, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Leyshon Resources. Weatherly International & OPG Power. Get Proactive!

I'm joining the BMD Revolution!                                Calling ALL BMD followers and site Members

There’s an upcoming Manchester event next Tuesday the 16th April 2013 at the Midland Hotel  starting at 6pm. Three extremely interesting and high potential growth stocks are presenting; OPG Power, Leyshon Resources and Weatherly International. The share prices of these companies have yet to fully reflect the huge progress they have made to date.

I’m particularly interested in Leyshon Resources which as you may know has been heavily tipped by Mr T Winnifrith. One of the most entertaining, divisive and influential financial writers of our generation. You can register to attend by clicking the link below. Any site followers or Members who attend will be able to meet up with myself  for a chat and a drink Paid for by Yours Truly!

Weatherly is gunning to be the London AIM’s only copper production play currently in production and now ramping it. Leyshon resources has delivered a very simple, but compelling strategy to feed the resource hungry People’s Republic of China is fully funded with over $30m in cash and a partnership option agreement with Petro China. Finally OPG power  is full steam ahead, analysts are predicting underlying earnings (EBITDA) of £17.3mln for the year ended March 2013, rising to £27mln 12 months later and operating profit of around £100mln a year by March 2016! OPG is now valued at £200m with the shares up nearly 100% this year.

This is another opportunity to hear the story of three very different companies before the market really starts to wake up to their potential.

It’s nice to see that Craig from Proactive recognises the value of the Manchester investor events. “Your participation means we can grow our Manchester events to the same size and frequency as we do in London. The CEO’s are always impressed by the Manchester crowd. The Proactive Investors One2One investor forums are the most sophisticated and successful investor forums across the UK and Ireland run by investors for investors pioneered in 2006 to empower investors.” 

Please do feel free to invite any additional investor friends or colleagues  by forwarding this email to spread the word.

I always say to fellow investors even if you have no immediate interest or position in the presenting companies, it will greatly enrich your knowledge of their sector and their peers by getting a first-hand understanding and the chance to network with fellow active investors is also very valuable.

Full details and registration for the event can be found here 

Alternatively you can email Craig at (this goes directly to him) and he’ll get you on the list.

I hope I can look forward to seeing you in Manchester next week.

All the very best,

Mr Daniel Levi AKA BMD

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