account and got in at 3p.

  10. kevin says:

    fairly new to this,
    but have been following your tips for the past
    couple of months.
    i have already gained by your tips,
    keep up the good work & hope you have a good Christmas &
    a prosperous 2011.

  11. Abz says:

    I didnt have enough fund yesterday (23/12/10).
    Bid was 3p and ask was 3.10p.
    I am in today with a higher price at 3.25p
    This is just an update and I hope we will do good with this.