EXCLUSIVE! Market Abuser, Drug Dealer Matthew Ben(t) Turney releases inside information before SER RNS!

#Scumbag, Market Abuser, Drug Dealer, #Troll & Liar.

As shareProphets Tom Winnifrith likes to call him “Legal highs Drug Dealer” their calamitous editor Matthew  (Ben’t) Turney has once again committed market abuse.

The self confessed drug dealer (Read Expose Here) released a blog post on Tuesday 8 September 2015 on Sefton Resources having received a ‘Letter of Requisition’ disclosing ALL of the information in the LOR, before, yes before the official RNS was published. This could only have came from Sefton Resources.

Turney released details that could only have come from Sefton. No one other than the 3 requisitioners new of the timing of the company being made aware of it’s lodgement.

Chris Williams lodged the letter on Monday 7th at 9.26pm. On Tuesday morning 8th September 2015 Turney published an ‘Exclusive’ that his ‘sources’  had told him there was an LOR lodged. Shocking! The blog post was published BEFORE the official release of the company RNS! It must have been the company who told him. Turneys blog post on shareProphets was published approx 60 minutes BEFORE the RNS was released. That is MARKET ABUSE. Releasing market sensitive inside information that has come directly from Sefton Resources or any source before the official release is market abuse.

Maybe the independent investigation announced by shareProphets, led by the Barrister Richard Poulden, into Turneys drug dealing past should be widened and also look into Turneys’ Modus Operandi, whereby he befriends and encourages people to tell him confidential information, then knifes them in the back with an article on shareProphets?

Of course this isn’t the first time the self confessed ‘legal highs’ Drug Pusher come internet #Troll  has COMMITTED market abuse. On Saturday 6 June 2015 two days before its official RNS release Turney disclosed the New World Oil & Gas – RNS which was released on Monday 8 June 2015!

What say you know Market Abuser, #Troll, Liar and self confessed legal highs Drug Dealer to teenagers, the calamitous charlatan and woeful ‘editor’ of the stinking, sinking shareProphets, Matthew Ben(t) Turney?

“Chuckle chuckle”

Dan Levi

N.B * Timing revisions were corrected at 5pm today.

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