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Sefton Resources The Allenby Cock up RNS Today!

Yes folks just when you think it can’t get any more comical then it does.

For those of you who don’t know it yet. Sefton’s California June 2013 production is down to 110 bopd yes down by over 1,000 barrels of oil on last month.

How do we know that. Expect an RNS today confirming it. But don’t worry the fall was down to yet more tank repairs!

Allenby/Sefton tried to sneak out the RNS which was released under SerVision: ticker SEV What a bunch of idiots running Sefton & working at Allenby. Of course they withdrew it when they were contacted by disgruntled types. It was all a mistake. What a coincidence that the RNS of woe was released in such a way.

Not to worry Jimmy says that for the first 15 days of Ju-LIE production has averaged 180bopd! More piss & wind from Chief Liar Ellerton trying to soften the blow by sticking in  “180 BOPD” In capital letters.

Of course there’s a caveat in there isn’t there Jimmy? The 180bopd is subject to “Bottom tank sediments and shrinkage”.  Jim rolls this one out every now and again which allows him to manipulate the RNS’s by inserting “180BOPD for the first 15 days of Ju-Lie”. Here’s a bet. Any takers that Tapia July 2013 production isn’t 180 bopd? This is yet more manipulation of unsophisticated UK Investors. Deceits from Ellerton run into many hundreds. If not thousands.

Jim would have us all believe that it’s a “Highlight” when production falls by 27%.

Jim tells us all “Last month, oil production was lower than in May 2013 due to maintenance and repair downtime on the Hartje lease during the middle of the month. This tank work involved replacing the Hartje Wash Tank bottom and two side panels and meant production from the Hartje lease was completely shut-in for five days during this repair.”

How many times has Ellerton used repairs as the excuse for falling production? I’ve lost count.

Production is down because?  The 14% of the recoverable oil of 15% in the field, as reported by Sefton in their IPO Documents of 2000, has  ALREADY been recovered . JimmyLiar got Tapia for buttons because there was 0nly 1% left to recover!

But not too worry Jimmy tells the great unwashed “Sefton has demonstrated the level of improvement in oil production that can be achieved by cyclic steaming on a lease by lease basis at Tapia.”

Yes a 27% reduction from last months figures and a further reduction on H1 2013 production compared to H1 2012!  What this “Demonstrates is that Ellerton just can’t stop lying.

Another point worth researching is that in 2012 June production fell by 1100 barrels near enough the same as the June 2013 fall.  While June 2011 fell by approx.600 barrels.  You see that’s why it’s called cyclic steaming. It’s based on a cycle of production. It’s falling back because it’s part of the production cycle.

Tapia canyon is a proven uneconomic hodge podge of Stripper wells. Wells that are nearing the end  of their economic life. That’s why you can pick them up for a few dollars. Or as in the case of Eureka Canyon you can get them for FREE. Stripper wells.

Who do you think you are kidding Ellerton?

RNS Number : 6753J SerVision plc 19 July 2013 






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