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No Responses

  1. James Allen says:


  2. OB1 says:

    they have decided to diversify and open an evian plant next to A12?

  3. 13thMonkey says:

    We live in eternal hope (and constant disappointment so far)

    I would most like to know PH’s assessment of how much oil they need flowing as a minimum to continue with their drilling and development program. And what’s your opinion Dan?

    • Brokerman says:

      The development programme will continue. They need to increase A12 and A13 bopd, revenues from both will help to offset funding for A14 .Remember that in this region 200bopd is deemed commercial. It’s still all to play for here.
      Read the post when it’s published.


      • 13thMonkey says:

        Thanks Dan. All your efforts much appreciated. (I’ll go click ads)


  4. joseph says:

    oh joy!!!!……….well i refuse to buy any more until i know that they have got it right,anything under 4p is still cheap………Thats prob the atitude of most.

  5. max says:

    you all need to remember that the field has shown that it can produce in excess of 1000bpd (5 times greater than nearby fields) issue with the wells on a12 and 13 is they are exploration wells that had to drill through the owc. Fürther wells wont do this! A12 should produce again at about 500bopd with a water cut and a13 80bopd with a pump. 580bopd with give profit of around $8k per day 🙂

  6. kennyb... says:

    Dan can we have the calendar thingymebob back in,it was handy to just hover over a particular date and click to see that page?