Altona Energy. Watchlist Now!

It’s been a hectic couple of weeks here at the BMD Blog we have as some of you are aware been very busy meeting up with like-minded unnamed sources that we feel could help Private Investors. So here we go.

Take a good look at Altona Energy they are currently on a small charge. I did research them last week and met several contacts who were singing their praises however we don’t post until we’ve given them the third degree. I’ve gone through the company and suffice it to say they look like a real serial underperformer that may be about to finally come good.

Altona are a small company and have been listed since 2005. The company holds a 49% interest in three exploration licences covering 2,500 sq.kms in the northern portion of the Permian Arckaringa Basin in South Australia which includes three coal deposits – Westfield (EL4511), Wintinna (EL4512) and Murloocoppie (EL4513).  All three deposits lie close to the Adelaide, Darwin railroad and the Stuart Highway. This means that the infrastructure needed to successfully transport is readily available. The whisper here is that the Chinese are now pouring over the company. The company’s chief aim is to commercialize the Arckaringa coal-to-liquids and power project. Altona has forged a Joint Venture with New Energy Investment, a subsidiary of the China National  Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC), to complete the Project Bankable Feasibility  Study and expedite the project’s development.

Now June 23 of this year there was a placement of just over 10 million shares at 9.8p per share the company that took the stake are Tongjiang International Energy Co. Ltd  a Hong Kong based company. Tongjiang now have an interest in 86,704,081 ordinary shares of the Company, representing approximately 20.09% of Altona’s enlarged issued share capital.  So at the moment the current sp is well below June’s placing price.  Altona also have a Coal and Biomass Gasification Agreement with Tongjiang, which was reached in May. The company are looking increasingly tied to the Tongjiang hip. Tongjiang was instrumental in the introduction of China National Offshore Oil Corporation  to Altona Energy. There’s an awful lot more to the company that can’t be put in a Blog post so get researching them they look nailed on to spike somewhere along the line this year! If they hit 9/10p then it’s game on.



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No Responses

  1. Frederick says:

    You wrote BMB dan 🙂

  2. tsubie says:

    Altona are going to be a great investment, but not for a long time.

    This is a five year investment, not typical of the AIM herd and thus overlooked.

    Personally the plan is to wait for the inevitable double dip, and the panic that goes along with it that will drag down all the junior shares, and take a hefty position at around 4p.

    Gotta be in it to win it though, so fair play to those who jump in after todays spike, it’ll be good value if you hold for years, regardless of a few pence here and there.

  3. Dan says:

    Funny ol world isn’t it, if you had to put your house on it, one would day DES ain’t got a chance of finding oil this time And max will most certainly find oil on the deeps. This is purely going off past performance , this is the only indicator we have . Yet the following happens DES fly to 180p on no oil Roxi fly 100% in one day on rumour of a oil find – despite not drilling Roxi fly without flow rates DES fly without flow rates Roxi fly without oil DES flies without oil DES flies without production Roxi flies without production DES is effectively in admin DES only found water in the sea in 12 years Roxi jump 30% just for spudding a well in 2010 Max has oil Max has producing Max is fully funded for 18 months Max is ramping production Max has beat it’s q3 production target Max is going after over 1 billion barrels in 2 weeks Max’s debt is sorted till 2013 Max shallow wells stitch together great revenue Hitting oil on almost every well Hit oil 9 times in 7 months Raised 75m in 2 days – was expected to take 2 weeks One flow rate from 9 delivered a increase in revenue and production of near 50% in prolific caspian basin near several supergiants Board, under promising and over delivering 35m and 3 years spent on 3D data – first broad use in the area UTS – 135m – aim was 34m Ask-2 must be near 60-70% now SW – said to be a game changer Dream news flow this year – yet we drop from 20p in jan, to 10p in august Despite nothing but success . A near 50% drop Yet DES has nearly doubled from 11p Roxi went from 3p to 10p Both would crawl over broken glass just for one strike – we have only 9 We need flow rates according to the so called experts – they obviously don’t Yeah and the same so called experts said GKP was a waste of time at 13p The rest is history . Max are doing the business . Mr Buffett reminds us to be greedy when others are fearful We know we are on a winner here , and we always was. All the potential in the world, best risk v reward share over next 6 months . Going long normally wins, and patience is normally required. Don’t miss the boat, multi bagged written all over it .

  4. Dan says:

    Bowleven up 60% up on a strike With no flow rates

    Max strike 9 times in 7 months but must have flow rates
    Someone is telling porkies – or we are undervalued