Bahamas Offshore Petroleum. Day punt?

Spoke to some traders this evening and this little company have been penciled in on their radars for this years day trade programmes. BPC. You’ll need to check them yourselves thoroughly as i haven’t the time. Its only a word of mouth tip but they have risen just over 1.5p over the last month or so that’s a wapping 75% with a 30%  rise today.

There’s some back-ground info in the press that will flesh out the play.

Whispers and rumours are that they could or should reach double figures before the end of this year. How true it is who knows! Keep your eyes on them and watchlist! They’ll certainly test the 10p barrier some-where along the line.

Don’t forget it’s just a bite for the day-traders out there to have a look at.


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  1. 7 July, 2010

    […] Bahamas Offshore Petroleum. Day punt? « Brokermandaniels' Blog […]