Oil & Gas company email address Archive

These are the email contact address’s for most of the listed Oil & Gas companies in the UK and beyond.

1. Hunt Oil Company






phabenicht@huntoil.com,mgilchrist@huntoil.com, mgraham@huntoil.com, kabuhamad@huntoil.com

2. Calvalley Petroleum Inc. inquiries@calvalleypetroleum.com

eshimoon@calvalleypetroleum.com Edmund M. Shimoon

ZMagnan@calvalleypetroleum.com Zacharie Magnan Memet Kont

grobertson@calvalleypetroleum.com Gary Robertson

kstephenson@calvalleypetroleum.com Kenneth M. Stephenson

tskupa@calvalleypetroleum.com Thomas H. Skupa

tvalentine@calvalleypetroleum.com Thomas E. Valentine

3. BG Group ( BG Energy Holdings) box.info@bg-group.com

martin.houston@bg-group.com Martin Houston EVP, Managing Director, America, and Global LNG, ED

Frank.Chapman@bg-group.com Frank Chapman Chief Executive, Executive Director

Jorn.Berget@bg-group.com Jorn Berget Executive Vice President & Managing Director – BG Advance

James.Faroppa@bg-group.com James Faroppa Chief Technology Officer BG Group ?? ????? ??????????

Catherine.Tanna@bg-group.com Catherine Tanna Executive Vice President and Managing Director – Australian

Leon.Devaney@bg-group.com Leon Devaney General Manager – Gas & Power

4. Nations Petroleum Company Ltd. info@nationspetroleum.com

JImle@nationspetroleum.com John Imle, Chief Executive Officer

MFoley@nationspetroleum.com Maria Foley, General Counsel

PSorbet@nationspetroleum.com Phil Sorbet, Vice President, Nations Petroleum (California)

GHambrick@nationspetroleum.com Gregory Hambrick, Global Information Technology Director

JPomerene@nationspetroleum.com Joel Pomerene, Senior Geologist

5. Cairn Energy

Bill.Gammell@cairnenergy.com Bill Gammell Non-Executive Chairman of the Board

Alexander.Berger@cairnenergy.com Alexander Berger Independent Non-Executive Director

James.Buckee@cairnenergy.com Dr James Buckee Non-Executive Director (63)

Todd.Hunt@cairnenergy.com Todd M. Hunt Independent Non-Executive Director Exploration

Iain.McLaren@cairnenergy.com Iain McLaren Non-Executive Director (58)

Simon.Thomson@cairnenergy.com Simon John Thomson Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

mike.watts@cairnenergy.com Mike Watts Deputy Chief Executive (53)

Jann.Brown@cairnenergy.com Jann Brown, Managing Director and CFO

David.Nisbet@cairnenergy.com David Nisbet, Corporate Affairs

Ian.Watt@cairnenergy.com Ian Watt Head of Greenland Asset
Lesley.Witcomb@cairnenergy.com Lesley Witcomb Project Assistant


5a. Cairn Energy India Pty. Ltd http://www.cairnindia.com

Navin.Agarwal@cairnindia.com Navin Agarwal Chairman

rahul.dhir@cairnindia.com Rahul Dhir Managing Director & CEO

6. Pancontinental Oil & Gas NL info@pancon.com.au

Roy Barry Rushworth Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

Ernest Anthony Myers Finance Director, Executive Director

Vesna Petrovic Company Secretary Henry

David Kennedy Non-Executive Chairman of the Board

7. Anadarko Petroleum Corporation ventures@anadarko.com

jim.hackett@anadarko.com James T. Hackett Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

Robert.Daniels@anadarko.com Robert P. Daniels Senior Vice President – Worldwide Exploration

Charles.Meloy@anadarko.com Charles A. Meloy Senior Vice President – Worldwide Operations

Al.Walker@anadarko.com R. Al Walker President and Chief Operating Officer

David.Bretches@anadarko.com David C. Bretches Vice President, E&P Services and Minerals

Frank.Patterson@anadarko.com Frank J. Patterson Vice President, International Explo

John.Colglazier@anadarko.com John M. Colglazier Vice President, Investor Relations and Communications

Mario.Coll@anadarko.com Mario M. Coll, III Vice President, Chief Information Officer

Douglas.Hazlett@anadarko.com Douglas P. Hazlett Vice President, Exploration

8. Apache Corporation cheri.peper@apachecorp.com Cheri l.Peper Mariner/Apache

Ms. Peper – Corporate secretary of the company

Steve.Farris@apachecorp.com G. Steven Farris Chairman of the Board, CEO

Roger.Plank@apachecorp.com Roger B. Plank President, Chief Corporate Officer

Rod.Eichler@apachecorp.com Rodney J. Eichler President, Chief Operating Officer

Mike.Bahorich@apachecorp.com Michael S. Bahorich Executive VP and Technology Officer

John.Bedingfield@apachecorp.com John R. Bedingfield VP – Worldwide Exploration and New Ventures

David.French@apachecorp.com David L. French VP Business Development

9. Encana

David.OBrien@encana.com David P. O’Brien Chairman of the Board, Independent Director
Randall.Eresman@encana.com Randall K. Eresman President, Chief Executive Officer,

bill.oliver@encana.com R. William Oliver Executive Vice President, Chief Corporate Officer

Jeff.Wojahn@encana.com Jeff E. Wojahn Executive Vice President, President

Michael.Graham@encana.com Michael M. Graham Executive Vice President, President – Canadian Division
Eric.Marsh@encana.com Eric D. Marsh Executive Vice President – Natural Gas Economy

Michael.McAllister@encana.com Michael G. McAllister Executive Vice President, Acting President – Canadian Division


10. Brigham Exploration Company hr@bexp3d.com ?? ?????? Statoil

BBrigham@bexp3d.com Ben M. Brigham

DBrigham@bexp3d.com David T. Brigham

JLarson@bexp3d.com Jeffery E. Larson Executive Vice President – Exploration

11. FX Energy, Inc.

DavidPierce@fxenergy.com David Pierce President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

scottduncan@fxenergy.com Scott J. Duncan Vice President – Investor Relations, Secretary

JerzyM@fxenergy.com Jerzy B. Maciolek Vice President – International Exploration, Director

Andrew W. Pierce Vice President – Operations

DennisGoldstein@fxenergy.com Dennis B. Goldstein Lead Director

ArnoldGrundvig@fxenergy.com Arnold S. Grundvig, Jr. Director

RichardHardman@fxenergy.com Richard Hardman Director

AllenTurner@fxenergy.com H. Allen Turner Director


MMcCarthy@eplweb.com Marc McCarthy Chairman of the Board

GHanna@eplweb.com Gary C. Hanna President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

DCedro@eplweb.com David P. Cedro Chief Accounting Officer, Senior Vice President, Treasurer, Corporate Secretary

ABroussard@eplweb.com Andre J. Broussard Senior Vice President – Geosciences

MJensen@eplweb.com W. Mac Jensen Senior Vice President – Business Development

13. Lexam Explorations info@lexamexplorations.com ?????? LEXAM VG GOLD INC

Rob.McEwen@lexamexplorations.com Rob McEwen is Chairman and CEO


14. Hurricane Exploration PLC ?? ?????

robert.trice@hex-plc.com CEO – Dr Robert Trice CEO & Exploration Director

nicholas.briggs@hex-plc.com Chief Financial Officer – Nicholas Briggs

Keith.Kirby@hex-plc.com Keith Kirby Chief Communications Officer ???? ??? ???????
Nexus Energy Ltd nexus@nxs.com.au

mfowler@nxs.com.au MR MICHAEL FOWLER

michael.arnett@nxs.com.au MR MICHAEL ARNETT

KJackson@nxs.com.au Keith Jackson Exploration Manager

16. Powder River Petroleum International, Inc. twickware@bcllawfirm.com

17. Samson Oil & Gas Limited contact@samsonoilandgas.com.au

Terry.Barr@samsonoilandgas.com.au Terence Maxwell Barr President, Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director

Dan.Gralla@samsonoilandgas.com.au Daniel S. Gralla Vice President – Engineering

David.Ninke@samsonoilandgas.com.au David Ninke Vi
e President – Exploration

RLamont@samsonoilandgas.com.au Robyn Lamont Chief Financial Officer

18. Rockhopper Exploration PLC info@rockhopperexploration.co.uk

dave@rockhopperexploration.co.uk Dave Bodecott Exploration Director

sam@rockhopperexploration.co.uk Sam Moody Managing Director

john@rockhopperexploration.co.uk John Crowle Non-executive Director

pierre@rockhopperexploration.co.uk Dr Pierre Jungels CBE Dr Pierre Jungels CBE

chris@rockhopperexploration.co.uk Chris Walton Non-executive Director

19. Cobalt International Energy investor.relations@cobaltintl.com

Joe.Bryant@cobaltintl.com Joseph H. Bryant (Chairman of the Board of Directors, CEO)

James.Painter@cobaltintl.com James H. Painter (Executive VP, Gulf of Mexico)

Van.Whitfield@cobaltintl.com Van P. Whitfield (Executive VP, Operations and Development)

Jim.Farnsworth@cobaltintl.com James W. Farnsworth (Chief Exploration Officer)

Rich.Smith@cobaltintl.com Richard A. Smith (VP, International Business Development)

Mike.Drennon@cobaltintl.com Michael D. Drennon (Executive VP ,General Manager, Cobalt Angola)

20. Magellan Petroleum Corp. ????? ???? magellanpetroleum.com

whhastings@magellanpetroleum.com William H. Hastings President / CEO

DSamela@magellanpetroleum.com Daniel J. Samela Chief Financial / Accounting Officer

Edward B. Whittemore Secretary

edwhittemore@magellanpetroleum.com Edward B.Whittemore Secretary ewhittemore ebwhittemore edwhittemore

Donald V. Basso Geological Consultant Calgary, Canada

J.Thomas Wilson Oil and Gas ConsultantDenver, Colorado

21 . BANDANNA ENERGY LIMITED info@bandannaenergy.com.au

James.Porter@bandannaenergy.com.au Chief Operating Officer

Raymond.Shaw@bandannaenergy.com.au Raymond Douglas Shaw Managing Director, Executive Director

David.Campbell@bandannaenergy.com.au David Campbell Manager – Exploration

22 . Longreach Oil Limited lgo@longreachoil.com

bganke@longreachoil.com B Ganke (Chairman)
PHetherton@longreachoil.com P C Hetherton
EMcPherson@longreachoil.com E McPherson

23. ROC OIL COMPANY LIMITED skohistani@rocoil.com.au Lacula Oil Company Ltd subsidiary

ALove@rocoil.com.au Andrew J Love Chairman

ALinn@rocoil.com.au Alan Linn CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER

cashwin@rocoil.com.au Cheryl Ashwin general exploration nature Issues

BBillingsley@rocoil.com.au Bill Billingsley CHIEF RESERVOIR ENGINEER

MGerber@rocoil.com.au Matthew Gerber General Manager – Corporate Affairs and Planning

ajames@rocoil.com.au Andrew James Africa related issues EXPLORATION

njones@rocoil.com.au Nigel Jones Australia and NZ issues EXPLORATION

SGreaves@rocoil.com.au Stephen Greaves Angola –

OGentizon@rocoil.com.au Olivier Gentizon Mozambique Channel –

24. Strat Petroleum Ltd. info@stratpetroleum.com SamHyams@stratpetroleum.com

H. Sam Hyams President & CEO of Strat Petroleum Ltd.

25. Spinnaker Exploration Company ??????? Norsk Hydro info@spinexp.com

RJarvis@spinexp.com Roger L. Jarvis

MMorris@spinexp.com Michael G. Morris

26. Talisman Energy Inc. tlm@talisman-energy.com


HKvisle@talisman-energy.com Harold N. Kvisle President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

pblakeley@talisman-energy.com PAUL BLAKELEY Vice President – International Operations

rherbert@talisman-energy.com RICHARD HERBERT Vice President – Exploration

27. Kerr-McGee info@kerr-mcgee.com ?? ????????

28. AED OIL Limited admin@aedoil.com

D.Dix@aedoil.com.au David Dix Executive Chairman David.Dix@aedoil.com

J.Imle@aedoil.com John F. Imle Jr. Managing Director Chief Executive Officer, Director

B.McGuiness@aedoil.com Barry McGuiness Non Executive Director

J.Branson@aedoil.com John Branson Non Executive Director John.Branson@aedoil.com.au

29. Hess Corporation webmaster@hess.com CorporateCommunication

Hess@hess.com John B. Hess Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

GHill@hess.com Gregory P. Hill Executive VP, Director; Worldwide Exploration and Production
GBoubel@hess.com Gary Boubel Senior VP, Global Developments

WDrennen@hess.com William Drennen III Senior VP, Global Exploration and New Ventures

SHeck@hess.com Scott M. Heck Senior VP, Global Production and Technology

HPaver@hess.com Howard Paver Senior VP, Global New Business Development

JStein@hess.com Jonathan C. Stein Vice President and Chief Risk Officer

30. Salamander Energy info@salamander-energy.com

James.Menzies@salamander-energy.com James Menzies Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

Mike.Buck@salamander-energy.com Mike Buck Chief Operating Officer, Executive Director

Doug.Barrie@salamander-energy.com Doug Barrie Group general counsel and Company secretary

Nick.Comrie-Smith@salamander-energy.com Nick Comrie-Smith Exploration Manager

Shaun.Richardson@salamander-energy.com Shaun Richardson Regional Geoscience Director

John.Bell@salamander-energy.com John Bell General manager, Thailand

Guus.Harting@salamander-energy.com Guus Harting Regional operations director

31. PETROVIETNAM ????? ????

32. Repsol YPF SA ????? ???? sacportal@repsol.com

ABrufau@repsol.com Antonio Brufau Niubo Executive Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Office


LuisFernandojmanzoni@talisman-energy.com Luis Fernando del Rivero Asensio First Vice Chairman of the Board

IsidreCasas@repsol.com Isidre Faine Casas Second Vice Chairman of the Board

LuisSuarez@repsol.com Luis Suarez de Lezo Mantilla Executive Director of Legal Affairs, Secretary of the Board,

MMartinez@repsol.com Miguel Martinez Chief Operating Officer

AntonioSaez@repsol.com Antonio Gomis Saez Co-Chief Executive Officer

SebastianEskenazi@repsol.com Sebastian Eskenazi Chief Executive Office

PFrial@repsol.com Pedro Fernandez Frial Executive Director of Downstream

MDevesa@repsol.com Miguel Angel Devesa CD Corporate Strategy and development Miguel Angel Devesa del Barrio

33. Tower Resources plc neptune@tmworldwide.co.uk

PeterKingston@towerresources.co.uk Peter Kingston Executive Chairman

Peter Taylor

JohnBottomley@towerresources.co.uk John Bottomley Company Secretary

34. Venture Production plc WHAM Energy Plc

General Enquiries to: enquiries@venture-production.com
IBartholomew@venture-production.com Iain Bartholomew Technical Manager

CBird@venture-production.com Chris Bird Field Development Manager

MHanafin@venture-production.com Mark Hanafin Chairman

JRoger@venture-production.com Jonathan Roger Chief Operating Officer

GDawson@venture-production.com Grant Dawson Director

35. Tullow Oil plc companysecretary@tullowoil.com info@tullowoil.com

Pat.Plunkett@tullowoil.com Pat Plunkett, Chairman

Aidan.Heavey@tullowoil.com Aidan Heavey, Chief Executive Officer

Paul.McDade@tullowoil.com Paul McDade, Chief Operating Officer

Angus.McCoss@tullowoil.com Angus McCoss, Exploration Director

companysecretary@tullowoil.com Graham Martin, General Counsel and Company Secretary

36. Sevan Marine

osm@sevanmarine.com, fma@sevanmarine.com, err@sevanmarine.com, ero@sevanmarine.com, mmb@sevanmarine.com, sgi@sevanmarine.com, ahj@kanfa.no

37. RWE Dea ????? ????

Thomas.Rappuhn@rwe.com Thomas Rappuhn Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Ralf.toBaben@rwe.com Ralf to Baben Chief Operating Officer (COO)

Johannes.Karlisch@rwe.com Johannes Karlisch Member of the Executive Board

38. Queiroz Galvao

39. Providence Resources Plc info@providenceresources.com

TOReilly@providenceresources.com Anthony Tony O’Reilly, Chief Executive:

josullivan@providenceresources.com John O’Sullivan – Exploration Manager: Technical Director, Director

SBrett@providenceresources.com Sim
n Brett – Finance Director:

mgraham@providenceresources.com Michael Graham, Secretary:

40. Premier Oil plc premier@premier-oil.com

droberts@premier-oil.com Professor Dr David Roberts exploration worldwide and knowledge of deep water

SLockett@premier-oil.com Simon Lockett Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

ALodge@premier-oil.com Andrew Lodge Exploration Director, Executive Director

NHawkings@premier-oil.com Neil Hawkings Operations Director,Executive Director

David.John@premier-oil.com Sir David John

41. Afren plc. info@afren.com

Osman.shahenshah@afren.com Osman Shahenshah Ph.D. Chief Executive, Executive Director

Niall.McCormack@afren.com Niall J McCormack Exploration Director

Shahid.Ullah@afren.com Shahid Ullah Chief Operating Officer, Executive Director

Femi.Bajomo@afren.com Femi Bajomo Head – Business Development

Galib.Virani@afren.com Galib Virani COO, Afren East African Exploration

DComyn@afren.com Darra Martin Comyn Group Finance Director, Executive Director

42. Bowleven plc info@bowleven.com

Ed.Willett@bowleven.com Edward Willett Exploration Director, Executive Director

Kevin.Hart@bowleven.com Kevin Hart Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

peter.wilson@bowleven.com Peter G. Wilson Company Secretary, Executive Director annmarie.duncan@bowleven.com

43. Dana Petroleum plc. ????? ???? susan.hamilton@dana-petroleum.com

Marcus.Richards@dana-petroleum.com Marcus Richards CEO

JOHN.DOWNEY@dana-petroleum.com JOHN DOWNEY Director of International Exploration and New Ventures

DAVID.MACFARLANE@dana-petroleum.com DAVID A MACFARLANE Finance Director

44. Fairfield Energy Ltd. info@fairfield-energy.com


garley.anderson@fairfield-energy.com,Andrew.hockey@fairfield-energy.com, ?? ?????

45. Falkland Oil and Gas Limited info@fogl.co.uk

Richard.Liddell@fogl.co.uk Richard Liddell – Chairman

David.Hudd@fogl.co.uk David Hudd – (Deputy Chairman)

Tim.Bushell@fogl.co.uk Tim Bushell – Chief Executive Officer

Colin.More@fogl.co.uk Colin More – Exploration Director

46. Faroe Petroleum plc. uk@faroe-petroleum.com info@faroe-petroleum.com

GStewart@faroe-petroleum.com GStewart Chief Executive, Executive Director

HHammer@faroe-petroleum.com Helge A. Hammer Chief Operating Officer, Executive Director

MMacLennan@faroe-petroleum.com Mark MacLennan-Senior Business Development Manager

JRiddick@faroe-petroleum.com Julian Riddick Company Secretary

47. JKX Oil & Gas plc. jkxreception@jkx.co.uk Sabrina Payne

Paul.Davies@jkx.co.uk Paul Davies Chief Executive

Peter.Dixon@jkx.co.uk Peter Dixon Commercial Director

Martin.Miller@jkx.co.uk Martin Miller Technical Director

48. Hardy Oil and Gas plc ir@hardyoil.com admin@hardyoil.com

Sharmay@hardyoil.com Yogeshwar Sharma Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

DattaniD@hardyoil.com Dinesh Dattani Finance Director, Executive Director
VanderplankR@hardyoil.com Richard V. Vanderplank Company Secretary

49. Melrose Resources plc. info@melroseresources.com

David.Thomas@melroseresources.com David H Thomas Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

Robert.Adair@melroseresources.com Robert F M Adair Executive Chairman

David.Archer@melroseresources.com David Archer Operations Director

50. Serica Energy plc info@serica-energy.com

PEllis@serica-energy.com Paul Ellis Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

PSadler@serica-energy.com Peter D. Sadler Operations Director, Executive Director

CHearne@serica-energy.com Christopher Hearne Finance Director, Executive Director

51. SOCO International plc. info@soco.co.uk ????? ???? 28.01.11

estory@soco.co.uk Ed Story President and Chief Executive Officer Edward T. Story

RCagle@soco.co.uk Roger D. Cagle Deputy Chief Executi
e Officer,

CCagle@soco.co.uk Cynthia B Cagle Company Secretary

PKingston@soco.co.uk Peter Kingston Non-Executive Deputy

MWatts@soco.co.uk Michael Watts Non-Executive Director Mike Watts

OBarbaroux@soco.co.uk Olivier M.G. Barbaroux Non-Executive Director Age: 53
JSnyder@soco.co.uk John C. Snyder Non-Executive Director Age: 67

RdeSousa@soco.co.uk Rui C. de Sousa Non-Executive Chairman of the Board

52. EnQuest PLC CompanySecretariat@enquest.com InvestorRelations@enquest.com

James.Buckee@enquest.com James Buckee Chairman

Amjad.Bseisu@enquest.com Amjad Bseisu Chief Executive

Nigel.Hares@enquest.com Nigel Hares Chief Operating Officer

Jonathan.Swinney@enquest.com Jonathan Swinney Chief Financial Officer

Michael.Waring@enquest.com Michael Waring Investor Relations

53. Valiant Petroleum Ltd. contact@valiant-petroleum.com

PBuchanan@valiant-petroleum.com Peter Buchanan, Chief Executive

JMorrison@valiant-petroleum.com Justin Morrison, Exploration and New Ventures Manager

NIngrassia@valiant-petroleum.com Nick Ingrassia, Corporate Development Manager

BElliot@valiant-petroleum.com Brian Elliot, Operations Director

54. Ascent Resources plc info3@ascentresources.co.uk

JohnK@ascentresources.co.uk John Kenny Chairman

JohnB@ascentresources.co.uk John Bottomley Company secretary JohnB

jeng@ascentresources.co.uk Jeremy Eng Managing Director JeremyE

55. Aminex PLC info@aminex-plc.com in the Korean East Sea

Stuard@aminex-plc.com L. Stuard Detmer Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

Brian@aminex-plc.com Brian Hall Executive Chairman

Mike@aminex-plc.com Michael Pereira-Rego Group Exploration Director

NCameron@aminex-plc.com Nicholas Cameron Senior Exploration Adviser

Max@aminex-plc.com Chief Financial Officer,

Amos@aminex-plc.com Amos Ofori Quaah Geophysicist

56. Antrim Energy Inc. info@antrimenergy.com ????????? Crown Point Ventures

SGreer@antrimenergy.com Stephen Greer, President & CEO M.Sc. (Geology),

Fulton@antrimenergy.com Kerry Fulton, Vice President, Operations

BMoss@antrimenergy.com Brian Moss, Executive Vice President, Latin America

Dashwood@antrimenergy.com Martin Dashwood for G&G

57. Dominion Petroleum ?????? ?? ophir-energy. info@dominionpetroleum.com

andrew.cochran@dominionpetroleum.com Andrew Cochran CEO andrew.liam.cochran@gmail.com ?? ??????

Mike.Thomas@dominionpetroleum.com Mike Thomas Chief Operating Officer

Justin.Dibb@dominionpetroleum.com Justin Dibb Managing director

Andrew.Robinson@dominionpetroleum.com Dr Andrew Robinson Director, Exploration & Production

mhughes@ophir-energy.com (Head Of Corporate Affairs) ????????? ??????????? ?? ???. ? ??????? +44 20 7290 5800

Anthony.Knaggs@dominionuganda.com Uganda matters

Robert.Spence@dominiontanzania.com for Tanzania matters

58. Endeavour International Corp IR@endeavourcorp.com www.endeavourcorp.com/

Bill.Transier@endeavourcorp.com William (Bill) L. Transier Chairman of the Board, President,

Jim.Emme@endeavourcorp.com Jim Emme Executive Vice President, North America

John.Seitz@endeavourcorp.com John N. Seitz Vice Chairman of the Board

darcey.matthews@endeavourcorp.com Darcey Matthews Director of Investor Relations

59. Energy XXI

jschiller@energyxxi.com John Daniel Schiller Jr. Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

BMarchive@energyxxi.com Ben Marchive Executive Vice President – Exploration and Production

60. Enovation Resources info@enovationresources.com

AMackewn@enovationresources.com Anthony R (Diz) Mackewn President & Chief Executive Officer

BWayne@enovationresources.com Bernard Wayne Chief Technical Officer

SDoyle@enovationresources.com Stephen Doyle Director Business Development

RMorgan@enovationresources.com Richard Morgan Exploration Director

com Nigel Platt Commercial Director

DWent@enovationresources.com Dave Went Subsurface Director

61. Fortune Oil PLC info@fortuneoil.co.uk

KiamTee@fortuneoil.co.uk Kiam Poon Tee Chief Executive, Executive Director

TatjungChiu@fortuneoil.co.uk Tatjung Chiu Executive Vice Chairman of the Board
PaulKwong@fortuneoil.co.uk Paul Kwong Group Financial Controller

SandiChoi@fortuneoil.co.uk Sandi Choi Company Secretary

ChingLi@fortuneoil.co.uk Ching Li Executive Director

62. FORUM ENERGY PLC info@forumenergyplc.com

Robert.Nicholson@forumenergyplc.com Robert c. Nicholson, executive chairman
andrew.Mullins@forumenergyplc.com andrew j. Mullins, executive director and company secretary
paul.Wallace@forumenergyplc.com paul f. Wallace, finance director

Carlo S. Pablo, Executive Director

63.Genesis Petroleum mail@genesis-petroleum.com

GHarrison@genesis-petroleum.com Gerry Harrison – Chairman & Chief Executive Officer

MHaagaard@genesis-petroleum.com Michael S. Haagaard – Vice President and Chief Operating Officer

HJahre@genesis-petroleum.com – Vice President – Exploration

FSandnes@genesis-petroleum.com Frode Sandnes – Vice President – Business Development

64. Ithaca Energy Ltd awilliams@ithacaenergy.com

JSummers@ithacaenergy.com John P. Summers Chairman of the Board

LPayne@ithacaenergy.com Lawrence H Payne, Non-Executive Chairman
IMcKendrick@ithacaenergy.com Iain McKendrick, CEO
NMuir@ithacaenergy.com Nick Muir, Chief Exploration Officer
JWoods@ithacaenergy.com John Woods, Chief Development Officer

65. Leni Gas and Oil info@lenigasandoil.com

DLenigas@lenigasandoil.com David Lenigas, Executive Chairman, Age 48

N.Ritson@lenigasandoil.com Neil Ritson, Chief Executive Officer, Age 55

G.Stoker@lenigasandoil.com Garry Stoker, Chief Operating Officer, Age 44

D.Strang@lenigasandoil.com Donald Strang, Finance Director, Age 41

S.Horton@lenigasandoil.com Steve Horton, Non Executive Director, Age 57

66. Oilex oilex@oilex.com.au

MCozijn@oilex.com.au Max Cozijn Non-Executive Non-Independent Chairman of the Board

BMcCarthy@oilex.com.au Bruce McCarthy Managing Director,

RBarnes@oilex.com.au Ray Barnes Technical Director,

jlamberto@oilex.com.au John Lamberto Exploration Manager

PBekkers@oilex.com.au Pete Bekkers Chief Geoscientist

67. Oilexco info@oilexco.com

68. PETROCELTIC INTERNATIONAL PLC info@petroceltic.ie algiers@petroceltic.ie

ann.obrien@petroceltic.ie italy@petroceltic.ie

brian.ocathain@petroceltic.ie Brian O’Cathain , Chief Executive & Managing Director donna.sunario@petroceltic.ie

dermot.corcoran@petroceltic.ie Dermot Corcoran, Exploration Manager

dave.scott@petroceltic.ie Dave Scott, Head of Operations

david.slaven@petroceltic.ie David Slaven, General Manager Algeria

pasquale.quattrone@petroceltic.ie Pasquale Quattrone, General Manager Italy

69. TAG Oil Ltd. info@tagoil.com

Garth.Johnson@tagoil.com Garth Johnson, Chief Executive Officer
Alex.Guidi@tagoil.com Director
Pino.Perone@tagoil.com Giuseppe (Pino) Perone, Director

Drew.Cadenhead@tagoil.com Drew Cadenhead, Chief Operating Officer

Drew.Cadenhead@tagoil.com David Francis Geologist
CKazianis@tagoil.com Carlos Kazianis, BA, Operations Geologist

Carey.Davis@tagoil.com Carey G. Davis Exploration & New Ventures Manager

70 . Statoil ASA ????? ????

Helge.Lund@statoil.com Helge Lund Chief Executive Officer

John.Knight@statoil.com John Knight VP, Global Strategy and Business Development

Tim.Dodson@statoil.com Tim Dodson VP – Exploration

Peter.Mellbye@statoil.com Peter Mellbye VP Development and Production International

71. Transocean Ltd info@deepwater.com ????????? ?????

Steven.Newman@deepwater.com Steven L. Newman President and Chief Operating Office

guy.cantwell@deepwater.com Guy Cantwell Communications/News Med

Simon.Crowe@deepwater.com Simon Crowe Vice President, Planning and Strategy

Pharr.Smith@deepwater.com N. Pharr Smith Vice President of Engineering and Technical Services

Rob.Saltiel@deepwater.com Rob Saltiel Executive Vice President, Performance

72. OMV group info.corporate-governance@omv.com

gerhard.roiss@omv.com ??????? Roiss

wolfgang.ruttenstorfer@omv.com ????????? ?????????????

helmut.langanger@omv.com ??????? ????????? ????? ?????? ???????? ? ??????

werner.auli@omv.com ?????? ????

73. Noble Energy , Inc info@nobleenergyinc.com businessdevelopment@nobleenergyinc.com

CDavidson@nobleenergyinc.com Charles D. Davidson Chairman & Chief Executive Officer

DStover@nobleenergyinc.com David L. Stover President & Chief Operating Officer

SCunningham@nobleenergyinc.com Susan M. Cunningham Senior Vice President,Exploration

RCook@nobleenergyinc.com Rodney D. Cook Senior Vice President, International

AJohnson@nobleenergyinc.com Arnold J. Johnson Senior Vice President, General Counsel & Secretary

JDemarest@nobleenergyinc.com Jim Demarest, director of international exploration

74. Nexen Inc. governance@nexeninc.com board@nexeninc.com GovSecer@nexeninc.com

Barry_Jackson@nexeninc.com S. Barry Jackson Independent Chairman of the Board

Kevin_Reinhart@nexeninc.com Kevin J. Reinhart Interim President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

Una_Power@nexeninc.com Una M. Power Interim Chief Financial Officer,

Catherine_Hughes@nexeninc.com Catherine J. Hughes Executive Vice President – International Oil and Gas

Ron_Bailey@nexeninc.com Ronald W. Bailey Senior Vice President, Canada

75.Marathon Oil Corporation CustRelations@marathonpetroleum.com info@marathonoil.com

CPCazalot@marathonoil.com Clarence P. Cazalot Jr. President and Chief Executive Officer

GaryHeminger@marathonoil.com Gary R. Heminger Executive Vice President—Downstream

DERoberts@marathonoil.com David E. Roberts Jr. Executive Vice President—Upstream

hjthill@marathonoil.com Howard J. Thill Vice President—Investor Relations and Public Affairs

ARBay@marathonoil.com Annell R. Bay Senior Vice President—Exploration

REEstill@marathonoil.com Robert E. Estill Vice President—Strategic Planning and Management

SReynish@marathonpetroleum.com Steve D. L. Reynish President—Marathon Oil Canada Corporation

leewarren@marathonoil.com Lee Warren Media Relations

76. Maersk Oil ????? ????

77. Lundin Petroleum info@lundin.ch maria.hamilton@lundin.ch

Chris.Bruijnzeels@lundin.ch Chris Bruijnzeels Senior VP Operations

Alexandre.Schneiter@lundin.ch Alexandre Schneiter Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Office

Ashley.Heppenstall@lundin.ch Ashley Heppenstall President and Chief Executive Officer

78. EOG Resources, Inc.

Mark _Papa@eogresources.com Mark G. Papa Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

Loren_Leiker@eogresources.com Loren M. Leiker Senior Executive Vice President, Exploration

Gary_Thomas@eogresources.com Gary L. Thomas Senior Executive Vice President, Operations

Robert_Garrison@eogresources.com Robert K. Garrison Executive Vice President, Exploration

Kenneth_Marbach@eogresources.com Kenneth Marbach Exploration Engineering Manager

Cheryl_Reese@eogresources.com Sherry Reese Director, Business Development and New Ventures

79.Dyas pveenhof@shv.nl Peter Veenhof

dyas@shv.nl Hans Tijssen

hgoemans@shv.nl Henk Goemans

hbalder@shv.nl Heiko Balder Exploration Manager

cboven@shv.nl Lia van Boven Secretary

80. Delta Hydrocarbons B.V. info@deltahydrocarbons.com

FRijkens@deltahydrocarbons.com Frederik Rijkens +31 20 795 1751

DTideman@deltahydrocarbons.com Douwe Tideman

Matt.Dahan@deltahydrocarbons.com Matthew Dahan

rleegstra@deltahydrocarbons.com Rob Leegstra

81. Dong Energy info@dongenergy.com receplon@dongenergy.co.uk,don
-norge@dong.dk ,xreh@dong.dk

AndEl@dongenergy.dk Anders Eldrup CEO

Karsten.Thomsen@dongenergy.dk Karsten K. Thomsen EVP and CFO

FSchur@dongenergy.com Fritz H. Schur Chairman

SGatH@dongenergy.dk Soren Gath Hansen Executive Vice President Exploration and Production

jtedv@dongenergy.dk Jan Terje Edvardsen Senior Vice President New Business

jeskc@dongenergy.dk Jan Eske Christensen: Exploration Manager

82. Timan Oil& Gas Plc E-mail: info@timanoilandgas.com E-mail: info@timanoilandgas.plc.uk
Company Secretary: Paul Muriss

julia.kopchenkova@timanoilandgas.com Julia Kopchenkova Investor Relations Tel/Fax: +7 495 287 32 78
Vitaly.Belik@timanoilandgas.com Vitaly Belik, Non-Executive Director

Dmitry.Soloviev@timanoilandgas.com Dmitry Soloviev, Non-Executive Director

83. Cabot Oil & Gas info@cabotog.com

Dan.Dinges@cabotog.com Dan O. Dinges

Michael.Walen@cabotog.com Michael B. Walen Senior Vice President

lisa.machesney@cabotog.com Vice President, Corporate Secretary,

Rob.Kelley@cabotog.com Robert Kelley

David.Carmichael@cabotog.com David M. Carmichael

Rhys.Best@cabotog.com Rhys J. Best

84.Cyrus Oil & Gas Co exec@cyrusoilandgas.com,info@cyrusoilandgas.com, geology@cyrusoilandgas.com

jlmoore@cyrusoilandgas.com Joshua Moore

85. Atlantic Petroleum petroleum@petroleum.fo

teiturs@petroleum.fo Teitur Samuelsen, Financial Manager

birgird@petroleum.fo Birgir Durhuus

PoulM@petroleum.fo Poul R. Mohr

MortanJ@petroleum.fo Mortan H. Johannesen

JanE@petroleum.fo Jan Edin Evensen

SiguroJ@petroleum.fo Sigurð í Jákupsstovu

WilhelmP@petroleum.fo Wilhelm E. Petersen

86. BHP Billiton Petroleum BHPBillitonPetroleumExternalAffairs@bhpbilliton.com

Jacques.Nasser@bhpbilliton.com Jacques Nasser Chairman of the Board

Marius.Kloppers@bhpbilliton.com Marius Kloppers Ph.D. Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

Michael.Yeager@bhpbilliton.com J. Michael Yeager, Chief Executive Petroleum

Steve-ORourke@bhpbilliton.com Steve O’Rourke, President, Exploration

Nigel-Smith@bhpbilliton.com Nigel Smith, President, Development

Zhanna.Golodryga@bhpbilliton.com Zhanna Golodryga, Vice President, Information Technology

Gregor.McNab@bhpbilliton.com Gregor McNab, Vice President, External Affairs

87. OGEP Oil and Gas Exploration and Production sofgeoprouchvane@abv.bg gcc@mbox.contact.bg


LChakarov@pdng-bg.com Mr. Ljubomir Todorov Chakarov Executive Directors
PNickolov@pdng-bg.com Mr. Plamen Kostadinov Nickolov Executive Directors

88. Newfield Exploration NFX info@newfield.com

LBoothby@newfield.com Lee K. Boothby Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer

GPacker@newfield.com Gary D. Packer – Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer

LMassaro@newfield.com Larry S. Massaro – Vice President – Corporate Development

MVanHorn@newfield.com Michael D. Van Horn – Vice President – Geoscience

MLacey@newfield.com J. Michael Lacey Retired SVP – Exploration and Production

89. Evertson Companies chuck@evertson.com

bruce@evertson.com BRUCE F. EVERTSON is the Chief Executive Officer

perry@evertson.com PERRY J. VANNEWKIRK is the CEO and Managing Partner of Castronics

phillip@evertson.com PHILLIP A. KRIZ is the Engineering Manage

chuck@evertson.com ROBERT C. SOUTHARD (Chuck) is the CEO and Managing Partner

candy@evertson.com CANDY M. BUSSINGER is the Land Manager

90. Amerisur Resources plc info@amerisurresources.com

GClarke@amerisurresources.com Giles Clarke (Chairman – Non Executive)

JWardle@amerisurresources.com John Wardle (Executive Director

VValdovinos@amerisurresources.com Victor M. Valdovinos (Regional Director

DEllenor@amerisurresources.com Douglas Ellenor (Non Executive Director – Technical)

91. Australian Worldwide Exploration awe@awexplore.com

Clement@awexplore.com Bruce Frederick William Clement Managing Director

BWood@awexplore.com B. J. Wood (Managing Director)

LBrooks@awexplore.com Leigh J. Brooks General Manager – Exploration

BWray@awexplore.com W. Wray General Manager – Commercial and Business Development

IPalmer@awexplore.com Ian D. Palmer General Manager, Development

92. ARC Energy Limited arc@arcenergy.com.au

DavidGriffiths@arcenergy.com.au David Charles Griffiths DGriffiths

EmmaStein@arcenergy.com.au Emma Rachel Stein

EricStreitberg@arcenergy.com.au Eric Charles Streitberg

GaryJeffery@arcenergy.com.au Gary Jeffery

93. B&R Energy info@BandREnergy.com

JBarnes@BandREnergy.com John R. Barnes

RBarnes@BandREnergy.com Robert W. “Bill” Barnes

BBarnes@BandREnergy.com Brandy G. Barnes

94. Slawson Exploration Company seciinfo@slawsoncompanies.com

95. TGC Industries, Inc

Daniel Winn: dwinn@tgcseismic.com, Tom Pierce: tpierce@tgcseismic.com,

Tim Brooks: tbrooks@tgcseismic.com Ryan Marshall: rmarshall@tgcseismic.com

Jim Craft: jcraft@tgcseismic.com Deborah Scott: dscott@tgcseismic.com

96. Addax Petroleum business.inquiries@addaxpetroleum.com

Jean.Gandur@addaxpetroleum.com Jean Claude Gandur Vice-Chairman

Yi.Zhang@addaxpetroleum.com Yi Zhang, Chief Executive Officer

robert.bulstra@addaxpetroleum.com Robert.Bulstra Chief Operating Officer

97. Wentworth Resources Limited info@wentworthresources.com , info.tz@wentworthresources.com

rpm@wentworthresources.com Bob McBean, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer

gpb@wentworthresources.com Geoff P.Bury, Chief Operating & Financial Officer

jwsb@wentworthresources.com John Bentley, Deputy Chairman

John Dragonetti, Regional Manager, East Africa

98. ENI segreteriasocietaria.azionisti@eni.it elena.badini@eni.it investor.relations@eni.it

Paolo.Scaroni@eni.it Paolo Scaroni Chief Executive Officer

Claudio.Descalzi@eni.it Claudio Descalzi COO of Eni Exploration & Production Division ????? ?????????

Eni Oil-Gas Energy Committe

Paolo.Colombo@eni.it Paolo Colombo

Leonardo.Maugeri@eni.it Leonardo Maugeri Senior Executive Vice President Secretary

AClo@eni.it Alberto Clo (Chairman), Alberto_Clo@eni.it

Roberto.Ulissi@eni.it Roberto Ulissi Senior Executive Vice President

carloni_investor@eni.it CLAUDIA CARLONI Head of Investor Relations

99. Devon Energy zack.hager@dvn.com Zack Hager Senior Manager, Investor

shea.snyder@dvn.com Shea Snyder Manager, Investor Relations

John.Richels@dvn.com John Richels President

David.Hager@dvn.com David A. Hager Executive Vice President

Darryl.Smette@dvn.com Darryl G. Smette Executive Vice President

Janice.Dobbs@dvn.com Janice A. Dobbs Vice Presiden
Earl.Reynolds@dvn.com K. Earl Reynolds Senior Vice President,

Vincent.White@dvn.com Vincent W. White Senior Vice President, Investor Relations

William.Wie@dvn.com William A. Van Wie Senior Vice President, Exploration

100. Sterling Energy PLC info@sterlingenergyuk.com ?? ??????????

ABeardsall@sterlingenergyuk.com Alastair Beardsall, Executive Chairman

GThomson@sterlingenergyuk.com Graeme Thomson, Chief Executive Officer

AGrosse@sterlingenergyuk.com Andrew Grosse, Exploration and Technical Director

JCooper@sterlingenergyuk.com Jon Cooper, Financial Director and Company Secretary

101.Callon Petroleum Company Terry.Trovato@callon.com

CSmith@callon.com H. Clark Smith Chief Information Officer

SWoodcock@callon.com Stephen F. Woodcock Vice President, Exploration

FCallon@callon.com Fred L. Callon Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
SHinchman@callon.com Steven B. Hinchman Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
102. Manti Exploration info@mantires.com

LBarberito@mantires.com Lee Barberito, President

GMize@mantires.com Gary Mize, Vice President

@mantires.com Stephanie Hastings,

CDouglas@mantires.com Chris Douglas Exploration Manager

CCollins@mantires.com Chuck Collins Geophysical Manager

103. Murthy Exploration dstiles@murphyoilcorp.com Dory Stiles Investor Relations
TMcKinlay@murphyoilcorp.com Tom McKinlay Vice President
BJeffery@murphyoilcorp.com Barry Jeffery Manager, Crude Oil Supply
JHunter@murphyoilcorp.com John_Hunter John Hunter Manager, Crude Oil Trading

GDownum@murphyoilcorp.com Greg Downum Manager, Crude Oil Trading Northern System
JLaVeer@murphyoilcorp.com Judy LaVeer Supervisor, Marine Services
104. Woodside Petroleum Ltd. CompanyInfo@woodside.com.au

David.McEvoy@woodside.com.au David McEvoy

Don.Voelte@woodside.com.au Don Voelte DVoelte DonVoelte

Feisal.Ahmed@woodside.com.au Feisal Ahmed

Reinhardt.Matisons@woodside.com.au Reinhardt Matisons

Vince.Santostefano@woodside.com.au Vince Santostefano

Rob.Cole@woodside.com.au Rob Cole

105.Tana Exploration Company LLC tanainfo@gmail.com

KTalley@tanaexp.com Kevin D. Talley President

CComstock@tanaexp.com, Carl E. Comstock VP Land & Business Development
106. Phoenix Exploration Company LP Business-Development@PhoenixExploration.com

SHeitzman@PhoenixExploration.com Stephen E. Heitzman, President & Chief Executive Officer

TDuncan@PhoenixExploration.com Timothy S. Duncan, Senior Vice President – Business Development

JParker@PhoenixExploration.com John A. Parker, Senior Vice President – Exploration

KWestmoreland@PhoenixExploration.com Keith O. Westmoreland, Senior Vice President – Operations


107. AGIBA Petroleum admin@agiba.com

Mostafa Abd El Aziz Chairman & Managing Director

Massimo Insulla General Mgr.&Managing Director

108. ALBPETROL directory@albpetrol.net qendra_albp@albpetrol.net

projektimi@albpetrol.net  gjeologjia@albpetrol.net

109. Al Furat Petroleum Co. afpc@afpc.net.sy

110. Anderson Energy Ltd. info@andersonenergy.ca

BChicoine@andersonenergy.ca Blaine M. Chicoine Vice President, Operations

PHarvey@andersonenergy.ca Philip A. Harvey Vice President, Exploitation

JMarshall@andersonenergy.ca Jamie A. Marshall Vice President, Exploration

BDau@andersonenergy.ca Brian H. Dau President and Chief Executive Officer and Director

111.ASRC Energy Services info@asrcenergy.com hcc@asrcenergy.com


112.ASCOM SA info@ascom-sa.com info@ascom.md

113.Baker Energy De Venezuela C.A rodriguez@bakerenergy.com.ve

114.Basic Energy Corporation apmorillo@basicenergy.ph , mjgalger@basicenergy.ph

ocdevenecia@basicenergy.ph , cmbejasa@basicenergy.ph , oldeveneciajr@basicenergy.ph

115. TAP Oil Ltd. info@tapoil.com.au Anna.Barlascini@tapoil.com.au

Neale.Taylor@tapoil.com.au Neale Taylor, B.Sc Hons (App

Troy.Hayden@tapoil.com.au Troy Hayden MANAGING DIRECTOR/CEO

Peter.Stickland@tapoil.com.au Peter Stickland, (Geology) MANAGING DIRECTOR/CEO

Peter.Lane@tapoil.com.au Peter B Lane, B.Sc

R. A. Cassie New Ventures Manager

JP.Scibiorski@tapoil.com.au J. P. Scibiorski Exploration Manager

116. Berens Energy Ltd ??????? PetroBakken Energy

dbotterill@berensenergy.com Dan Botterill – President and CEO
CVirginillo@berensenergy.com Cam Virginillo – Senior Vice President of Engineering

DErickson@berensenergy.com Dave Erickson – Vice President, Operations

MMcGeough@berensenergy.com Mike McGeough – Vice President, Land

117.Barrick Energy Inc. info@barrick-energy.com jwinget@barrick.com

vborg@barrick.com Vincent Borg Executive Vice President, Corporate Communications

ARegent@barrick.com Aaron Regent – President & Chief Executive Officer

PKinver@barrick.com Peter J. Kinver – Executive Vice President and Chief O
erating Officer

RKrcmarov@barrick.com Rob Krcmarov Senior Vice President Global Exploration Barrick Gold Corporation

118. Celtic Exploration Ltd invest@celticex.com

DWilson@celticex.com David J. Wilson President & CEO

SLalani@celticex.com Sadiq H. Lalani Vice President, Finance & CFO

AFranks@celticex.com Alan G. Franks Vice President, Operations

MShea@celticex.com Michael R. Shea Vice President, Land

DMorgenstern@celticex.com David C. Morgenstern Vice President, Exploration

119. Central Resources, Inc. info@centralresources.com

Paul@centralresources.com Paul J. Zecchi President & Chief Executive Officer Paul_Zecchi

Jeannette@centralresources.com Jeannette H. Feigt Executive Chief Operating Officer JFeigt

Fred@centralresources.com Fred A. Merian Senior Vice President, Operations Fred.Merian

120. Kunlun ????? CNPC ( Hong Kong ) Limited info@cnpc.com.hk

LHualin@cnpc.com.hk Mr. Li Hualin (Chairman)
ZBowen@cnpc.com.hk Mr. Zhang Bowen (Chief Executive Officer)
WMingcai@cnpc.com.hk Mr. Wang Mingcai – Executive Director
121.COMESA exploracion@comesa.org.mx produccion@comesa.org.mx

GCruz@comesa.org.mx Guillermo Perry Cruz Gerencia de Planeación Comercialización

FCuevas@comesa.org.mx Fernando Cuevas Rivera Gerencia de Negocios de Exploración

AOviedo@comesa.org.mx Adán Ernesto Oviedo Pérez Dirección General

122. SGF Global ????? ????

123. Crew Energy Inc. investor@crewenergy.com

DShwed@crewenergy.com Dale O. Shwed President and Chief Executive Officer

KTruscott@crewenergy.com Ken Truscott Senior Vice President, Business Development

GSmith@crewenergy.com Gary P. Smith Vice President, Exploration

DTucker@crewenergy.com Dean Tucker Vice President, Operations and Production

124. CROSCO info@crosco.com




125. Cue Energy Resources mail@cuenrg.com.au

TWhite@cuenrg.com.au Terry White Exploration Manager

MPaton@cuenrg.com.au Mark Paton Chief Executive Officer

RTweedie@cuenrg.com.au Richard G. Tweedie Chairman of the Board

LMusca@cuenrg.com.au Leon Musca Director

126. DELEUM BERHAD info@deleum.com

NYRanimy@deleum.com Nan Yusri bin Ranimy

YKJoon@deleum.com Yam Kee Joon

LSBee@deleum.com Lee Sew Bee

127. Encore Energy Pte Ltd (Denbury Resources) ???????? Medco Energy ????????? – 51%

phil.rykhoek@denbury.com Phil Rykhoek Chief Executive Officer

Tracy.Evans@denbury.com Ronald Tracy Evans President, Chief Operational Officer

Brad.Cox@denbury.com Bradley A. Cox Vice President – Business Development

RCornelius@denbury.com Robert L. Cornelius Senior Vice President – Operations

Dan.Cole@denbury.com Dan E. Cole Vice President – Marketing of General Partner

Mark.Allen@denbury.com Mark C. Allen Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President

128. Eldorado Exploration Inc. eldoex@yahoo.com

DLaurance@yahoo.com David Laurance

DClark@yahoo.com David Clark

Rtalley@yahoo.com Robert talley

129. Ellora Energy Inc. info@elloraenergy.com ir@elloraenergy.com

SMartin@elloraenergy.com T. Scott Martin Chairman, CEO

SEnger@elloraenergy.com Steven R. Enger President, Chief Operating Officer

JWilliams@elloraenergy.com Jeffery S. Williams Vice President of Business Development

130. Elnusa Tbk, corporate@elnusa.co.id geoscience@elnusa.co.id oilfield@elnusa.co.id

ESalam@elnusa.co.id Eteng A. Salam President Director

SNainggolan@elnusa.co.id Santun Nainggolan

ESjahbuddin@elnusa.co.id Eddy Sjahbuddin

MArief@elnusa.co.id Muhammad Jauzi Arief

131. Emerald Energy Plc information@emeraldenergy.com

AngusMacAskill@emeraldenergy.com Angus MacAskill AMacAskill

AlastairBeardsall@emeraldenergy.com Alastair Beardsall Alastair_Beardsall

KeithHenry@emeraldenergy.com Keith
enry KeithHenry

MerfynRoberts@emeraldenergy.com Merfyn Roberts

132. Enterra Enterra Energy Trust info@enterraenergy.com

DKlapko@enterraenergy.com Don C. Klapko, President and Chief Executive Officer

JReader@enterraenergy.com John F. Reader, Senior VP and Chief Operating Officer

JChimahusky@enterraenergy.com John Chimahusky, Senior VP and COO, U.S. Operations

133. Petrogulf Misr info@petrogulfmisr.com

134. GNPC info@gnpcghana.com

135.Golden Gate admin@ggpl.com.au Investor.relations@ggpl.com.au


stepheng@ggpl.com.au STEPHEN GRAVES


136. Helmerich & Payne, Inc. webmaster@hpinc.com investor.relations@hpinc.com

juanpablo.tardio@hpinc.com marilyn.hyatt@hpinc.com

Hans.Helmerich@hpinc.com Hans Helmerich President and Chief Executive Officer

John.Lindsay@hpinc.com John W. Lindsay

137. INA ( INDUSTRIJA NAFTE ) ina-besplatni.telefon@ina.hr investitori@ina.hr PR@ina.hr

Zoltan.Aldott@ina.hr Zoltan Aldott, President of the Management Board of INA
Lajos.Alacs@ina.hr Lajos Alacs Member of the Management Board
Tomislav.Dragicevic@ina.hr Tomislav Dragicevic Member of the Management Board
Attila.Holoda@ina.hr Attila Istvan Holoda Member of the Management Board
Bojan.Milkovic@ina.hr Bojan Milkovic CEO and ED for Exploration and Production

Peter.Chmurciak@ina.hr Peter Chmurciak, Executive Director for Refining and Marketing

138. Ivanhoe Energy Inc. info@ivanhoeenergy.com

RobertF@ivanhoeenergy.com Robert Friedland Executive Co-Chairman

DDyck@ivanhoeenergy.com David A. Dyck President, Chief Operating Officer

MSilverman@ivanhoeenergy.com Michael Silverman Technology, Chief Technology Officer

PChua@ivanhoeenergy.com K.C. Patrick Chua Executive Vice President

GMoench@ivanhoeenergy.com Gerald D. Moench Executive Vice President

EVeith@ivanhoeenergy.com Ed Veith Executive Vice President

139. Kuwait Energy Company info@kec.com.kw

Sara.Akbar@kec.com.kw Sara Akbar CEO

abbas.alrasheed@kec.com.kw Abbas Al-Rasheed Public Relations Advisor

140. Max Petroleum PLC info@maxpetroleum.co.uk

my@maxpetroleum.net Michael B. Young President, CFO, Executive Director

LOKraus@maxpetroleum.co.uk Lee O. Kraus Non-executive Director

Adrian.Harvey@maxpetroleum.co.uk Adrian W. Harvey Company Secretary

141. Mosaic Oil ??????? ????????? AGL Energy

Alex.Parks@mosaicoil.com Alex Parks – Chief Executive Officer

Tim.Petersen@mosaicoil.com Tim Petersen – Production Manager

Terry.Russell@mosaicoil.com Terry Russell – Exploration Manager

142. National Oil Corp. ????? ????

143.New Zealand Oil and Gas NZOG

David.Salisbury@nzog.com David J. Salisbury CEO, Managing Director, Executive Director

Ralph.Noldan@nzog.com Ralph Noldan General Counsel

Mac.Beggs@nzog.com Mac Beggs Exploration Manager

Chris.Roberts@nzog.com Chris Roberts Corporate Affairs Manager

Hugh.Steed@nzog.com Hugh Steed New Ventures Manager

144. Panoro Energy (formerly Norse Energy Corp). info@norseenergy.com June 29, 2010

Anders.Kapstad@panoroenergy.com Anders Kapstad CFO of Panoro Energy

Nishant.Dighe@panoroenergy.com Nishant Dighe Chief Operating

Thor.Tangen@panoroenergy.com Thor Tangen, EVP Field Development

Alistair.Stobie@panoroenergy.com Alistair Stobie, EVP New Ventures

Phil.Vingoe@panoroenergy.com Dr Phil Vingoe, Chairman of the Board

Kjetil.Solbraekke@panoroenergy.com Kjetil Solbraekke, CEO of Panoro Energy

145. Norwegian Energy Company post@noreco.com

Scott.kerr@noreco.com Scott Kerr

Jan.Nagell@noreco.com Jan Nagell

Rune.Martinsen@noreco.com Rune Martinsen

Lars.Fosvold@noreco.com Lars Fosvold LFosvold

146. Africa Oil Corp. africaoilcorp@namdo.com

KHill@namdo.com Keith C. Hill President and CEO

Paul Martinez Vice President – Exploratio

JPhillips@namdo.com Jphillips James Phillips, Chief Operating Officer

John_Craig@namdo.com John Craig JohnCraig JCraig

Gary_Guidry@namdo.com Gary Guidry GGuidry

SShane@africaoilcorp.com Sophia Shane Corporate Development

147. Mitsui & Co kivzz-inet@dg.mitsui.com ????

148. Penn West Exploration formerly Penn West Energy Trust jason.fleury@pennwest.com

bill.andrew@pennwest.com William E. Andrew

Murray.NuNNS@pennwest.com Murray R. NuNNS President and CEO

Rob.Wollmann@pennwest.com Robert Wollmann Senior Vice President – Exploration

149. Perenco hpiat@perenco.com

jmjacoulot@perenco.com J. M. Jacoulot CEO www.perenco.com/operations/latin-america/peru.html

OMadiot@perenco.com Olivier Madiot, Business analyst

AFORCINAL@perenco.com Antoine FORCINAL, Petroleum Engineer

JGardon@perenco.com Jean Gardon, Senior Reservoir Engineer

VWiedermann@perenco.com Victor Wiedermann

Pierre-Edouard Vincent, Sr Well Engineer (Productivity)

150. Midmar Energy Limited info@midmar.co.uk

Thomas.Redman@midmar.co.uk Thomas Redman – Managing Director

Peter.Redman@midmar.co.uk Peter Redman – Chairman

151. PNOC Exploration Corporation (PNOC EC) hr@pnoc-ec.com.ph

JParas@pnoc-ec.com.ph Jacinto V. Paras Chairman of the Board

lostrea@pnoc-ec.com.ph leocadio m. ostrea

rdelpilar@pnoc-ec.com.ph rafael e. del pilar

rsavella@pnoc-ec.com.ph raymundo b. savella manager exploration department

cmagsombol@pnoc-ec.com.ph candido m. magsombol rvoliquino@pnoc-ec.com.ph

gbriones@pnoc-ec.com.ph george s. briones

152. Weatherford International Ltd melanie.kania@weatherford.com jean.adams@weatherford.com

Bernard.Duroc-Danner@weatherford.com Bernard J. Duroc-Danner

NicholasF.Brady@weatherford.com Nicholas F. Brady

WilliamE.Macaulay@weatherford.com William E. Macaulay William.Macaulay

153. Pride International ncorreia@prideinternational.com jchastain@prideinternational.com

LRaspino@prideinternational.com Louis A. Raspino

KRobert@prideinternational.com Kevin C. Robert

jchastain@prideinternational.com Jeffrey L. Chastain

MOReilly@prideinternational.com Michael G. O’Reilly

154. ? 787. PTT Exploration ????? ????

155. Revus Energy ASA post@revus.no

Harald.Vabo@revus.no Harald Vabo

Tim.Sullivan@revus.no Tim Sullivan

Svein.Ilebekk@revus.no Svein Ilebekk

Eivind.Torheim@revus.no E Torheim

156. Wintershall Holding AG info@wintershall.com

Rainer.Seele@wintershall.com Rainer Seele

Martin.Bachmann@wintershall.com Martin Bachmann

Ties.Tiessen@wintershall.com Ties Tiessen

Karsten.Heuchert@wintershall.com Karsten Heuchert

Petra.Unverhaun@wintershall.com Petra Unverhaun ???????????????

157. SeaEnergy PLC ????? ??? RAMCO info@seaenergy-plc.com

Steven.Bertram@seaenergy-plc.com Steven R Bertram

David.Sigsworth@seaenergy-plc.com David Sigsworth

John.Aldersey-Williams@seaenergy-plc.com John Aldersey-Williams

158. Storm Exploration Inc. info@stormexploration.com

Brian.Lavergne@stormexploration.com Brian Lavergne, President and Chief Executive Officer

Robert.Tiberio@stormexploration.com Robert S. Tiberio, Chief Operating Officer

Eric.Blakely@stormexploration.com Eric C. Blakely, Vice President, Exploration

Gregory.Turnbull@stormexploration.com Gregory G. Turnbull, Corporate Secretary

159. Syrian Petroleum company spccom2@scs-net.org spccom1@scs-net.org

160. BAYTEX ENERGY investor@baytex.ab.ca

RChan@baytex.ab.ca Raymond T. Chan, CA Executive Chairman Raymond.Chan

Anthony.Marino@baytex.ab.ca Anthony W. Marino President and Chief Executive Officer

Marty.Proctor@baytex.ab.ca Marty L. Proctor Chief Operating Officer

Murray.Desrosiers@baytex.ab.ca Murray J. Desrosiers Vice President, Corporate Secretary

Stephen.Brownridge@baytex.ab.ca Stephen Brownridge Vice President
Exploration of Baytex Energy Ltd.

161. Canadian Natural Resources Limited CNRL

Jeff.Wilson@cnrl.com Vice-President Exploration

Grant.Williams@cnrl.com Grant M. Williams Vice-President, Exploration – East

Domenic.Torriero@cnrl.com Domenic Torriero Vice-President, Exploration – Central

Ken.Stagg@cnrl.com Ken W. Stagg Vice-President, Exploration – West

Steve.Laut@cnrl.com Steve W. Laut President & Chief Operating Officer

162. Husky Energy Inc @huskyenergy.com

John.Lau@huskyenergy.com John C. S. Lau

Colin@huskyenergy.com Colin S. Russel, Director

Wayne@huskyenergy.com Wayne E. Shaw Wayne.Shaw

Donald@huskyenergy.com R. Donald Fullerton

Martin@huskyenergy.com Martin J. G. Glynn Martin_Glynn

163. Paramount Resources Ltd. @paramountres.com

Clay.Riddell@paramountres.com (Clay) Riddell

Jim.Riddell@paramountres.com (Jim) Riddell President and Chief Operating Officer

Lloyd.Doyle@paramountres.com (Lloyd) Doyle

Darrel.Purdy@paramountres.com (Darrel) Purdy blaine.pike@paramountres.com

Geoff.McMillan@paramountres.com (Geoff) McMillan

Joerg.Wittenberg@paramountres.com Joerg) Wittenberg

164. Santos Ltd. investor.relations@santos.com ????? ????

David.Knox@santos.com David John Wissler Knox CEOr, Managing Director, ED

James.Baulderstone@santos.com James Baulderstone

Trevor.Brown@santos.com Trevor Brown Vice President Exploration

Peter.Cleary@santos.com Peter John Cleary Vice President of Strategy

Kenneth.Borda@santos.com Kenneth Charles Borda

165. Sherritt International Corp. info@sherritt.com or investor@sherritt.com

IDelaney@sherritt.com Ian W. Delaney

jwaheed@rogers.com Jowdat Waheed

PSheehy@sherritt.com Patrick Sheehy

DOwen@sherritt.com Daniel P. Owen

DMarcoux@sherritt.com Dee Marcoux Dee.Marcoux

166. Vermilion Energy investor_relations@vermilionenergy.com

LDonadeo@vermilionenergy.com Lorenzo Donadeo

JDonovan@vermilionenergy.com John Donovan

DGoulet@vermilionenergy.com Daniel Goulet

167.Cimarex Energy, Co @cimarex.com

FHMerelli@cimarex.com F. H. Merelli

TJorden@cimarex.com Thomas E. Jorden

SBell@cimarex.com Stephen P. Bell

GAbbott@cimarex.com Gary R. Abbott

168. West Canyon Energy Corp (PetroSouth Energy Corp) info@westcanyonenergy.com

SReeves@westcanyonenergy.com Shane Richard Reeves Chairman of the Board, President, CEO

169. MOECO n.prilipko@mitsui.com ??????? ???? ?. 220-47-20 Mitsui & Co

kagawa_yoshiyuki@moeco.co.jp Yoshiyuki Kagawa President & Chief Executive Officer

Matsumura_Yukimasa@moeco.co.jp Yukimasa Matsumura Executive Director Exploration & Production

tsuruta_noboru@moeco.co.jp Noboru Tsuruta Managing Director New Ventures & Asset Management

Ishii_Nobuo@moeco.co.jp Nobuo Ishii General Manager of New Ventures & Asset Management Division

170. MitEnergy Upstream LLC ????? ????

171. Japan Energy Development Co. ????? ???? @jed.com KMorita@jed.co.jp

KenjiM@jed.com Kenji Morita Kenji KMorita Kenji_Morita Kenji.Morita

IMatsushita@jed.com Isao Matsushita

SSato@jed.com Shunji (Shane) Sato MSc, PhD (Geology)

TKotaka@jed.com Takeru Kotaka, BSc, MSc (Geology) TK Takeru

MOsawa@jed.com Masahiro Osawa, MSc (Geology) Masahiro_Osawa MasahiroOsawa MO Osawa

172. Black Elk Energy @blackelkenergy.com

JHoffman@blackelkenergy.com John Hoffman – President and CEO

DFehr@blackelkenergy.com Doug Fehr – Chief Operating Officer

AGarza@blackelkenergy.com Arthur “Art”Garza – Chief Technical Officer

CHammond@blackelkenergy.com Carl Hammond – Vice President of Operations

DCantu@blackelkenergy.com David Cantu – Vice President of Information Technology

RBrantley@blackelkenergy.com Richard Brantley – Operations Manager

173. Black Pool Energy sbell@blackpoolenergy.com Scott Bell. Vice President

n@blackpoolenergy.com RICK BOBIGIAN, President & Chief Executive

ebarrett@blackpoolenergy.com ELLIOTT BARRETT Vice President- Chief Seismic Interpretation

sbell@blackpoolenergy.com SCOTT BELL Vice President- Business Development

jspencer@blackpoolenergy.com JEFF SPENCER Vice President – Geology

174. Nippon Oil Exploration Limited info@nex.jx-group.co.jp

Makoto.Koseki@nex.jx-group.co.jp Makoto Koseki Chairman and President

Nobuyasu.Iida@nex.jx-group.co.jp Nobuyasu Iida Executive Director of the Project Coordination

Kenji.Morita@nex.jx-group.co.jp Kenji Morita Executive Director of the Project Coordination

Shiro.Takahashi@nex.jx-group.co.jp Shiro Takahashi Executive Director of Exploration Dept

Seiichi.Nakamura@nex.jx-group.co.jp Seiichi Nakamura General Manager of the Corporate Planning Dept

175. Pioneer Natural Resources Company Directors@pxd.com http://www.pxd.com

scott.sheffield@pxd.com Scott D. Sheffield Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Tim.Dove@pxd.com Timothy L. Dove President and
Chris.Cheatwood@pxd.com Chris J. Cheatwood Executive Vice President, Geoscience

176.Mariner Energy, Inc. IR@mariner-energy.com Mariner or Apache

SJosey@mariner-energy.com Scott D. Josey Chairman,


JHansen@mariner-energy.com Judd A. Hansen Senior Vice President of Shelf and Onshore

CLoegering@mariner-energy.com Cory L. Loegering Senior Vice President of Deepwater

177. SAUDI ARAMCO http://www.saudiaramco.com

Ali I. Al-Naimi Chairman; Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources

Khalid.Falih@aramco.com Khalid A. Al-Falih President, CEO, and Director

Mohammad.Ali@aramco.com Mohammad A. Al-Ali SVP Finance

Salim.Aydh@aramco.com Salim S. Al-Aydh senior vice president critical project

Khalid.Buainain@aramco.com Khalid G. Al-Buainain University of Petroleum and Minerals

Abdulaziz.Khayyal@aramco.com Abdulaziz F. Al-Khayyal vice president, Industrial Relations

Amin.Nasser@aramco.com Amin H. Nasser senior vice president, Upstream Operations

NBD-NBE@aramco.com ?????????? ??????

178. Beach Petroleum 364 info@beachpetroleum.com.au info@beachenergy.com.au

reginald.gnelson@beachpetroleum.com.au Reginald George Nelson MANAGING DIRECTOR

Hector.Gordon@beachpetroleum.com.auHector Gordon EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR

Neil.Gibbins@beachpetroleum.com.au Neil Gibbins EXPLORATION AND DEVELOPMENT

Kimberlie.Andrew@beachpetroleum.com.au SMasters

179. Drillsearch Energy admin@drillsearch.com.au

Jim.McKerlie@drillsearch.com.au Jim McKerlie Chairman Jim.McKerlie@bullseye.com.au

Brad.Lingo@drillsearch.com.au Brad Lingo Managing Director

Ian.Bucknell@drillsearch.com.au Ian Bucknell Chief Financial Officer & Company Secretary

John.Whaley@drillsearch.com.au John Whaley Chief Commervial Officer

180. Bengal Energy info@bengalenergy.ca investor.relations@bengalenergy.ca

CChakrabarty@bengalenergy.ca Chayan Chakrabarty President CEO and Director

GMacMahon@bengalenergy.ca Gordon MacMahon Vice President, Exploration

REdgar@bengalenergy.ca Richard N. Edgar VP Director geologist

181. Senex Energy LTD formerly Victoria Petroleum N.L. info@senexenergy.com.au

Ian.Davies@senexenergy.com.au Ian Richard Davies Managing Director, CEO, ED

Charles.Lane@senexenergy.com.au Charles M. Lane Exploration Manager

Steven.Scott@senexenergy.com.au Steven G. Scott General Manager Exploration

Denis.Patten@senexenergy.com.au Denis Frank Patten Chairman of the Board

182. Rawson Resources info@rawsonresources.com

John.Conolly@rawsonresources.com John Conolly – Executive Chairman

John.Doughty@rawsonresources.com John Doughty – General Manager

Keith.Skipper@rawsonresources.com Keith Skipper – Independent Director

Paul.Adams@rawsonresources.com Paul Adams – Director

Ian.Morgan@rawsonresources.com Ian Morgan – Company Secretary an
our close advisors

Bob.Moffit@rawsonresources.com Bob Moffit – Chief Geologist

Clem.Allsworth@rawsonresources.com Clem Allsworth – Petroleum Landman

183. Cooper Energy admin@cooperenergy.com.au

DavidM@cooperenergy.com.au David Peter Maxwell Chief Executive Officer,

SteveT@cooperenergy.com.au Steve Twartz Exploration Manager

IanG@cooperenergy.com.au Ian Edward Gregory Company Secretary

TrevorM@cooperenergy.com.au Trevor Magee Chief Geologist

pnemalceff@cooper-energy.com Pedro Nemalceff

184. Blue Energy Limited info@blueenergy.com.au

185. Transeuro Energy Fax: +1 604 687 3912 (Fax) -604-913 1974

DWorrall@transeuroenergy.com David Worrall President & CEO DWorrall

PPaulo@transeuroenergy.com Pedro Paulo Director

KDagsaan@transeuroenergy.com Kristian Dagsaan Controller

i.ibragimov@transeuroenergy.com Izzet Ibragimov Simferopol, Crimea +380 50 908 79 91 Fax:+380 65 251 51 46
gpapero@transeuroenergy.com Geoff Papero General Manager(Ukraine Crimea) +380 652 51 51 45 Simferopol

186. Heritage Oil Plc info@heritageoilplc.com

Michael.Hibberd@heritageoilplc.com Michael Hibberd Chairman and Non-Executive Director MHibberd

Tony.Buckingham@heritageoilplc.com Anthony (Tony) Buckingham Chief Executive Officer

Brian.Smith@heritageoilplc.com Brian Smith VP Exploration SmithBrian

Stephen.Kobak@heritageoilplc.com Stephen Kobak VP Production Russia and CIS

James.Baban@heritageoilplc.com James Baban – General Manager, Kurdistan

tanya.clarke@heritageoilplc.com Tanya Clarke Investor Relations

187. Tethys Petroleum Limited info@tethyspetroleum.com

DRobson@tethyspetroleum.com David Robson President

JHammond@tethyspetroleum.com Julian Hammond – Chief Commercial Officer

RJohnsonSabine@tethyspetroleum.com Rosemary Johnson-Sabine Vice President Exploration

GWall@tethyspetroleum.com Graham Wall – Vice President Technical

SRossi@tethyspetroleum.com Sabin Rossi – Vice President Investor Relations

GMirtskhulava@tethyspetroleum.com George Mirtskhulava – Vice President Commercial

LChachibaia@tethyspetroleum.com Luka Chachibaia – Vice President Operations

188 . Lansdowne Oil and Gas plc info@lansdowneoilandgas.com

Stephen.Boldy@lansdowneoilandgas.com Stephen Boldy (Chief Executive Officer)

EmmetBrown@lansdowneoilandgas.com Emmet Kevin Brown (Director of Business Development)

Steven.Bertram@lansdowneoilandgas.com Steven Bertram (Non-Executive Director)

Chris.Moar@lansdowneoilandgas.com Chris.Moar@seaenergy-plc.com Finance Director, Company Secretary,

189. Caspian Holdings PLC info@caspianholdings.co.uk

MMasterman@caspianholdings.co.uk Michael Masterman Executive Chairman

DGreil@caspianholdings.co.uk Dietmar Greil Non Executive Director

MGarland@caspianholdings.co.uk Michael Garland Non-Executive Director

190. Independent Resources mailbox@ir-plc.com

GNash@ir-plc.com Grayson Nash, Executive Chairman

RBencini@ir-plc.com Roberto Bencini, Technical Director

TJames@ir-plc.com Tim James, Financial Director

AThomas@ir-plc.com Alan Thomas, Non-executive Director

191. United Energy Group plc info@unitedenergy.com

Rolf.Haferkamp@unitedenergy.com Rolf Haferkamp Chief Executive Officer RHaferkamp

Udo.Witte@unitedenergy.com Udo Witte Chief Financial Officer (CFO) UWitte

Thomas.Diekoetter@unitedenergy.com Thomas Diekoetter Member of the Management Board TDiekoetter

Richard.Sharp@unitedenergy.com Richard Sharp Vice President of Worldwide Exploration

191. MGM Energy Corp info@mgmenergy.com

hsykes@mgmenergy.com Henry Sykes, President

rmiller@mgmenergy.com Rick Miller, Chief Financial Officer

GBunio@mgmenergy.com Gary Bunio Vice President Operation

NDilts@mgmenergy.com Nancy Dilts Vice President

JHogg@mgmenergy.com John Hogg Vice President Exploration

192. Baraka Energy & Resources Ltd (B
raka Petroleum) info@barakapetroleum.com

cvost@barakaenergy.com.au Collin Vost – Managing Director

jvost@nysecurities.com.au Justin Vost Non-Executive Director
Anthony.Veitch@barakapetroleum.com Tony Veitch Non Executive Director TVeitch

193. Urals Energy urals@uralsenergy.com info@uepcl.co.uk

lyDyachenko@uralsenergy.com Leonid Y. Dyachenko Chief Executive Officer

VRovneiko@uralsenergy.com Viatcheslav Rovneiko

@uralsenergy.com William Thomas

@uralsenergy.com Gueorgui Ramzaitsev

VGSidorovich@uralsenergy.com V.G. Sidorovich Chief Financial Officer

AOgarev@uralsenergy.com Aleksey V Ogarev — Executive Director

VSechin@uralsenergy.com Vasiliy V Sechin — Non Executive Director

194. Whitecap Resources Inc ( Spitfire Energy Ltd.) mail@spitfireenergy.com

GFagerheim@wcap.ca Grant Fagerheim@wcap.ca

TKang@wcap.ca Thanh Kang CFO

DChristensen@wcap.ca Dan Christensen VP Exploration

DMombourquette@wcap.ca David Mombourquette VP Business development

195. FairWest Energy Corporation info@fairwestenergy.com

MMackie@fairwestenergy.com Marion D. Mackie Chief Financial Officer aentz@fairwestenergy.com

MLambros@fairwestenergy.com Michael G. Lambros Vice President, Land

Cam@fairwestenergy.com Cam Dawes Vice President – Exploration

Philip@fairwestenergy.com Philip Rodd General Manager, Exploration Phil Rodd

DZeck@fairwestenergy.com Darlene Zeck Vice President, Administration
DMcNichol@fairwestenergy.com Douglas O. McNichol Chief Operating Officer

195. Northern Petroleum Plc info@northpet.com

RLatham@northpet.com Richard Latham Chairman

DMusgrove@northpet.com Derek Musgrove Managing Director

GHeard@northpet.com Graham Heard Exploration and Technical Director

JWhite@northpet.com Jeremy White Non-executive Director

TBrewer@northpet.com Tony Brewer Non-executive Director

196. Egdon Resources plc info@egdon-resources.com

Mark.Abbott@egdon-resources.com Mark Abbott Managing Director

Walter.Roberts@egdon-resources.com Walter Roberts Company Secretary

Phil.stephens@egdon-resources.com Philip Stephens Chairman (Non-Executive)

197. Volga Gas plc info@volgagas.com ?? ?????

Ivanov@volgagas.com Mikhail Ivanov Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

Calvey@volgagas.com Michael Calvey Non-Executive Director

Kalinin@volgagas.com Alexey Kalinin, Non-Executive Chairman

Koshcheev@volgagas.com Vladimir Koshcheev Non-Executive Director

Lepilin@volgagas.com Vyacheslav Lepilin Exploration Director

Markhinin@volgagas.com Yury Markhinin Chief Geologist

Gybanov@volgagas.com Boris Gybanov Deputy Director, Drilling

198. PetroLatina Energy Plc (PELE) petrolatina@petrolatinaenergy.com

Luc.Gerard@petrolatinaenergy.com Luc Mputu Nyafe Gerard Chairman
jcrodriguez@petrolatinaenergy.com Juan Carlos Rodriguez Chief Executive Officer
Ciro.Mendez@petrolatinaenergy.com Ciro Alberto Mendez Director

Prince@petrolatinaenergy.com Mario Prince manager Giology

Bustamante@petrolatinaenergy.com Diego Bustamante operation manager

199. Victoria Oil & Gas Plc info@victoriaoilandgas.com

KevinFoo@victoriaoilandgas.com Kevin Foo, Chairman

Austen.Titford@victoriaoilandgas.com Austen Jeffrey Titford Executive Director

R.Hadi@victoriaoilandgas.com Radwan Hadi Chief Operating Officer

200. Shelton Petroleum AB ????? 240

robert.karlsson@sheltonpetroleum.com Robert Karlsson CEO

zenon.potoczny@sheltonpetroleum.com Zenon Potoczny, President zenon@sheltoncdn.com

201. PetroNeft Resources plc + Stimul-T info@petroneft.com

dcfrancis@petroneft.com Dennis Francis – Chief Executive Officer

KJohnson@petroneft.com Karl Johnson Vice President

pdowling@petroneft.com Paul Dowling Chief Financial Officer

desanders@petroneft.com David E. Sanders – Executive Director,

DJBurke@petroneft.com Desmond J. Burke – Executi
e Director

VakhaASobraliev@petroneft.com Vakha A. Sobraliev – Non-Executive Director

ABalyasnikov@stimul-t.com Alexey Balyasnikov – General Director of Stimul-T

AFrenovsky@stimul-t.com Alexander Frenovsky – Managing Director of Stimul-T

NKarapuzov@stimul-t.com Nikolay Karapuzov – Chief Geologist and Geophysicist of Stimul-T

VSolovyev@stimul-t.com Valery Solovyev — Chief Engineer of Stimul-T

202. San Leon Energy Plc info@sanleonenergy.com ??????? ??? ?? ????? ? ???????

Oisin@sanleonenergy.com Oisín Fanning Chairman

philip@sanleonenergy.com Arthur Philip Thompson Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

Paul@sanleonenergy.com Paul Sullivan Commercial Director

Johnb@sanleonenergy.com John Buggenhagen Ph.D. Director – Exploration, Director wweil@sanleonenergy.com

lsmajdor@sanleonenergy.com Lukasz Smajdor Geophysicist

203. Pan Andean Resources info@panandeanresources.com

D.Naylor@panandeanresources.com Dave Naylor – Group Exploration Manager

M.Gonzalez@panandeanresources.com Mauricio Gonzalez – President of Pan Andean Bolivia and Peru

J.Teeling@panandeanresources.com John Teeling – Chairman

DHorgan@panandeanresources.com David Horgan – Managing Director

ISandrea@panandeanresources.com Ivan Sandrea – Director

JFinn@panandeanresources.com James M. Finn Secretary, Director

204. Maple Energy contact@maple-energy.com

Rex.Canon@maple-energy.com Rex W. Canon Chief Executive Officer

Tony.Hines@maple-energy.com Tony L. Hines Senior Vice President

Rafael.Ferreyros@maple-energy.com Rafael Guillermo Ferreyros Vice President

Nabil.Katabi@maple-energy.com Nabil Katabi Manager, Project Development

Roxana.Guzman@maple-energy.com Roxana Guzman Corporate Secretary

205. Regal Petroleum plc (Regal) info@regalpetroleum.co.uk candy.brown@regalpetroleum.co.uk

Keith.Henry@regalpetroleum.co.uk Keith Henry FREng Non-Executive Chairman

David.Greer@regalpetroleum.co.uk David Greer Chief Executive Officer

Robert.Wilde@regalpetroleum.co.uk Robert Wilde Finance Director

Harry.Verkuil@regalpetroleum.co.uk Hendrikus (Harry) Verkuil Chief Operating Officer

Chris.Phillips@regalpetroleum.co.uk Christopher Phillips Company Secretary

206. Nautical Petroleum plc info@nauticalpetroleum.com

J.Conlin@nauticalpetroleum.com John Conlin Non Executive Director and Chairman

S.Jenkins@nauticalpetroleum.com Stephen Jenkins Chief Executive Officer

P.Jennings@nauticalpetroleum.com Paul Jennings Commercial Director

P.Kennedy@nauticalpetroleum.com Patrick Kennedy Non Executive Director

P.Dimmock@nauticalpetroleum.com Philip Dimmock Non Executive Director

A.Clarke@nauticalpetroleum.com Audrey Clarke Company Secretary

207. Northland Power Inc. Engineering@NorthlandPower.com , Gas_Power@NorthlandPower.com

JVP@NorthlandPower.com Development@NorthlandPower.com

John.Brace@NorthlandPower.com John W. Brace President and Chief Executive Officer JBrace

Sam.Mantenuto@NorthlandPower.com Sam Mantenuto Chief Operating Officer

Victor.Pergat@NorthlandPower.com Victor Pergat Vice President, Development

David.Dougall@NorthlandPower.com David G. Dougall General Manager, Operations

JTem@northlandpower.com James C.Temerty Chairman


Fred.Brown@NorthlandPower.com Fred G. Brown Vice Chairman of Northland Power Inc.


208. Cinch Energy Corp investor@cinchenergy.com ?????? ?? Tourmaline Oil Corp

Dykstras@cinchenergy.com Sidney W. Dykstra Chief Executive Officer, Director
OngyerthG@cinchenergy.com George Ongyerth President, Director
Taits@cinchenergy.com Sarah Tait Chief Financial Officer

Cohens@cinchenergy.com C. Steven Cohen Secretary

209. Bucking Horse Energy info@BuckingHorseEnergy.com

GNielsen@BuckingHorseEnergy.com Gordon L. Nielsen

DWillows@BuckingHorseEnergy.com Dea


210. Otto Energy Limited (Otto Energy) info@ottoenergy.com

Crabb@ottoenergy.com Rick Crabb – Chairman Rick.Crabb@paladinenergy.com.au
Bomasang@ottoenergy.com Rufino Bomasang – Director (Non Executive)
McNab@ottoenergy.com Gregor McNab Chief Executive Officer

Senycia@ottoenergy.com Paul Senycia Exploration Manager

211. Bass Strait Oil Company Ltd admin@bassoil.com.au

Steven.Mackie@bassoil.com.au Steven Mackie – Chief Executive Officer

Robyn.Hamilton@bassoil.com.au Robyn Hamilton– Company Secretary

212. Eromanga Hydrocarbons info@erohydro.com

MGoldhirsch@erohydro.com Michael Goldhirsch Executive Chairman of the Board

PGalloway@erohydro.com Philip Alexander David Galloway Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director,

JGoldhirsch@erohydro.com Joshua Goldhirsch Chief Financial Officer, Company Secretary, Executive Director

JWeston@erohydro.com John Weston Chief Exploration Officer, Executive Director

213. Borders & Southern Petroleum plc info@bordersandsouthern.com

obee@bordersandsouthern.com Howard Obee (Chief Executive)

fleming@bordersandsouthern.com Peter Fleming (Finance Director)

Farrer@bordersandsouthern.com Bruce James Farrer (Business Development Manager)

Slack@bordersandsouthern.com William John Walton Slack Company Secretary

214. Rosetta Resources Inc. info@rosettaresources.com
Randy.Limbacher@rosettaresources.com Randy L. Limbacher President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

Chad.Driskill@rosettaresources.com J. Chad Driskill Vice President – Business Development Marketing
James.Craddock@rosettaresources.com James E. Craddock Senior VP – Drilling and Production Operations

215. Progress Energy Resources Corp info@progressenergy.com

MCulbert@progressenergy.com Michael Culbert, President and CEO

DTopolinsky@progressenergy.com Daniel Topolinsky, Executive Vice President, Exploration

GKist@progressenergy.com Greg Kist, Vice President, Investor Relations & Marketing.

GMiller@progressenergy.com Gary Miller, Vice President, Operations.

JStannard@progressenergy.com James Stannard, Vice President, Engineering.

216. Paris Energy Inc fax ?? ??????????

217. Redcliffe Exploration Inc Fax: (403) 539-8433 ????? ?? Paramount Resources

arebec@redcliffe.ca Office Manager

DConnolly@redcliffe.ca Daryl Connolly President and CEO
GUpitis@redcliffe.ca Geoffrey Upitis Vice President, Exploration
KMacInnes@redcliffe.ca Kevin MacInnes Vice President, Corporate Development

Albrecht.Hornbach@redcliffe.ca Albrecht Hornbach Director

Donald.Cowie@redcliffe.ca Donald Cowie Independent Director
218. West Energy Ltd ?????? ?? Daylight Energy Ltd

Columbos@westenergy.ca Michael A. Columbos Chairman of the Board

McCagherty@westenergy.ca Ken McCagherty President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

SBridge@westenergy.ca Scott Bridge Chief Financial Officer, Vice President – Finance

CBennett@westenergy.ca Christopher J. Bennett Vice President – Land and Contracts

MMangat@westenergy.ca Moe Mangat – Engineering Manager

TCollins@westenergy.ca Tom Collins – Vice President – Exploration

219. Veraz Petroleum Ltd info@verazpetroleum.com Fax: 403 514 0383

Cosijng@verazpetroleum.com Gerardjan Cosijn President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

info@verazpetroleum.com Colin Christie Chief Financial Officer, Vice President – Finance

info@verazpetroleum.com David Caulfield Vice President – Exploration

info@verazpetroleum.com Victor Lay General Manager

info@verazpetroleum.com Paul R. Baay Non-Executive Chairman of the Board

220. Forest Gate Energy Inc Facsimile: (514) 486-1317

MJudson@forestgate.ca Michael C. Judson Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

DVandergrift@forestgate.ca Donald B. Vandergrift President, Chief Operating Officer, Director

urtis A. Hartzler Vice President – Operations, Director Age: 50
rkramberger@forestgate.ca Robert Kramberger Vice President – Investors Relations

221. Zhaikmunai info@zhaikmunai.com

Frank.Monstrey@zhaikmunai.com Frank Monstrey Chairman of the Board

KaiUwe.Kessel@zhaikmunai.com Kai-Uwe Kessel Chief Executive, Director

Viacheslav.Druzhinin@zhaikmunai.com Viacheslav Druzhinin Director – General

Alexei.Erber@zhaikmunai.com Alexei Erber Director – Geology

Eckart.Verseck@zhaikmunai.com Eckart Verseck Director – Operations

info@zhaikmunai.com Berik Bimuratov Director – Commercial

Steve.McGowan@zhaikmunai.com Steve McGowan Director

222. Desmarais Energy Corporation info@desmaraisenergy.com FAX: (403) 264-7076

JFeeney@desmaraisenergy.com James G. Feeney

JGLong@desmaraisenergy.com James G. Long

DFRobinson@desmaraisenergy.com Doug F. Robinson

223. Paramax Resources Ltd

clazorko@paramaxresources.com Charidy Lazorko, CFO

jcasabona@paramaxresources.com Joseph E. Casabona, CEO

JKirn@paramaxresources.com Jeff Kirn – Operational Geologist
224.TG World Energy info@tgworldenergy.com +1-403-2647028 (Fax)

C.James@tgworldenergy.com Clifford M. James President and CEO, Director

WThomson@tgworldenergy.com Wayne Thomson Director

LFlood@tgworldenergy.com A. Lloyd Flood Director

David.Paterson@tgworldenergy.com David W. Paterson Director of Exploration and New Ventures

225. Exile Resources info@exileresources.com

cmayer@forbesenergygroup.com Charlene Mayer

tony.henshaw@exileresources.com Tony Henshaw President

Seyi.Ajibola@exileresources.com Seyi Ajibola, General Manager, Nigeria

226. Wrangler West Energy Corp. info@wranglerwest.ca Fax: (403) 269 – 9295

Christopher.Nixon@wranglerwest.ca Christopher W. Nixon Chairman of the Board, Corporate Secretary

Steven.Johnson@wranglerwest.ca Steven F. Johnson President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

William.Kerr@wranglerwest.ca William E. Kerr Vice President – Engineering

Keenan.Cannady@wranglerwest.ca Keenan C. Cannady Vice President – Land

Randolph.Charron@wranglerwest.ca Randolph M. Charron Director
James.Howe@wranglerwest.ca James B. Howe Director

227.Zargon Oil & Gas Ltd (Zargon) zargon@zargon.ca Fax: (403) 265-3026

James.Harrison@zargon.ca K. James Harrison Chairman of the Board
Craig.Hansen@zargon.ca Craig H. Hansen President, Chief Executive Officer,
Brent.Heagy@zargon.ca Brent C. Heagy Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

Daniel.Roulston@zargon.ca Daniel A. Roulston Executive Vice President – Engineering

Mark.Lake@zargon.ca Mark I. Lake Vice President – Exploration

Brian.Kergan@zargon.ca Brian G. Kergan Vice President – Corporate Development and Reserves

228. Verona Development Corp info@veronacorp.com +1-604-6836557 (Fax)

Rod.Husband@veronacorp.com Rod Husband President, Chief Executive Officer, Secretary, Director

Tom.Needham@veronacorp.com Tom Needham Chief Financial Officer

info@veronacorp.com Juraj Adamec Director

info@veronacorp.com Alexander B. Korelin Director

info@veronacorp.com Daniel Pisenti Director

229.Petroflow Energy Ltd. info@petroflowenergy.com 403-7050488 (Fax)

rmenchaca@petroflowenergy.com Richard Menchaca President & CEO

LSchott@petroflowenergy.com Louis Schott VP of Legal and Land

DBaggett@petroflowenergy.com Dennis Baggett Regional Manager

Brandi Daniels bdaniels@petroflowenergy.com

230. Sun Cal Energy, Inc ir@suncaloil.com info@suncaloil.com

George@suncaloil.com George J. Drazenovic President, Acting CEO, PFO, Treasurer, Secretary, Director

231Berkley Renewables Inc., formerly Berkley Resources Inc info@berkleyresources.com ir@berkleyresources.com

JOByrne@berkleyresources.com Jim O’Byrne Director and Vice President of Operations

mwayrynen@berkleyresources.com Matt Wayrynen President CEO

Gorrill@berkleyresources.com Lindsay Gorrill Director

Docherty@berkleyresources.com Tyrone Docherty Director

Andrews@berkleyresources.com Ronald Andrews Director

232. Kallisto Energy Corp administrator@kallistoenergy.com Fax: (403) 264-0416

RLore@kallistoenergy.com Robyn H. Lore Director

GRobb@kallistoenergy.com Greg Robb, V.P. Exploration

SGauchier@kallistoenergy.com Sandford C. Gauchier Director & Vice President

233. Blackdog Resources Ltd. Fax: (403) 245-9171

davidcor@telus.net David A. Corcoran President & CEO

GHagen@telus.net Garth Von Hagen Director

DMorgan@telus.net Darcy Morgan Director

TimMorgan@telus.net Tim W. Morgan Director

234. Cequence Energy info@cequence-energy.com

PWanklyn@cequence-energy.com Paul Wanklyn President & CEO

JJackson@cequence-energy.com James R. Jackson, P.Eng CFA Vice President, Engineering

DRobinson@cequence-energy.com David P. Robinson Vice President, Geology

SStretch@cequence-energy.com Stephen R. Stretch Vice President, Geophysics

HCrone@cequence-energy.com Howard Crone Executive Vice President & COO

235. Yoho Resources Inc. info@yohoresources.ca ?? ????? ????

BMcLachlan@yohoresources.ca Brian McLachlan, President and CE

BStobo@yohoresources.ca Barry Stobo, Vice President Engineering

JTarnowsky@yohoresources.ca Jack Tarnowsky, Manager Exploitation

WLeyland@yohoresources.ca Warren Leyland, Senior Explorationist

KFossenier@yohoresources.ca Kevin Fossenier, Senior Explorationist

236. Wellstar Energy Corp. info@wellstarenergy.com +1-604-6290688 (Fax) (604) 669-3041

Andew.Rees@wellstarenergy.com Andew H. Rees President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

MDhanani@wellstarenergy.com Minaz Dhanani Chief Financial Officer

237. PRD Energy Inc., formerly Pacific Rodera Energy Inc

mgreenwood@prdenergy.com Michael G. Greenwood — Chairman, CEO, Director
mhornett@prdenergy.com Mark Hornett — President, COO, Director
TWatchuk@prdenergy.com Ted Watchuk, B.Sc. — Vice President, Exploration
DCrawford@prdenergy.com Doug Crawford — P. Eng Vice-President, Production

TMcCoy@prdenergy.com James (Terry) McCoy, P. Geol — Director

238. Solara Exploration Ltd. (403) 537-0462 info@solaraexploration.com
don.holding@solaraexploration.com Donald R. Holding President and Chief Executive Officer
BMcGillivray@solaraexploration.com Brent J. McGillivray Vice President, Operations & Engineering
BSkinner@solaraexploration.com Brian A. Skinner Vice President Exploration
JLawson@solaraexploration.com James E. Lawson Chief Financial Officer
239 .New Age Oil Exploration South Africa

avg@newageoilex.com Alexander von Gerlach CEO
240. Shelton Canada

zenon@sheltoncdn.com Zenon Potichny president


241. Gas2Grid Limited office@gas2grid.com

russell@gas2grid.com psy@gas2grid.com

davemunns@gas2grid.com David Munns (Chairman) dmunns@aol.com tdintl@singnet.com.sg
dennis@gas2grid.com Dennis Morton (Managing Director) Geology
Steve@gas2grid.com Steve Danielson (Company Secretary)

242. Open Range Energy Corp. info@openrangeenergy.com

Sdawson@openrangeenergy.com A. Scott dawson President, Chief Executive Officer and Director

JBland@openrangeenergy.com James f. Bland Vice President Exploration

DGriffith@openrangeenergy.com David m. Griffith Vice President & Chief Geophysicist

GCostigan@openrangeenergy.com Gerald r. Costigan Executive Vice President

243. Twin Butte Energy Fax: 403-215-2055 info@twinbutteenergy.com

jsaunders@twinbutteenergy.com JIM SAUNDERS, Calgary,– President and CEO

ncathcart@twinbutteenergy.com NEIL CATHCART, Calgary, – Vice President, Exploration

bhall@twinbutteenergy.com BRUCE W. HALL, Calgary, Vice President, Corp Development

asteele@twinbutteenergy.com ALAN STEELE, Calgary, Alberta – Vice President, Finance

244. Vero Energy Inc. general.info@veroenergy.ca

dougb@veroenergy.ca Douglas J. Bartole President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

gerryg@veroenergy.ca Gerald N. Gilewicz Chief Financial Officer, Vice President – Finance

shanem@veroenergy.ca Shane Manchester Vice President – Operations

kevinY@veroenergy.ca Kevin W. Yakiwchuk Vice President – Exploration

MikeS@veroenergy.ca Michael D. Sandrelli Corporate Secretary

245. Western Plains Petroleum Ltd. info@westernplainspetroleum.com ????? ????

246. Killam Acquisition Company Ltd ( ?????? Culane Energy Corp ) info@culaneenergycorp.com

Steve Hunter Director Killam Acquisition Company Ltd.

DStaus@culaneenergycorp.com Donald D. Staus President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

247. Canadian Imperial Venture Corp. (CIVC) info@canadianimperial.com

GEdwards@canadianimperial.com Gerard M. Edwards President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

TRicketts@canadianimperial.com Tina Ricketts, Chief Financial Officer

248. Park Place Energy Corp. info@parkplaceenergy.com Fax:(403) 266 5657

DJohnson@parkplaceenergy.com David Johnson, President and Chief Executive Officer

249. Lexaria Corp. info@lexariaenergy.com

CBunka@lexariaenergy.com Christopher A. Bunka Chairman of the Board, President, CEO
BBhullar@lexariaenergy.com Baljinder Bhullar Chief Financial Officer, Director

DDeMartini@lexariaenergy.com Dr. David DeMartini Director

TIhrke@lexariaenergy.com Tom Ihrke Senior Vice President – Business Development
250. Pennine Petroleum Corporation info@penninepetroleum.com

des.smith@penninecorp.com N. Desmond Smith President, Chief Financial Officer, Director dean@boardmarker.net

251. President Petroleum Company PLC info@presidentpc.com

Stephen.Gutteridge@presidentpc.com Stephen Gutteridge Chairman

Mike.Cochran@presidentpc.com Michael Cochran Exploration Director

Ed.Childers@presidentpc.com Ed Childers Chief Operating

John.Hamilton@presidentpc.com John Hamilton Non-Executive Director

252. Cadogan Petroleum plc info@cadoganpetroleum.com tel+38 044 454 47 20 fax+38 044 454 47 27

Zev.Furst@cadoganpetroleum.com Zev Furst Chairman

Bertrand.DesPallieres@cadoganpetroleum.com Bertrand Des Pallieres Chief Executive Officer ??????? ?? ??????
Adelmo.Schenato@cadoganpetroleum.com Adelmo Schenato Chief Operating Officer, Director

Ian.Baron@cadoganpetroleum.com Ian R. Baron Business Development Director

Tony.Lucas@cadoganpetroleum.com Tony.Lucas exploration manager of Cadogan

Vesna.Miric@cadoganpetroleum.com Vesna Miric

253. Nostra Terra Oil and Gas Company plc info@ntog.co.uk

mlofgran@ntog.co.uk Matt Lofgran, CEO

AMcCall@ntog.co.uk Alden Branine McCall Chief Operating Officer, Director
SOakes@ntog.co.uk Stephen Oakes, Non-executive Director

ABlennerhassett@ntog.co.uk Adrian Blennerhassett, Non-executive Chairman

254. EnCore Oil plc info@encoreoil.co.uk ????? ?????? Premier Oil plc

ABooth@encoreoil.co.uk Alan Booth Chief Executive Officer

GDore@encoreoil.co.uk Graham Dore Exploration Director

JClark@encoreoil.co.uk James Clark Commercial Director

PYoung@encoreoil.co.uk Paul Young Geoscience Manager

255. Fox Petroleum Inc info@foxpetro.com

RMoore@foxpetro.com Richard Joseph Moore Chairman of the Board, President, CEO Age: 50
WMacNee@foxpetro.com William MacNee Chief Operating Officer, Director Age: 54
JSpence@foxpetro.com John G. Spence Director

256. Enegi Oil Plc info@enegioil.com

Alan.Minty@enegioil.com Alan Minty Executive Chairman, CEO 62????

Alex.Lamb@enegioil.com Alex Lamb Non-executive Director 37

Barath.Rajgopaul@enegioil.com Barath Rajgopaul Executive Director 62

Damian.Minty@enegioil.com Damian Minty Commercial Manager 33

meg.long@enegioil.com Meg Long Geological/Geophysical Analyst mlong@rmri.co.uk ?? ?????

257. Nighthawk Energy plc office@nighthaw

MichaelThomsen@nighthawkenergy.net Michael Bernard Thomsen Executive Chairman

TimHeeley@nighthawkenergy.net Tim Heeley, Chief Executive

BrianMarshall@nighthawkenergy.net Brian Marshall Company Secretary

davidbramhill@nighthawkenergy.net David Bramhill Managing Director, Executive Director

258. Leed Petroleum PLC info@leedpetroleum.com

Peter.Redmond@leedpetroleum.com Peter Redmond Executive Chairman of the Board

Chris.Thompson@leedpetroleum.com Christopher John Thompson, Business Development Manager

259. Island Oil & Gas Plc info@islandoilandgas.com ?????? ???????? San Leon Energy

VBaird@islandoilandgas.com Victoria Baird General Manager

ACampbell@islandoilandgas.com Alan Campbell Commercial Manager

BGraham@islandoilandgas.com Bob Graham Geophysical Manager

Paul.Griffiths@islandoilandgas.com Paul Griffiths Chief Executive

260. Aurelian Oil & Gas PLC mail@aurelianoil.com

rbainbridge@aurelianoil.com Rowen Bainbridge, Chief Executive Officer

JSmallwood@aurelianoil.com John Smallwood, Exploration Director

261. Chariot Oil & Gas Limited info@chariotoilandgas.com Annabel@chariotoilandgas.com

PaulW@chariotoilandgas.com Paul Michael Welch Chief Executive Officer

JamesB@chariotoilandgas.com James Everett Burgess Commercial Director, Executive Director

JuliaK@chariotoilandgas.com Julia Kemper Senior Staff Geophysicist

MatthewT@chariotoilandgas.com Matthew Taylor Exploration Director

Frederico@36doverstreet.co.uk Frederico Ribeiro Exploration Manager

262. Mediterranean Oil & Gas Plc info@medoilgas.com

SMorandi@medoilgas.com Sergio Morandi Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

Paolo@medoilgas.com Paolo Carugno Exploration and Evaluation Manager

llipparini@medoilgas.it Lorenzo Lipparini Geophysical Coordinator of Medoilgas Italia Spa

263. Sound Oil plc info@soundoil.co.uk

G.Orbell@soundoil.co.uk Gerald Orbell Chairman and Chief Executive

Stephen@ronaldsons.co.uk Stephen Ronaldson Company Secretary

m.cope@soundoil.co.uk Michael Cope, COO Head of Exploration

info@soundoil.co.uk Jossy Rachmantio, Executive Director

264. Niko Resources Ltd. niko@nikoresources.com Fax: (403) 263-2686

ESampson@nikoresources.com Edward S. Sampson – Chairman of the Board, President and CEO

Hornaday@nikoresources.com William T. Hornaday – Chief Operating Officer, Director

KRawlinson@nikoresources.com Keith Rawlinson – Vice President Exploration

265. Eaglewood Energy Inc. info@eaglewoodenergy.ca Fax: +1 403 266 6441

RAntony@eaglewoodenergy.ca Harold (Hal) Hemmerich Chairman and Director

bhurtubise@eaglewoodenergy.ca Brad Hurtubise President, CEO and Director
mmcgowan@eaglewoodenergy.ca Michael McGowan Chief Operating Officer
ccornwell@eaglewoodenergy.ca Chris Cornwell Exploration Manager

bapana@eaglewoodenergy.ca Bruce Apana Country Manager – Papua New Guinea
266. CDS Oil and Gas Group plc info@cds.com.py info@cds.co.uk

Patrice@cds.co.uk Patrice Roman Chief Executive Officer, President, Director
Evanan.Romero@cds.co.uk Evanan Romero Non-Executive Director

Jeremy.Eng@cds.co.uk Jeremy Eng Non-Executive Director

John.Bentley@cds.co.uk John W.S. Bentley Non-Executive Chairman of the Board

267. Global Energy Development info@globalenergyplc.com ????? ????

MikeFaulkner@globalenergyplc.com Mikel Faulkner – Executive Chairman & Chief Executive Officer

SteveVoss@globalenergyplc.com Stephen Voss – Managing Director Stephen Voss

ElmerJohnston@globalenergyplc.com Elmer Johnston – President / CEO of CEDCo*

awilliams@globalenergyplc.com Anna Williams, Director of Corporate Communications

268. Western Standard Energy Corp info@western-standard.com

PJenks@western-standard.com Peter Jenks President, Chief Executive Officer

269. Desire Petroleum plc (Desire) dpl@desireplc.co.uk

esireplc.co.uk Ian Gordon Duncan Chief Executive

Andrew.Windham@desireplc.co.uk Andrew Guy Windham Non-Executive Director

Lyonsr@desireplc.co.uk Robert Lyons Non-Executive Director

Nevea@desireplc.co.uk – Anna Neve Company Secretary

270. Westmount Energy Limited ????

Mervyn Bradlow@westmount-energy.co.uk Mervyn Bradlow Non-Executive Chairman,

271. Arctic Slope Regional Corporation (ASRC) anchorage@asrc.com

RexRock@asrc.com Rex A. Rock Sr. Chairman

RQuintavell@asrc.com Roberta (Bobbi) Quintavell President, CEO, and Director

MGasperlin@asrc.com Mary Gasperlin Director Communications

272. Europa Oil & Gas (Holdings) plc mail@europaoil.com

Bill.Adamson@europaoil.com Bill Adamson OBE – Non-Executive Chairman

Hugh.Mackay@europaoil.com Hugh George Dunbar Mackay Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

William.Ahlefeldt@europaoil.com William Ahlefeldt – Non-Executive Director

Phil.Greenhalgh@europaoil.com Phil Greenhalgh – Finance Director

273. Gold Oil Plc

ttidow@goldoilplc.com Thomas Tidow Operations Director, Executive Director Age: 50Lima – Perú.
mikeburchell@hotmail.com Michael Norman Burchell Non-Executive Director

mpritchard@goldoilplc.com Mark A. Pritchard Executive Chairman of the Board Age: 47
GBarnes@goldoilplc.com Geoffrey Kenneth Barnes Company Secretary

274. Petro Matad Limited admin@petromatad.com ?????? ? ???????? www.petromatad.com

Gordon.Toll@petromatad.com Gordon Leonard Toll Chairman of the Board ?? ?????

Douglas.McGay@petromatad.com Douglas John McGay Chief Executive Officer

Sara.Davaadorj@petromatad.com Sarangua Davaadorj Ms Executive Director ???????? ??????? ?????

john.robertson@petromatad.com John Campbell Robertson Non-Executive Director

Dendevchuluun@petromatad.com B. Dendevchuluun General Manager geophysicist

rodney.graham@petromatad.com Rodney W Graham Head of Operations ????? ???????????? ??????

275. Pantheon Resources Plc contact@pantheonresources.com

JCheatham@pantheonresources.com John Bishop Cheatham CEO, Director kjohnson@pantheonresources.com

JBottomley@pantheonresources.com John Bottomley Company Secretary

SGraham@pantheonresources.com Susan Graham Non-Executive Chairman of the Board

AGranville@pantheonresources.com Andrew Granville Waller Non-Executive Director

276. TXO PLC enquiries@texasoilandgasplc.com

DChandler@texasoilandgasplc.com David Mike Chandler CEO, Director

Hayden Scott Stiles Non-Executive Director

Andrew Glendinning Finance Director, Director

GHarris@texasoilandgasplc.com Geoffrey Harris Company Secretary

277. Empyrean Energy Plc enquiries@empyreanenergy.com

Frank.Brophy@empyreanenergy.com Frank Brophy Technical Director

Patrick.Cross@empyreanenergy.com Patrick Cross Non Executive Chairman

Tom.Kelly@empyreanenergy.com Thomas Kelly Commercial Director, Executive Director

Jade.Styants@empyreanenergy.com Jade Styants Secretary

278. Woburn Energy Plc info@woburnenergy.com

KamranAhmed@woburnenergy.com Kamran Ahmed Acting Managing Director

ArifKemal@woburnenergy.com Arif Kemal Chairman of the Board, Non-Executive Director

279. Xtract Energy Plc info@xtractenergy.co.uk

PeterMoir@xtractenergy.co.uk Peter Lemon Moir Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director Age: 56
AlanHume@xtractenergy.co.uk Alan Douglas Hume Finance Director, Director Age: 51
JohnNewton@xtractenergy.co.uk John A. Newton Non-Executive Chairman of the Board

279. Elko Energy Inc. ?????? ???????? ????? ????

280. Cap Energy Limited headoffice@hogreencone.com

Johnkiller@aol.com John Killer, Managing Director

barbara@hogreencone.com Tim Hearley, Chairman

COpsal@hogreencone.com Clair M. Opsal Director

281. Sandhaven Resources plc info@sandhaven.net

IanIlsley@sandhaven.net Ian Ilsley (Chairman and Finance Director)

Robertson@sandhaven.net Alf Robe
tson (Director) Alfred Robertson

Kerrigan@sandhaven.net William Kerrigan Chief Operating Officer – USA

282. Bahamas Petroleum Company Plc BPC Limited info@bpcplc.com

s.potter@bpcplc.com Simon Craig Potter Chief Executive Officer

P.Gucwa@bpcplc.com Paul Gucwa Chief Operating Officer

D.Stott@bpcplc.com Robert Thomas Dursley Stott Non-Executive Director

283. Dominion Energy PLC info@deplc.com

MA@deplc.com Masoud A. Alikhani Executive Chairman of the Board Aged 65

AC@deplc.com A. Carr Secretary

KSodha@deplc.com K. Sodha Executive Director

GVerspyck@deplc.com Gilsbrecht Verspyck Non-Executive Director

284. TransAtlantic Petroleum Ltd Canada Administrator joseph.desimone@tapcor.com

Malone.Mitchell@tapcor.com N. Malone Mitchell III Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

Mustafa.Yavuz@tapcor.com Mustafa Yavuz Chief Operating Officer

Scott.Larsen@tapcor.com Scott C. Larsen President, Director

Gary.Mize@tapcor.com Gary Mize Chief Operating Officer

Jeffrey.Mecom@tapcor.com Jeffrey S. Mecom Vice President, Corporate Secretary

285. Advantage Oil and Gas Ltd ir@advantageog.com info@advantageog.com

AMah@advantageog.com Andy J. Mah Chief Executive Officer and Director of AOG

WKary@advantageog.com Weldon M. Kary Vice President – Geosciences and Land of AOG

KDrader@advantageog.com Kelly I. Drader President and Chief Financial Officer

286. TransGlobe Energy Corporation investor.relations@trans-globe.com

RClarkson@trans-globe.com Ross G. Clarkson President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

LWHerrick@trans-globe.com Lloyd W. Herrick Chief Operating Officer, Vice President, Director

287. SandRidge Energy, Inc ????????? Arena Resources investors@sdrge.com info@sdrge.com

TWard@sdrge.com Tom L. Ward Chairman of the Board, President, CEO

TTipton@sdrge.com Todd N. Tipton Executive Vice President – Exploration

MGrubb@sdrge.com Matthew K. Grubb Chief Operating Officer, Executive Vice President

RJohnson@sdrge.com Rodney E. Johnson Executive Vice President – Reservoir Engineering

KWhite@sdrge.com Kevin R. White Senior Vice President – Business Development

288. Sonde Resources Corp , formerly Canadian Superior Energy Inc info@sonderesources.com

KBrittain@sonderesources.com Kerry Brittain, Chairman

MChronister@sonderesources.com Marvin M. Chronister Chairman of the Board

JSchanck@sonderesources.com Jack W. Schanck President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
BDirks@sonderesources.com William Dirks Chief Operating Officer

289.Compton Petroleum Corp cmt@comptonpetroleum.com investorinfo@comptonpetroleum.com

EBogle@comptonpetroleum.com Edward W. Bogle Ph.D. President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

LCassidy@comptonpetroleum.com C. W. Leigh Cassidy Chief Financial Officer, Vice President – Finance

290. Hyperdynamics Corporation ??? ? ?????? info, investor@hyperdynamics.com

RLeonard@hypd.com Ray Leonard – President, Chief Executive Officer

PReinbolt@hypd.com Paul Reinbolt – Chief Financial Officer

SBarrett@hypd.com Steve F. Barrett – Vice President of Exploration info@drg-e.com

MPalmer@hypd.com Mike Palmer Vice President of Operations

FKourouma@hypd.com Famourou Kourouma – Vice President of African Affairs

PAmoruso@hypd.com Paolo G. Amoruso – Director of Legal and Commercial Affairs

AOrlov@hypd.com Andrei Orlov – Vice President for Business Development

291. GeoGlobal Resources Inc info@geoglobal.com ?????? ? ?????

Paul.Miller@geoglobal.com Paul B. Miller President, CEO and Director,

Miles.Leggett@geoglobal.com Miles Leggett Vice President – Exploration

Sunil.Karkera@geoglobal.com Sunil S. Karkera Chief Financial Officer

292. Alpetro Resources Ltd. info@alpetroresources.com

naz@alpetroresources.com Nazrul Islam, President, CEO and Director nazws01@alpetroresources.com
RChan@alpetroresources.com Ro
in Chan – chief financial officer & director

JPhillips@alpetroresources.com James Phillips – director

VMurphy@alpetroresources.com Vincent Murphy – director This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

293. Bonterra Energy Corp. info@bonterraenergy.com

GFink@bonterraenergy.com George F. Fink Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

RJarock@bonterraenergy.com Randy M. Jarock President, Chief Operating Officer

GSchultz@bonterraenergy.com Garth E. Schultz Chief Financial Officer, Vice President – Finance,

294. Wharf Resources Plc Jurassica Oil & Gas Plc info@warfplc.com

Adrian.Eyre@warfplc.com Adrian Eyre Chairman

Bruno.Denantes@warfplc.com Bruno Denantes Managing Director

anthony.fucilla@btinternet.com Francesco Fucilla Chief Scientist, Strategic

mike.goodrich@wharfplc.com Mike Goodrich, General Manager mike.goodrich@jurassica-plc.com

gcnemeth@hotmail.co.uk George Nemeth, Financial Director

Anya.Edwards@wharfplc.com Anya Edwards, Secretary

295. Empire Oil & Gas N.L info@empireoil.com.au

CMarshall@empireoil.com.au Craig Marshall Managing Director

BWarris@empireoil.com.au Bevan Warris Executive Director

NJoyce@empireoil.com.au Neil Joyce Non-Executive Director

296. Galp Energia, SGPS, S.A. comunicacao@galpenergia.com investor.relations@galpenergia.com

E Francisco Luís Murteira Nabo Chairman of the Board of Directors

Manuel.Ferreira@galpenergia.com iManuel Ferreira De Oliveira Chief Executive Officer l

Fernando.Gomes@galpenergia.com Fernando Manuel dos Santos Gomes Head of Exploration & Production Business

Fabrizio.Dassogno@galpenergia.com Fabrizio Dassogno Head of Natural Gas & Power

Carlos.Gomes@galpenergia.com Carlos Nuno Gomes da Silva Head of Marketing of oil products

Manuel Domingos Vicente Member of the Board of Directors

297. Bounty Oil & Gas geo@bountyoil.com

mining@cairnsnet.com.au Graham Reveleigh (Non-Executive Chairman)

geo@bountyoil.com Philip F Kelso BSc. LLB (Chief Executive Officer)

charles.ross@bountyoil.com Charles Ross (Non-Executive Director)

Gary.Higginbotham@bountyoil.com J Gary Higginbotham (Non Executive Director)

298. IR Oil Rigs information@iroilrigs.com Hong Kong www.iroilrigs.com

robinson@iroilrigs.com Mr. Chris Robinson Executive Director (Hong Kong)

mun@iroilrigs.com Mr. Mun Chee Wah Managing Director (Malaysia)

alex@iroilrigs.com Mr. Alex Mun Chief Financial Officer

299. New Guinea Energy office@ngenergy.com.au ????????? ? ????????????????

MArnett@ngenergy.com.au Mike Arnett Executive Chairman

LRowe@ngenergy.com.au Lucy Rowe Joint Company Secretary

ITrevitt@ngenergy.com.au Ian Trevitt General Manager PNG

FWaina@ngenergy.com.au Francis Waina Exploration Manager

300. Petra Petroleum Canada info@petrapetroleum.com http://www.petrapetroleum.com

bob.lambert@petrapetroleum.com Robert A. Lambert, CEO President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
John.Downes@petrapetroleum.com John Downes, CFO

matkinson@ionicmail.com Michael Atkinson Chairman Mike.Atkinson@petrapetroleum.com

Chris.Brown@petrapetroleum.com Chris Brown – Vice President, Exploration & Operations

301. LNG Energy Ltd. info@LNGEnergyltd.com

DAfseth@LNGEnergyltd.com David Afseth – President and Vice President Operations

RScherer@LNGEnergyltd.com Richard Scherer – VP Engineering and Business Development

DCohen@LNGEnergyltd.com David Cohen – Director

kjones@LNGEnergyltd.com Kenneth Jones Ph.D. Geol

RCross@LNGEnergyltd.com Robert M. D. Cross – Director

302. Delta Oil & Gas, Inc. (Delta) ir@deltaoilandgas.com

DBolen@deltaoilandgas.com Douglas Bolen President

KSandher@deltaoilandgas.com Kulwant Sandher, CFO

CPatonGay@deltaoilandgas.com Christopher Paton-Gay Chief Executive Officer, Director

dira Energy Ltd. info@adiraenergy.com ?? ?????

AFriedman@adiraenergy.com Alan Friedman Executive Vice President

IDiamond@adiraenergy.com Ilan Diamond Chief Executive Officer, Director

Colin@adiraenergy.com Colin B. Kinley President and COO

Denny@adiraenergy.com Denny Johnson Senior Vice President – Exploration and Development

304. Lynden Energy Corp. lynden@bed-rock.com

CWatt@bed-rock.com Colin Watt, President, CEO and Director
RAndrews@bed-rock.com Richard Andrews, Chairman and Director
RBereskin@bed-rock.com Robert Bereskin, Director

305. Contact Exploration Inc.

RSully@contactexp.com Raymond Sully Chief Operating Officer

sharding@contactexp.com Steven Craig Harding President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
IThomson@contactexp.com Ian Thomson Chief Financial Officer

306. Atoka Geochemical Services info@atoka.com

stedesco@admiralbay.com Steven Tedesco, President & CEO
307. TriOil Resources Ltd ????? One Exploration Inc. info@one-ex.ca

rtripp@trioilresources.com Russell J. Tripp President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

AWiacek@trioilresources.com Andrew Z. Wiacek Vice President – Exploration

KMychaluk@trioilresources.com Keith Mychaluk Exploration Manager

308. Dejour Enterprises Ltd. investor@dejour.com

RHodgkinson@dejour.com Robert L. Hodgkinson Co-Chairman & CEO

HBlacker@dejour.com Harrison Blacker, President & COO

PBretzloff@dejour.com Phil Bretzloff VP and General Counsel

309. Celtique Energie Ltd enquiries@celtiqueenergie.com

GDavies@celtiqueenergie.com Geoff Davies (Chief Executive Officer)

CPullan@celtiqueenergie.com Chris Pullan (Exploration Director)

Ken Dups (Director)

310. Arena Resources Inc ????? ? SandRidge Energy, Inc 287 arenaresourcesok@aol.com

PTerry@arenaresourcesinc.com Phillip W. Terry President and CEO

DRicks@arenaresourcesinc.com David D. Ricks VP Operations

PMcConn@arenaresourcesinc.com Patric R. McConn VP Geology / Exploration

311. Carpathian Resources Limited info@carpathian.com.au

JWiberg@carpathian.com.au James Wiberg – Executive Director

DHammer@carpathian.com.au David E. Hammer – Executive Director

ELevitt@carpathian.com.au Errol Levitt – Non-Executive Director

312. Ohio Valley Energy gmiller@ov-energy.com Gina Miller ?? ?????

rliddle@ov-energy.com Richard A. Liddle, Vice-President of Operations

bfund@ov-energy.com Bennie L. Funderburg, Vice-President of Land

BThompson@ov-energy.com Bruce Thompson consulting geologist

gmiller@ov-energy.com Dale Nething

313. Corridor Resources Inc info@corridor.ca

NMiller@corridor.ca Norman W. Miller – President and Director

TMartel@corridor.ca Dr. Tom Martel – Chief Geologist

PDurling@corridor.ca Paul Durling – Chief Geophysicist

DLeBlanc@corridor.ca Don LeBlanc – Chief Reservoir / Production Engineer

LHuskins@corridor.ca Larry Huskins – Drilling and Completions Team Lead

DBailey@corridor.ca Douglas Bailey – Manager, Production Operations

314. Gastar Exploration Ltd info@gastar.com

rporter@gastar.com J. Russell Porter President and Chief Executive Officer

DRhodes@gastar.com R. David Rhodes Vice President of Completion and Production

GBeck@gastar.com Gene Beck Vice President of Drilling

HHansen@gastar.com Henry J. Hansen Vice President of Land

315. Primeline Energy Holdings Inc. UKadmin@pehi.com

Andrew.Biggs@pehi.com Andrew Biggs Senior Vice President

Wang.Guang@pehi.com Guang Ming Wang Chief Executive Officer, Director

Alan.Soulsby@pehi.com Alan Soulsby Technical Director

Steve@pehi.com Steve Lawrence Chief Geological Consultant

316. PetroChina Company Limited

bjg@petrochina.com.cn President’s Office

duanhong@petrochina.com.cn Exploration and Production

xwzou@petrochina.com.cn Secretariat of Board of Directors

317. Birchcliff Energy L
d. info@birchcliffenergy.com

jtonken@birchcliffenergy.com A. JEFFERY TONKEN – President & Chief Executive Officer

mbosman@birchcliffenergy.com MYLES BOSMAN – Chief Operating Officer & Vice President, Exploration

jsurbey@birchcliffenergy.com JAMES W. SURBEY – Vice President, Corporate Development
kpagano@birchcliffenergy.com KAREN PAGANO – Vice President, Engineering
318. Pengrowth Energy Trust investorrelations@pengrowth.com

DEvans@pengrowth.com Derek Evans President and Chief Executive Officer

JCausgrove@pengrowth.com James Causgrove Vice President, Production and Operations

LStrong@pengrowth.com Larry B. Strong Vice President, Geosciences

319. Argosy Energy Inc. investor@argosyenergy.com

PSalamon@argosyenergy.com Peter Salamon, President & CEO and Director

RDobek@argosyenergy.com Ray Dobek, Executive Vice President, Exploration and Director

KFaircloth@argosyenergy.com Kenneth Faircloth, Director

RCampbell@argosyenergy.com Rick Campbell, Vice President, Engineering & Business Development

320. Epsilon Energy Limited Information@epsilonenergyltd.com Investor@epsilonenergyltd.com

Zoran.Arandjelovic@epsilonenergyltd.com Zoran Arandjelovic – President & CEO

daniel.Ward@epsilonenergyltd.com daniel j. Ward – International Exploration Manager

Greg.Halvatzis@epsilonenergyltd.com Greg Halvatzis Director

321. Midway Energy ltd info@midwayenergy.com

MSRatushny@midwayenergy.com M. Scott Ratushny – Chairman and Chief Executive

Frankiw@midwayenergy.com Ken E. Frankiw (P.Eng) – President

Barry.Larson@midwayenergy.com Barry R. Larson (B.Sc. Geol.) – Manager, Exploration

Slingsby@midwayenergy.com Art Slingsby (P. Geol) – Senior Geologist

322. Crocotta Energy Inc info@crocotta.ca

rzakresky@crocotta.ca Robert J. Zakresky, CA – President & CEO

ttrudeau@crocotta.ca Terry Trudeau, P.Eng. – VP Operations

rsereda@crocotta.ca Richard Sereda, P. Geol. – VP Exploration

wdueck@crocotta.ca VP Business Development

323. Chesapeake Energy Corporation mktg@chk.com

Aubrey.McClendon@chk.com Aubrey K. McClendon Chairman of the Board and CEO

Steve.Dixon@chk.com Steven C. Dixon Executive Vice President Chief Operating Officer

John.Kapchinske@chk.com John M. Kapchinske Senior Vice President – Geoscience

James.Johnson@chk.com James C. Johnson Senior Vice President – Energy Marketing

Jennifer.Grigsby @chk.com Jennifer M. Grigsby Senior Vice President, Corporate Secretary

jim.gipson@chk.com Jim Gipson, Director-Media Relations

julie.wilson@chk.com Julie H. Wilson, Vice President, Corporate Development

324. SM Energy (St. Mary Land & Exploration Company) information@stmaryland.com

TBest@stmaryland.com Tony Best President and Chief Executive Office

JOttoson@stmaryland.com Jay Ottoson Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer

HJobe@stmaryland.com T. Hutch Jobe Vice President – Geoscience & Exploration

KKnott@stmaryland.com Kenneth Knott Vice President – Business Development & Land

325. Quicksilver Resources Inc. crupnow@qrinc.com

GDarden@qrinc.com Glenn Darden President and Chief Executive Officer

JCook@qrinc.com Jeff Cook Executive Vice President – Operations

RButerbaugh@qrinc.com Richard C. Buterbaugh Vice President – Investor Relation

JCirone@qrinc.com John C. Cirone Senior Vice President

326. Galleon Energy Inc information@galleonenergy.com

GlennC@galleonenergy.com Glenn R. Carley Executive Chairman of the Board
Steves@galleonenergy.com Steve Sugianto President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

WilliamA@galleonenergy.com William E. Andrew Executive Chairman of the Board

DaleM@galleonenergy.com Dale A. Miller President, Director

DaleO@galleonenergy.com Dale J. Orton Vice President – Engineering and Corporate Development

Jimi@galleonenergy.com Jim Iverson Vice Preside
t, Exploration

327. Zone Resources Inc. info@zone-resources.com

Charles@zone-resources.com Charles Desjardins – President & CEO

Michael@zone-resources.com Michael England – Director

Archie@zone-resources.com Archie Boyce – Director

Doug@zone-resources.com Doug McFaul – CFO

328. Arsenal Energy Inc info@arsenalenergy.com

TvanWinkoop@arsenalenergy.com Tony van Winkoop – President and CEO

PLawrence@arsenalenergy.com J. Paul Lawrence – Vice President, Finance and CFO

JLaForge@arsenalenergy.com Jay LaForge – VP Operations

RForth@arsenalenergy.com Ron Forth – VP Engineering

329. Roxi Petroleum Plc info@roxipetroleum.com info@roxipetroleum.kz

CliveCarver@roxipetroleum.com Clive Carver Non-Executive Chairman

DavidWilkes@roxipetroleum.com David Wilkes Chief Executive Officer

KuatOraziman@roxipetroleum.com Kuat Rafikuly Oraziman Executive Director

DuncanMcDougall@roxipetroleum.com Duncan McDougall Technical Director

PaulPuxon@roxipetroleum.com Paul Puxon Company Secretary, Executive Director

330. Rocky Old Man Energy Inc. ?????? ???? 403-299-9601 (Fax)

331. Cyries Energy Inc. info@cyries.com ???? 403-262-0055 (Fax)

Donald F.(Don) Archibald Chairman and CEO

332. Petro-Reef Resources Ltd. info@petro-reef.ca

GaryVanNest@petro-reef.ca N. Gary Van Nest Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

TedDonhuysen@petro-reef.ca Theodore M. Donhuysen President and Chief Executive Officer

hughthomson@petro-reef.ca Hugh Thomson – VP Finance & CFO –

LarryNess@petro-reef.ca Larry Ness Vice-President Engineering

333. Cobra Venture Corporation

cbv@telus.net Dan Evans – President Cobra Venture Corporation Murray Rodgers, P. Geol, Director

334. Iteration Energy Ltd. info@iterationenergy.com ??????????? ? Chinook Energy Inc.

Brian.Illing@iterationenergy.com Brian Illing President, Chief Executive Officer, Director billing@iterationenergy.com

Willie.Dawidowski@iterationenergy.com Willie Dawidowski

Kevin.Stromquist@iterationenergy.com Kevin Stromquist Vice President – Exploration, West

Mark.Ariss@iterationenergy.com Mark Ariss Vice President – Exploration, East

335. ProspEx Resources Ltd. Paramount Resources Ltd ?????? ?? ir@psx.ca info@psx.ca

SSavidant@psx.ca Stephen J. Savidant Independent Chairman of the Board
JRossall@psx.ca John W. Rossall President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
BMcFarlane@psx.ca R. Bruce McFarlane Vice President – Exploration

336. Ripper Oil and Gas Inc. Fax +1-403-6622029 (Fax)

R. G. Ball President, Chief Executive Officer

337. RMP Energy Inc. (formerly Orleans Energy Ltd) ir@rmpenergyinc.com

dbernhard@orleansenergy.com Dean Bernhard Chief Financial Officer, Vice President – Finance

Craig.Stewart@rmpenergyinc.com Craig Stewart Executive Chairman of the Board

John.Ferguson@rmpenergyinc.com John Ferguson President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

Brent.DesBrisay@rmpenergyinc.com Brent DesBrisay Vice President – Geosciences

Jon.Grimwood@rmpenergyinc.com Jon Grimwood Vice President – Exploration

338. Daylight Resources Trust Daylight Energy Ltd

fwoods@midnightoil.ca Fred Woods Chairman

alambert@daylightenergy.ca Anthony Lambert President & Chief Executive Officer

EHanbury@daylightenergy.ca Edwin S. Hanbury Executive Vice President

RFord@daylightenergy.ca Randy Ford Vice President – Operations

339. Petromin Resources Ltd info@petromin.ca

AGorrell@petromin.ca Arthur Ross Gorrell Non-Executive Co-Chairman of the Board, President, CEO
JinweiXu@petromin.ca Jinwei Xu Chief Financial Officer

KennyChan@petromin.ca Kenny W. Chan Non-Executive Co-Chairman of the Board

JimmyLau@petromin.ca Jimmy K.K. Lau Director

340. Delphi Energy Corp. info@delphienergy.ca

DReid@delphienergy.ca David J. Reid President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

Michael S. Kaluza Chief Operating Officer

TAngelidis@delphienergy.ca Tony Angelidis Senior Vice President – Exploration, Director

HBatteke@delphienergy.ca Hugo H. Batteke Vice President – Operations

341. Bronco Energy Ltd. bronco@legacyoilandgas.com ?????? ?? Legacy Oil + Gas Inc

PPelensky@broncoenergy.ca Peter J. Pelensky President, Chief Executive Officer,Director

PBelliveau@broncoenergy.ca Paul E. Belliveau Chief Financial Officer, Vice President

Larry@broncoenergy.ca Larry Holman Vice President – Operations & Business Development

342. Cenovus Energy Inc ??????? Integrity.Helpline@cenovus.com ?? ?????

Brian.Ferguson@cenovus.com Brian Ferguson President & CEO

John.Brannan@cenovus.com John Brannan Executive Vice-President and President

Harbir.Chhina@cenovus.com Harbir Chhina Executive Vice-President

Kerry.Dyte@cenovus.com Kerry Dyte Executive Vice-President

Ian.Young@cenovus.com Ian Young Vice-President, New Resource Plays

Mark.Bilozir@cenovus.com Mar .Bilozir

343. Barnwell Industries, Inc. barnwellinfo@brninc.com

AKinzler@brninc.com Alexander C. Kinzler President, Chief Operating Officer, Director

RGifford@brninc.com Russell M. Gifford Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President
344. Approach Resources Inc. office@approachresources.com

RCraft@approachresources.com J.Ross Craft President and Chief Executive Officer

CHenderson@approachresources.com J. Curtis Henderson Executive Vice President and General Counsel

QYang@approachresources.com Qingming Yang Vice President – Exploration and international exploration

345. Continental Resources, Inc info@contres.com

HaroldHamm@contres.com Harold G. Hamm Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer
JeffHume@contres.com Jeffrey B. Hume President, Chief Operating Officer
JStark@contres.com Richard H. Straeter President – Eastern Division
JackStark@contres.com Jack H. Stark Senior Vice President – Exploration

346. Concho Resources Inc info@conchoresources.com

TLeach@conchoresources.com Timothy A. Leach Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer
JWright@conchoresources.com E. Joseph Wright Vice President – Engineering and Operations
WGiraud@conchoresources.com C. William Giraud Vice President, General Counsel, Secretary
MHyde@conchoresources.com Matthew Glover Hyde Vice President – Exploration & Land

347. Forest Oil Corporation info@forestoil.com +1-303-5922602 (Fax)

CClark@forestoil.com H. Craig Clark President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

J. C. Ridens Chief Operating Officer, Executive Vice President

Glen J. Mizenko Senior Vice President – Business Development and Engineering

Patrick J. Redmond Vice President – Corporate Planning and Investor Relations

348. Plains Exploration & Production Co ( PXP ) investor@pxp.com

JFlores@pxp.com James C. Flores Chairman, President & Chief Executive Officer
DBourgeois@pxp.com Doss R. Bourgeois Executive Vice President – Exploration & Production
WTalbert@pxp.com Winston M. Talbert Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer
JWombwell@pxp.com John F. Wombwell Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary

349. Clayton Williams Energy cwei@claytonwilliams.com

CWilliams@claytonwilliams.com Clayton W. Williams Chairman of the Board, President, CEO and a Director

RLyon@claytonwilliams.com Robert C. Lyon Vice President of Gas Gathering and Marketing

MRiggs@claytonwilliams.com Mel G. Riggs Senior Vice President – Finance, Secretary, Treasurer, and CFO

PLatham@claytonwilliams.com L. Paul Latham xecutive Vice President, COO and a Director

350. Mexco Energy mexco@sbcglobal.net jallen2007@sbcglobal.net

mexco@sbcglobal.net Nicholas C. Taylor President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
tmccomic@sbcglobal.net Tamala L. McComic Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President
Donna Gail Yanko Vice President, Corporate Secretary Jeffry.Smith@sbcglobal.net Jeffry A. Smith Consulting Geologist
stacy.hardin@mexcoenergy.com Stacy Hardin

351. Novus Energy Inc info@novusenergy.ca connie.nischuk@novusenergy.ca

Hugh.Ross@novusenergy.ca Hugh G. Ross President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

Jack.Lane@novusenergy.ca Jack M. Lane Vice President – Operations

Greg.Groten@novusenergy.ca Greg Groten Vice President – Exploration

Julian.Din@novusenergy.ca Julian Din Vice President – Business Development

352. NuVista Energy Ltd inv_rel@nuvistaenergy.com info@nuvistaenergy.com

Jonathan.Wright@nuvistaenergy.com Jonathan A. Wright President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

Chris.McDavid@nuvistaenergy.com D. Chris McDavid Vice President – Operations

Craig.Burton@nuvistaenergy.com Craig W. Burton Vice President – Business Development & New Plays

353. BNK Petroleum Inc info@bnkpetroleum.com

WRegener@bnkpetroleum.com Wolf E. Regener, President & CEO

JHill@bnkpetroleum.com James M. Hill, VP of Exploration – New Ventures ?? ?????, ???????

JByl@bnkpetroleum.com Jason Byl, Exploration Geologist

JLawton@bnkpetroleum.com Jeff Lawton, Senior Geophysicist

354. Dundee Energy Limited formerly Eurogas Corporation Canada

dundee-energy@dundee-energy.com www.dundee-energy.com

Jaffar@eurogascorp.com M. Jaffar Khan President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

JGoodman@eurogascorp.com Jonathan C. Goodman Vice Chairman of the Board

LPresot@eurogascorp.com Lucie Presot Chief Financial Officer

NGoodman@eurogascorp.com Ned Goodman Non-Executive Chairman of the Board

355. Traverse Energy Ltd. Canada lsmith@traverseenergy.com

lsmith@traverseenergy.com Laurie J. Smith President and CEO

DErickson@traverseenergy.com David H. Erickson Vice-President and COO

356. Arcan Resources Ltd Canada dpenner@arcanres.com tnatras@arcanres.com

EGilmet@arcanres.com Ed Gilmet – President, Chief Executive Officer and Director

AFisher@arcanres.com Andy Fisher – Executive Vice President and Director

dpenner@arcanres.com Douglas Penner – Vice President, Finance and Chief Financial Officer

GRyder@arcanres.com Graeme Ryder – Controller

357. Insignia Energy Ltd Canada info@insigniaenergy.ca

JNewcommon@insigniaenergy.ca Jeffrey D. Newcommon President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

GFischer@insigniaenergy.ca Glen C. Fischer Chief Operating Officer

SMackay@insigniaenergy.ca Steven J. Mackay Vice President – Exploration

358. Questerre Energy Corporation Canada info@questerre.com

MBinnion@questerre.com Michael Binnion President and Chief Executive Officer

JBrodylo@questerre.com John Brodylo Vice President, Exploration

PColdham@questerre.com Peter Coldham Vice President, Engineering & Operations

JDSilva@questerre.com Jason D’Silva Chief Financial Officer

359. Junex Inc Canada junex@junex.ca

JY_Lavoie@junex.ca Jean-Yves Lavoie President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

Peter_Dorrins@junex.ca Peter K. Dorrins Chief Operating Officer

Mat_Lavoie@junex.ca Mathieu Lavoie Vice President – Operations

dave_pepin@junex.ca Dave Pepin Vice President – Corporate affairs

js_marcil@junex.ca manager – exploration and development

360. Clampett Energy Ltd formely Madison Energy Corp. Canada

terry.primeau@gmail.com Terry A Primeau President

361. Oil Basins Limited admin@oilbasins.com.au

McGrath@oilbasins.com.au Kim Warren McGrath Non-Executive Chairman of the Board, Independent Director

Neil Francis Doyle Non-Executive Director

Geary@oilbasins.com.au Geoff Geary Geological Consultant

362. Carnarvon Petroleum Limited Australia admin@cvn.com.au

PLeonhardt@cvn.com.au Peter James Leonhardt Independent Non-Executive Chairman of the Board
EJacobson@cvn.com.au Edward Patrick Jacobson Chief Executive
fficer, Executive Director
NFearis@cvn.com.au Neil Christian Fearis Non-Executive Independent Director

PHuizenga@cvn.com.au Philip Huizenga General Manager – Operations

363. Pan Pacific Petroleum NL Australia enquiries@panpacpetroleum.com.au

Tom@panpacpetroleum.com.au Tom J.C. Prudence Chief Executive Officer

Kim M. Ware CPA Joint Company Secretary

Neil Tomkinson Non-Executive Chairman of the Board
364. Beach Energy Limited Australia info@beachenergy.com.au ?? ?????

Reg.Nelson@beachenergy.com.au Reginald George Nelson managing director

Hector.Gordon@beachenergy.com.au Hector M Gordon , CEO, Executive Director, Chief Op. Officer

Neil.Gibbins@beachenergy.com.au Neil Gibbins general manager – exploration and development

michael.dodd@beachenergy.com.au Mike Dodd ( with any exploration/development)

Kathryn.Presser@beachenergy.com.au Ms Kathryn Presser , Joint Co. Secretary

Gordon.Moseby@beachenergy.com.au Gordon Moseby general manager – production and planning

Steve.Masters@beachenergy.com.au Steve Masters CHIEF COMMERCIAL OFFICER

365. Oil and Gas Exploration Company Cracow, Ltd. drillgas@ogec.krakow.pl ogec@ogec.krakow.pl marketing@ogec.krakow.pl

366. Indago Petroleum Limited info@indagopetroleum.com London

367. Madalena Ventures Inc Canada

kenbroadhurst@madalena-ventures.com Kenneth L. Broadhurst President and CEO

warkentin@madalena-ventures.com Dwayne H. Warkentin Senior Vice President and COO

potter@madalena-ventures.com Anthony J. Potter Vice President Finance and CFO

368. Cygam Energy Inc info@cygamenergyinc.com

dario.sodero@cygamenergyinc.com Dario E. Sodero President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

al.robertson@cygamenergy.com Alastair Robertson Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer, Secretary, Director

GRighi@cygamenergy.com Giuseppe Rigo De Righi Vice President – International Exploration, Director

rodolfo.begolli@rigooil.com Rodolfo Begolli Resident Manager of Rigo Oil Company Limited (Tunisian Branch)

giuseppe.rigo@vegaoil.com Giuseppe Rigo, President Vega Oil S.p.A.

369. Canoel International Energy Ltd ?????? info@canoelenergy.com ???????? ?????

ACattaneo@canoelenergy.com Andrea Cattaneo President, Ceo & Director
370. Winstar Resources Ltd. info@winstar.ca cbailey@winstar.ca

cdemestral@winstar-resources.ch Charles A. De Mestral Chief Executive Officer, Director

dmonachello@winstar.ca David A. Monachello President, Director

BGiblin@winstar.ca Bradley K. Giblin Chief Financial Officer

371. Azabache Energy Inc info@azaenergy.com Canada argentina

CLarotonda@azaenergy.com Claudio A. Larotonda President, CEO, Director

MHopkins@azaenergy.com Mark W. Hopkins Chief Financial Officer

DGordon@azaenergy.com Daniel B. Gordon Vice President – Corporate development

372. Petrolifera Petroleum Limited ?????? ?? Gran Tierra Energy Canada ???? ?????????

RGusella@petrolifera.ca Richard A. Gusella Executive Chairman of the Board
GWine@petrolifera.ca Gary D. Wine President, Chief Operating Officer, Director
KBibby@petrolifera.ca Kristen J. Bibby Chief Financial Officer, Vice President – Finance

RobertErlich@petrolifera.ca Robert N. Erlich Vice President – Exploration and New Ventures

373. Gran Tierra Energy Inc. ?????? Petrolifera Petroleum info@grantierra.com Canada

jeffreyscott@grantierra.com Jeffrey Scott Chairman of the Board
danacoffield@grantierra.com Dana Coffield President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
shaneoleary@grantierra.com Shane P. O’Leary Chief Operating Officer

DNightingale@grantierra.com Duncan Nightingale Vice President – Exploration Colombia

juliangarcia@grantierra.com General Manager of Gran Tierra Energy, Colombia

374. Pan Orient Energy Corp Canada ??????? ?????????

Jeff@panorient.ca Jeff Chisholm President, CEO, Non Independent Director

bill@panorient.ca William D. Ostlund CFO, Vice Pre
ident – Finance, Corporate Secretary

Waleed@panorient.ca Waleed Jazrawi Independent Director

Gerald@panorient.ca Gerald Macey Independent Director Gerry Macey Geol

375. Strategic American Oil Corp info@strategicamericanoil.com

RReneau@strategicamericanoil.com Randall R. Reneau Chairman and Director

JDriver@strategicamericanoil.com Jeremy Driver President and CEO

SCarter@strategicamericanoil.com Steven L. Carter Vice President of Operations

JThomas@strategicamericanoil.com J.N. “Jim” Thomas, Chief Geologist

KCombest@strategicamericanoil.com Kyle Combest Consulting Petroleum Geologist

376. Habanero Resources Inc info@habaneroresources.com, ir@habaneroresources.com JGigliotti@habaneroresources.com Jason Gigliotti President
NTowfigh@habaneroresources.com Negar Adam, Director
GSewell@habaneroresources.com Graeme Sewell Director

377. Ecopetrol S.A. ???????? investors@ecopetrol.com.co

Javier.Gutierrez@ecopetrol.com.co Javier Gutierrez Pemberthy Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer
Pedro.Rosales@ecopetrol.com.co Pedro Alfonso Rosales Executive Vice President of Downstream

Hector.Manosalva@ecopetrol.com.co Hector Manosalva Executive Vice President of Exploration

Camilo.Marulanda@ecopetrol.com.co Camilo Marulanda Lopez Vice President of Supply and Marketing

Margarita.Obregon@ecopetrol.com.co Margarita Obregón T. General Secretary (E)

378. Pacific Rubiales Energy Corp. Canada investor@pxp.com ? ???????? ????

RPantin@pacificrubiales.com Ronald Pantin (Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director)

ELima@pacificrubiales.com Eduardo Lima (Sr. Vice President, Projects Development)

JLugo@pacificrubiales.com Jairo Lugo (Sr. Vice President, Exploration)

DLoureiro@pacificrubiales.com Daniel Loureiro (Sr. Vice President, Geosciences)

MOstos@pacificrubiales.com Marino Ostos Senior Vice President – New Business

379. BPZ Resources, Inc. (BPZ) ??? ? ???????? ???? greg_smith@bpzenergy.com

Fernando J. Zuniga y Rivero Chairman of the Board bpz@bpzenergy.com
Manolo_Zuniga@bpzenergy.com Manuel Pablo Zuniga-Pflucker President, CEO, Director Manolo Zuniga
Ed_Caminos@bpzenergy.com Edward G. Caminos Chief Financial Officer
Fred_Briens@bpzenergy.com Frederic Briens Chief of Strategy and Technology

Richard_Spies@bpzenergy.com Richard J. Spies Chief Operating Officer

Tomas_Vargas@bpzenergy.com Tomas Vargas Vice President – Geosciences

Rafael_Zoeger@bpzenergy.com Rafael Zoeger General Manager, Peru

380. Harvest Natural Resources, Inc. ??? ? ????????? ???? questions@harvestnr.com

JEdmiston@harvestnr.com James A. Edmiston President and Chief Executive Officer

POenbring@harvestnr.com Patrick R. Oenbring Vice President, Western Operations

RSpeirs@harvestnr.com Robert Speirs Vice President – Eastern Operations

KNesselrode@harvestnr.com Karl L. Nesselrode Vice President

MMorgan@harvestnr.com G. Michael Morgan Vice President – Business Development

381. Gulfport Energy Corporation ??? investor_relations@gulfportenergy.com

MLiddell@gulfportenergy.com Mike Liddell Director, Chairman of the Board

JPalm@gulfportenergy.com James Palm Director, Chief Executive Officer

SMaier@gulfportenergy.com Stuart Maier Geological & Geophysical Manager

RWilson@gulfportenergy.com Randy Wilson Geologist/Geophysicist

382. Apco Oil & Gas International Inc. apco@williams.com info@apcooilandgas.com

Ralph.Hill@williams.com Ralph A. Hill Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer

Thomas.Bueno@williams.com Thomas Bueno President and Chief Operating Officer

Michael.Kyle@williams.com Michael Kyle Vice President of Business Development

Landy.Fullmer@williams.com Landy L. Fullmer Chief Financial Officer

383. Connacher Oil and Gas Limited inquiries@connacheroil.com

RGusella@connacheroil.com Richard A. (Dick) Gusella President & Chief Executive Officer

PSametz@connacheroil.com Peter D. Sametz Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer

SMarston@connacheroil.com Steve Stephen Marston Vice President, Exploration

MJohnson@connacheroil.com Merle Johnson Vice President, Engineering

384. Ophir Energy info@ophir-energy.com sheatly@ophir-energy.com ?????? ????? ????

nSmith@ophir-energy.com Nicholas Smith – Non-Executive Chairman

aStein@ophir-energy.com Alan Stein – Managing Director

jTaylor@ophir-energy.com Jonathan Taylor – Technical Director

rhiggins@ophir-energy.com Richard Higgins Senior Explorationist ?? ?????? ????? ??????????? ?? ????????

IJackson@ophir-energy.com Ian Jackson Director-Business Development ?? ?????? ????? ??????????? ?? ????????

mfischer@ophir-energy.com Mike Fischer General Manager-Exploration ?? ?????? ????? ??????????? ?? ????????

385. Energem Resources info@energem.com joannes@energem.com

BMenell@energem.com Brian Menell Executive Chairman

DKanakakis@energem.com Dimitri Kanakakis Chief Executive Officer

386. InterOil Corporation wayne.andrews@interoil.com

Phil.Mulacek@interoil.com Phil E. Mulacek Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer
Collin.Visaggio@interoil.com Collin F. Visaggio Chief Financial Officer
Christian.Vinson@interoil.com Christian M. Vinson Executive Vice President – Corporate Development

Mark.Laurie@interoil.com Mark A. Laurie General Counsel, Company Secretary
Roger.Grundy@interoil.com Roger N. Grundy Director

387. MND Exploration and Production Limited info@mnd-uk.com

tomcolbert@mnd-uk.com Tom Colbert Managing Director

PavelMarek@mnd-uk.com Pavel Marek Director – Business Development

DilipJoshi@mnd-uk.com Dilip Joshi Finance & Administration Manager

388. Vanoil Energy Ltd Vangold Resources Ltd. info@vanoil.ca scott@vanoil.ca Scott A Rose

James Passin President and CEO, Compensation Committee, Director

James@vanoil.ca James Passin Compensation Committee, Director

brynelsen@vangold.ca Dal S. Brynelsen President, Chief Executive Officer, Director brynelsen@vanoil.ca
dp@primarycapital.net Donald G. Padgett Independent Director

389. ShaMaran Petroleum Corp Canada sophias@namdo.com info@shamaranpetroleum.com

khill@namdo.com Keith C. Hill Chairman of the Board

PKabra@namdo.com Pradeep Kabra President, Chief Executive Officer

BJohnstone@namdo.com Brenden Johnstone Chief Financial Officer

JAshbridge@namdo.com John Ashbridge Chief Operating Officer, Vice President – Exploration


390. Equator Exploration Limited London info@equatorexploration.com

PhilipDimmock@equatorexploration.com Philip Dimmock Chief Operating Officer

StaceyKivel@equatorexploration.com Stacey Kivel Vice President Legal & Business Development

PatrickBastin@equatorexploration.com Patrick Bastin Non-executive Director

DavidRowlinson@equatorexploration.com David Rowlinson Non-executive Director

391. Madagascar Oil info@madagascaroil.com Fax: +1 (713) 357-4839 (713) 357-4820

LHunter@hunterscapital.com John Laurie Hunter, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

SFagelman@madagascaroil.com Seth Fagelman, Chief Financial Officer

gmelman@selmanmunson.com Gil Melman, General Counsel

FWeller@madagascaroil.com Mark Field Weller, Chief Operating Officer

392. Sea Dragon Energy Inc. info@seadragon.ca info@seadragonenergy.com

Said.Arrata@seadragon.ca Said S. Arrata Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer
dowc@seadragonenergy.com Cameron Dow Chief Financial Officer

Tony.Anton@seadragon.ca Tony Anton President, Chief Operating Officer, Director
Mike.Zayat@seadragon.ca Mike N. Zayat Senior Vice President – Exploration

Barry.Wood@seadragon.ca Barry G. M. Wood Vice President – Exploration

393. Solo Oil plc info@solooil.co.uk

DaL@solooil.co.uk David Anthony Lenigas Executive Chairman of the Board
Morzaria@solooil.co.uk Kiran Caldas Morzaria Company Secretary, Non-Executive Director
Alexander.Barblett@solooil.co.uk Alexander John Barblett Non-Executive Director

394. Osage Exploration and Development, Inc. info@osageexploration.com

KBradford@osageexploration.com Kim Bradford Chairman of the Board, President and CEO

GFranklin@osageexploration.com Greg L. Franklin Director, Vice President of Exploration

RFurman@osageexploration.com Ran Furman Staff Accountant

395. Bontan Corporation Inc kailey@bontancorp.com info@bontancorp.com

Kam@bontancorp.com Kam Shah Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer

hcooper@ipcoilandgas.com Howard Cooper – project manager hhowardcooper@yahoo.com

Igormoff@aol.com I. Effimoff

396. Angle Energy Inc. info@angleenergy.com

greggf@angleenergy.com Gregg Fischbuch Chief Executive Officer, Director

Heather@angleenergy.com Heather Christie-Burns President, Chief Operating Officer

Stuart@angleenergy.com Stuart C. Symon Chief Financial Officer, Vice President – Finance

Elizabethm@angleenergy.com Elizabeth More Vice President – Exploration

397. Bankers Petroleum Ltd. investorrelations@bankerspetroleum.com

ABadwi@bankerspetroleum.com Abdel F. (Abby) Z. Badwi President, CEO, Director; President,

IMcMurtrie@bankerspetroleum.com Ian B. McMurtrie Vice President – Exploration & Development

CNardone@bankerspetroleum.com Craig Nardone Vice President Exploration and Development Manager Geology

SGupta@bankerspetroleum.com Suneel Gupta Vice President – Operations; Deputy General Director

DUrch@bankerspetroleum.com Douglas C. Urch, CFO

MHodgson@bankerspetroleum.com Mark Hodgson Vice-President, Business Development

400. Bellatrix Exploration Ltd general.info@bellatrixexp.com investor.relations@bellatrixexp.com

Ray.Smith@bellatrixexp.com Raymond G. Smith President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
EBrown@bellatrixexp.com Edward J. Brown Chief Financial Officer, Vice President – Finance
Ving.Woo@bellatrixexp.com Ving Y. Woo Vice President – Operations

Russell.Oicle@bellatrixexp.com Russell G. Oicle Vice President – Exploration

401. BlackPearl Resources Inc. info@blackpearlresources.ca blackpearl@namdo.com

John.Festival@blackpearlresources.ca John L. Festival President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

Ed.Sobel@blackpearlresources.ca Edward Sobel Vice President – Exploration

402. Bonavista Energy Trust inv_rel@bonavistaenergy.com

Keith_MacPhail@bonavistaenergy.com Keith MacPhail, CEO
Jason_Skehar@bonavistaenergy.com Jason Skehar, President
Johannes_Thiessen@bonavistaenergy.com Johannes H. Thiessen Senior Vice President – Exploration

403. Candax Energy Inc. info@candax.com

BDebray@candax.com Benoit Debray Chief Executive Officer

JYounger@candax.com John Younger President

404. Caspian Energy Inc. bkorney@caspianenergyinc.com

WRamsay@caspianenergyinc.com William A. G. Ramsay Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer
CSummers@caspianenergyinc.com Charles J. Summers President, Chief Operating Officer, Director

bkorney@caspianenergyinc.com Brian D. Korney Chief Financial Officer, Vice President – Finance

405. Caza Oil & Gas Inc. info@CazaPetro.com

WmFord@CazaPetro.com William Michael Ford Chief Executive Officer, Director
JMarkgraf@CazaPetro.com James Michael Markgraf Chief Financial Officer, Vice President – Finance
AbSam@CazaPetro.com Anthony Bryan Sam Vice President – Operations
DjSnow@CazaPetro.com Donald John Snow Vice President – Exploration

406. Crescent Point Energy Corp. investorrelations@crescentpointenergy.com

SSaxberg@crescentpointenergy.com Scott Saxberg President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
TStangl@crescentpointenergy.com Trent Stangl Vice President, Marketing and Investor Relations

NSmith@crescentpointenergy.com Neil Smith Vice President, Engineering and Business Development

nDBalutis@crescentpointenergy.com David Balutis Vice President – Exploration

DChristie@crescentpointenergy.com Derek Christie Vice President – Geosciences

407. Diaz Resources Ltd. info@diazresources.com

RLamond@diazresources.com Robert W. Lamond Chairman of the Board, President, CEO

BPerry@diazresources.com Brad R. Perry Chief Financial Officer

DClark@diazresources.com Donald K. Clark COO, Vice President

CTeare@diazresources.com Charles A. Teare Executive Vice President, Director

408. Ember Resources Inc. info@emberresources.com

DDafoe@emberresources.com Douglas A.Dafoe President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

TMeek@emberresources.com Terence S. Meek Chief Operating Officer, Executive Vice President

QRafus@emberresources.com Quinton Rafus Vice President – Geoscience

409. Enerplus Resources Fund investorrelations@enerplus.com

GKerr@enerplus.com Gordon J. Kerr President, Chief Executive Officer of Enerplus
RWaters@enerplus.com Robert J. Waters Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President

410. Exall Energy Corporation investorrelations@exall.com

Rebeyka@exall.com Frank S. Rebeyka, Vice Chairman & CEO, Director

RDueck@exall.com Roger Dueck, President & COO, Director

GKerr@exall.com Glen Kerr, Vice President, Operations

411. Fairborne Energy Ltd. info@fairborne-energy.com ?? ?????

svansickle@fairborne-energy.com Steven R. VanSickle – President & CEO
agrandberg@fairborne-energy.com Aaron Grandberg – CFO

dsummers@fairborne-energy.com David L. Summers – COO
SHadley@fairborne-energy.com Scott W. Hadley Vice President – Exploration

412. Fortress Energy Inc. info@fortressenergy.ca

cbailey@fortressenergy.ca J.Cameron Bailey – President & CEO
jjeffs@fortressenergy.ca Jamie Jeffs – Chief Financial Officer
jtochor@fortressenergy.ca Jocelyn Tochor – Corporate Analyst/Office Manager

413. Freehold Royalty Trust ir@freeholdtrust.com

414. International Sovereign Energy Corp. sovereign@isove.com ,

Eugene Hretzay JLokker@isove.com John Lokker smistry@isove.com Sharad Mistry
415. Legacy Oil + Gas Inc info@legacyoilandgas.com

TYanko@legacyoilandgas.com Trent J. Yanko President + CEO

CLabelle@legacyoilandgas.com Curt W. Labelle Vice President, Production

MOliver@legacyoilandgas.com Mark Oliver Vice President, Exploration

DMennis@legacyoilandgas.com Dale C. Mennis Vice President – Land

417. Metalore Resources Limited info@metaloreresources.com

George@metaloreresources.com George W. Chilian President CEO, Managing Director, Director

JRyan@metaloreresources.com John A. Ryan Interim Chief Financial Officer

JClair@metaloreresources.com John Clair McVicar Director

418. Pace Oil & Gas Ltd (formerly Midnight Oil Exploration Ltd.) info@paceoil.ca

fwoods@paceoil.ca Fred Woods Chairman

JStripling@paceoil.ca Judy Stripling Executive Vice President and CFO

DMiller@paceoil.ca Dale A. Miller Vice President and COO

TMoslow@paceoil.ca Tom Moslow Senior Vice President, Exploration

POLeary@paceoil.ca Peter O’Leary Vice President, Geology

419. Monterey Exploration Ltd. info@montereyexploration.com

PManuel@montereyexploration.com Patrick D. Manuel President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

DFisher@montereyexploration.com David M. Fisher Chief Financial Officer, Vice President – Finance

BMeeuwissen@montereyexploration.com Bill Meeuwissen Vice President – Production and Operations

APandila@montereyexploration.com Amar Pandila Vice President – Corporate Development

420. NAL Energy Corporation NAL Oil & Gas Trust investor.relations@nal.ca

Andrew.Wiswell@nal.ca Andrew B. Wiswell President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
Keith.Steeves@nal.ca Keith A. Steeves Chief Financial Officer, Vice President – Finance

Marlon.McDougall@nal.ca Marlon J. McDougall Chief Operating Officer, Vice President – Operati

John.Koyanagi@nal.ca John C. Koyanagi Vice President – Business Development

421. NiMin Energy Corp office@niminenergy.com

CCottman@niminenergy.com Clarence Cottman Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

SHagen@niminenergy.com E. Sven Hagen President, Director
JWimbish@niminenergy.com Jonathan S. Wimbish Chief Financial Officer

AHatton@niminenergy.com Adam Hatton – Manager of Geoscience

422. Pacific Energy Resources Ltd. jcreed@pacenergy.com

VKatic@pacenergy.com, DKatic@pacenergy.com, PDevlin@pacenergy.com

423. PetroBakken Energy Ltd ir@petrobakken.com

JWright@petrobakken.com John D. Wright Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

GSmith@petrobakken.com R. Gregg Smith President and Chief Operating Office

PHawkes@petrobakken.com Peter Hawkes Vice President, Exploration

424. Petrobank Energy And Resources Ltd. ir@petrobank.com

John D. Wright President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

Chris J. Bloomer Senior Vice President, Chief Operating Officer – Heavy Oil, Director

Rene J. LaPrade Vice President – Operations

425. Petrominerales Ltd. ir@petrominerales.com

JWright@petrobank.com John D. Wright President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
CRuttan@petrominerales.com Corey C. Ruttan Chief Financial Officer, Vice President – Finance

JScott@petrominerales.com John F. Scott Chief Operating Officer,

ELyngberg@petrominerales.com Erik Lyngberg Vice President – Exploration

426. Miller Energy Resources info@millerenergyresources.com

Deloy@millerenergyresources.com Deloy Miller Chairman of the Board
Scott@millerenergyresources.com Scott M. Boruff Chief Executive Officer, Director

Gary@millerenergyresources.com Gary Bible, PhD Vice President of Geology

427. Rock Energy Inc. info@rockenergy.ca

ABey@rockenergy.ca Allen J. Bey President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

JVandePol@rockenergy.ca John Van de Pol Chief Financial Officer, Vice President – Finance

JCampbell@rockenergy.ca Jeffrey G. Campbell Chief Operating Officer, Vice President – Operations

AIoughlissen@rockenergy.ca Arezki Ioughlissen Vice President – Exploration

428. WestFire Energy Ltd info@westfireenergy.com

LJackson@westfireenergy.com Lowell Jackson President and CEO

DDrall@westfireenergy.com Darrin Drall VP Engineering

FMuller@westfireenergy.com Frank Muller Senior VP

SBurtt@westfireenergy.com Stephen Burtt VP Finance and CFO

GMagarian@westfireenergy.com George Magarian Manager, Geosciences

JSchoenfeld@westfireenergy.com Jason Schoenfeld Operations Manager

429. Westbridge Energy Corp info@portrushpetroleum.com

MCotter@portrushpetroleum.com Martin P. Cotter President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

NIverson@portrushpetroleum.com Neal Iverson Director

WFranklin@portrushpetroleum.com Wesley Franklin Director

430. Norwood Resources Ltd. info@norwoodresources.com

EMercaldo@norwoodresources.com Edward L. Mercaldo Chairman of the Board

RCahill@norwoodresources.com Raymond L. Cahill President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

LDiStefano@norwoodresources.com Lee DiStefano Chief Operating Officer

431. Canoro Resources Limited info@canoro.com ? ?????

RPrakash@canoro.com Ravin Prakash President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

RSWynne@canoro.com Robert S. Wynne Chief Operating Officer, Vice President, Managing Director, Director

MJSmith@canoro.com Michael J. Smith Corporate Secretary, Director

430. Alliance Oil Company Ltd info@allianceoilco.com tsaregorodtsev@allianceoilco.com

Forss@allianceoilco.com Eric Forss Independent Chairman of the Board ?? ?????

Makeev@allianceoilco.com Oleg Makeev Chief Executive Officer Upstream

Idrisov@allianceoilco.com Arsen E. Idrisov Managing Director, Director idrisov@aoil.ru

431. Petrokamchatka PLC cbrackman@petrokamchatka.com

Yoon Suck Nam Chairman of the Board

GPhipps@petrokamchatka.com Greame Phipps President and Chief Executive Officer

RChinakaev@petrokamchatka.com Rustem Chinakaev Senior Vice President, Russia

BSkinner@petrokamchatka.com Brian Skinner Senior Vice President, Exploration

Dkeiver@petrokamchatka.com Darrel Keiver Senior Expl Advisor

432. Sterling Resources Ltd info@sterling-resources.com

mike.azancot@sterling-resources.co.uk Michael Azancot President and CEO

david.blewden@sterling-resources.co.uk David Blewden Chief Financial Officer

David@sterling-resources.co.uk David A. Findlater Vice President Exploration

John@sterling-resources.co.uk John Rapach Vice President Operations

george.kesteven@sterling-resources.com George Kesteven, Manager, Corporate and Investor Relation

Stephen@sterling-resources.co.uk Stephen Birrell Vice President and General Manager, Netherlands and France

Mark@sterling-resources.co.uk Mark Beacom Vice President and General Manager, Romania

433. Benchmark oil & gas

Jan.Lundqvist@benchmarkoil.se Jan Lundqvist Chief Executive Officer, Director

DMcGowan@benchmarkoil.se David R. McGowan Chief Financial Officer

BGolden@benchmarkoil.se Bert Golden Chief Operating Officer

NAdler@benchmarkoil.se Niklas Adler Director

434. Compania Espanola De Petroleos Sa (Cepsa) webcepsa@madrid.cepsa.es

DRiberolles@madrid.cepsa.es Dominique De Riberolles Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

IMartinez@madrid.cepsa.es Ignacio Gomez Martinez Chief Technology Officer

ATorres@madrid.cepsa.es Alfonso Escamez Torres Secretary of the Board of Directors

FHerrero@madrid.cepsa.es Fernando Maravall Herrero Director of Exploration

435. Circle Oil info@circleoil.net Petro Link Holding info@petrolinkholding.com

CGreen@circleoil.net Chris Green Chief Executive Officer Chief Operating Officer explorationist

ABurrows@circleoil.net Adrian Burrows Vice President – Geophysics

stuart@circleoil.net Stuart Harker Vice President – Geology

elmostaine@circleoil.net Mohamed El Mostaine Operations Manager elmostaine@onhym.com

436. Coastal Energy Company investor@coastalenergy.com

RBartley@coastalenergy.com Randy L. Bartley Chief Executive Officer

WPhelps@coastalenergy.com William C. Phelps, Vice President, Chief Financial Officer

LSmith@coastalenergy.com Lloyd Barnaby Smith Non-Executive Director

438. Dno International dno@dno.no

Helge.Eide@@dno.no Helge Eide Managing Director (President)

Tore.Lilloe-Olsen@dno.no Tore Lilloe-Olsen Corporate Head of Exploration

Ivar.Brandvold@dno.no Ivar Brandvold Chief Operating Officer

Sven-Erik.Lie@dno.no Managing Director, DNO Yemen AS

439. Dragon Oil Plc agavrilova@dragonoil.com dubaimail@dragonoil.com

AJAlKhalifa@dragonoil.com Abdul-Jaleel Al Khalifa Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

msawyer@dragonoil.com Mark Sawyer New Ventures & Business Development Coordinator

ARidout@dragonoil.com Alex Ridout Legal Counsel, Company Secretary

440. Exillon Energy ir@ee.im douglas isle of man ?????? ?????? ???

A.Manghi@ee.im Alessandro Manghi, Chief Executive Officer

Y.Ovcharov@ee.im Yuri Ovcharov Chief Operating Officer

n.assilbekov@ee.im Nurlan Assilbekov First Vice President

S.Detmer@ee.im L. Stuard Detmer, Senior Independent Non-executive Director

Thomas Johnson Company Secretary

V.Zorin@ee.im Vladimir Zorin Chief Geologist

441. Imperial Oil Limited info@imperialoil.ca

442. Gas Plus Spa info@gasplus.it infoir@gasplus.it

AngeloRota@gasplus.it Angelo Rampinelli Rota Chairman of the Board
DavideUsberti@gasplus.it Davide Usberti Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director
PaoloTedesco@gasplus.it Paolo Tedesco Chief Financial Officer

GiovanniBaroni@gasplus.it Giovanni Baroni Investor Relations and Corporate BDD

443. Geopark Holdings Ltd info@geo-park.com ir@geo-park.com

Gerald E.
O’Shaughnessy | Executive Chairman

JPark@geo-park.com James Franklin Park Deputy Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

CGulisano@geo-park.com Carlos Gulisano Managing Director

MpDeSolay@geo-park.com Martin Perez De Solay Secretary

GHinterwimmer@geo-park.com G. Hinterwimmer Geoscience

nclayton@geo-park.com Nick Clayton Investor Relations

444. Global Petroleum Limited global.info@globalpetroleum.com.au

Peter Gerard Hill Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, Executive Director

Mark Savage Independent Non-Executive Chairman of the Board

Peter.Blakey@globalpetroleum.com.au Peter Blakey Non-Executive Director

Peter.Taylor@globalpetroleum.com.au Peter Taylor Non-Executive Director

445. Green Dragon Gas hkoffice@greka.com bjoffice@greka.com sch@greka.com

Randeep S. Grewal Chairman & CEO

Zhang Bao Zhuang, Vice President and Chief Operation Officer

Mahmood (Mel) Lone, Vice President, Exploration and Development

446. Gulf Keystone Petroleum info@gulfkeystone.co.uk ir@gulfkeystone.co.uk

Todd.Kozel@gulfkeystone.com Todd F. Kozel Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

John.Gerstenlauer@gulfkeystone.com John B. Gerstenlauer Chief Operating Officer

Chris.Garrett@gulfkeystone.com Chris Garrett Vice President Operations Christopher

447. Igas Energy Plc enquiries@igasplc.com Samantha.Robson@igasplc.com

Francis Robert Gugen Executive Chairman of the Board
Andrew.Austin@igasplc.com Andrew Philip Austin Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

Brent.Cheshire@igasplc.com Brent Cheshire Executive Technical Director, Director

John Blaymires Chief Operating Officer

448. Indus Gas info@indusgas.com

AKalsi@indusgas.com Ajay Kalsi Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director
JScott@indusgas.com John Scott Chief Financial Officer, Executive Director
MHoltzman@indusgas.com Marc Holtzman Non-Executive Chairman of the Board

449. Iofina Plc info@iofina.com, ir@iofina.com

david.schneider@iofina.com Dr. David J. Schneider Chief Executive Officer and President

Forest D. Dorn, CEO and President of Iofina Natural Gas, Inc.

Jamison.Davis@iofina.com Jamison R. Davis, Chief Operating Officer of US Subsidiaries

paul.mendell@iofina.com Paul Ethan Mendell, Geologist & Co-founder

450. JSC KazMunaiGas Exploration info@kmgep.kz, ir@kmgep.kz pr@kmgep.kz

K.Kabyldin@kmgep.kz Kairgeldy Kabyldin Chairman of the Board, Non-Executive Director

K.Ibrashev@kmgep.kz Kenzhebek Ibrashev Chief Executive Officer, Director

A.Balzhanov@kmgep.kz Askar K. Balzhanov Non-Executive Director

E.Walshe@kmgep.kz Edward Walshe Non-Executive Director

451. Matra Petroleum Plc info@matrapetroleum.com

MJenkins@matrapetroleum.com Michael Jenkins Non Executive Chairman

MBarskiy@matrapetroleum.com Maxim Barskiy Chief Executive, Director ?????? ???-???????? ???-BP

VLenski@matrapetroleum.com Vladimir Lenski Managing Director, Director

NMillionshchikov@matrapetroleum.com Nikolay Millionshchikov Director of Exploration

IIndychko@matrapetroleum.com Igor Indychko Chief Technical Officer

452. Maurel & Prom SA info@maureletprom.fr

JFHenin@maureletprom.fr Jean-Francois Henin Chairman of the Board and Managing Director
GAndreck@maureletprom.fr Gerard Andreck Vice Chairman of the Board
DPelerin@maureletprom.fr Daniel Pelerin Exploration Director

PCorlay@maureletprom.fr Philippe Corlay Production Manager
453. Petrel Resources Plc info@petrelresources.com

DHorgan@petrelresources.com David Horgan – Managing Director

JFinn@petrelresources.com James Finn – Financial Director

JTeeling@petrelresources.com John Teeling – Chairman

SBorghi@petrelresources.com Stefano Borghi – Director

454. OMV PETROM SA press.office@petrom.com izabela.stanescu@petrom.com

Mariana.Gheorghe@petrom.com Mariana Gheorghe Chairman of the Executive Board, Chief Exe
utive Officer

Johann.Pleininger@petrom.com Johann Pleininger Responsible for the Exploration and Production Division

Siegfried.Gugu@petrom.com Siegfried Gugu Responsible for Exploration and Production Services Division

455. Range Resources Corporation damend@rangeresources.com info@rangeresources.com

JPinkerton@rangeresources.com John H. Pinkerton Chairman & Chief Executive Officer

JVentura@rangeresources.com Jeff L. Ventura President & Chief Operating Officer

CStephens@rangeresources.com Chad L. Stephens Sr. Vice President – Corporate Development

RWalker@rangeresources.com Ray N. Walker Jr. Chief Operating Officer, Senior Vice President

MWhitley@rangeresources.com Mark D. Whitley Senior Vice President – Southwest and Engineering Technology

456. Rocksource Asa rocksource@rocksource.com

chris.spencer@rocksource.com Christopher Spencer Chief Executive Officer

tommy.sundt@rocksource.com Tommy Sundt Chief Financial Officer

john.howell@rocksource.com John Howell Chief Technology Officer

arild.thorsrud@rocksource.com Arild Thorsrud Chief Administration Officer

gregor.maxwell@rocksource.com Gregor Maxwell Chief Operating Officer

457. Spitfire Oil info@spitfireoil.com

ThylKint@spitfireoil.com Thyl Kint (Chief Executive Officer)

458. Xcite Energy info@xcite-energy.com

Richard.Smith@xcite-energy.com Richard E. Smith Chief Executive Officer, Director
Rupert.Cole@xcite-energy.com Rupert E. Cole Chief Financial Officer, Company Secretary, Director
Stephen.Kew@xcite-energy.com Stephen A. Kew Exploration and Development Director, Executive Director
Roger.Ramshaw@xcite-energy.com Roger S. Ramshaw Non-Executive Chairman of the Board
459. Gulfsands Petroleum plc info@gulfsands.com

Richard@gulfsands.com Richard J. Malcolm Chief Executive Officer

Jason@gulfsands.com Jason P. Oden Vice President, Exploration Manager

Khalid@gulfsands.com Khalid Mugharbel Operations Manager

Richard@gulfsands.com Richard A. Bresler Vice President Project Engineering

460. Frontera Resources Corporation info@fronteraresources.com

SNicandros@fronteraresources.com Steve C. Nicandros Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer

RTheilig@fronteraresources.com Randy Theilig Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President
ZMamulaishvili@fronteraresources.com Zaza Mamulaishvili Executive Vice President

PPerricone@fronteraresources.com Paolo Perricone Vice President, Exploration
RSpiller@fronteraresources.com Reginal Spiller Executive Vice President – Exploration and Production

461. Sefton Resources, Inc. jjellerton@seftonresources.com

jjellerton@seftonresources.com John James Ellerton Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

HBarnum@seftonresources.com Harry Patrick Barnum Vice President – Operations & Engineering, Executive Director

RMackay@seftonresources.com Robert Bruce Mackay Vice President – Legal, Land and Business Development,

462. CNX Gas Corporation danzajdel@cnxgas.com

Brett.Harvey@cnxgas.com J. Brett Harvey Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer
NicholasDeIuliis@cnxgas.com Nicholas J. DeIuliis President, Chief Operating Officer
WilliLyons@cnxgas.com William J. Lyons Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

463. EV Energy Partners, L.P. acquisitionsevenergy@evenergypartners.com

JWalker@evenergypartners.com John B. Walker Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer of EV Management
MHouser@evenergypartners.com Mark A. Houser President Chief Operating Officer, Director of EV Management
MMercer@evenergypartners.com Michael E. Mercer Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President
KMacAskie@evenergypartners.com Kathryn S. MacAskie Senior Vice President – Acquisitions and Divestitures
464. New Concept Energy, Inc. (NCE) info@newconceptenergy.com

GBertcher@newconceptenergy.com Gene S. Bertcher Chairman of the Board, President, Principal Exe
utive Officer, CFO
OSmith@newconceptenergy.com Oscar Smith Vice President, Secretary
VLund@newconceptenergy.com Victor L. Lund Independent Director

465. NGAS Resources, Inc ?? ?????? Magnum Hunter Resources

bDaugherty@ngas.com William S. Daugherty President, Chief Executive Officer
MWindisch@ngas.com Michael P. Windisch Chief Financial Officer
MWallen@ngas.com D. Michael Wallen Vice President
466. Vanguard Natural Resources, LLC (Vanguard)

SWSmith@vnrllc.com Scott W. Smith President,CEO, Director

RRobert@vnrllc.com Richard A. Robert Executive Vice President and CFO

BPence@vnrllc.com Britt Pence Vice President – Engineering

RAnderson@vnrllc.com Richard Anderson Independent Chairman of the Board

467. Rex Energy Corporation investorrelations@rexenergycorp.com

LShaner@rexenergycorp.com Lance T. Shaner Chairman of the Board, Interim President and Chief Executive Officer

TStabley@rexenergycorp.com Thomas C. Stabley Executive Vice President and CFO

PMcKinney@rexenergycorp.com Patrick M. McKinney Chief Operating Officer, Executive Vice President

DPratt@rexenergycorp.com David E. Pratt Vice President and Exploration Manager

468. Whiting Petroleum Corp. info@whiting.com

JVolker@whiting.com James J. Volker Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer
JBrown@whiting.com James T. Brown Senior Vice President – Operations

RRoss@whiting.com Rick A. Ross Vice President – Operations

MWilliams@whiting.com Mark R. Williams Vice President – Exploration and Development
469. Goodrich Petroleum Corp. robert.turnham@goodrichpetroleum.com

Gil.Goodrich@goodrichpetroleum.com Walter G. “Gil” Goodrich Vice Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Robert.turnham@goodrichpetroleum.com Robert C. Turnham, Jr. President and Chief Operating Officer

Mark.Ferchau@goodrichpetroleum.com Mark E. Ferchau Executive Vice President

Tom.Nemec@goodrichpetroleum.com Tom S. Nemec Sr. VP Operations

Bret.Hammett@goodrichpetroleum.com Bret Hammett Senior Vice President – Exploration

470.California Oil And Gas Corporation dw@californiaoilandgascorp.com

jgfmcleod@aol.com John G.F. McLeod, President

471. WestFire Energy Ltd 428 formerly Orion Oil & Gas Corporation info@westfireenergy.com

ljackson@westfireenergy.com Lowell Jackson President and CEO

fmuller@westfireenergy.com Frank Muller Senior VP

gmagarian@westfireenergy.com George Magarian Manager, Geosciences

KJespersen@orionoilandgas.ca Kent Jespersen Chairman of the Board
GGuidry@orionoilandgas.ca Gary S. Guidry President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
DAllen@orionoilandgas.ca Douglas Allen Chief Financial Officer

472. Anterra Energy Inc

pinnello@anterraenergy.com Owen C. Pinnell Chairman &CEO

johnsonb@anterraenergy.com W.E.(Bill) Johnson President & COO

parkerg@anterraenergy.com Giles Parker V.P. Finance

mccuaigb@anterraenergy.com Bob McCuaig V.P. Operations bmccuaig@anterraenergy.com

mckinleys@anterraenergy.com Sheila Mc Kinley Controller

wined@anterraenergy.com Doug Wine Chief Geologist

473. Antler Creek Energy Corp (403) 265-4138 ????

474. Southern Pacific Resources Corp info@shpacific.com

blutes@shpacific.com Byron Lutes, P.Eng – President & CEO

dantony@shpacific.com David Antony, C.A. – Chairman dantony@rangerenergy.ca

kadams@shpacific.com Kelly Adams – Manager of Operations

jbarefoot@shpacific.com Jeff Barefoot, P.Eng., MBA – Vice President, Resource Development

charris@shpacific.com Chad Harris for geoscience

475. Suroco Energy Inc

AHill@suroco.com Alastair Hill President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

TDoupe@suroco.com Travis Doupe Chief Financial Officer

LVillarroel@suroco.com Leonardo Villarroel General Manager, Colombia

476. Texalta Petroleum Ltd. d.brosseau@texalta.com acquired by PetroFrontier Corp

illiam H. Nixon – President, CEO Petroleum Geologist
s.white@texalta.com Susan L. White – Secretary-Treasurer / CFO

R.Brown@texalta.com Richard C. Brown Professional Geologist,

d.brosseau@texalta.com Dwane Brosseau Investor Relations

477. Transamerican Energy Inc ron@transamericanenergy.com

ron@transamericanenergy.com Ronald E. Hughes President & CEO Director, Investor Relations

Louis@transamericanenergy.com Louis Lapointe President

Rick@transamericanenergy.com Richard Switzer P.Geol. Technical Advisor

478. Tribute Resources Inc info@tributeresources.com

JLowrie@tributeresources.com Jane Lowrie President and Treasurer

JSchoenmakers@tributeresources.com Jack Schoenmakers Vice President

WBlake@tributeresources.com William Blake Vice President of Operations

479. UNX Energy Corp. ( formerly Universal Power Corp) www.unxenergy.com

Duane.Parnham@unxenergy.com Duane Parnham, Chairman

gabriel.ollivier@unxenergy.com Gabriel Ollivier, President & Chief Executive Officer

curtis.evert@unxenergy.com Curtis Evert Vice President Exploration and New Ventures

mark.monaghan@unxenergy.com Mark Monaghan Executive Director,

Brad.Holub@unxenergy.com Brad Holub, Chief Operating Officer

Donald.Sharpe@unxenergy.com Donald Sharpe, Director professional geophysicist

480. WesternZagros Resources Ltd investorrelations@westernzagros.com

SHatfield@westernzagros.com M. Simon Hatfield President,Chief Executive Officer, Director
GStevenson@westernzagros.com Gregory Stevenson Chief Financial Officer, Vice President – Finance

IMcIntosh@westernzagros.com Ian McIntosh Vice President – Kurdistan Business Unit
GPinckney@westernzagros.com George Pinckney Vice President, Exploration

481. Surge Energy Inc (formerly Zapata Energy Corporation) invest@surgeenergy.ca, info@surgeenergy.ca

DONeil@surgeenergy.ca Dan O’Neil President & Chief Executive Officer

DBrown@surgeenergy.ca Dan Brown Chief Operating Officer

MAdams@surgeenergy.ca Malcolm Adams Vice President Corporate Development

KAngus@surgeenergy.ca Kevin Angus Vice President Exploration

482. Marubeni Oil & Gas Ltd ????

Keizo Torii Executive Officer, COO, Energy Division

Teruo Asada President and CEO, Director

483. Petrocamak Group info@petrocamak.com magnusudegbe@petrocamak.com

484. Inpex Corporation ????

Naoki.Kuroda@inpex.co.jp Chairman of the Board, Representative Director

Toshiaki.Kitamura@inpex.co.jp President, Representative Director

Masatoshi.Sugioka@inpex.co.jp Vice Chairman of the Board, Representative Director

Katsujiro.Kida@inpex.co.jp Chief Director of Business Planning, President of Subsidiaries

Kunio.Kanamori@inpex.co.jp Senior Managing Executive Officer, Chief Director of Technology

Seiji.Yui@inpex.co.jp Chief Director of Asia, Oceania and Continental Shelf Business, Director

Noboru.Tezuka@inpex.co.jp Chief Director of Eurasia and Middle East Business, Director

Masaharu.Sano@inpex.co.jp Chief Director of America & Africa Business, Director

485. Struan Energy Exploration & Production Ltd info@struanenergy.com

486. Vitol Ukraine Representative Office Tel (380) 44538 1513 Fax (380) 44538 1514 ????

487. Primary Petroleum Corporation

mike@primarypetroleum.com Mike Marrandino, President & Ceo

rod@primarypetroleum.com Rod Haverslew, VP of Exploration

Jim@primarypetroleum.com Jim R. Ehrets, P.Geol. – Technical Team Advisor

488.Aduro Resources Ltd info@aduro-resources.com

DHoly@aduro-resources.com David Holy – President and Chief Executive Officer

KTomyn@aduro-resources.com Kelly Tomyn – Vice-President, Finance and Chief Financial Officer

DBarry@aduro-resources.com Doug Barry – Vice-President, Engineering and Operations

JCosgrove@aduro-resources.com John Cosgrove – Vice-President, Exploration

489. PetroMagdalena Energy Alang
Energy Corp Investorrelations@petromagdalena.com ? ????????

JaimeBranger@petromagdalena.com Jaime Perez Branger Executive Chairman of the Board

LucianoBiondi@petromagdalena.com Luciano Biondi Golinucci (Chief Executive Officer)

GVernon@petromagdalena.com Gregg Vernon (Interim Chief Operating Officer)

PVolk@petromagdalena.com Peter Volk (General Counsel & Secretary)

490. Altima Resources Ltd info@altimaresources.com

RSwitzer@altimaresources.com Richard Switzer President & CEO

Whitney@altimaresources.com Whitney Pansano Director

Jurgen@altimaresources.com Jurgen Wolf Director

Bob@altimaresources.com Dr. Bob Mummery, Advisors

Trevor@altimaresources.com Trevor Hamill, – Technical Advisor

491. AltaCanada Energy Corp info@altacanada.com

CSelby@altacanada.com Charles V. Selby Chairman of the Board
DFoulkes@altacanada.com Donald E. Foulkes President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

BPage@altacanada.com Brian A. Page Chief Financial Officer, Vice President – Finance

DJackson@altacanada.com Donald L. Jackson Chief Operating Officer, Executive Vice President

492. American Natural Energy Corporation information@annrg.com

Mike Paulk mike@annrg.com Steve Ensz steve@annrg.com Bob Snead rgs@annrg.com

Dick Mulford dick@annrg.com Janna Cotner janna@annrg.com

493.Americas Petrogas Inc info@americaspetrogas.com

BHambrook@americaspetrogas.com Barclay Hambrook President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

EWren@americaspetrogas.com Easton A. Wren Vice President – Exploration, Director

GVCoca@americaspetrogas.com Guimar Vaca Coca Managing Director – Argentina

494. Annex Petroleum Inc timv@annexpetroleum.com

President & CEO: Tim Veenstra, P. Eng. timv@annexpetroleum.com
VP Operations: Vern Saruk VernS@annexpetroleum.com

495. Artek Exploration Ltd www.artekexploration.com

DMetcalfe@artekexploration.com Darryl Metcalfe President & Chief Executive Officer

GFrolek@artekexploration.com Greg Frolek Vice-President, Business Development

MHoule@artekexploration.com Marc Houle Vice-President, Exploration

ASacheli@artekexploration.com Anthony Sacheli Chief Geologist

496.Aurado Resources Canada Ltd info@auradoenergy.com


497. Austin Exploration Ltd kenny@austinexploration.com

Dominic@austinexploration.com Board Chairman – Mr. Dominic Pellicano

James@austinexploration.com Board member – Dr. James M. Edwards

William@austinexploration.com Board Member – Mr. William Kefialanos

Guy@austinexploration.com Board Member – Mr. Guy Goudy

Stan@austinexploration.com Chief Geologist – Mr. Stan Lindsey

498. Avalon Oil & Gas, Inc

k.rodriguez@avalonoilinc.com Kent A. Rodriguez Chairman of the Board, President, CEO, CFO, Secretary
Jill Allison Vice President, Director

499. Base Oil & Gas Ltd info@baseoilandgas.ca

richardt@baseoilandgas.ca Richard Thompson President and Chief Executive Officer

Roye@baseoilandgas.ca Roy Evans Chief Financial Officer, Vice President – Finance

500. Bellamont Exploration Ltd ?? ???????? Storm Resources Ltd. info@bellamont.com

SMoran@bellamont.com Steve Moran – President and CEO, Director

CBirchard@bellamont.com Chris Birchard – VP Exploration
TMurphy@bellamont.com Trevor Murphy – VP Corporate Development
SBabcock@bellamont.com Steve Babcock – Exploration Advisor

501.Benchmark Energy Corp info@benchmarkenergy.com webmaster@benchmarkenergy.com

DRobinson@benchmarkenergy.com David Robinson, President and Chief Executive Officer

CCooper@benchmarkenergy.com Chris Cooper, Chief Financial Officer

502. Bridge Resources Corp

Nicholas J. Clayton Interim Chief Executive Officer rd@bridgeresourcescorp.com

Robert Paradine Chief Financial Officer

Ron Richards Manager Operations

503. Brownstone Ventures Inc. info@brownstoneventures.c
m ir@brownstoneventures.com

Sheldon Inwentash, Chairman and CEO

Schroeder@brownstoneventures.com Jonathan Schroeder, President and COOCanacol Energy Ltd.

Feldman@brownstoneventures.com Gerry Feldman Chief Financial Officer

504. Canada Energy Partners Inc info@canadaenergypartners.com

jproust@direct.ca John Proust, Chairman and Director jproust@canadaenergypartners.com

Jonesb@direct.ca Benjamin M. Jones, CEO, President and Director BJones@canadaenergypartners.com

JHoward@direct.ca John R. Howard Jr., Director

KBurnett@direct.ca Kyle R. Burnett, Director

505. Canadian Phoenix Resources Corp

HKnutson@canadian-phoenix.com Harry L. Knutson Chairman of the Board
matkinson@ionicmail.com Michael Atkinson President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

TMoran@canadian-phoenix.com Tim Moran Chief Financial Officer

506. Canadian Spirit Resources Inc info@csri.ca don.gardner@csri.ca phil.geiger@csri.ca

507. Canadian Quantum Energy Corporation info@canadianquantum.com

DBrett@canadianquantum.com Douglas Brett – President / CEO / Director ?????? ???? ?? ????? ????????

Eric@canadianquantum.com Eric Leslie – Director

Neil@canadianquantum.com Neil Munro – Director

508. CanBaikal Resources Inc. info@canbaikal.com arkhivarius@canbaikal.ru

SChernikov@canbaikal.ru Sergei Yu. Chernikov Chairman of the Board and Director

ABorissov@canbaikal.com Alexander A. Borissov Director

EBolkhovitin@canbaikal.ru Evgeny A. Bolkhovitin President, CEO

SAbdullaev@canbaikal.ru Shakyr K. Abdullaev Head of the Russian Branch

509.Canstar Resources Inc. info@canstarresources.com

HHodge@canstarresources.com Harry J. Hodge Chairman of the Board

DPalmer@canstarresources.com David Palmer Ph.D. Director

510. TriOil Resources Ltd ????? Canext Energy Ltd investor@trioilresources.com

rtripp@trioilresources.com Russ Tripp President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

AWiacek@trioilresources.com Andrew Z. Wiacek Vice President – Exploration

CHaavardsrud@trioilresources.com Craig Haavardsrud Vice President – Business Development and Land

KMychaluk@trioilresources.com Keith Mychaluk Exploration Manager

511.Canflame Energy (acquired by Border Petroleum) Canflame@canflame.com

512.Canbriam Energy Inc info@canbriam.com

PMyers@canbriam.com Paul Myers President /CEO

JNieto@canbriam.com John Nieto VP – Exploration

PElliott@canbriam.com Patrick Elliott VP – Business Development

513.Centric Energy Corp

arobinson@centricenergy.com Alec Robinson, President & CEO

ABell@centricenergy.com Andrew Bell, Chief Financial Officer

DDevine@centricenergy.com Darren Devine, Chairman

CLewis@centricenergy.com Chris Lewis Vice President – Exploration

PGriggs@centricenergy.com Paul Griggs Vice President – Business Development

514. Central European Petroleum Ltd

adamte@cepetro.com Dr. Alula Damte, President

dbertram@cepetro.com David Bertram, Vice President, Engineering

pputnam@cepetro.com Dr. Peter Putnam, Managing Director

515. Challenger Energy Corp info@challengeenergy.com ????????????

nick.hooke@challengeenergy.com NICK HOOKE

chris.longman@challengeenergy.com Chris Longman

matt.carolan@challengeenergy.com Matt Carolan

516.Cheetah Oil & Gas Ltd info@cheetahoil.com

517. CGX Energy Inc info@cgxenergy.com

KSully@cgxenergy.com Kerry E. Sully President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

EDookie@cgxenergy.com Edris K. Dookie Ph.D. President of ON Energy Inc.

WWorkman@cgxenergy.com Warren G. Workman Vice President – Exploration

518. Cirrus Energy Corporation info@cirrusenergy.ca c.reid@cirrusenergy.nl

DTaylor@cirrusenergy.ca David Robert Taylor President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

POrr@cirrusenergy.ca Pamela J. Orr Chief Financial Officer, Vice President – Finance

MAmes@cirrusenergy.ca Michael Ames V
ce President – Exploration

519. Renegade Petroleum Ltd , formerly Colonia Energy Corp

MErickson@renegadepetroleum.com Michael Erickson President and CEO

AWylie@renegadepetroleum.com J. Alexander Wylie Vice President, Finance and CFO

JMcDonald@renegadepetroleum.com Josh McDonald Vice President – Exploration Russell Walz at rwalz@renegadepetroleum.com

520. Copper Creek Gold Corp Ltd info@coppercreekventures.com

Bing Jung Girard Olmstead Gordon Jung

521.Crown Point Ventures info@crownpointventures.ca

HKettleson@crownpointventures.ca Gordon Kettleson Chairman of the Board

m.mccartney@crownpointventures.ca Murray D. McCartney President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

amadden@crownpointventures.ca Arthur J. G. Madden Chief Financial Officer

DDeren@crownpointventures.ca Denny Deren Director

MWalter@crownpointventures.ca Martin Walter Independent Director Director

JChulickr@crownpointventures.ca John J. Chulick Director

522. Curlew Lake Resources Inc information@curlew-lake.com

robert.pincombe@curlew-lake.com, david.mckee@curlew-lake.com, jim.stapleton@curlew-lake.com


523.Cypress Hills Resource Corp. info@cypresshillsresource.com

TFostey@cypresshillsresource.com Ted Fostey – President & CEO

BChemerinski@cypresshillsresource.com Bill Chemerinski – Vice President, US Operations

TCollins@cypresshillsresource.com Tim Collins – Professional Engineer

524.Daytona Energy Corp rmyers@daytonaenergy.com

JBreimayer@daytonaenergy.com James Breimayer, President, Director

JTucker@daytonaenergy.com Jacqueline Tucker, Chief Financial Officer, Director

ASmith@daytonaenergy.com Andrew Lee Smith, Director

525.Deethree Exploration Inc

mcheyne@deethree.ca Martin Cheyne, President & CEO

ghannon@deethree.ca Gail Hannon, CFO

BCarrigy@deethree.ca Brendan Carrigy Vice President – Exploration, Director

526. Deloro Resources Ltd info@deloro.ca

Gorden.Smith@deloro.ca Gorden Smith Chief Executive Officer, Director

Louis.Lees@deloro.ca Louis P. Lees President, Director, CEO,

Gerald.Mackie@deloro.ca Gerald Mackie Secretary, Director, CFO

527.Derek Oil & Gas Corporation info@derekoilandgas.com

Barry@derekoilandgas.com Barry C.J. Ehrl President, CEO & Director

Greg@derekoilandgas.com Greg Amor, Chief Financial Officer

Robert@derekoilandgas.com Robert Hurkmans Chief Operating Officer

528. Dover Petroleum Corp doverpetroleum@hotmail.com

529. Dualex Energy International Inc info@dualexen.com

GHides@dualexen.com Garry Hides, President & CEO, Director
KTompson@dualexen.com Ken Tompson, Executive VP & COO, Director
JNelson@dualexen.com John Nelson, Director

530. Eagle Star Petroleum http://eaglestarpetroleum.net

eaglestarpetro@hotmail.com Tony Kamel CEO

presmahmoud@espetroleumusa.com Dr. Mahmoud Yousef Al-labadi President

georgeattieh@espetroleumusa.com George Attieh CEO of Eagle Star Financial

dargham@espetroleumusa.com DarGham Agha Vice President of the Board of Directors

asackandasack@aol.com Jillian Asack Research and Development

531. Emerald Bay Energy Inc

sbeattie@ebyinc.com Shelby Beattie, President & CEO

GScott@ebyinc.com Gibson C. Scott, Chief Operating Officer, Director

532. Energulf Resources Inc. info@energulf.com

Jeff Greenblum,Chairman of the Board, CEO and President RFetters@energulf.com Robert. T. (Tom) Fetters
CBrookes@energulf.com Clive Brookes CFO

JEdwards@energulf.com James Edwards Senior Advisor

533. Enterprise Energy Resources Ltd. info@eerl.ca

DCohen@eerl.ca David W. Cohen Chairman of the Board

GCarrington@eerl.ca Geoffrey Carrington President, Chief Executive Officer

DLee@eerl.ca Danny W. K. Lee Chief Financial Officer
Stephenb@eerl.ca J. Stephen Barley Director

534. Jura Energy Corporation info@juraenergy.com

GGarner@juraenergy.com Graham S. Garner, President & CEO

PRose@juraenergy.com Paul H. Rose, CFO

MNoble@juraenergy.com Michael D. Noble, VP Exploration ????? ? NEMMOCO PETROLEUM CORP noblemd@nemmoco.com

534 ?. Viking Exploration Corp www.vikingexp.com

mnoble@vikingexp.com Michael D. Noble, VP Exploration

tboswick@vikingexp.com TOR S. BOSWICK President and CEO tboswick@vikingexp.com

535. Falcon Oil & Gas Limited info@falconoilandgas.com

RMacaulay@falconoilandgas.com Robert C. Macaulay – President, Chief Executive Officer
RWallis@falconoilandgas.com Roderick J. Wallis – Chief Operating Officer
EWasoff@falconoilandgas.com Evan L. Wasoff – Chief Financial Officer
DBloch@falconoilandgas.com Daniel Bloch – Corporate Secretary and General Counsel
GSzabo@falconoilandgas.com Dr. Gyorgy Szabo – CEO, TXM Exploration and Production LLC,

536.Flying A Petroleum Ltd. info@flyingapetroleum.com

537.Forent Energy Ltd. info@forentenergy.com Alton Block in Nova Scotia

BWilson@forentenergy.com W. Brett Wilson Chairman of the Board

tlester@forentenergy.com Thomas E. Lester Chief Financial Officer, Director

ishook@forentenergy.com Ian Shook Vice President – Exploration, Director
538.Gastem Inc

rs@gastem.ca Raymond Savoie Executive Chairman
ma@gastem.ca Marc-Andre Lavoie President
geo1@gastem.ca Geraint Lloyd VP Exploration
david.vincent@gastem.ca David Vincent Director Investor Relations

539.Great Pacific International Inc.

TPoonian@gpicanada.net Thalbinder S. Poonian President, Chief Executive Officer, Director tpoonian@telus.net

540.Great Plains Exploration Inc ?????? ?? Avenir Diversified Income Trust

DConnolly@gpexploration.ca Daryl H. Connolly Chairman of the Board

SGibson@gpexploration.ca Stephen P. Gibson President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

GGrimsrud@gpexploration.ca Grant Grimsrud Chief Operating Officer

JOstrom@gpexploration.ca John N. Ostrom Vice President – Exploration

541. Groundstar Resources info@groundstarresources.com

KFard@groundstarresources.com Kam A. Fard President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

DRaymaker@groundstarresources.com Darryl j. Raymaker Chief Financial Officer
KChobotuk@groundstarresources.com Kenneth Chobotuk Vice President – Exploration
FCrawford@groundstarresources.com Frank Crawford, Chief Geologist

542.Gulf Shores Resources Ltd info@gulfshoresresources.com

543.Hawk Exploration Ltd info@hawkexploration.ca

steve@hawkexploration.ca Steve Fitzmaurice – President, CEO and Chairman
dennis@hawkexploration.ca Dennis Jamieson – Chief Financial Officer
Randolph@hawkexploration.ca Randolph D. Deobald Vice President – Exploration

544. Hanna Oil & Gas Company info@hannaoilandgas.com

545. Hemisphere Energy Corporation info@hemisphereenergy.ca

Simmons@hemisphereenergy.ca Don Simmons President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

Evancic@hemisphereenergy.ca Dorlyn Evancic Chief Financial Officer
McIntyre@hemisphereenergy.ca Bruce McIntyre Director

546. Intl. Frontier Resources Corporation frontierres@shaw.ca

PBoswell@shaw.ca W. Patrick Boswell President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

MPowell@shaw.ca Mark J. Powell Vice President – Exploration, Director

547. Ironhorse Oil & Gas Inc. ir@ihorse.ca

LParks@ihorse.ca Larry J. Parks President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
wgM@ihorse.ca William G. Manley Vice President – Engineering & Operations

aw@ihorse.ca Al Williams Vice President – Exploration

548. Keeper Resources Inc. mail@zephyrminerals.com www.zephyrminerals.com

Loren@keeperresources.com Loren Komperdo President, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman mail@zephyrminerals.com

Ron@keeperresources.com Ron Gardiner Vice President, Exploration and Development, Director

Dave@keeperresources.com Dave Oberhofer Vice Pre
ident, Engineering and Operations

549.Keystone Energy Corp

c.lothian@keystone-group.ca E. Craig Lothian, President & CEO

c.taylor@keystone-group.ca Cam Taylor, Sr. Vice-President

ckathol@telus.net Conrad Kathol, VP Exploration

550.KFG Resources Ltd. info@kfgresources.com

Robert@kfgresources.com Robert A. Kadane President, Chief Executive Officer, CFO, Director

Stephen@kfgresources.com G. Stephen Guido VP – Operations; President and Director of KFG Petroleum Corp.

James@kfgresources.com James F. Gilbert Vice President, Secretary; Secretary of KFG Petroleum
551.Koch Exploration Company, LLC info@kochind.com melissa.cohlmia@kochps.com

552. Kodiak Energy, Inc. ?? ?????? Cougar Oil and Gas Canada

WTighe@kodiakpetroleum.com William Stewart Tighe Chairman of the Board, President, CEO, COO

GWatt@kodiakpetroleum.com Glenn Watt Director, Vice President Operations

SPeter@kodiakpetroleum.com Steven Peter Vice President, Exploration

553.Longford Energy Inc info@longfordenergyinc.com A member of the Forbes Energy Group Inc.

hmcavoy@forbesenergygroup.com Heather McAvoy

ASaid@longfordenergyinc.com Ahmed S. Said | President & Chief Executive Officer

554. Maxim Resources Inc info@maximresources.com colinc@maximresources.com

555. Mart Resources, Inc. info@martresources.com

wade@martresources.com Wade G. Cherwayko Chairman of the Board, CEO

556. Monarch Energy Limited info@monarchenergy.ca

MTurko@monarchenergy.ca Michael Turko President & CEO

GLangdon@monarchenergy.ca George Langdon Chief Financial Officer and Director

557. Mogul Energy Ltd info@mogulenergy.com

Naeem@mogulenergy.com Naeem Tyab – President and Director

558. Mooncor Oil & Gas Corp info@mooncor.com

NTsimidis@mooncor.com Nick S. Tsimidis Interim Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Director

dbrown@mooncor.com Darrell Brown President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

559.Morumbi Oil & Gas Inc. info@morumbi.ca

tloch@morumbi.ca Thomas J. Loch President & C.O.O.

MBrennan@morumbi.ca Mark Brennan – CEO & Director

560. Mount Dakota Energy Corp info@mountdakota.com

561.Mountainview Energy info@mountainviewenergy.com

562. Relentless Resources Ltd. (formerly New Range Resources Ltd )


DanielWilson@newrangeresources.com Daniel T. Wilson, President & Chief Executive Officer

563.Newton Energy Corporation admin@newtonenergy.ca , admin@newtonenergy.co.uk

Merv.Chia@newtonenergy.ca Merv Chia Chairman of Board of Directors

steve.engwall@newtonenergy.co.uk Steve Engwall, CEO ?????? ?????? ?????? ??

Barry@newtonenergy.ca Barry Sadrehashemi, CFO ?????? ?????? ?????? ??

564.Nextraction Energy Corp. formerly Kruger Capital Corp Info@nextraction.com

MDolar@nextraction.com Mark S. Dolar President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

rmJones@nextraction.com R. Michael Jones Director

FHallam@nextraction.com Frank R. Hallam Director

565.Nordic Oil & Gas Ltd. info@nordicoilandgas.com

dbenson57@shaw.ca Donald Benson, Chairman, President & CEO

donbain1@mts.net Don Bain, Corporate Secretary

566. North Peace Energy Corp

Louis.Dufresne@shaw.ca Louis Dufresne, President, CEO, Director

PFlach@northpec.com Peter Flach Senior Geological Consultant

567. NuLoch Resources Inc nuloch@nuloch.ca nathan.laviolette@nuloch.ca

Glenn.Dawson@nuloch.ca R. Glenn Dawson President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

Terry.Schneider@nuloch.ca Terry A. Schneider Vice President – Operations

568.NWest Energy Inc. info@nwestenergy.com

RWebb@nwestenergy.com Robert D. Webb Interim President, Chief Executive Officer

SDunn@nwestenergy.com Sharon M. Dunn Chief Financial Officer

JBuckee@nwestenergy.com James W. Buckee Independent Director

JDrummond@nwestenergy.com Jock
Drummond, Geophysical Technology

569. Odyssey Petroleum Corp. info@odysseypetroleum.com

joe@odysseypetroleum.com Joe DeVries, President, Chief Executive Officer & Director

Richard@odysseypetroleum.com Richard Switzer, P.Geo., Director

570. Opal Energy Corp. info@opalenergy.ca

571. Oracle Energy Corp. info@oracleenergy.com

NTyab@oracleenergy.com Nasim Tyab President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

572. Orca Exploration Group Inc ?? ???????? Pan African Energy (T) Ltd

WDLyons@orcaexploration.com W. David Lyons Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

prclutterbuck@orcaexploration.com Peter R. Clutterbuck President, Deputy Chairman

nfriend@orcaexploration.com Nigel A. Friend CFO, Vice President, Director
PRaillard@orcaexploration.com Pierre Raillard Vice President – Operations, Director praillard@panafricanenergy.com

JSmith@orcaexploration.com James S. Smith Vice President – Exploration, Director

573. Pacific Paradym Energy Inc info@pacificparadym.com

HChew@pacificparadym.com Harry Chew President & CEO

THunter@pacificparadym.com Trent Hunter, Director

PAndrews@pacificparadym.com D. Paul Andrews, Director

574. Painted Pony Petroleum Ltd. info@paintedpony.ca

patw@paintedpony.ca Patrick R. Ward President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
DonaldS@paintedpony.ca Donald J. Slater Vice President – Geophysics

BruceM@paintedpony.ca Bruce M. Mezei Vice President – Geology

575. PanTerra Resource Corp

fred@panterraresource.com Fred P. Rumak CEO, President, Director

Jake@panterraresource.com Jake Pronk P. Geol – Vice-President of Exploration
576. Valeura Energy Inc PanWestern Energy Inc.

bFanagan@valeuraenergy.com William T. Fanagan Chairman of the Board

jMcFarland@valeuraenergy.com Jim McFarland President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

LMartinson@valeuraenergy.com Lyle Martinson Vice President – Operations

DShepherd@valeuraenergy.com Donald W. Shepherd Vice President – Engineering

kcampbell@valeuraenergy.com Kumari Campbell General Inquiries:
577. Parex Resources Inc. info@parexresources.com Mwansa.Nyemba@parexresources.com

Wayne.Foo@parexresources.com Wayne K. Foo President and CEO

Barry.Larson@parexresources.com Barry B. Larson Vice President Operations and COO

Dave.Taylor@parexresources.com David R. Taylor VP, Exploration & Business Development

Mike Kruchten, Mgr. Investor Relations

578.Patriot Energy Corp info@patriotenergyresources.com

Alex Barta, Chairman and President

579. Brixton Energy Corp., formerly Pemberton Energy investor@brixtonenergy.com
r.saxon@shaw.ca Richard Saxon President, CEO, CFO, Director

m.antoniouk@brixtonenergy.com Miroslava Antoniouk Vice President – Operations, Director

580. Pennant Energy Inc. info@pennantenergy.com

tom@pennantenergy.com Thomas Yingling Chief Executive Officer, President, Director

Jim@pennantenergy.com Jim Britton James Britton Independent Director

Rod@pennantenergy.com Rod Morris

581. Petro Vista Energy Corp info@pvecorp.com investor@pvecorp.com

Sbenedetti@pvecorp.com Steven benedetti, president & ceo

Ddevine@pvecorp.com Darren devine, executive vp – corporate secretary & director

Akniec@pvecorp.com Adam Kniec, chief financial officer

582. Petroamerica Oil Corp info@petroamericaoilcorp.com

Jeffrey S. Boyce Executive Chairman of the Board

NNavarrete@petroamericaoilcorp.com Nelson Navarrete President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

RGillcrist@petroamericaoilcorp.com Ralph Gillcrist Vice President – Exploration

583. PetroGlobe Inc. PGB@petroglobe.com ???? 403265-9727

JJames@petroglobe.com Jason E. James CEO, CFO, Director

DMarcil@petroglobe.com Dean Marcil Vice President, Land

584. Petrolia Inc.

president@petroliagaz.com Andre Proulx President AProulx@petroliagaz.com

info@petroliagaz.com Isab
lle Proulx Vice-president Corporate Affairs IProulx@petroliagaz.com

EAdam@petroliagaz.com Erick Adam, Director, Geophysicist

585. Petrolympic Ltd info@petrolympic.com

exis@petrolympic.com Mendel Ekstein President, CEO, Interim CFO, Director
Paul Laroche – Chief geologist

586. PetroReal Energy Inc investor@petroreal.ca

ESchlotter@petroreal.ca Ernest Schlotter Chairman of the Board, President, CEO

587. Pine Cliff Energy Inc. info@pinecliffenergy.com

GFink@pinecliffenergy.com George F. Fink President

RJarock@pinecliffenergy.com Randy M. Jarock Vice President, Acquisitions

588. Primera Energy Resources Ltd info@primeraenergyresources.com ,

gleid@primeraenergyresources.com Geoffrey Leid (CEO)
pcollins@primeraenergyresources.com Phillip Collins Managing Director

KBainey@primeraenergyresources.com Kelvin Bainey, P. Eng. Manager, Exploration & Production

pacham@primeraenergyresources.com Patrick Acham:
589. Polaris Explorer Ltd. ?????? 2D 3D

bill.mooney@polarisgeo.com Bill Mooney President
joe@polarisgeo.com Joe Little Vice-President – Operations
590. Santa Maria Petroleum Inc formerly Quetzal Energy Ltd ??????? ? ????????

ron@smpetroleum.com Ron MacMicken President & CEO ron@delavaco.com

john@smpetroleum.com John Martin Chief Financial Officer

andy@delavaco.com Andrew DeFrancesco Chairman

dbirnie@geoseis.ca David Birnie – Chief Geoscience President, Geoseis Inc

S. Brian Gieni ??????? ??? ???????????

591. Pebercan Inc info@pebercan.com

CRanger@pebercan.com Christophe Ranger President and Chief Executive Officer

592.Reef Resources Ltd.

ahansen@reefresources.ca Arnie Hansen, President, CEO

lolson@reefresources.ca Larry Olson CFO and Director

593. Reliable Energy Ltd info@reliableenergy.ca

mswanson@reliableenergy.ca Murray Swanson, President & CEO

jnewman@reliableenergy.ca John Newman, Vice President – Finance & CFO

BFrostad@reliableenergy.ca Brett Frostad Vice President – Exploration

594. PetroBakken Energy ir@petrobakken.com ????? Result Energy Inc

JWright@petrobakken.com John D. Wright President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

PHawkes@petrobakken.com Peter Hawkes Vice President – Exploration

595. Ria Resources Corp, formerly Blue Parrot Energy Inc info@blueparrotresources.com

596. RockBridge Resources Inc. info@rockbridgeresources.com formerly RockBridge Energy Inc

597. Ryland Oil Corporation info@rylandoil.com

GShields@rylandoil.com Gerald J. Shields President, Director

JJardine@rylandoil.com John Jardine Chief Financial Officer

JWelykochy@rylandoil.com James Welykochy Vice President – Corporate Developmen

598. Sahara Energy Ltd ????? ????

599. Saxon Oil Company Ltd. info@saxonoil.com quaycomm@shaw.ca

600. Seaview Energy Inc

MWuetherick@seaviewenergy.com Michael J.J. Wuetherick President, CEO, Director

SOldale@seaviewenergy.com H. Scott Oldale COO, Vice President – Exploration, Director

601. Second Wave Petroleum Inc. info@secondwavepetroleum.com

CWitwer@secondwavepetroleum.com Colin B. Witwer, President and CEO

RDenecky@secondwavepetroleum.com Randy L. Denecky, Vice President, Finance and CFO

DHibbs@secondwavepetroleum.com Douglas Hibbs, Vice President, Exploration

602. Sundance Energy Corporation (formerly Sentinel Rock Oil Inc.) inquiries@sundanceenergy.net

PFranks@sundanceenergy.net Paul David Franks Vice President of Exploration and Development

MHannell@sundanceenergy.net Michael Damer Hannell Chairman

603. Sharon Energy Ltd. ????

604. Stealth Ventures Ltd info@stealthventures.ca

DerekKrivak@stealthventures.ca Derek Krivak President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

ChrisMorrison@stealthventures.ca Chris Morrison Vice President – Operations

GaryAddison@stealthventures.ca Gary Addison Vice President – Exploration

Softrock Minerals Ltd. HTaylor@shaw.ca softrockminerals@shaw.ca

NTaylor@shaw.ca Nick Taylor President, Chief Executive Officer

Bender@shaw.ca T.M.M. Bender Chief Financial Officer

DGagnon@shaw.ca E. Denis Gagnon Secretary

606. Stetson Oil & Gas Ltd. A member of the Forbes Energy Group Inc.

ASaid@forbesenergygroup.com Ahmed Said – Interim President & Chief Executive Officer

Charlene Mayer cmayer@forbesenergygroup.com

607. Stonefire Energy Corp info@stonefire-energy.com 403-2629887 ????

608. Strategic Oil & Gas Ltd contactus@sogoil.com

ASchoch@sogoil.com Arn Schoch President & Chief Executive Officer

SHayes@sogoil.com Sean Hayes, PGeol – Chief Operating Officer

GSawhney@sogoil.com Gurpreet Sawhney, PEng – Vice President, Business Development

609. Strata Oil & Gas Inc. info@strataoil.com

Ron.Daems@strataoil.com Ron Daems President, CEO and Director

Pratt Barndollar Director

610. Stream Oil & Gas Ltd. infoheadoffice@streamoilandgas.com

SotiriosKapotas@streamoilandgas.com Sotirios Kapotas Chairman of the Board, President, CEO

MikeBerezowski@streamoilandgas.com Mike Berezowski, COO

ArianTartari@streamoilandgas.com Arian Tartari, Vice President

611. Sure Energy Inc info@sureenergyinc.com

JBoyce@sureenergyinc.com Jeffrey S. Boyce, Chairman, President & CEO and Director

CBaker@sureenergyinc.com Chris Baker, VP Exploration

TBanks@sureenergyinc.com Tom Banks, VP Engineering

612. Sunset Pacific Petroleum Ltd darren@bighornpetroleum.com Fax: (604) 683-7881

Darren R. Stevenson, President

613. Tamarack Valley Energy Ltd info@tamarackvalley.ca

Brian.Schmidt@tamarackvalley.ca Brian L. Schmidt President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

John.Gunn@tamarackvalley.ca John M. Gunn Director

niels.gundesen@tamarackvalley.ca Niels Gundesen Vice President – Engineering

Scott.Reimond@tamarackvalley.ca Scott Reimond Exploration Manager

614. Tarim Resources Company Ltd GKroon@tarimresources.com Fax: 403-265-9282

GKroon@tarimresources.com Gary H. Kroon, Managing Director

615. Terra Energy Corp info@terraenergy.ca
CMorel@terraenergy.ca Cas H. Morel Chairman of the Board, President, CEO

TSabelli@terraenergy.ca Tony Sabelli Executive Vice President, Director

TBeatty@terraenergy.ca Tim A. Beatty Executive Vice President – British Columbia Operations

JBehr@terraenergy.ca John M. Behr Vice President – Exploration

616. Thunderbird Energy Corporation nicola@thunderbirdenergy.com info@thunderbirdenergy.net

DEvans@thunderbirdenergy.net David Evans – Director, Chairman

CWhite@thunderbirdenergy.net W. D. Cameron White – Director, President and CEO

RIronside@thunderbirdenergy.net Rick Ironside – Director, Chief Operating Officer

617. Torque Energy Inc. info@torqueenergy.com

BBayley@torqueenergy.com Brian E. Bayley President & CEO

dnelms@torqueenergy.com David C. Nelms Acting General Manager

618. Tower Energy Ltd info@towerenergy.ca len@towerenergy.ca

Charles@towerenergy.ca Charles Ross CFO, Director and Secretary
len@towerenergy.ca Len Guenther Director

619. Trafina Energy Ltd. info@trafinaenergy.com

KOgle@trafinaenergy.com Kelly J. Ogle President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

EMarcinew@trafinaenergy.com Ed Marcinew, Geological Consultant

taylorg@trafinaenergy.com Gary Taylor

620. Anglo Canadian Oil Corp., formerly Traxion Energy Inc. reception@anglocanoil.com

TMontgomery@anglocanoil.com Todd Montgomery Chief Executive Officer, Director

jehret@anglocanoil.com James Ehret President, Director

GGluszak@anglocanoil.com George Gluszak, Manager Earth Sciences

621. Trident Resources Corp info@tridentexploration.ca

TDillabough@tridentexploration.ca Todd Dillabough, President, Chief Executive Officer and COO

MFinn@tridentexploration.ca Colin (Mike) F
nn, Vice President Exploration

TBell@tridentexploration.ca Tracey Bell, Vice President Marketing

JStHilaire@tridentexploration.ca Jacques St-Hilaire, Vice President Exploitation Mr. St. Hilaire

622.Triangle Petroleum Corp. info@trianglepetroleum.com

Peter@trianglepetroleum.com Peter J. Hill Chief Executive Officer, Director
ABowman@trianglepetroleum.com Art Bowman Geophysical Consultant

623. Waldron Energy Corp ( Triton Energy Corp ) info@waldronenergy.ca

ESapieha@waldronenergy.ca Ernest G. Sapieha President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

MStodalka@waldronenergy.ca Murray J. Stodalka Executive Vice President – Engineering & Operations

BLissel@waldronenergy.ca Byron Lissel Vice President – Exploration

NEliuk@waldronenergy.ca Nanna Eliuk Vice President – Geophysics & Land

624. Tuscany Energy Ltd. IR@tuscanyenergy.com info@tuscanyenergy.com

JMcleod@tuscanyenergy.com John G.F. Mcleod, President and CEO

PBarker@tuscanyenergy.com Peter Barker, Special Projects pbarker@navitasinc.ca peter@greenearth.travel

PWhitby@tuscanyenergy.com Paul Whitby, Geologist

625. Tundra Oil and Gas, Ltd. info@tundraoilandgas.com

DMacLean@tundraoilandgas.com Dan MacLean President

THowell@tundraoilandgas.com Tim Howell V.P. of Operations

BMcConnell@tundraoilandgas.com Brian McConnell V.P. of Exploration

626. Twoco Petroleums Ltd. info@twoco.ca

627. Universal Wing Technologies Inc

declan@universalwing.com Declan Sweeney, CEO
vanessa@universalwing.com Vanessa Bogaert, Corporate Relations
monika@universalwing.com Monika Sumara, Geophysicist
alan@universalwing.com Alan Peter Wood, Engineer

628. Vast Exploration Inc. info@vastexploration.com A member of the Forbes Energy Group Inc.

Charlene Mayer cmayer@forbesenergygroup.com

Sig Slotboom sslotboom@forbesenergygroup.com

ASaid@vastexploration.com Ahmed S. Said | President & Chief Executive Officer

629.Vectra Energy Corporation admin@vectaenergy.com

TCoffman@vectaenergy.com Thomas Coffman President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

KWest@vectaenergy.com Kenneth West, Director and Geological Consultant

630. Raging River Exploration Inc Wild Stream Exploration Inc

nroszell@rrexploration.com Neil J. Roszell President, CEO, Director

brobertson@rrexploration.com Bruce A. Robertson Executive Vice President

BBeynon@rrexploration.com Bruce Beynon Vice President – Exploration

631. Xemplar Energy Corp. info@xemplar.ca

Simon@xemplar.ca Simon Tam Chief Executive Officer, Director
William@xemplar.ca William F. Harley III President, Director

Charles@xemplar.ca Charles Johnston – Exploration Manager

632. XXL Energy Corp. info@xxlenergy.com

JHislop@xxlenergy.com John R. Hislop Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer

GNielsen@xxlenergy.com Gordon L. Nielsen Independent Director

633. Yangarra Resources Ltd info@yangarra.ca

JEvaskevich@yangarra.ca Jim Evaskevich, President & CEO
RGardiner@yangarra.ca Ron Gardiner, VP Exploration
DPoruchny@yangarra.ca Don Poruchny, Geophysics Manager

634. Amadeus Energy Limited info@amadeusenergy.com

MWells@amadeusenergy.com Mitchell Wells Chief Operating Officer

635. Aurora Oil & Gas Limited info@auroraoag.com.au

JStewart@auroraoag.com.au Jonathan Stewart Executive Chairman of the Board
ILusted@auroraoag.com.au Ian Lusted Technical Director, Executive Director

GDowland@auroraoag.com.au Graham Dowland Non-Executive Director

636. Central Petroleum Limited johnheugh@centralpetroleum.com.au

johnheugh@centralpetroleum.com.au John Heugh BSc.(Hons), MPESA, Managing Director

trevorshortt@centralpetroleum.com.au Trevor Shortt Exploration Manager and Chief Geophysicist
jacquessayers@centralpetroleum.com.au Jacques Sayers Senior Geophysicist

BruceElsholz@centralpetroleum.com.au Bruce Elsholz, Chief Financ
al Officer

KimHogg@centralpetroleum.com.au Kim Hogg, Joint Company Secretary.

637. Elk Petroleum info@elkpet.com

bCook@elkpet.com Robert Cook Acting CEO, Acting Managing Director,

638. Emerald Oil & Gas Nl info@emeraldoilandgas.com

MKrzus@emeraldoilandgas.com Mike Krzus CEO / COO

bberven@emeraldoilandgas.com Robert Berven Executive Director – Technical
AndyPadman@emeraldoilandgas.com Andy Padman Exploration

639.Entek Energy Limited info@entekenergy.com.au

DavidCraig@entekenergy.com.au David Anthony Craig – Non-Executive Director

APadman@entekenergy.com.au Andrew J Padman – Non-Executive Director

Russell@entekenergy.com.au Russell Brimage – Director and Chief Executive Officer

TSpry@entekenergy.com.au Trent Spry – General Manager

640. Essential Petroleum Resources Limited

JRemfry@eprl.com.au John G. Remfry Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, Executive Director

JCornelius@eprl.com.au John William Cornelius Non-Executive Independent Chairman of the Board

641.Eureka Energy Limited info@eurekaenergy.com.au

IMcCubbing@eurekaenergy.com.au Ian McCubbing Acting Chairman of the Board

ANeuling@eurekaenergy.com.au Alexander James Neuling Company Secretary

PMills@eurekaenergy.com.au Peter Mills Director

642.European Gas Limited info@europeangas.com.au , info@europeangas.fr


Bernard-Michaud@europeangas.fr Bernard Michaud, Ph.D Exploration Geologist Sr

Frederic-Marti@europeangas.fr Frederic Marti, M.Sc. Exploration Geologist

p.cockcroft@europeangas.fr Peter Cockcroft Managing Director

643. Exoil Limited admin@exoil.net


644. Finder Exploration Pty Ltd

Paul@finderexp.com Paul Mar Financial Controller

Jan@finderexp.com Jan Ostby Managing Director

Dariusz@finderexp.com Dariusz Jablonski Exploration Manager

Craig@finderexp.com Craig Moore Gumley Operations and Joint Venture Manager

Shane@finderexp.com Shane Westlake Technical Project Manager

Don@finderexp.com Don Pyke Commercial Manager

645. First Australian Resources Limited info@far.com.au

C.Norman@far.com.au Cath Norman managing director

P.Nicholls@far.com.au Peter Nicholls Exploration Manager

J.Keall@far.com.au Jon Keall Chief Geoscientist

C.Harper@far.com.au Colin Harper Secretaries

646. K2 Energy Limited

Gazal@k2energy.com.au Sam Gazal, Non-executive Director

PMoore@k2energy.com.au Peter Moore, CEO and Executive Director

647.Lakes Oil lakes@lakesoil.com.au

Vicki.Kahanoff@lakesoil.com.au Vicki M. Kahanoff Chief Financial Officer

Ingrid.Campbell@lakesoil.com.au Ingrid Campbell Chief Geologist

Tim.OBrien@lakesoil.com.au Tim O’Brien Operations Manager

648.Lion Energy Limited info@lionenergy.com.au

JWu@lionenergy.com.au Jian Wu Non-Executive Chairman

WZhang@lionenergy.com.au Weidong Zhang Director

JToby@lionenergy.com.au Jack Toby Company Secretary

649. Mec Resources Ltd info@mecresources.com.au

david@mecresources.com.au David L. Breeze Executive Director
650. Norwest Energy NL info@norwestenergy.com.au

651. Odyssey Energy Limited info@odysseyenergy.com.au

652. Pryme Oil and Gas Limited info@prymeoilandgas.com

George@prymeoilandgas.com George Lloyd (Chairman and Non-Executive Director)
Justin@prymeoilandgas.com Justin Pettett (Managing Director)
Ryan@prymeoilandgas.com Ryan Messer (Executive Director)
Greg@prymeoilandgas.com Greg Short (Non-Executive Director)

653. 3D Oil Limited info@3doil.com.au

MLeydin@3doil.com.au Melanie Jaye Leydin Company Secretary, Non-Executive Independent Director

NNewell@3doil.com.au Noel Newell Executive Managing Director, Executive Director

JKeall@3doil.com.au Jon Keall Exploration and Development Manager

KLanigan@3doil.com.au Kevin Lanigan (Exploration Manager)

Queensland Gas Company Limited qgc@qgc.com.au

MHerrington@qgc.com.au Mike Herrington Chief Operating Officer

SScott@qgc.com.au Steven Scott General Manager – Exploration and Technical Services

LDevaney@qgc.com.au Leon Devaney General Manager – Commercial and Financing Leon.Devaney@bg-group.com

JKnudsen@qgc.com.au Jim Knudsen is Senior Vice President, QGC

SNairn@qgc.com.au Alexander (Sandy) Nairn is Senior Vice President QCLNG

GTalbot@qgc.com.au Graham Talbot is the Regional Finance Director

655. Red Fork Energy Limited info@redforkenergy.com.au

David@redforkenergy.com.au David Prentice Managing Director, Executive Director

656. Sino Gas & Energy Limited

SSnyder@sinogasenergy.com Samuel Snyder, Non Executive Chairman

slyons@sinogasenergy.com Stephen Lyons, Managing Director

JChandler@sinogasenergy.com John Chandler, Non Executive Director

GHarper@sinogasenergy.com Gavin Harper, Non Executive Director

657. Strike Energy Limited strike@strikeenergy.com.au

Tim.Clifton@strikeenergy.com.au Tim Clifton Chairman

Simon.Ashton@strikeenergy.com.au Simon Ashton Managing Director

don.poynton@strikeenergy.com.au Don Poynton Manager of Exploration and Environment

Rob.Weeden@strikeenergy.com.au Rob Weeden Manager of Geoscience

658. Stuart Petroleum Limited website@stuartpetroleum.com.au

GGuglielmo@stuartpetroleum.com.au Giustino Guglielmo Managing Director, Executive Director
RFrears@stuartpetroleum.com.au Robert A. Frears Exploration Manager

IMacDougall@stuartpetroleum.com.au Iain D. MacDougall Engineering and Production Manager

NBird@stuartpetroleum.com.au Neil D. Bird Business Development and Supply Manager

659. Front Exploration AS former Discover Petroleum AS post@frontx.no

Yngve.Vassmyr@frontx.no Yngve Vassmyr CEO / Director Exploration and Business Development

Arild.Ingebrigtsen@frontx.no Arild Ingebrigtsen Exploration Manager

VK@frontx.no Vidar Kolstad Exploration Manager

660. Pyramid Oil Company info@pyramidoil.com

JAlexander@pyramidoil.com John H. Alexander President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
TLadd@pyramidoil.com Thomas W. Ladd Director
GRonning@pyramidoil.com Gary L. Ronning Director
JTurco@pyramidoil.com John E. Turco Director

661. Gasco Energy, Inc.

CCrowell@gascoenergy.com Charles B. Crowell Vice Chairman of the Board, Interim CEO
KGrant@gascoenergy.com W. King Grant President, Chief Financial Officer
MDecker@gascoenergy.com Michael K. Decker Chief Operating Officer, Executive Vice President

RDean@gascoenergy.com Robin Dean Geological Manager

662. Toreador Resources Corporation

CMcKenzie@toreador.net Craig Morgan McKenzie President,Chief Executive Officer,Director
MSenges@toreador.net Marc Senges Chief Financial Officer

TVermeire@toreador.net Tony Vermeire Commercial Director

sanderson@toreador.net Shirley Anderson Corporate Secretary

663.Cano Petroleum, Inc mike@canopetro.com IR

Don@canopetro.com Donald W. Niemiec Independent Chairman of the Board

Jim@canopetro.com Jim Latimer , CEO

Jayme@canopetro.com Jayme Wollison, Director of Operations

Patrick@canopetro.com Patrick McKinney Senior Vice President – Engineering and Operations

664. American Oil & Gas (?? ????? Hess)

andyc@americanog.com Andrew P. Calerich President, Director

665. Delta Petroleum Corporation info@deltapetro.com

CLakey@deltapetro.com Chief Executive Officer, Director
KNanke@deltapetro.com Kevin K. Nanke Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer
666. Carrizo Oil & Gas, Inc. info@crzo.net doug.reid@crzo.net

Chip.Johnson@crzo.net President and Chief Executive Officer

Brad.Fisher@crzo.net Brad Fisher Chief Operating Officer, Vice President

Gregory.Evans@crzo.net Gregory E. Evans Vice President – Exploration

Andrew.Agosto@crzo.net Andrew R. Agosto Vice President of Business Development

667. Isramco Inc

Tsuff@Isramco.com Haim Tsuff Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

668. PetroQuest Energy mquantz@petroquest.com

Charles T. Goodson Chairman of the Board, President, CEO TZehnder@petroquest.com W. Todd Zehnder Chief Operating Officer

MStover@petroquest.com Mark K. Stover Executive Vice President – Exploration & Development

SGreen@petroquest.com Stephen H. Green Senior Vice President – Exploration

669. W&T Offshore, Inc. jyang@wtoffshore.com

JSlattery@wtoffshore.com Joseph P.Slattery Senior Vice President, Operations

Mark Brewer (713-624-7254/ mbrewer@wtoffshore.com

John Misitigh (713-624-7367 /jmisitigh@wtoffshore.com)

670. Magnum Hunter Resources ir@magnumhunterresources.com

GEvans@magnumhunterresources.com Gary C. Evans Executive Chairman of the Board
JDenny@magnumhunterresources.com James W. Denny III COO, Executive Vice President
kFerguson@magnumhunterresources.com H.C.Ferguson III Executive Vice President – Exploration

671. Double Eagle Petroleum JCampbell@eagle-eagle.net

RDole@eagle-eagle.net Richard D. Dole Chairman of the Board, President, CEO
SDegenfelder@eagle-eagle.net D. Steven Degenfelder Senior Vice President – Exploration and New Ventures

672. Kodiak Oil & Gas Corp

lapeterson@kodiakog.com Lynn A. Peterson, CEO, President

jecatlin@kodiakog.com James E. Catlin, COO, Vice-President

rabranting@kodiakog.com Russell A. Branting Executive Vice President – Operations

rdcunningham@kodiakog.com Russ D. Cunningham Executive Vice President – Exploration

673. Venoco, Inc. info@venocoinc.com

TMarquez@venocoinc.com Timothy Marquez Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

TAnderson@venocoinc.com Terry L. Anderson General Counsel and Secretary

Ed.ODonnell@venocoinc.com Ed O’Donnell Senior Vice President, Southern California

MWracher@venocoinc.com Michael D. Wracher Vice President, Exploration

674. Petrohawk Energy Corporation BHP Billiton acquired Petrohawk in August 2011

FWilson@petrohawk.com Floyd C. Wilson, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer

sherod@petrohawk.com Stephen W. Herod Executive Vice President – Corporate Development

675. BMB Munai, Inc kzoffice@bmbmunai.com, usoffice@bmbmunai.com

BorisCherdabayev@bmbmunai.com Boris Cherdabayev Chairman of the Board

GK@bmbmunai.com Gamal Kulumbetov Chief Executive Officer

AskarTashtitov@bmbmunai.com Askar Tashtitov President, Director

AnuarbekBaimoldin@bmbmunai.com Anuarbek Baimoldin Chief Operating Officer

676. Zion Oil & Gas, Inc dallas@zionoil.com

JBrown@zionoil.com John M. Brown Chairman of the Board
RRinberg@zionoil.com Richard J. Rinberg Chief Executive Officer, Director

677. Pengrowth Energy Trust investorrelations@pengrowth.com , halifax@pengrowth.com
DEvans@pengrowth.com Derek Evans President and Chief Executive Officer

JCausgrove@pengrowth.com James Causgrove Vice President, Production and Operations

RRosine@pengrowth.com Robert W. Rosine Executive Vice President, Business Developmen

LStrong@pengrowth.com Larry B. Strong Vice President, Geosciences

678. Contango Oil & Gas Company contango@contango.com

kpeak@contango.com Kenneth R. Peak Chairman & CEO

lbautina@contango.com Lesia Bautina Senior Vice President & Controller

mduncan@contango.com Marc L. Duncan President & Chief Operating Officer

679. CNOOC Limited Hong Kong Jiangyzh2@cnooc.com.cn

lifan@cnooc.com.cn Fanrong Li President, Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

ZhongHua@cnooc.com.cn Hua Zhong President, Chief Financial Officer, Executive Director
ChenBi@cnooc.com.cn Bi Chen Executive Vice President, General Manager – Tianjin Branch
zhuwl@cnooc.com.cn Weilin Zhu Executive Vice President, General Manager – Exploration Department

wangshj@cnooc.com.cn Wang Shou Jun Chief Geophys
cist Exploration Department

zhuzhy2@cnooc.com.cn Zhu Zhenyu Geophysics Senior Engineer, Technology R&D Center CNOOC Research Institute

680. CAMAC Energy Inc ( Pacific Asia Petroleum (PAP) info@camacenergy.com

BADunn@camacenergy.com Byron A. Dunn President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

RGrigg@camacenergy.com Richard Grigg Senior Vice President, Managing Director RGrigg@camacenergy.com

YMShum@camacenergy.com Dr. Y. M. Shum Chief Technology Director of Exploration

CRMoore@camacenergy.com Clark R. Moore Corporate Counsel Secretary

681. China North East Petroleum Holdings info@cnepetroleum.com

Hongjun.Wang@cnepetroleum.com Hongjun Wang, Chairman and President

Edward Michael Rule Independent Chairman of the Board

Li.Jingfu@cnepetroleum.com Mr. Jingfu Li, CEO

Shaohui Chen Chief Financial Officer chao.jiang@cnepetroleum.com

dio.zhang@cnepetroleum.com Yang Dio Zhang, Chief Financial Officer chao.jiang@cnepetroleum.com

Xiang.Zhang@cnepetroleum.com Xiang Zhang , Chief Geological Engineer

682. China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (Sinopec Corp.)

ktnfzhb@nfsinopec.com.cn , jz@slof.com , jiangnan@pepris.com ir@sinopec.com.cn master@sinopec.com.cn

SuShu@@sinopec.com.cn Shulin Su Chairman of the Board

WangTia@sinopec.com.cn Tianpu Wang Vice Chairman of the Board, President

ZhangYao@sinopec.com.cn Yaocang Zhang Vice Chairman of the Board

WangZhi@sinopec.com.cn Zhigang Wang Senior Vice President, Director

683. Dune Energy, Inc

JWatt@duneenergy.com James A. Watt President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
HBettis@duneenergy.com Hal L. Bettis Chief Operating Officer, Senior Vice President
SCraig@duneenergy.com Steven J. Craig Senior Vice President – Administration

684. The Meridian Resource Corporation lweaver@tmrx.com

LDeLano@tmrx.com Lloyd V. DeLano Senior Vice President, Chief Accounting Officer, Secretary
APennington@tmrx.com Alan S. Pennington Vice President, Exploration

DBreaux@tmrx.com A. Dale Breaux Vice President – Operations

685. EXCO Resources, Inc info@excoresources.com

DMiller@excoresources.com Douglas H. Miller Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer
HHickey@excoresources.com Harold L. Hickey Chief Operating Officer, Vice President

686. Southwestern Energy Company ??? ????? ???????? ?? ?????? ??????

Steve_Mueller@swn.com Steven L. Mueller President, CEO, Director SMueller@swn.com ??? ?? ?????? ??????
GKerley@swn.com Gregory D. Kerley CFO, Executive VP, Director
GHammons@swn.com Gene A. Hammons President of Southwestern Midstream Services Company
MBoling@swn.com Mark K. Boling Executive Vice President, General Counsel, Secretary
HKorell@swn.com Harold M. Korell Non-Executive Chairman of the Board

687. GMX Resources Inc. info@gmxresources.com

MRohleder@gmxresources.com Michael J. Rohleder President
TBenton@gmxresources.com Timothy L. Benton Vice President – Geosciences

GJackson@gmxresources.com Gary D. Jackson Vice President – Land

JMerrill@gmxresources.com James A. Merrill Chief Financial Officer

688. VAALCO Energy, Inc vaalco@vaalco.com

RGerry@vaalco.com Robert L. Gerry III Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer
Scheirman@vaalco.com W. Russell Scheirman President, Chief Operating Officer, Director
GHullinger@vaalco.com Gregory R. Hullinger Chief Financial Officer

689. Safer E&P Operations Company ????? webmaster@sepocye.com kmigdad@sepocye.com

Mohammed Hussein Al-Haj Executive Manage

Abdullrahman Alakwa’a Vice Executive Manager

690. KNOC ( Korea National Oil Company) knoc_inform@knoc.co.kr

691. Occidental Petroleum Corporation oxy@oxy.com

Ray_Irani@oxy.com Ray R. Irani Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer
William_Albrecht@oxy.com William E. Albrecht Vice President; President of Oxy Oil and Gas, USA Bill_Albrecht@oxy.com
Edward_Lowe@oxy.com Edward A. Lowe Vice President
President of Oxy Oil and Gas – Inter.Production

David_Ryan@oxy.com David Ryan Director Geoscience Worldwide Exploration Occidental Oil and Gas Corp


692. PT Bumi Resources Tbk. info@bumiresources.com

AsHudaya@bumiresources.com Ari S. Hudaya – President Director

KFarrell@bumiresources.com Kenneth P. Farrell – Director

ESoebari@bumiresources.com Eddie J. Soebari – Director

ABeckham@bumiresources.com Andrew C. Beckham – Chief Financial Officer

693. MOL Group aczafit@mol.hu

ZHernadi@mol.hu Zsolt Hernadi Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

GMosonyi@mol.hu Gyorgy Mosonyi Group Chief Executive Officer

ZAldott@mol.hu Zoltan Aldott Executive Vice President Exploration and Production

JMolnar@mol.hu Jozsef Molnar Group Chief Financial Officer

FHorvath@mol.hu Ferenc Horvath Executive Vice President Refining and Marketing

694. Oil Search Limited general.enquiries@oilsearch.com

Peter.Botten@oilsearch.com Peter Botten, Managing Director

Gerea.Aopi@oilsearch.com Gerea Aopi, Executive General Manager

Philip.Caldwell@oilsearch.com Philip Caldwell, Executive General Manager, Oil Operations

Austin.Miller@oilsearch.com Austin Miller, Executive General Manager, Investment & Strategy

695. Sicon Oil &Gas sicon@siconoil.it

696. CCC Group ???.???????? CC ENERGY DEVELOPMENT SAL ????

SKhoury@ccc.gr Samer Khoury, Executive Vice President – Operation

WKhoury@ccc.gr Wael S. Khoury President Petroleum & Minerals

TKhoury@ccc.gr Tawfic S. Khoury Deputy Chairman

SEtebar@cced.com.om Shahrokh Etebar, CEO of CC Energy Development (CCED )

697. MIDAS OIL & GAS LLC ????? Alibaba Andrew Chin Aleong

698 Horizon Oil Limited

MSheridan@horizonoil.com.au Michael F. Sheridan Chief Financial Officer, Company Secretary

KBramley@horizonoil.com.au Kelvin Bramley Financial Controller, Assistant Company Secretary

AFernie@horizonoil.com.au Alan Fernie Manager – Exploration and Development

699. Resolute Energy Corporation

NSutton@rnrc.net Nicholas J. Sutton Chief Executive Officer, Director

JPiccone@rnrc.net James M. Piccone President, General Counsel, Secretary,
rbetz@rnrc.net Richard F. Betz Senior Vice President – Business Development

JPasque@rnrc.net Janet W. Pasque Senior Vice President – Land and Exploration

700. Crimson Exploration Inc

AKeel@crimsonexploration.com Allan D. Keel President and CEO

TAtkins@crimsonexploration.com Thomas H. Atkins Senior Vice President, Exploration

JMengle@crimsonexploration.com Jay S. Mengle Senior Vice President, Operations and Engineering

TPrice@crimsonexploration.com Tracy Price Senior Vice President, Land/Business Development

701. PostRock Energy Corp

DLawler@pstr.com David Lawler – Chief Executive Officer

JCollins@pstr.com Jack Collins – Executive Vice President – Finance/Corp. Development

TSaunders@pstr.com Tom Saunders – Executive Vice President of New Business Development and Marketing

LGalvin@pstr.com Lance Galvin – Vice President of Engineering and Operations

702. McMoRan Exploration Co James R. Moffett Co – Chairman of the Board

Richard C. Adkerson Co – Chairman of the Board

James R. Moffett Co-Chairman of the Board, President, CEO

Glenn A. Kleinert President, Chief Executive Officer

C. Howard Murrish Executive Vice President, Exploration

703. Houston American Energy Corp. (HUSA) mls@houstonamericanenergy.com

JfT@houstonamericanenergy.com John F. Terwilliger Chairman of the Board, President, CEO
Jjj@houstonamericanenergy.com James J. Jacobs Chief Financial Officer

KAJ@houstonamericanenergy.com Kenneth A. Jeffers Senior Vice President – Exploration
704. Ultra Petroleum Corp info@ultrapetroleum.com
MWatford@ultrapetroleum.com Michael D. Watford Chairman of the Board, President, CEO
MSmith@ultrapetroleum.com Marshall D. Smith Ch
ef Financial Officer
WPicquet@ultrapetroleum.com William R. Picquet Vice President – Operations
SNance@ultrapetroleum.com Stuart E. Nance Vice President – Marketing

705. Swift Energy Company info@swiftenergy.com

Bruce.Vincent@swiftenergy.com BVincent@swiftenergy.com Bruce H. Vincent President, Secretary, Director
Terry.Swift@swiftenergy.com Terry E. Swift Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

Robert.Banks@swiftenergy.com RBanks@swiftenergy.com Robert J. Banks Chief Operating Officer, Executive Vice President

paul.vincent@swiftenergy.com Paul Vincent Director—Finance & Investor Relations

706. Warren Resources, Inc info@WarrenResourcesInc.com

NSwanton@WarrenResourcesInc.com Norman F. Swanton Chairman of the Board, President, CEO
TLarkin@WarrenResourcesInc.com Timothy A. Larkin Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President
DFleming@WarrenResourcesInc.com David E. Fleming Senior Vice President, General Counsel, CSecretary

707. Tengasco, Inc

PSalas@tengasco.com Peter E. Salas Chairman of the Board
JBailey@tengasco.com Jeffrey R. Bailey Chief Executive Officer, Director
MRugen@tengasco.com Michael J. Rugen CPA Chief Financial Officer
csorensen@tengasco.com Cary V. Sorensen Vice President, General Counsel, Secretary

708. PrimeEnergy Corporation

CDrimal@primeenergy.com Charles E. Drimal Jr. President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
BCummings@primeenergy.com Beverly A. Cummings Executive Vice President, Treasurer, Director
LPizor@primeenergy.com Lynne Pizor Principal Accounting Officer, Controller

709. YPFB Chaco S.Awww.ypfbchaco.com.bo webmaster@chaco.com.bo recursos.humanos@chaco.com.bo

Pedro.Torquemada@ypfbchaco.com.bo Pedro Torquemada General Manager YPFB Chaco, CEO Pedro.Torquemada@chaco.com.bo

Nicanor.Aguilar@chaco.com.bo Nicanor Aguilar Gomez Vice Chairman of the Board

Beatriz.Moldes@ypfbchaco.com.bo Beatriz Moldes Ustariz Finance and Planning Director Beatriz.Moldes@chaco.com.bo

Eduardo.Avila@ypfbchaco.com.bo Eduardo Avila Director of Operations, Purchase, Maintenance Eduardo.Avila@chaco.com.bo

710. PT Medco Energi Internasional Tbk. corporate.secretary@medcoenergi.com

Darmoyo.Doyoatmojo@medcoenergi.com Darmoyo Doyoatmojo Chief Executive Officer/President Director

Cyril.Noerhadi@medcoenergi.com D. Cyril Noerhadi Corporate Finance Director

Lukman.Mahfoedz@medcoenergi.com Lukman Mahfoedz Project Director

Larry.Luckey@medcoenergi.com Larry l. Luckey Planning and Strategy Director

Syamsurizal.Munaf@medcoenergi.com Syamsurizal Munaf now Technology Director of Medco E & P

edi.setyobudi@medcoenergi.com Edi Bambang Setyobudi Technical Director in Subsidiary for EP

Didiek.BhudyPrabowo@medcoenergi.com Didiek Bhudy Prabowo Geophysical Technology Group Leader

711. PT Elnusa Tbk corporate@elnusa.co.id geoscience@elnusa.co.id
EaSalam@elnusa.co.id Eteng Ahmad Salam President Director, Director of Business Development

SNainggolan@elnusa.co.id Santun Nainggolan Finance Director

AGunawan@elnusa.co.id Agus Gunawan Corporate Secretary

Lucy.Sycilia@elnusa.co.id Lucy Sycilia Human Resources & General Affair Director

ESjahbuddin@elnusa.co.id Eddy Sjahbuddin Director of Operations

MJArief@elnusa.co.id Muhammad Jauzi Arief Business Development Director

712. PT Energi Mega Persada Tbk info@energi-mp.com

IAgustino@energi-mp.com Imam Pria Agustino President Director

DRatam@energi-mp.com Didit Agripinanto Ratam Director

ABalfas@energi-mp.com Amir Balfas Director

AHudaya@energi-mp.com Ari Saptari Hudaya President Commissioner

713. PT Benakat Petroleum Energy Tbk

Arifin.Wiguna@benakat.co.id Arifin Wiguna President Director

Fahrizi@benakat.co.id Mr. Fahrizi Director

Ferdy.Yustianto@benakat.co.id Ferdy Yustianto Director

Michael.Rusli@benakat.co.id Michael Rusli Director

714. National Petroleum Company PLC (NPC) www.np
.com.jo/ managment@npc.com.jo

715. XTO Energy Inc Keith_Hutton@xtoenergy.com

Bob_Simpson@xtoenergy.com Bob R. Simpson Chairman of the Board
Keith_Hutton@xtoenergy.com Keith A. Hutton Chief Executive Officer
Vaughn_Vennerberg@xtoenergy.com Vaughn O. Vennerberg II President
Louis_Baldwin@xtoenergy.com Louis G. Baldwin CFO, Executive Vice President, Director

716. Linn Energy, LLC mcahill@linnenergy.com

Mark E. Ellis President, Chief Executive Officer, Director KRockov@linnenergy.com Kolja Rockov Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President
AWalker@linnenergy.com Arden L. Walker Jr. Chief Operating Officer, Senior Vice President
DRottino@linnenergy.com David B. Rottino Senior Vice President, Chief Accounting Officer

CRipley@linnenergy.com Charlene A. Ripley Senior Vice President, General Manager

717. Denbury Resources Inc laurie.burkes@denbury.com

phil.rykhoek@denbury.com Phil Rykhoek Chief Executive Officer
Ronald.Evans@denbury.com Ronald Tracy Evans President, Chief Operating Officer
mark.allen@denbury.com Mark C. Allen Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President
Robert.Cornelius@denbury.com Robert Cornelius Senior Vice President – Operations

718. Union Fenosa SA distribucion@unionfenosa.es, relinversor@gasnatural.com
Salvador.Gabarro@gasnatural.com Salvador Gabarro Serra Chairman of the Board

Rafael.Villaseca@gasnatural.com Rafael Villaseca Marco Chief Executive Officer, Director Rafael.Villaseca@gasnatural.com

Honorato.Lopez@gasnatural.com Honorato Lopez Isla First Vice Chairman of the Board

Jose.Tomas@gasnatural.com Jose Antonio De Tomas Alonso General Manager of Business Development

719. Origin Energy Limited info@originenergy.com.au

David.Baldwin@originenergy.com.au David Baldwin Chief Executive Officer – Contact Energy

Karen.Moses@originenergy.com.au Karen Anne Moses Executive Director – Finance and Strategy, Director

Grant.King@originenergy.com.au Grant Alfred King Managing Director, Executive Director

Andrew.Stock@originenergy.com.au Andrew M. Stock Executive General Manager – Major Development Projects

Robert.Willink@originenergy.com.au Robbert J. Willink Executive General Manager – Geoscience & Exploration

720. Energen Corporation (Energen)

James.McManus@energen.com James T. McManus II Chairman of the Board, President, CEO
Dudley.Reynolds@energen.com Dudley C. Reynolds President, Chief Operating Officer of Alagasco
John.Richardson@energen.com John S. Richardson President, Chief Operating Officer

David.Woodruff@energen.com J. David Woodruff Jr. Vice President – Corporate Developement

721. National Fuel Gas Company SilversteinT@natfuel.com

Smithd@natfuel.com David F. Smith Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer
Tanskir@natfuel.com Ronald J. Tanski Principal Financial Officer, Treasurer; President of Supply Corporation
Cellinoa@natfuel.com Anna Marie Cellino President of National Fuel Gas Distribution Corporation
Carlottic@natfuel.com Carl M. Carlotti Senior Vice President of National Fuel Gas Distribution Corporation
DeCarolisd@natfuel.com Donna L. DeCarolis Vice President – Business Development

722. Abraxas Petroleum Corporation Lee@abraxaspetroleum.com

rwatson@abraxaspetroleum.com Robert L. G. Watson Chairman of the Board, President, CEO
cwillford@abraxaspetroleum.com Chris E. Williford CFO, Executive Vice President, Treasurer
WWallace@abraxaspetroleum.com William H. Wallace Vice President – Operations

lbillingsley@abraxaspetroleum.com Lee T. Billingsley Vice President – Exploration

723. Cubic Energy, Inc. donna@cubicenergyinc.com

CAW@cubicenergyinc.com Calvin A. Wallen III Chairman of the Board, President, CEO
Larry@cubicenergyinc.com Larry G. Badgley Chief Financial Officer

724. GeoMet, Inc. ssmith@geometcbm.com
DSere@geometcbm.com J. Darby Sere Chairman of the board, President, Chief Executive Officer
alone@geometcbm.com Philip G. Malone Senior Vice President – Exploration, Director
BCamp@geometcbm.com Brett S. Camp Senior Vice President – Operations

725. Vanco Energy Company ?????? PanAtlantic Energy Group

info@vancoenergy.com , businessdevelopment@vancoenergy.com

William T. Drennen Chief Executive Officer and President

GVanDyke@vancoenergy.com Gene Van Dyke, President and CEO
JMitchell@vancoenergy.com Jeffrey L. Mitchell, Senior Vice President and COO
RWallace@vancoenergy.com Ronald L. Wallace, Sr, Vice President, Exploration
PWilliams@vancoenergy.com Philip C. Williams, Vice President, Treasurer and Controller
GYougoubare@vancoenergy.com Gilbert Yougoubaré, Vice President, Vanco International Ltd
jbown@vancoenergy.com Dr. Jim Bown, President, Vanco Prykerchenska Ltd

726. Black Mountain Energy Corporation

buckb@shaw.ca Rick Braund Chairman, President & Chief Executive Officer

scottinglis1@mac.com Scott Inglis Director

727. Alamo Energy Corp info@alamoenergycorp.com

AMillmaker@alamoenergycorp.com Allan Millmaker, Chief Executive Officer

PMann@alamoenergycorp.com Philip Mann, Chief Financial Officer

728. KrisEnergy Pte Ltd info@krisenergy.com

Keith.Cameron@krisenergy.com Keith Gordon Cameron Chief Executive Officer

Chris.Gibson-Robinson@krisenergy.com Chris Gibson-Robinson Director Exploration & production

Richard.Lorentz@krisenergy.com Richard Allan Lorentz Jr Director Business Development

James.Parkin@krisenergy.com James Parkin VP Exploration

Mike.Whibley@krisenergy.com Michael Whibley Manager Exploration

Chris.Wilson@krisenergy.com Chris Wilson Manager Business Development

729. Mongolia Energy Corporation enquiry-hk@mongolia-energy.com ir@mongolia-energy.com

ShingSimon@mongolia-energy.com Simon Lo Lin Shing Chairman and Executive Director Simon.Shing@mongolia-energy.com

SchaefferJames@mongolia-energy.com James J. Schaeffer jr. Chief Executive Officer James.Schaeffer@mongolia-energy.com

PoonGordon@mongolia-energy.com Gordon Poon Director of Corporate Development Gordon.Poon@mongolia-energy.com

730.Arrow Energy HTapp@ArrowEnergy.com.au

AFaulkner@arrowenergy.com.au Andrew Faulkner Chief Executive Officer

FJianhua@arrowenergy.com.au Feng Jianhua Chief Operating Officer

TKnight@arrowenergy.com.au Tony Knight Vice President Exploration

731. Karoon Gas Australia Ltd (Karoon Gas) info@karoongas.com.au

RHosking@karoongas.com.au Robert M. Hosking Executive Chairman of the Board

SHosking@karoongas.com.au Scott Hosking Chief Financial Officer, Company Secretary

MSmith@karoongas.com.au Mark A. Smith Executive Director and Exploration Manager

JBein@karoongas.com.au Jorg Bein Geophysical Manager

732. Bow Energy Ltd info@bowenergy.com.au ?????? ?? ARROW Energy

JDeStefani@bowenergy.com.au John De Stefani, CEO – Commercial

VPalanyk@bowenergy.com.au Victor Palanyk, COO – Chief Operations Officer

733. Molopo Australia

SMitchell@molopo.com.au S.P. Mitchell (Managing Director)
IGorman@molopo.com.au Ian Gorman (Executive Director & COO)

RSotelo@molopo.com.au R. Sotelo Chief Commercial Officer
734. MEO Australia admin@meoaustralia.com.au

Nicholas.Heath@meoaustralia.com.au Nicholas Heath – Chairman
Jurgen.Hendrich@meoaustralia.com.au Jurgen Hendrich – CEO & Managing Director

David.Maughan@meoaustralia.com.au David Anthony Maughan Exploration Manager

Jarrod.Dunne@meoaustralia.com.au Jarrod Dunne, Ph.D. and BSc. (Hons) (Geophysics), Senior Geophysicist
Michael.Sweeney@meoaustralia.com.au Michael Sweeney – Non-Executive Director
Stephen.Hopley@meoaustralia.com.au Stephen Hopley – Non-Executive Director
Greg.Short@meoaustralia.com.au Greg Short – Non-Executive Director (Geology)

735. Metgasco Limited info@metgasco.com.au

KevinDixon@metgasco.com.au Kevin Dixon – General Manager, Gas Marketing

ien@metgasco.com.au Michael O’Brien – General Manager, Development

Peter.Stanmore@metgasco.com.au Peter Stanmore – General Manager, Exploration

736. PO Valley Energy Limited info@povalley.com

DColkin@povalley.com Doug Colkin – Chief Operating Officer

PVecchia@povalley.com Pierluigi Vecchia – Program Manager

737. Antares Energy mail@antaresenergy.com

JCruickshank@antaresenergy.com James Cruickshank, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer

MGentry@antaresenergy.com Matthew Gentry, Director & Chief Operating Officer

GShoemaker@antaresenergy.com Gregory Shoemaker, Director & Chief Scientist

VMcAppion@antaresenergy.com Vicky McAppion, Director & Company Secretary

MClohessy@antaresenergy.com Mark Clohessy, Non Executive Director

738. Nido Petroleum nido@nido.com.au

JdeDios@nido.com.au Jocot Victor Emmanuel Araullo de Dios President, Chief Executive Officer, Director Jocot de Dios

JNewman@nido.com.au John Newman Company Secretary

JWilliams@nido.com.au Joanne Williams Deputy Managing Director

JPattillo@nido.com.au Jon Pattillo Head – Exploration

739. Icon Energy Limited info@iconenergy.com

Ray.James@iconenergy.com Raymond James – managing director

bob.King@iconenergy.com Exploration Manager

Wesley Jon Glanville General Counsel,

740. Comet Ridge Limited comet@cometridge.com.au

James.McKay@cometridge.com.au James A.V. McKay Non-executive Chairmanp

Tor.McCaul@cometridge.com.au Tor McCaul Managing Director

Jeff.Schneider@cometridge.com.au Jeff Schneider Non-executive Director

Tony.Gilby@cometridge.com.au Tony Gilby Non-executive Director

Chris.Pieters@cometridge.com.au Chris Pieters Non-executive Director

741. Kairiki Energy Limited info@kairikienergy.com

PaulFry@kairikienergy.com Paul Damien John Fry Executive Chairman of the Board

MarkFenton@kairikienergy.com Mark Fenton Managing Director, Director

NevilleBassett@kairikienergy.com Neville Bassett Company Secretary

742. Planet Gas Limited info@planetgas.com

NSeckold@planetgas.com Norman A Seckold Chairman

IHalstead@planetgas.com Ian G. Halstead Chief Executive Officer

SOussa@planetgas.com Sharif Awad Oussa Ph.D. Managing Director Age: 36
RHaren@planetgas.com Richard Haren General Manager
AMcDonald@planetgas.com Anthony J McDonald DIRECTORS
PNightingale@planetgas.com Peter J Nightingale Company Secretary

743. Carnavale Resources Limited G.R15.PU

gajewskir@crcpl.com.au Ron Gajewski Director

jurmanp@crcpl.com.au Paul Jurman Company Secretary

744. PT PERTAMINA RETAIL info@pertaminaretail.com

G.Santoso@pertaminaretail.com Giri Santoso President Director

I.Hartawan@pertaminaretail.com Iwan Hartawan Operation Director

T.Wibowo@pertaminaretail.com Tristyanto Wibowo Finance Director

745. Burleson Energy Limited info@burlesonenergyltd.com

MSandy@burlesonenergyltd.com Michael Sandy Executive Director

JMcAlwey@burlesonenergyltd.com John McAlwey Non Executive Director

AKugler@burlesonenergyltd.com Andrew Kugler, Jr Non- Executive Director

746. Tri-Valley Corporation inquiry@tri-valleycorp.com

mcunningham@tri-valleycorp.com Maston N. Cunningham President and Chief Executive Officer.

joe@tri-valleycorp.com Joseph R. Kandle Senior Vice-President of Corporate Development

jbush@tri-valleycorp.com James G. Bush President, Select Resources Corporation

JKromer@tri-valleycorp.com James C. Kromer Vice-President of Operations

747. Altai Resources Inc. info@altairesources.com in Quebec’s St. Lawrence

NKacira@altairesources.com Niyazi Kacira, Director, President and CEO

Marc-Andre Lavoie President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

Geraint R. Lloyd Chief Operating Officer, Vice President – Exploration

748. Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij BV nam@nam.nl

749. ZEROMAX GmbH zeromax@zeromaxgmbh.com ?????????????
????? ?????????? ??? ??????? ?????? ?????????? ??????????? ???????? ?????????.

750. AuDAX Resources Ltd. audax@iinet.com.au admin@adxenergy.com.au


Wolfgang.Zimmer@adxenergy.com.au Wolfgang Zimmer Managing Director

Paul.Fink@adxenergy.com.au Paul Fink Technical Director

Ian.Tchacos@adxenergy.com.au Ian Tchacos Chairman

Peter.Ironside@adxenergy.com.au Peter Ironside Company Secretary

George.Brugeyroux@adxenergy.com.au George Brugeyroux Senior Geological Advisor

751. Jupiter Energy Limited geoff@jupiterenergy.com.au info@jupiterenergy.com.au

Keith@jupiterenergy.com.au Keith Martens Exploration Consultant

David@jupiterenergy.com.au Dr.David Thorpe Managing Director

Scott@jupiterenergy.com.au Scott Adrian Mison Chief Financial Officer, Company Secretary

752. RAK Petroleum PCL info@rakpetroleum.ae

Bijan Mossavar-Rahmani Chairman Chief Executive Officer

Shelley.Watson@rakpetroleum.ae Ms. Shelley Watson Group Commercial Director

Michel.Pick@rakpetroleum.ae Mr. Michel Pick Regional Technical Director

katherine.darcy@rakpetroleum.ae Ms. Katherine D’Arcy Corporate Affairs Manager

David.Thorpe@rakpetroleum.ae Mr. David Thorpe Operations Manager

753. Range Energy Resources Inc range@rangemetals.com

754. Petoskey Exploration LLC jsullivan@energywestcorp.com

Jim Sullivan, Energy West Michigan LLC

755. Manas Petroleum Corporation info@manaspete.com

mvogel@manaspetroleum.com Peter-Mark Vogel President, Chief Executive Officer mvogel@manaspete.com ???????

RSchenz@manaspetroleum.com Dr. Richard Schenz Director

EHerlyn@manaspetroleum.com Erik Edzard Herlyn Director

MVelletta@manaspetroleum.com Michael J. Velletta Executive Director

WLadwein@manaspetroleum.com Werner Ladwein Independent Director

Boris Goldinstein General Manager, Central Asia

756. German Oil and Gas AG info@germanoilandgas.com

csKing@germanoilandgas.com Cameron S. King Chief Executive Officer, President

JBleuler@germanoilandgas.com Jason Bleuler Vice President – Corporate Development, Director

757. L&M Energy Ltd info@LMEnergy.co.nz

KentA@lmenergy.co.nz Kent Anson Managing Director Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer

BMcGregor@lmpetroleum.com Bruce McGregor Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary

RKoughnet@lmpetroleum.com Rod van Koughnet Senior Geoscientist

CMcKeown@lmpetroleum.com Chris McKeown Commercial Manager

758. Vegas Oil and Gas in Egypt’s Suez basin

ADavidoff@vegasoil.com Andrew Joseph Davidoff Gas Team Lead

759. Canacol Energy Ltd info@canacolenergy.com

CGamba@canacolenergy.com Charle Gamba President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

BHearst@canacolenergy.com Brian Hearst Chief Financial Officer

markholliday@canacolenergy.com Mark Holliday Chief Operating Officer

MTeare@canacolenergy.com Mark Teare Vice President – Exploration

760. WestSide Corp. Ltd , info@westsidecorporation.com Tullow Oi

Angus.Karoll@westsidecorporation.com Angus Karoll – Chairman and Acting CEO

Simon.Mewing@westsidecorporation.com Simon Mewing – Chief Operating Officer

Damian.Galvin@westsidecorporation.com Damian Galvin – Chief Financial Officer

Chandra.Shekhar@westsidecorporation.com Chandra Shekhar – Chief Geologist

761. Zeta Petroleum Ltd info@zetapetroleum.com

SWest@zetapetroleum.com Stephen West Executive Director

pcrookall@zetapetroleum.com Phil Crookall Chief Operating Officer

BPopescu@zetapetroleum.com Bogdan Popescu Country Manager – Romania dmarin@zetapetroleum.com

HPrior@zetapetroleum.com Helen Prior Senior Geologist

762. GeoResources, Inc.

Frank@georesourcesinc.com Frank A. Lodzinski President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

Howard@georesourcesinc.com Howard E. Ehler CFO, Vice President

Robert@georesourcesinc.com Robert John Anderson Vice P
esident – Business Development, Acquisitions

763. LLOG Exploration Co. LLC www.llog.com

ScottG@llog.com SGutterman@yahoo.com Scott Gutterman President and Chief Executive Officer

JayC@llog.com Jay Cole – Vice President – Deepwater Exploration

JohnD@llog.com John Doughtie – Vice President – Exploration

MalloyF@llog.com Malloy French – Vice President – Shelf and Onshore Exploration

764. ARKeX, Cambridge, UK, ?????????????

Mark.Champion@arkex.com Mark Champion, Marketing Manager

765. X-Terra Resources Corp info@Xterraresources.com in the St. Lawrence Lowlands

MDallaire@Xterraresources.com Martin Dallaire Chairman of the Board, President, CEO

SPlouffe@Xterraresources.com Sebastien Plouffe Director

XZhao@Xterraresources.com Xin Zhao Director

766. Petrobras in the Campos basin off Brazil (pre-salt)

SergioAzevedo@petrobras.com.br Jose Sergio Gabrielli de Azevedo President CEO, Director SergioG@petrobras.com.br

GuilhermeOliveira@petrobras.com.br Guilherme De Oliveira Estrella Exploration and Production Officer

geraldomds@petrobras.com.br Geraldo Marcio Diniz Santos Optimization Manager

PauloRC@petrobras.com.br Paulo Roberto Costa Downstream Officer PauloRoberto@petrobras.com.br

Zelada@petrobras.com.br Jorge Luiz Zelada International Business Officer JorgeLuiz@petrobras.com.br

Barbassa@petrobras.com.br Almir Guilherme Barbassa CFO, Investor Relations Officer

petroinvest@petrobras.com.br Luciana Bastos de Freitas Rachid–Executive manager Investor Relations

767. US Oil & Gas Corp. info@usoilandgas.net

alex@usoilandgas.net Anithalee Alex, Jr. – founder

768. Kosmos Energy LLC info@kosmosenergy.com in West Africa

JMusselman@kosmosenergy.com James C. Musselman Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

BMaxted@kosmosenergy.com Brian F. Maxted Chief Operating Officer

PDailly@kosmosenergy.com Paul Dailly Senior Vice President, Exploration

KGoh@kosmosenergy.com Kenny Goh Senior Vice President, Exploration

MGarrett@kosmosenergy.com Marvin M. Garrett Senior Vice President, Operations and Development

769. PT Pertamina (Persero) pcc@pertamina.com for acquisition of new oil and natural gas blocks
Agustiawan@pertamina.com Agustiawan Karen President Director

FSiahaan@pertamina.com Frederick ST Siahaan Finance director

PT Pertamina EP subsidiary webmaster@pertamina-ep.com ? ?????

SAprilian@pertamina-ep.com Salis S Aprilian President Director

BSudaryanto@pertamina-ep.com Bagus Sudaryanto Operation Director

SAlam@pertamina-ep.com Syamsu Alam Exploration and Development Director

770. Elixir Petroleum Ltd. France’s largest onshore exploration block, Moselle Block

JStewart@elixirpetroleum.com Jonathan Kingsley Stewart Executive Chairman of the Board
JFoster@elixirpetroleum.com Julie Foster Company Secretary

ARoss@elixirpetroleum.com Andrew Gary Ross Managing Director, Executive Director

IKnott@elixirpetroleum.com Iain Knott Executive Director – Exploration, Director

771. Golden State Resources Ltd gsr@goldenstate.com.au

Ranko@goldenstate.com.au Ranko Matic Company Secretary

Richard@goldenstate.com.au Richard Salvatore Sciano Managing Director, Executive Director

gsr@goldenstate.com.au Richard De Boer Executive Director, Exploration Manager

772. Cantex Energy Corporation info@cantexenergy.com

Trace Maurin is President

773. EuroGas, Inc NewYork@eurogas-inc.com Europe@eurogas-inc.com

WRauball@eurogas-inc.com Wolfgang Rauball Chairman of the Board, President, CEO

HSchmidt@eurogas-inc.com Harald Schmidt CFO, Executive Vice President, Secretary, Director

774. Northen Territory Oil Limited oilandgasweekly@gmail.com ntotex@yahoo.com

Denzil.Griffiths@ntoil.com.au Denzil Griffiths ExecutiveChairman

John.Campbell@ntoil.com.au John Campbell Director and Company Secretary

Craig.Thomler@ntoil.com.au Craig Thomler Dir

lan Whitchurch Operations Manager http://ntoil.com.au

775. Rodinia Oil Corp. info@rodiniaoil.com bIverach@rodiniaoil.com Director and Chairman

PBennett@rodiniaoil.com Paul J. Bennett President and Chief Operating Officer

rparkes@rodiniaoil.com Richard Parkes Exploration Operations Manager

JAllender@rodiniaoil.com Jim Allender Manager of Geophysics

776. Tri-Ocean Energy info@trioceanenergy.com

Mohameda@trioceanenergy.com Mohamed El Ansary Chief Executive Officer

Zakiz@trioceanenergy.com Zaki S. Zaki VP Exploration & Production

EstherH@trioceanenergy.com Esther van Hooft VP Plannihg and Economics

TEssawy@trioceanenergy.com Tomer Essawy Commercial director

777. Texon Petroleum Ltd

John.Armstrong@texonpetroleum.com.au John D. Armstrong Chairman of the Board
Dave.Mason@texonpetroleum.com.au David J.M. Mason President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
Des.Olling@texonpetroleum.com.au Desmond Olling Company Secretary

778. Moby Oil & Gas Limited

Geoffrey@moby.com.au E. Geoffrey Albers Executive Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer
John@moby.com.au John Gregory Tuohy Company Secretary

Lance@moby.com.au Lance E. Coburn Non-Executive Director

779. Advance Energy Limited info@advanceenergyltd.com.au

DBallantyne@advanceenergyltd.com.au David Ballantyne Company Secretary
AShort@advanceenergyltd.com.au Anthony N. Short Managing Director, Executive Director
ABajada@advanceenergyltd.com.au Alex S. Bajada Non-Executive Chairman of the Board
KPlankinton@advanceenergyltd.com.au Kip Plankinton Director Gordon Sklenka Non-Executive Director

780. Goldnev Resources Inc. info@goldnevresources.com

MarcDame@goldnevresources.com Marc Dame President, Chief Executive Officer, Director CharlieChapman@goldnevresources.com Charlie Chapman VP – Engineering and Operations, Director

781. ACER Energy Limited mail@acerenergy.com.au suzanne.mccartney@acerenergy.com.au

DKinsman@innapet.com.au David Kinsman Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer

Leni.Stanley@acerenergy.com.au Leni P. Stanley Company Secretary

Clint.Adams@acerenergy.com.au Clint Adams Chief Executive Officer

Darren.Rogers@acerenergy.com.au Darren Rogers Chief Operating Officer

Mike.Bucknill@acerenergy.com.au Mike Bucknill GM Exploration

782. Tangiers Petroleum ????? DVM International info@tangierspetroleum.com

Mark.Ceglinski@tangierspetroleum.com Mark Joseph Ceglinski Executive Chairman of the Board

Margaret.Hildick-Pytte@tangierspetroleum.com Margaret Hildick-Pytte Exploration Director

783. Solimar Energy Limited info@solimarenergy.com.au

FrankP@solimarenergy.com.au Frank Petruzzelli Non-Executive Chairman of the Board
ChrisB@solimarenergy.com.au Chris Bowyer Company Secretary
SteveM@solimarenergy.com.au Steve McLean Operations Manager

784. Tidewater Oil & Gas Co

JJones@Tidewater-Oil.com James S. Jones

785. PTT Exploration and Production Public Company

Anon.Sirisaengtaksin@pttep.com Anon Sirisaengtaksin Chief Executive Officer, President, Director

Somkiat.Chanmaha@pttep.com Somkiat Chanmaha Executive VP of Geosciences
Division Asadakorn.Limpiti@pttep.com Asadakorn Limpiti Executive VP of Strategy and BD Group
Pritsadaphan.Phochanapricha@pttep.com Pritsadaphan Phochanapricha Executive VP of Engineering and Operations

Thevin.Wongwanit@pttep.com Thevin Wongwanit Senior Vice President of Office of CEO and President, Director

786. Chevron

JWatson@chevron.com John S. Watson Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

GKirkland@chevron.com George L. Kirkland VCof the Board, Global Upstream and Gas

JBlackwell@chevron.com James R. Blackwell Executive Vice President – Technology & Services

RobertRyan@chevron.com Bobby Ryan (Robert N. Ryan), vice president, Global Exploration, Chevron

787. GDF SUEZ Energy Gaz De France

abrice.seigneur@gdfsuez.com cedric.thorel@gdfsuez.com

Gerard.Mestrallet@gdfsuez.com Gérard Mestrallet Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Jean-Francois.Cirelli@gdfsuez.com Jean-Francois Cirelli Vice-Chairman and President

Jacques.Lagarde@gdfsuez.com Jacques Lagarde Chairman of the GDF SUEZ Strategy and Investment Committee

Dirk.Beeuwsaert@gdfsuez.com Dirk Beeuwsaert, Executive Vice President

Jean-Marie.Dauger@gdfsuez.com Jean-Marie Dauger, Executive Vice President in charge of the Global Gas

Olivier.Bourges@gdfsuez.com Olivier Bourges Deputy General Manager

788. Idemitsu Kosan Co., Ltd Idemitsu Oil & Gas Co. frontoffice@si.idemitsu.co.jp

Akihiko.Tembo@si.idemitsu.co.jp Akihiko Tembo Chairman of the Board, Representative Director
Kazuhisa.Nakano@si.idemitsu.co.jp Kazuhisa Nakano President, Representative Director

Kenichi.Matsui@si.idemitsu.co.jp Kenichi Matsui Managing Director

Akiro.Nishiyori@si.idemitsu.co.jp Akiro Nishiyori Vice President, Representative Director

Takashi.Tsukioka@si.idemitsu.co.jp Takashi Tsukioka Managing Director, MEO, Director of Business Planning

Yoshihisa.Matsumoto@si.idemitsu.co.jp Yoshihisa Matsumoto Vice President, Representative Director

Seiji.Fukunaga@si.idemitsu.co.jp Seiji Fukunaga Managing Director

789. FieldPoint Petroleum Corporation fppc@ix.netcom.com on the north side of the North Dakota

Reaves@fppcorp.com Ray D. Reaves Chairman of the Board, President, CEO, CFO

RBryant@fppcorp.com Roger D. Bryant Director
DRobinson@fppcorp.com Dan Robinson Director
KReimers@fppcorp.com Karl W. Reimers Director

790. OGX Petróleo e Gás Participações S.A. ri@ogx.com.br www.ogx.com.br

791. Karl Thomson Holdings an@ktg.com.hk , admin@ktg.com.hk

792. Guoco Group Limited comsec@guoco.com , hr_enquiry@guoco.com

QuekLengChan@guoco.com Leng Chan Quek Executive Chairman of the Board
KwekLengHai@guoco.com Leng Hai Kwek President, Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director
TsangChoTai@guoco.com Cho Tai Tsang Chief Financial Officer
LoSzeMan@guoco.com Sze Man Lo Company Secretary

TanLimHeng@guoco.com Lim Heng Tan Executive Director
DingWaiChuen@guoco.com Wai Chuen Ding Executive Director
KwekLengSan@guoco.com Leng San Kwek Non-Executive Director
KhattarSatPal@guoco.com Sat Pal Khattar Independent Non-Executive Director
VolkerStoeckel@guoco.com Volker Stoeckel Independent Non-Executive Director
RodericSage@guoco.com Roderic N. A. Sage Independent Non-Executive Director

793. South Sea Petroleum Holdings info@southseapetro.com.hk

ZhouLing@southseapetro.com.hk Ling Zhou Executive Chairman of the Board

794. Enviro Energy International Holdings inquiry@enviro-energy.com.hk

Kenny.Chan@enviro-energy.com.hk Kenny W. Chan Chairman & Chief Executive Officer

Christie.Mok@enviro-energy.com.hk Ms. Mok Kam Sheung Christie General Counsel & Company Secretary

David.Yip@enviro-energy.com.hk David Yip Corporate Finance Director

DDowning@enviro-energy.com.hk Donald O. Downing Vice-President

Adrian.Chan@enviro-energy.com.hk Adrian Chan Chief Financial Officer

795. Kunlun Energy Company info@kunlun.com.hk

Mr. Li Hualin – Chairman
Mr. Zhang Bowen – Executive Director & Chief Executive Officer
Mr. Cheng Cheng – Executive Director & Vice President

796. Petromanas Energy Inc www.petromanas.com info@petromanas.com ?????? ? ???????

VJohnson@petromanas.com Verne G. Johnson Chairman of the Board

glenn.mcnamara@petromanas.com Glenn A. McNamara Chief Executive Officer, Director

hamid.mozayani@petromanas.com Hamid Mozayani Chief Operating Officer

stephen.farner@petromanas.com Steve Farner Vice President, Exploration ?? ?????

797. Czech Republic Resource Corp

info@czechresource.com R.Revell Murphy, president, director

info@czechresource.com David Gideon Thomson, director

info@czechresource.com Jara Georg Meger, s

798. Kulczyk Oil Ventures Inc. kov@kulczykoil.ca

TElliott@kulczykoil.ca Timothy Mulroney Elliott President and Chief Executive Officer

NHolton@kulczykoil.ca Norman William Holton Vice-Chairman

JGraham@kulczykoil.ca Jock Macdonald Graham Executive Vice President

PRose@kulczykoil.ca Paul Herbert Rose Chief Financial Officer

EBeaman@kulczykoil.ca Edwin Andrew Beaman Vice President Operations and Engineering

trehill@kulczykoil.com Trent Rehill

799. Dana Gas mail@danagas.ae

800. AusTex Oil Ltd., Sydney info@austexoil.com admin@austexoil.com

Peter.Power@austexoil.com Peter Edward Power Power Chairman http://www.iec-oil.com
richard@ienergycorp.com adrey@sbcglobal.net Richard A. Adrey President/CEO richard@iec-oil.com, mail@iec-oil.com
dan.lanskey@austexoil.com Daniel Lanskey Managing Director

Trevor.Sykes@austexoil.com Trevor Sykes Independent Non-Executive Director

801. HRT Oil & Gas www.hrt.com.br info@hrt.com.br in the basin in Amazonas ????? ?????? ?????

MMello@hrt.com.br Dr. Marcio Mello CEO information@hrt.com.br

MFranke@hrt.com.br Milton Romeu Franke CEO of HRT Oil&Gas
NAzambuja@hrt.com.br Nilo Azambuja vice-president

AAgostini@hrt.com.br Antonio Agostini Operations Director

ACatto@hrt.com.br Antonio Catto Head geophysical group

802. Mainland Resources, Inc info@mainlandresources.com

MNewport@mainlandresources.com Michael J. Newport President, Chief Executive Officer
WThomas@mainlandresources.com William David Thomas Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer, Director
PWilson@mainlandresources.com Peter G. Wilson Vice President – Business Development, Director

SHorton@mainlandresources.com Simeon King Horton Director
AViard@mainlandresources.com Angelo Viard Director

803. American Petro-Hunter info@aaphinfo.com

RMcIntosh@aaphinfo.com Robert B. McIntosh President & CEO

DHolladay@aaphinfo.com Dan Holladay Director

804. Royal Quantum Group, Inc info@royalquantum.com

Ron@royalquantum.com Ron Ruskowsky President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
Roger@royalquantum.com Roger M. Janssen Vice President, Secretary, Director
Phil@royalquantum.com Phillip Van Angeren Exploration Manager, Director

805. Lucas Energy info@lucasenergy.com ?? ?????? ??????

Fred@lucasenergy.com J. Fred Hofheinz Chairman of the Board
WSawyer@lucasenergy.com William A. Sawyer Chief Executive Officer, President, Director
DSytsma@lucasenergy.com Donald L. Sytsma Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer

806. Neon Energy Ltd info@neonenergy.com nnotman@neonenergy.com

KCharsinsky@neonenergy.com Ken Charsinsky Managing Director

AStein@neonenergy.com Alan Stein Non-Executive Chairman

DCliff@neonenergy.com Dave Cliff Exploration Manager

ASherrard@neonenergy.com Alan Sherrard Business Development Manager ????? ???? ??????

ISmith@neonenergy.com Iain Smith Commercial Manager

GWagner@neonenergy.com Greg Wagner Resident Manager (USA)

807. Realm Energy info@realmenergy.ca (soon to merge with San Leon Energy PLC) Aschen Concession

Craig@realmenergy.ca Craig A. Steinke Executive Chairman of the Board
mike@realmenergy.ca Mike Mullen – technical inquiries
Kevin@realmenergy.ca Kevin D. Rathbun Chief Financial Officer
Carmen@realmenergy.ca Carmen Etchart Corporate Secretary

808. Greymouth Petroleum admin@greymouthpetroleum.co.nz in the Caupolicán Block (PetroMagallanes)

MDunphy@greymouth.co.nz Mark Dunphy CEO

PMasfen@greymouth.co.nz P.H. Masfen Non Exec

JSturgess@greymouth.co.nz John Sturgess COO

809. Atlas Energy Inc Investorrelations@atlasenergy.com

ECohen@atlasenergy.com Edward E. Cohen Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

RWeber@atlasenergy.com Richard D. Weber President

JCohen@atlasenergy.com Jonathan Z. Cohen Vice Chairman of the Board

FKotek@atlasenergy.com Freddie M. Kotek Executive Vice President

y@atlasenergy.com Eugene N. Dubay Executive Vice President

810. Energas Resources Inc. info@energasresources.com

GShaw@energasresources.com George G. Shaw President, Principal Financial Officer,

SShaw@energasresources.com G. Scott Shaw Vice President, Secretary, Director


811. Archer Petroleum Corp info@archerpetroleum.com in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin of Alberta.

CPerrier@archerpetroleum.com Claude V. Perrier III, CEO & Director

CBowkett@archerpetroleum.com Colin Bowkett President & Director

JMcKinney@archerpetroleum.com Joe Mike McKinney, Director

JWilson@archerpetroleum.com Jeffrey T. Wilson VP Operations jtwilsonx1@aol.com

812. Saratoga Resources Inc jbrown@ kschiro@

AClifford@ Andrew C. Clifford (President)

TCooke@ Thomas F. Cooke (Chairman & CEO)

813. Nalcor Energy info@nalcorenergy.com oilandgas@nalcorenergy.com bullarm@nalcorenergy.com

Ed.Martin@nalcorenergy.com Ed Martin President & CEO

John.Ottenheimer@nalcorenergy.com John Ottenheimer Chair Corporate Director

814. Mitra Energy Ltd contact@mitraenergylimited.com

Paul.Ebdale@mitraenergylimited.com Paul Ebdale Chief Executive Officer

Ian Gray Director, Chairman Arthur Jones Company Secretary

815. Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Co. (KUFPEC)

816. Portal Resources Ltd info@portalresources.net ?? ?????

DHottman@portalresources.net David Hottman Chairman, President & CEO
GNordin@portalresources.net Gary Nordin Oil/Gas Advisory Board

817. BelGeo Ltd. info@belgeo-belize.com

DKlein@belgeo-belize.com David Klein, Chairman of the Board

818. CPC Corporation (formerly Chinese Petroleum Corporation) ir@cpc.com.tw b00@cpc.com.tw f00@cpc.com.tw

010839@cpc.com.tw Chu Shao-hua President and Acting Chairman

CChiang@cpc.com.tw Chung-Chen Chiang VP and CEO, Marketing Business Division

KALin@cpc.com.tw K. A. Lin Director, Exploration and Development Research Institute

819. Grynberg Petroleum Company RSM Production Corporation


820. Northern Spirit Resources Inc

jim_tanner@hotmail.com James N. Tanner, President

821. Petsec Energy Ltd mail@petsec.com.au

TFern@petsec.com.au Chairman and Managing Director

RKeogh@petsec.com President, Petsec Energy Inc
RKrenzke@petsec.com Vice President of Exploration

PGahdmar@petsec.com.au Company Secretary

FRobertson@petsec.com.au Chief Financial Officer

822. Avro Energy, Inc info@avroenergy.com avroenergy@gmail.com

Mike P. Kurtanjek President, Chief Executive Officer, Director Michael Kurtanjek

Donny Fitzgerald Secretary, Director

Michael Heenan Director

823. Spectrum ASA ?????? 2D 3D

david.rowlands@spectrumasa.com David Rowlands Chief Executive Officer

rhys.edwards@spectrumasa.com Rhys Edwards, CFO

824. Vulcan Minerals Inc info@vulcanminerals.ca

Laracy@vulcanminerals.ca Patrick J. Laracy President, Chief Executive Officer, Director gmacneil@vulcanminerals.ca
DBishop@vulcanminerals.ca Dawn E. Bishop Chief Financial Officer, Corporate Secretary

PCollins@vulcanminerals.ca Philip E. Collins Director , William Koenig Director , Rex Gibbons Ph.D. Director

825. BreitBurn Energy Partners LP info@breitburn.com

HWashburn@breitburn.com Halbert S. Washburn Chief Executive Officer
RBreitenbach@breitburn.com Randall Hart Breitenbach President
Mark.Pease@breitburn.com Mark L. Pease Chief Operating Officer, Executive Vice President
GBrown@breitburn.com Gregory C. Brown Executive Vice President – Land, Legal

JWashburn@breitburn.com W. Jackson Washburn Senior Vice President – Business Development

826. New Shoshoni Ventures Ltd info@newshoshoni.com

Ralf@newshoshoni.com Ralf Hillebrand President – CEO

Mark@newshoshoni.com Mark
ommasi Director – CFO

827. PGNiG SA info@pgnig.pl

Rychlicki@pgnig.pl Stanislaw Rychlicki Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Szubski@pgnig.pl Michal Szubski Chairman of the Management Board

Dudzinski@pgnig.pl Radoslaw Dudzinski VC of the Management Board for Strategy

Wojcik@pgnig.pl Waldemar Wojcik VC of the Management Board for Oil Mining

828. Buccaneer Energy info@buccenergy.com info@buccaneerresources.com

cburton@buccaneerresources.com Curtis D. Burton Managing Director, Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director
JWatt@buccaneerresources.com Jim Watt – Buccaneer Alaska
CWainwright@buccaneerresources.com G. Clint Wainwright Jr. Executive Vice President – Operations & Business Development

AHuckabay@buccaneerresources.com Allen Huckabay Vice President – Exploration & Development

CMoore@buccaneerresources.com Craig Moore Chief Geophysicist

829. Sillenger Exploration Corp. info@sillenger.com www.sillenger.com

JGillespie@sillenger.com John Gillespie President and CEO survey of the 27,000 sq km Rio Muni region and 4,500 sq km (30 km) of the continental platform off the Atlantic coast.

AJuhas@sillenger.com Allan P. Juhas Director of Exploration

830. Hilcorp Energy Co info@hilcorp.com jlessey@hilcorp.com, jparker@hilcorp.com, afoss@hilcorp.com

JHildebrand@hilcorp.com Jeff Hildebrand Founder, President and CEO

831. Chinook Energy Inc. info@stormventure.com info@chinookenergyinc.com

MBrister@chinookenergyinc.com Matthew Brister, President and Chief Executive Officer

GWierzba@chinookenergyinc.com P. Grant Wierzba, Vice President, Production, Chief Operating Officer

RSmitshoek@chinookenergyinc.com Roy Smitshoek, Chief Operating Officer, International

TLindskog@chinookenergyinc.com Tom Lindskog, Vice President, Exploration

832. Interra Resources Limited interra@interraresources.com

MTjia@interraresources.com Marcel Han Liong Tjia Executive Director & Chief Executive Officer

Frank@interraresources.com Frank Overall Hollinger Chief Technical Officer

Foo Say Tain Chief Financial Officer

833. TNK-Uvat company@tnk-bp.com

A.Prokhorov@tnk-bp.com Alexander Prokhorov, Deputy General Director for Geology and Reservoir Management, Chief Geologist of TNK-Uvat.

834. Sintez Group sg@sintez-group.ru ???: +7 495 937-0260 ????: +7 495 937-0272 ??????

AKorolev@sintez-group.ru Andrey Korolev Executive Director of Sintez Group

AKuzmin@sintez-group.ru Alexander Kuzmin General Director of Negusneft on Block 1711 in Namibia and the Arctic Shelf


835. Topaz Resources, Inc. info@topazresourcesinc.com

TMunden@topazresourcesinc.com Edward J. Munden President, Chief Executive Officer Ted
RLindsay@topazresourcesinc.com Robert P. Lindsay Chief Operating Officer Bob

RStinnett@topazresourcesinc.com Rand Stinnett, VP and General Counsel

836. Brinx Resources Ltd info@brinxresources.com

Leroy Halterman President, Secretary, Director
Kulwant Sandher Chief Financial Officer
Kenneth A. Cabianca Director

837. Kea Petroleum info@keapetroleum.com

davidbennett@keapetroleum.com David Bennett Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director

davidLees@keapetroleum.com David John Lees Executive Director

838. Sirius Petroleum plc enquiries@siriuspetroleum.com ????? ???? ????????
Toby@siriuspetroleum.com Toby J. L. Hayward Non-Executive Director

Mike@siriuspetroleum.com Michael Hirschfield

Graham@siriuspetroleum.com Graham L. Porter Executive Director

Graham Porter

839. Sky Petroleum, Inc info@skypetroleum.com in Blocks 4, 5, and Dumre in Albania/5,000 km2.

KJobanputra@skypetroleum.com Karim Jobanputra Interim Chief Executive Officer, Director
mnoonan@skypetroleum.com Michael D. Noonan Vice President, Corporate, Secretary

rcurt@skypetroleum.com Robert P. Curt Director

840. Voyager Oil & Gas, Inc.
yageroil.com J.R. Reger, Secretary, CEO

mitch.thompson@voyageroil.com Mitchell Thompson, Treasurer, CFO

841. Avenue Group, Inc. web@avenuegroupinc.com IR@avenuegroupinc.com
LMochkin@avenuegroupinc.com Levi Mochkin Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer
MMochkin@avenuegroupinc.com Mendel Mochkin Executive Vice President, Director

BArnon@avenuegroupinc.com Boas Arnon – Senior Geo-Scientist

842. Breitling Oil and Gas jennifer@breitlingoilandgas.com

Chris@breitlingoilandgas.com Chris Faulkner Chief Executive Officer

Parker@breitlingoilandgas.com Parker Hallam Chief Operating Officer

Michael@breitlingoilandgas.com Michael Miller Vice President

843. Pemex (Petroleos Mexicanos) petroleosmexicanos@pemex.com

Georgina.Kessel@pemex.com Georgina Y. Kessel Martinez Chairman of the Board, Secretary of Energy

Juan.Suarez@pemex.com Juan Jose Suarez Coppel Chief Executive Officer

Carlos.Morales@pemex.com Carlos Arnoldo Morales Gil Director General of Pemex Exploration and Production

rmendoza@itsinc.com Raúl Mendoza Jiménez Vice President, Commercial Development

844. Cougar Oil and Gas Canada info@cougarenergyinc.com info@cougarenergyoilandgascanadainc.com

W.Tighe@cougarenergyinc.com William S. (Bill) Tighe Director, Chairman of the Board, CEO

G.Watt@cougarenergyinc.com Glenn Watt Director, COO

S.Peter@cougarenergyinc.com Steven Peter Vice President, Exploration Lee Lischka Director, President, Secretary/Treasurer

the successful acquisition of 2,176 hectares or 5,377 acres to continue the development of our Trout Core area

845. Loon Energy Corporation loon@loonenergy.com

TElliott@loonenergy.com Timothy Mulroney Elliott Chief Executive Officer, President, Director

NHolton@loonenergy.com Norman William Holton Vice Chairman of the Board nholton@loon-energy.com
JGraham@loonenergy.com Jock Macdonald Graham Executive Vice President

EBeaman@loonenergy.com Edwin Andrew Beaman Vice President of Operations and Engineering

TRehill@loonenergy.com Trent Rehill Vice President Geosciences

846. Netco Silver Netco Energy Inc info@netcosilver.com

AGourlay@netcosilver.com Andrew W. Gourlay President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

MSweatman@netcosilver.com Michael D. Sweatman Chief Financial Officer, Secretary, Director

847. Statesman Resources Ltd info@statesmanresources.com

sasha.karpov@statesmanresources.com Sasha A. Karpov President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

Greg.Channon@statesmanresources.com Gregory John Channon Independent Director

Mike Simmons, Geologist , Rod Andersen, Manager of Exploration

848. Montello Resources Ltd info@montello.com

peterbrown@montello.com Peter C. Brown Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer
dpetke@q4financial.com Dennis Petke Chief Financial Officer, Director

GerryLefevre@montello.com Gerry Lefevre Independent Director

849. Ranger Energy Ltd.

dantony@rangerenergy.ca Dave Antony Chief Executive Officer

850. PDC Energy board@petd.com

RMcCullough@petd.com Richard W. McCullough Chairman of the Board and CEO

BBrookman@petd.com Barton R. Brookman Senior VP Exploration and Production

LLauck@petd.com Lance A. Lauck Senior VP – Business Development

851. Royale Energy, Inc ???-?????,??? ir@royl.com events@royl.com

don@royl.com Donald H. Hosmer Co-President, Co-CEO, Director

hosmer@royl.com Stephen M. Hosmer Co-President, Co-CEO, CFO, Director

abdelrahmanm@royl.com dr. Mohamed MO abdel-rahman Vice President Exploration

852. Spring Energy AS spring@springenergy.no let a contract to PetroMarker AS, Stavanger, for an electromagnetic survey on the Norwegian Continental Shelf.

Thorleif.Enger@springenergy.no Thorleif Enger Chairman of the Board

Roar.Tessem@springenergy.no Roar Tessem Chief Executive Officer

Per-Gustav.Granholm@springenergy.no Per-Gustav Granholm Director Expl

Jorn.Rokk@springenergy.no Jorn Rokk Director Production & Business Development

853. EBX Group (OGX)

EBatista@ebx.com.br Eike Fuhrken Batista Chairman CEO OGX, CEO EBX EBatista@ebx.com.br

PMendonca@ogx.com.br Paulo Mendonca General Executive Officer and E&P Director

RBelotti@ogx.com.br Reinaldo Belotti . Production Development Officer

JFaveret@ogx.com.br José Faveret

854. MASS Petroleum Inc. info@masspetroleum.com

VMelnikov@masspetroleum.com Vitaly Melnikov Chief Financial Officer, Director
JShapiro@masspetroleum.com Jordan Shapiro Treasurer, Secretary, Director

855. Lion Energy Corp info@lionenergycorp.com ?????? ?? Africa Oil Corp

JNelson@lionenergycorp.com John R. Nelson President and CEO

BThurston@lionenergycorp.com Brian G. Thurston Director

GMcKay@lionenergycorp.com R. Gordon McKay Director

856. Doxa Energy Ltd info@doxaenergy.com

JHarvison@doxaenergy.com John D. Harvison President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
DFrederiksen@doxaenergy.com Daniel Frederiksen Director
PMcKenzie@doxaenergy.com Paul McKenzie Director
SParsons@doxaenergy.com Scott Bryan Parsons Director

857. Cove Energy

Michael.Blaha @hawkleyoilandgas.com Michael Blaha – Executive Chairman
John.Craven@cove-energy.com John Craven – CEO

Michael.Nolan@cove-energy.com Finance Director

858. Domestic Energy Corporation info@domesticenergycorp.com

859. Abington Resources Ltd info@abingtonresources.com

Walter Brenner President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

J. Lewis Dillman Chief Financial Officer, Director

Laurence Sookochoff Advisor to the Board

860. Spartan Exploration Ltd. info@spartanexp.com

RMcHardy@spartanexp.com Richard F. McHardy President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

AStark@spartanexp.com Albert J. Stark Vice President – Engineering and Operations

FKalantzis@spartanexp.com Fotis Kalantzis Vice President – Exploration

BMcNamara@spartanexp.com Barry McNamara Exploration Manager

861. ONGC-Mittal Energy Ltd www.ongcmittal.com contact@ongc-mittal.com

RKBiyani@ongc-mittal.com R.K. Biyani CEO OMEL

AKVasudev@ongc-mittal.com A.K. Vasudev

862. Torquay Oil Corp ?? ?????

Brent@torquayoil.com J. Brent McKercher President and CEO and Director

Terry@torquayoil.com Terry R. McCallum VP, Exploration and COO and Director

Angus@torquayoil.com Angus Jenkins Vice President, Operations

863. Reliance Industries Ltd investor_relations@ril.com

mambani@ril.com Mukesh D. Ambani Chairman & Managing Director mukesh_ambani@ril.com

vambani@ril.com Vinod M. Ambani President, Compliance Officer, Company Secretary

nmeswani@ril.com Nikhil R. Meswani Executive Director

hmeswani@ril.com Hital R. Meswani Executive Director

pprasad@ril.com P. M. S. Prasad Whole Time Director

PKapil@ril.com Pawan Kumar Kapil Executive Director

MBhakta@ril.com Mansingh L. Bhakta Lead Independent Non–Executive Director
RAmbani@ril.com Ramniklal H. Ambani Non-Executive Non-Independent Director
YTrivedi@ril.com Yogendra P. Trivedi Independent Non-Executive Director

DKapur@ril.com Dharam Vir Kapur Independent Non-Executive Director

864. Essar Group ( Oil ) eolinvestors@essar.com

SRuia@essar.com Mr Shashi Ruia — Chairman RRuia@essar.com

PRuia@essar.com Mr Prashant Ruia — Director

NNayyar@essar.com Mr Naresh Nayyar — Managing Director

SAgarwal@essar.com Mr Shishir Agarwal— Director CEO, Essar Exploration and Production

SThangapandian@essar.com Mr S Thangapandian — CEO, Marketing

865. Emerge Oil & Gas Inc investorrelations@emergeoilandgas.com

TomG@emergeoilandgas.com Thomas (Tom) Greschner – Chairman, President & CEO

BrentL@emergeoilandgas.com C. Brent Lacey – Director, Executive Vice President & COO

ClaudeG@emergeoilandgas.com Claude Gamache – Vice President, Exploration

K@emergeoilandgas.com Preston Kraft – Vice President, Engineering and Operations

866. Standard Oil Company info@standardoilusa.com

RBrooks@standardoilusa.com Ronald Brooks, CEO and Director

SCasad@standardoilusa.com Stan Casad, President and Director

SLebien@standardoilusa.com Shirley Lebien, Secretary and Director

867. Holloman Energy ventures@hollomanenergy.com info@hollomanenergy.com

Mark Stevenson, CEO Eric Prim Keith MacDonald

868. Penn Virginia Corp invest@pennvirginia.com

JimmyDearlove@pennvirginia.com A. James Dearlove President, Chief Executive Officer, Director JDearlove
Frank.Pici@pennvirginia.com Frank A. Pici CFO, Executive Vice President
Baird.Whitehead@pennvirginia.com H. Baird Whitehead COO, Executive Vice President
Nancy.Snyder@pennvirginia.com Nancy M. Snyder Executive VP, Chief Administrative Officer,

869. Hawkley Oil & Gas theal@hawkleyoilandgas.com ?????.?.????????,35 office@primegas.com.ua

MBridges@hawkleyoilandgas.com Melvyn.Bridges Chairman

PMorgan@hawkleyoilandgas.com Paul Morgan Non- Chairman

RReavley@hawkleyoilandgas.com Richard Reavley CEO & ED

DRiekie@hawkleyoilandgas.com Non David Riekie ED DavidRiekie

VictorD@hawkleyoilandgas.com.ua Victor Dmytriev Country manager T: 044 569 7418, F: 044 569 7416

SergeyG@hawkleyoilandgas.com Sergey Galchenko Operation Exploration

870. PA Resources AB info@paresources.se ir@paresources.se ?? ??????????

bo.askvik@paresources.se Bo Askvik President and CEO

Mohamed.Messaoudi@paresources.tn.com Mohamed Messaoudi Managing North Africa

Graham.Goffey@paresources.co.uk Graham Goffey Managing North Sea

Hans.Ryckborst@paresources.cg.com Hans Ryckborst Managing West Africa

Hannele.Obrink@paresources.se Hannele Öbrink Investor Relations Officer

871. Svenska Capital Oil AB info@capitaloil.se Ivano-Frankivsk Phone: +380 342 507152 Fax: +380 342 507150

Nils@capitaloil.se Nils Wargarden Chairman of the Board Boris Sinyuk Director Mykhaylo Siryy Director

leif@capitaloil.se Leif Larsson Chief Executive Officer, Director www.capitaloil.se

andrey_pavlov@capitaloil.se Andrey Pavlov Managing director, Ukraine Phone: +380 – 673 44 336

872. Ginger Oil AB info@gingeroil.se

hblixt@gingeroil.com Hans Blixt Chief Executive Officer

MStuart@gingeroil.com Magnus Stuart Managing director

873. PetroGrand AB (formerly as Malka Oil AB) info@Petrogrand.se info@malkaoil.se

maks@Petrogrand.se Maks Grinfeld CEO, Director

SvenErik.Zachrisson@malkaoil.se Sven-Erik Zachrisson Chairman of the Board


jlexier@terrexenergy.ca President & CEO

nknecht@terrexenergy.ca Norm Knecht, CFO & VP Finance

KJang@terrexenergy.ca Keenon Jang, P. Geol. Manager Geology

875. African Petroleum Corp admin@africanpetroleum.com.au

Karl Thompson – Chief Executive Officer KThompson AshurstM

Ian Timis VP, New Ventures

Alex Magid VP, Commercial

876. Borys Wrzesnewskyj ????????? ?????????????

Wrzesnewskyj.B@parl.gc.ca wrzesb@parl.gc.ca

877. Stephen J. “Steve” Peters www.stevepeters.com/contact.aspx ????????? ?????????????


878. Deer Lake Oil & Gas Inc.

cabot@deerlakeoilandgas.com Cabot Martin, President & CEO

879. Bouygues group info@bouygues.com www.bouygues.com investors@bouygues.com

Martin@bouygues.com Martin Bouygues Chairman and CEO

Olivier@bouygues.com Olivier Bouygues Deputy CEO

FBonnifet@bouygues.com Fabrice Bonnifet Group sustainable development director

880. SK Energy

TaeChey@skenergy.com Tae Won Chey Chairman of the Board, Co-Chief Executive Officer Chey Tae-won

Ja Young Koo Co-President, Co-Chief Executive Officer, Director

JoonKim@skenergy.com Joon Ho Kim Co-President, Director

JaeLee@skenergy.com Jae Hwan Lee Non-Executive Independent Director

kenergy.com Young Ju Kim Non-Executive Independent Director

Myung Hae Choi Non-Executive Independent Director

Yin Gu Han Non-Executive Independent Director

881. Bayerngas Norge AS info@bayerngas.com

882. Petrodorado Energy Ltd info@petrodorado.com

Krishna@petrodorado.com Krishna Vathyam – President, CEO and Director (Calgary & Bogota)

Max@petrodorado.com Max Rolla – Vice President Exploration (Bogota)

Arturo@petrodorado.com Arturo Lara – Chief Geoscientist (Bogota)

Jorge@petrodorado.com Jorge Garcia – General Manager (Colombia & Peru) (Bogota)

883. Turkish Petroleum International Company Ltd tpican@tpic.com.tr

MCansiz@tpic.com.tr Mithat Cansiz President and Chairman

yozcelik@tpic.com.tr Yakup Ozcelik Vice President

884. ANSAD PETROL export@ansadpetrol.com

885. Great Eastern Energy Corporation Ltd. (GEECL) info@geecl.com ir@geecl.com

PModi@geecl.com Prashant Modi – President & Chief Operating Officer

886. American Energy Group Ltd mail@aegg.net

Pierce.Onthank@aegg.net R. Pierce Onthank President, Chief Executive Officer

Iftikhar.AZahid@aegg.net Iftikhar Ahmed Zahid Director

887. MENA Hydrocarbons Inc j.metcalf@menahc.com

A.Badwi@menahc.com Abdel F. Badwi Chairman of the Board

G.Lyon@menahc.com Graham Lyon President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

J.Strachan@menahc.com Jim Strachan Vice President, Chief Geoscientist

M.Bassaly@menahydrocarbons.com President, MENA Offshore

SCharanek@menahydrocarbons.com Business Development

888. Bering Exploration Company formerly China Development Group, Inc operations@beringexploration.com

fmueller@beringexploration.com J. Fred Mueller, Jr. President/Geological Eng.

brocke@beringexploration.com Ben Rocke Geologist

amccarthy@beringexploration.com Andrew McCarthy Geologist
889. Jones Energy Ltd. geology@jonesenergy.com

JJones@jonesenergy.com Jonny Jones Chief Executive Officer

MMcConnell@jonesenergy.com Mike McConnell President

JCrook@jonesenergy.com Jody Crook Sr. Vice President – Business Development

HHawthorne@jonesenergy.com Hal Hawthorne Sr. Vice President – Exploration

890. Sasol Petroleum International sasol.internet@sasol.com Sasol Corporate Head Office

Pat.Davies@sasol.com CEO

Johannes.Botha@sasol.com General Manager

Abraham.DeKlerk@sasol.com General Manager

Victoria.Fakude@sasol.com Executive Director

Ebbie.Haan@sasol.com Managing Director, SPI Sasol Petroleum International

Nereus.Joubert@sasol.com Nereus Louis Joubert Company Secretary

Eugene@sasol.com Eugene Sigwavhulimu Offices: Sasol Gas

Leonilda.koster@sasol.com Leonilda Koster Offices: Sasol Oil

891. Argos Resources Limited info@argosresources.com managing.director@argosresources.com

Ian.Thomson@argosresources.com Ian Main Thomson OBE Executive Chairman of the Board

John.Hogan@argosresources.com John Anthony Hogan Managing Director, Executive Director

Dennis.Carlton@argosresources.com Dennis Ray Carlton Senior Non-Executive Director

892. 3Legs Resources plc info@3legsresources.com info@laneenergy.eu

RJeffcock@3legsresources.com Robert Jeffcock President

KParmar@3legsresources.com Kamlesh Parmar Director, and Country Manage

MLewis@3legsresources.com Mike Lewis Chief Geologist

893. Mubadala investorrelations@mubadala.ae

KAlMubarak@mubadala.ae Khaldoon Khalifa Al Mubarak CEO and Managing Director

MLaNoce@mubadala.ae Maurizio La Noce Chief Executive Officer, Mubadala Oil & Gas

HBarhoush@mubadala.ae Hani Barhoush Executive Director, Mergers & Acquisitions

SPeacock@mubadala.ae Steve Peacock Chief Operating Officer

AStromquist@mubadala.ae Albert Stromquist SVP Strategy & Corporate Development

SAlMazrouei@mubadala.ae Suhail Mohamed Al Mazrouei Deputy CEO / SVP New Business Development

894. Sonatrach sonatrach@sonatrach
dz contact@enageo.com engtpdg@engtp.com

NCherouati@sonatrach.dz Nourredine Cherouati CEO

ARezaiguia@sonatrach.dz Ali Rezaiguia Executive Director Finance

AZitouni@sonatrach.dz Abdelmalek Zitouni Secretary General

895. Dart Energy Ltd www.dartenergy.com.au ? ????? ??????????

euliel@dartcbm.com Eytan Uliel Chief Commercial Officer

896. Sonoro Energy Ltd ir@sonoroenergy.com

RWadsworth@sonoroenergy.com Richard Wadsworth President & Chief Executive Officer
DterAvest@sonoroenergy.com Dick ter Avest Chief Operating Officer

RHamersma@sonoroenergy.com Robin Hamersma Chief Business Development Officer

RSandor@sonoroenergy.com Robert Sandor Chief Development Officer

QRafuse@sonoroenergy.com Quinton Rafuse Chief of Exploration

897. Lario Oil & Gas Company larioinfo@lariocanada.com Lario division

Mike@lario.net Mike O’Shaughnessy President/CEO

PGagnon@lariocanada.com Paul Gagnon President Lario division

RWade@lariocanada.com Rich Wade Vice-President, Engineering

RSalt@lariocanada.com Ron Salt Vice-President, Operations

TLaska@lariocanada.com Tim Laska Vice-President, Geology

898. SIMBA ENERGY INC. info@simbaenergy.ca

JBurns@simbaenergy.ca John King Burns, Chairman & Director

RDinning@simbaenergy.ca Robert Dinning, President, CEO & Director

JDick@simbaenergy.ca Jim Dick, Senior Geologist James Dick

KAkrawi@simbaenergy.ca Karim Akrawi, Director

899. BRS Resources Bonanza Resources

smoore@brsresources.com Steven D. Moore – President, CEO and Director

RGreen@brsresources.com Richard Green – Technical Advisor

DRussell@brsresources.com David Russell – Director of Investor Relations

900. AleAnna Resources, LLC info@aleannaresources.com

SSinnott@aleannaresources.com Sioux Sinnott, President

AWright@aleannaresources.com Andrew Wright General Counsel

PMarsili@aleannaresources.com Pietro Marsili Ph.D., Operations Manager, Italy

Elizabeth@aleannaresources.com Elizabeth J. Cantrell Manager

Ted@aleannaresources.com Ted Wooten Manager

901. Bluescape Resources

cjwilder@bluescapegroup.com C. John Wilder Executive Chairman

dwstrebel@bluescapegroup.com Douglas Strebel President

dbcampo@bluescapegroup.com Donald Campo Executive Vice President and COO

kabowker@bluescapegroup.com Kent Bowker Principal Geologist

tggrace@bluescapegroup.com Tom Grace Executive Vice President and Chief Development Officer

902. Arkanova Energy Corp info@arkanovaenergy.com

PMulacek@arkanovaenergy.com Pierre Mulacek—President, CEO and Director

EHofer@arkanovaenergy.com Erich Hofer—Director

LNelson@arkanovaenergy.com Lance Nelson—Field Manager

903. Merlon International info@merlonpet.com

James A. Kishpaugh Chairman & CEO

JStabell@merlonpet.com Jason P. Stabell President & CFO

John R. Barnwell, SVP OperationsSVP Operations

TPatrick@merlonpet.com Thomas Patrick SVP Exploration

D. Michael Buck SVP Geophysics

904. Blue Moon Exploration bluemoon@bmexpl.com

Tom McWhorter tmc@bmexpl.com
Michel Bechtel bechtel@bmexpl.com
Ron Jackson rjackson@bmexpl.com
Wes Fiandt wes@bmexpl.com
Sherri M Guinn sherri@bmexpl.com

905. National Energy Group, Inc. neg@neg-inc.com

balexander@neg-inc.com Bob G. Alexander Chairman, President & CEO

gbricker@neg-inc.com Grace Bricker Vice President Administration

906. Worldwide Energies, Inc. info@worldwideenergies.com

Ferreira@worldwideenergies.com Paulo Ferreira, Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

907. Imperial Petroleum info@imperialpetroleuminc.com

JWilson@imperialpetroleuminc.com Jeffrey T. Wilson Chairman of the Board, President, CEO
AWilson@imperialpetroleuminc.com Annalee C. Wilson Director
GThagard@imperialpetroleuminc.com J. Gregory Thagard Director

908. Digital Magnetotelluric Technologies A division of Southport Expl
ration, Inc.

dawoods@ix.netcom.com Daniel A. Woods President/Owner of Southport Exploration, Inc.
President/Co-owner of Digital Magnetotelluric Technologies ( ?????? ??????????? ?? ???? ????? ?????????????? ????????????) http://dmttechnologies.com/danwoods.html

909. Ventum Energy, LLC info@ventumenergy.com www.ventumenergy.com

BBippus@ventumenergy.com Bill Bippus – President

RWaraich@ventumenergy.com Riaz Waraich – Managing Director

MKirkland@ventumenergy.com Matthew Kirkland – Geological Consultant

PTurboff@ventumenergy.com Patty Turboff – Land & Exploration Administrator

WWells@ventumenergy.com Walter Wells – Senior Consulting Geologist

910. PT Kreasindo Eratek Dinamika kreasindo@idinamik.com ,

911. Daybreak Oil and Gas, Inc info@daybreakoilandgas.com

jimw@daybreakoilandgas.com James Westmoreland President and Chief Executive Officer

BennettA@daybreakoilandgas.com Bennett W. Anderson Chief Operating Officer
RobertM@daybreakoilandgas.com Robert N. Martin Senior Vice President – Exploration
912. WHL Energy Ltd. info@whlenergy.com

PBartter@whlenergy.com Peter Bartter Executive Chairman of the Board

DRowbottam@whlenergy.com David Paul Rowbottam CEO, Executive Director

SNoske@whlenergy.com Steven Robert Noske Non-Executive Director

MEdmondson@whlenergy.com Matthew Edward Edmondson Company Secretary

mrowbottam@seycoenergy.com.au Mark Rowbottam SEYCO Energy Pty Ltd – ?????? ??? ????????

913. Blugrass Energy Inc info@blugrassenergy.com

Abram Janz President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

JKBerscht@blugrassenergy.com John Kenney Berscht President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
EWKarasek@blugrassenergy.com Edward W. Karasek Director

JCHoward@blugrassenergy.com James C. Howard Geologist

914. Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum (Group) Co., www.sxycpc.com/ycEnglish/basic/web/index.jsp

ShenHao@163.com Shen Hao Chairman of the Board of Directors Tele: 0911-2493001 Fax: 0911-2493002

ZhangJiyao@163.com Zhang Jiyao President, Director (86-911) 249300

TianWeikuan@163.com Tian Weikuan Director Deputy General Manager

HaoBaocang@163.com Hao Baocang Director

FengDawei@163.com Feng Dawei Deputy General Manager

FengHeping@163.com Feng Heping Deputy General Manager

LuLishuan@163.com Lu Lishuan Deputy General Manager

jingjianmin029@163.com Jing Jianmin Oilfield development engineering (researches on oilfield development technologies)

915. Nevada Geothermal Power Inc. (NGP) info@nevadageothermal.com

BFairbank@nevadageothermal.com Brian D. Fairbank President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

MKolar@nevadageothermal.com Mark Kolar Operations Manager

MWalenciak@nevadageothermal.com Max Walenciak Vice President – Operations and Development

KNiggemann@nevadageothermal.com Kim Niggemann Vice President Resources

BKoenig@nevadageothermal.com Brian Koenig Senior Geologist

JCasteel@nevadageothermal.com John Casteel District Geologist

916. Suncor Energy Inc. invest@suncor.com

RGeorge@suncor.com Richard L. George President, Chief Executive Officer,

SWilliams@suncor.com Steven W. Williams Chief Operating Officer

KNabholz@suncor.com Kevin D. Nabholz Executive Vice President – Major Projects

917. Star Energy Group ( ?? ?????? Igas Energy )

rwessel@starenergy.co.uk Roland Wessel Chief Executive Officer

mjhorgan@starenergy.co.uk Melvyn Horgan Technical Director

rpearson@starenergy.co.uk Roger Pearson Managing Director, Gas Storage Division

jbarlow@starenergy.co.uk Julie Barlow Managing Director, Production Division

jjohari@starenergy.co.uk Jefry Mohd Johari Strategic Planning Manager

918. US Natural Gas Corp info@usnatgascorp.com

WA@usnatgascorp.com Wayne Anderson Chairman of the Board, President
CK@usnatgascorp.com Chuck Kretchman Chief Financial Officer
Jim Anderson Acting Vice President, Director

Raimount Energy Inc. inquiries@raimount.com

gvavra@raimount.com Gregory A. Vavra Director, President and CEO

svavra@raimount.com Steve Vavra Director and Vice-President

920. E.ON Ruhrgas E&P (E.ON Ruhrgas) info@eon-ruhrgas-ep.com www.eon-ruhrgas-ep.com

FSivertsen@eon-ruhrgas-ep.com Frank Sivertsen CEO

PReichetseder@eon-ruhrgas-ep.com Prof. Dr. Peter Reichetseder Chief Operating Officer

JBuss@eon-ruhrgas-ep.com Judith Buss Chief Financial Officer

920a E.ON Ruhrgas Norge AS post-ERN@eon.com

haakon.haaland@eon.com Haakon Haaland Managing Director

svend.erik.pettersson@eon.com Svend Erik Pettersson General Manager Exploration

keith.bush@eon.com Keith Bush General Manager Operations

921. Shell Philippines Exploration B.V cardnewbusiness-ph@shell.com

Sebastian.Quiniones@shell.com Sebastian Quiniones Managing Director, Asset Manager

922. Shell ( Royal Dutch Shell plc ) royaldutchshell.shareholders@shell.com

Jorma.Ollila@shell.com Jorma Ollila Chairman of the Board
Peter.Voser@shell.com Peter Voser Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director
Michiel.Brandjes@shell.com Michiel Brandjes General Counsel Corporate, Company Secretary

Malcolm.Brinded@shell.com Malcolm Brinded Executive Director – Upstream International, Director
Matthias.Bichsel@shell.com Matthias Bichsel Projects & Technology Director

graham.tiley@shell.com Graham Tiley – ???????? ?????? ????? ????? ???????? «????» ? ???????

Ludmila.Kulik@shell.com Ludmila Kulik Personal Assistant

923. Antero Resources LLC

PRady@anteroresources.com Paul M. Rady Chairman & CEO

KKilstrom@anteroresources.com Kevin J. Kilstrom VP of Production

SWoodward@anteroresources.com Steven M. Woodward VP of Business Development

RMueller@anteroresources.com Robert E. Mueller VP of Geology

924. Range Resources Limited admin@rangeresources.com.au

Sam.Jonah@rangeresources.com.au Sir Sam Jonah – Non-Executive Chairman

PLandau@rangeresources.com.au Mr Peter Landau – Executive Director p.landau@rangeresources.com.au

map@texener.com Mark Patterson – Executive Consultant

GregoryS@rangeresources.com.au Gregory Smith – Executive Consultant

a.eastman@rangeresources.com.au Anthony Eastman – Non-Executive Director / Company Secretary

M.Jones@rangeresources.com.au Mr Marcus Edwards-Jones – Non-Executive Director

925. 1st NRG Corporation

K_Norris@b2i.us Kevin Norris Chief Executive Officer

b_holmes@att.net Brad Holmes Investor Contact

926. Energean (Aegean Energy Egypt Ltd. subsidiary) ????? info@energean.com

CPapaconstantinou@kavalaoil.gr Costas Papaconstantinou Managing Director kavalaoil.gr

MRigas@energean.com Mathios Rigas President & Managing Director

IAbatzis@energean.com Ioannis Abatzis Exploration Director

DAnestoudis@energean.com Dennis Anestoudis Senior Exploration Geoscientist Team leader

CTzimeas@energean.com Constantinos Tzimeas Senior Exploration Geoscientist

PKiomourtzi@energean.com Paschalia Kiomourtzi Senior Geologist

927. Total S.A.

CMargerie@total.com Christophe de Margerie Managing Director (CEO)

MBlaizot@total.com Marc Blaizot Senior VPGeosciences at Total Exploration & Production

YLDarricarrere@total.com Yves-Louis Darricarrere President – Exploration and Production Division

FSegura@total.com Florent Segura ????????????? Total

928. Oasis Petroleum Inc

TNusz@oasispetroleum.com Thomas B. Nusz Chairman, President, CEO
TReid@oasispetroleum.com Taylor L. Reid COO Executive Vice President, Director

bcandito@oasispetroleum.com Robert J. Candito Senior Vice President – Exploration

DGilbert@oasispetroleum.com Dean A. Gilbert Vice President Development Geology

rStovall@oasispetroleum.com Robert L. Stovall Vice President Geophysics

929. Gale Force Petroleum Inc.

MMcLellan@galeforcepetroleum.com Michael McLellan Executiv
Chairman of the Board, CEO

JTrosclair@galeforcepetroleum.com John Trosclair COO, Director

930. Orca Energy Ltd ????? Monitor Energy Limited info@monitorenergy.com.au

Gregory@monitorenergy.com.au Gregory Bandy Executive Director

Richard@monitorenergy.com.au Richard Aden Chief Financial Officer

Shannon@monitorenergy.com.au Shannon Jayne Robinson Joint Company Secretary

Rebecca@monitorenergy.com.au Rebecca Sandford Company Secretary

931. Apollo Gas Limited admin@apollogas.net.au

am@apollogas.net.au Andrew Mayo Managing Director, Executive Director

jn@apollogas.net.au Jason Needham Key Management Employee

mh@apollogas.net.au Melissa Harrison Key Management Employee

sd@apollogas.net.au Sam DuToit Key Management Employee

932. Petrel Energy ????? Orion Petroleum Limited office@petrelenergy.com

russell@petrelenergy.com Russell David Langusch Managing Director, Executive Director

David@petrelenergy.com Dr David K Hobday Director

933. Impress Energy Limited ?????? ?? Beach Energy info@iel.com.au http://www.iel.com.au/

Eddie.Smith@iel.com.au Eddie Smith Non-Executive Chairman

Les.Longden@iel.com.au Les Longden Executive Director Corporate

Greg.Smith@iel.com.au Greg Smith Alternate Director for Mr Eddie Smith

934. Ramba Energy Limited info@rambaenergy.com daniel.jol@rambaenergy.com

David.Soeryadjaya@rambaenergy.com David Aditya Soeryadjaya Ramba’s CEO, Executive Director

Daniel.Jol@rambaenergy.com Daniel Zier Johannes Jol Commercial Director, Executive Director

Bambang.Nugroho@rambaenergy.com Bambang Nugroho Executive Director

Kok.Chew@rambaenergy.com Kok Liang Chew Company Secretary Chew Kok Liang Chew.Liang@rambaenergy.com

935. NUNAOIL nunaoil@nunaoil.gl www.nunaoil.gl

hko@nunaoil.gl Hans Kristian Olsen – Managing Director

js@nunaoil.gl Jan Stilling – Senior geologist

mpb@nunaoil.gl Martin-Peter Brandt – Geologist

mkr@nunaoil.gl Mette Katrine Runge – Geologist

nipa@nunaoil.gl Nicolai Peter Arendt – Geologist

936. Mitsubishi Corporation

Seiji.Kato@mitsubishicorp.com Seiji Kato Officer Group CEO, Energy Business Group

Jun.Yanai@mitsubishicorp.com Jun Yanai Group COO, Energy Business Group

Tetsuro.Kuwabara@mitsubishicorp.com Tetsuro Kuwabara Division COO, Natural Gas Business Division B

Takahiro.Mazaki@mitsubishicorp.com Takahiro Mazaki Officer for E & P, Energy Business Group

Hajime.Hirano@mitsubishicorp.com Hajime Hirano Division COO, Petroleum Business Division

937. PKN ORLEN SA upstream@orlen.pl , zarzad@orlen.pl , radanadzorcza@orlen.pl www.orlenupstream.pl/ www.orlen.pl/EN

Jacek.Krawiec@orlen.pl Dariusz Jacek Krawiec President & Chief Executive Officer

Wieslaw.Prugar@orlen.pl Wieslaw Prugar President of the Management Board

Pawel.Martynek@orlen.pl Pawel Martynek Vice-President of the Management Board

938. YPF SA (Sociedad Anonima) www.ypf.com inversoresypf@ypf.com YPF@ypf.com

SEskenazi@ypf.com Sebastian Eskenazi Executive VC of the Board, CEO

EEskenazi@ypf.com Enrique Eskenazi Vice Chairman of the Board

MEskenazi@ypf.com Matias Eskenazi Storey Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Director

ASaez@ypf.com Antonio Gomis Saez Co-Chief Executive Officer, Director

IMoran@ypf.com Ignacio Cruz Moran Chief Operating Officer

TGarcia@ypf.com Tomas Garcia Blanco Director of Exploration and Production

939. Team Resources Inc.

kboyles@teamresources-inc.com Kevin Boyles President & CEO

940. Stone Energy Corp. information@stoneenergy.com

WelchDH@stoneenergy.com David H. Welch President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

SmithRL@stoneenergy.com Richard L. Smith Senior VP – Exploration and Business Development

WenzelJF@stoneenergy.com Jerome F. Wenzel Jr. Senior VP – Operations & Exploitation

LouviereEJ@stoneenergy.com E. J. Louviere Senior Vice President – Land

941. Condor Petroleum Inc. Calgary mbliesner@condorpetroleum.com

DStreu@condorpetroleum.com Don Streu, President and Chief Executive Officer

BHatcher@condorpetroleum.com William Hatcher, Sr. Vice President Operations

RWhittaker@condorpetroleum.com Roger Whittaker, Vice-President Exploration and Asset Development

LBaceda@condorpetroleum.com Layne Baceda, Vice-President Operations

MEckerle@condorpetroleum.com Mark Eckerle, Manager Int Geosciences and Reservoir Engineering

942. Quantum Resources Management www.qracq.com

ASmith@qracq.com Alan L. Smith Chief Executive Officer

JCampbell@qracq.com John H. Campbell President and Chief Operating Officer

PGeiger@qracq.com Paul W. Geiger III Vice President Operations

MCastiglione@qracq.com Mark Castiglione, Vice President Business Development

943. Asian Development Bank www.adb.org/About/mgmt-OPR.asp ????? ????

944. ARC Financial Corporation

kbrown@arcfinancial.com Kevin Brown Chief Executive Officer and Director

spaterson@arcfinancial.com Sari Paterson Executive Assistant:
lcurrie@arcfinancial.com Lauchlan Currie, President and Director

rcook@arcfinancial.com Rob Cook, Senior Vice-President & Director

aevans@arcfinancial.com Andy Evans, Senior Vice-President & Director

dschellenberg@arcfinancial.com Duane K. Schellenberg, Vice-President

clandry@arcfinancial.com Carl Landry, Senior Investment Analyst

945. AVENIR DIVERSIFIED INCOME TRUST info@avenirtrust.com

WGallacher@avenirtrust.com William M. Gallacher President, CEO, Director of Avenir Operating Corp.

GDundas@avenirtrust.com Gary H. Dundas V.P. Finance & CFO

GLeslie@avenirtrust.com Grant Leslie COO- Oil & Gas of Avenir Operating Corp

JKoskimaki@avenirtrust.com Jill Koskimaki, Manager Bus. Development

BGuy@avenirtrust.com Bob Guy, VP Production

DCarter@avenirtrust.com Debbie Carter Controller, Energy

946. BMO Capital Markets www.bmocm.com/industry/canada/energy/bio/default.aspx#ShaneC.Fildes

Shane.Fildes@bmo.com Shane C. Fildes, Executive Managing Director

Aaron.Engen@bmo.com Aaron M. Engen, Managing Director Aaron.Engen@bmocm.com

Kevin.Everingham@bmo.com Kevin Everingham, Managing Director

Philip.Lunn@bmo.com Philip D. Lunn, Managing Director and Head, Loan Products group

Tod.Benton@bmo.com Tod Benton, Managing Director and Group Head Tod.Benton@bmocm.com

Miles.Redfield@bmo.com Miles Redfield, Managing Director & Group Head

Joe.Bliss@bmo.com Joe Bliss, Managing Director

John.Harche@bmo.com John Harche, Managing Director

947. BNP Paribas investor.relations@bnpparibas.com

Baudouin.Prot@bnpparibas.com Baudouin Prot Chief Executive Officer

Jean-Laurent.Bonnafe@bnpparibas.com Jean-Laurent Bonnafe Chief Operating Officer

Jean.Clamon@bnpparibas.com Jean Clamon Managing Director

Michel.Konczaty@bnpparibas.com Michel Konczaty Head of Group Risk Managemen

Alain.Marbach@bnpparibas.com Alain Marbach Global Head of Information Technology

948. Cadent Energy Partners

mcdermott@cadentenergy.com Paul G. McDermott Managing Partner

rothstein@cadentenergy.com Bruce M. Rothstein Managing Partner

booth@cadentenergy.com Darin R. Booth Partner
tadlock@cadentenergy.com Stephen D. Tadlock Vice President
jovanovic@cadentenergy.com John Jovanovic Analyst

mcgovern@cadentenergy.com Michael McGovern Executive Advisor
dee@cadentenergy.com Joseph R. Dee, IV Vice President
zonneveld@cadentenergy.com Rachel H. Zonneveld Executive Assistant
kennedy@cadentenergy.com David H. Kennedy Executive Advisor

949. Camcor Partners Inc. Camcor Capital Inc www.camcorpartners.com

cam@camcorpartners.com Cameron McVeigh, President Camcor Partners Inc

ian@camcorpartners.com Ian Fergusson, Senior Vice-President

david@camcorpartners.com David Hyman, Vice-President
jeff@camcorpartners.com Jeff Skingle, Vic

Brenda@camcorpartners.com Brenda Vanderlinden, Executive Assistant

Donald@camcorpartners.com Donald J. Nelson, Investment Committee Member

Glen@camcorpartners.com Glen Schmidt, Investment Committee Member

Les@camcorpartners.com Les Skingle, Advisor

950. Canadian Western Bank InvestorRelations@cwbank.com chairman@cwbank.com

Allan.Jackson@cwbank.com Allan W. Jackson Independent Chairman of the Board

Laurence.Pollock@cwbank.com Laurence M. Pollock President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

tracey.ball@cwbank.com Tracey C. Ball Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

William.Addington@cwbank.com William J. Addington Executive Vice President

Darrell.Jones@cwbank.com Darrell R. Jones Senior VP, Chief Information Officer

Gail.Harding@cwbank.com Gail L. Harding Senior VP, General Counsel, Corporate Secretary

Peter.Morrison@cwbank.com Peter Morrison, Vice President – Marketing and Product Development

Dennis.Crough@cwbank.com Dennis Crough Vice President – Credit Risk Management

951. Canaccord Financial Inc., formerly Canaccord Capital Inc

Peter_Brown@canaccord.com Peter M. Brown LL.D. Chairman of the Board

David_Kassie@canaccord.com David Jonathan Kassie Group Chairman of the Board
Paul.Reynolds@canaccordfinancial.com Paul D. Reynolds Chief Executive Officer, Director Paul_Reynolds@canaccord.com

Bradley.Kotush@canaccordfinancial.com Bradley Kotush Chief Financial Officer, Executive

Mark.Maybank@canaccordfinancial.com Mark Gerald Maybank Chief Operating Officer, Mark_Maybank@canaccord.com

Peter.Virvilis@canaccordfinancial.com Peter Virvilis Executive VP – Operations, Peter_Virvilis@canaccord.com

Martin_MacLachlan@canaccord.com Martin L. MacLachlan Corporate Secretary

scott_davidson@canaccord.com Scott Davidson Managing Director

952. CIBC World Markets

Richard.Nesbitt@cibc.com Richard W. Nesbitt Chairman and CEO

Geoffrey.Belsher@cibc.com Geoffrey Belsher Managing Director and Global Head

Gary.Brown@cibc.com Gary W. Brown Managing Director and Head, Risk World Market

Scott.Bere@cibc.com Scott Bere Managing Director and Chief Investment Officer

Christian.Exshaw@cibc.com Christian Exshaw Managing Director and Head

Scott.Wilson@cibc.com Scott Wilson Managing Director, Head, European Region

953. City National Bank

Russell.Goldsmith@cnb.com Russell D. Goldsmith President, Chief Executive

Chris.Carey@cnb.com Christopher J. Carey CFO, Executive Vice President

mike.cahill@cnb.com Michael B. Cahill Exec. VP, General Counsel, Corporate Secretary

Chris.Warmuth@cnb.com Christopher J. Warmuth Executive Vice President, Director;

Brian.Fitzmaurice@cnb.com Brian Fitzmaurice Executive Vice President,

Rich.Gershen@cnb.com Richard Gershen Executive Vice President

954. CB Securities Inc info@cbsecurities.com

dderouin@cbsecurities.com Darryl Derouin, President

eirwin@cbsecurities.com Erin Irwin, Acquisitions Support

PArgatoff@cbsecurities.com Phil Argatoff

CSalas@cbsecurities.com Carlos Salas

DHume@cbsecurities.com Dave Hume

955. Computershare Limited investor.relations@computershare.com.au company.secretary@computershare.com.au

956. Credit Suisse Group

Brady.Dougan@credit-suisse.com Brady W. Dougan Member of the Executive Board, CEO

Urs.Rohner@credit-suisse.com Urs Rohner Vice Chairman of the Board

Tobias.Guldimann@credit-suisse.com Tobias Guldimann Executive Board, Chief Risk Officer

Pierre.Schreiber@credit-suisse.com Pierre Schreiber Secretary of the Board
Joan.Belzer@credit-suisse.com Joan E. Belzer Secretary of the Board

957. Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Ltd

Eric.Varvel@credit-suisse.com Eric Varvel (Chairman and CEO)

Costas.Michaelides@credit-suisse.com Costas P Michaelides

Eraj.Shirvani@credit-suisse.com Eraj Shirvani

Stephen.Dainton@credit-suisse.com Ste
hen B Dainton

Luigi.deVecchi@credit-suisse.com Luigi de Vecchi

Paul.Hare@credit-suisse.com Paul E Hare COMPANY SECRETARY

958. Direct Energy Marketing Ltd. businessinfo@directenergy.com

Chris.Weston@directenergy.com Chris Weston President & CEO

Maura.Clark@directenergy.com Maura Clark President, Direct Energy Business

Adele.Malo@directenergy.com Adele Malo EVP and General Counsel

Steven.Murray@directenergy.com Steven Murray President, Direct Energy Residential

Eddy.Collier@directenergy.com Eddy Collier President, Services

959. European Bank for Reconstruction and Development EBRD

kovalo@ebrd.com Ms Olena Koval Head of Department

Bortzk@ebrd.com Kevin Bortz Director: Natural resources

parshadn@ebrd.com Nandita Parshad Director Power and energy utilities

newbusiness@ebrd.com vandevej@ebrd.com

960. Goldman Sachs gs-investor-relations@gs.com

Lloyd.Blankfein@gs.com Lloyd C. Blankfein Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

Gary.Cohn@gs.com Gary D. Cohn President, Chief Operating Officer, Director

John.Weinberg@gs.com John S. Weinberg Vice Chairman

Michael.Sherwood@gs.com Michael S. Sherwood Vice Chairman, Co-Chief Executive Officer

Gregory.Palm@gs.com Gregory K. Palm Executive Vice President, General Counsel,

Esta.Stecher@gs.com Esta E. Stecher Executive Vice President, General Counsel,

Alan.M.Cohen@gs.com Alan M. Cohen Executive Vice President,

960. GMP Securities L.P. gmpresearch@gmpsecurities.com

seanb@gmpsecurities.com Sean Barr, CFA Director, Oil & Gas Analyst

rsavage@gmpsecurities.com Ryan Savage Vice President, Oil & Gas Analyst

pdoig@gmpsecurities.com Peter Doig, CFA Director, Oil & Gas Analyst

smcdonald@gmpsecurities.com Stacey McDonald Analyst

SKim@gmpsecurities.com Sera Kim, CFA Vice President, Technology Analyst

961. Sino Oil and Gas Holdings Limited contact@sino-oilgas.hk

Siu Tim Kong Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

Xiaobing Dai Executive Director
Ziming Wang Executive Director

XieDaJin@sino-oilgas.hk Da Jin Xie Group’s Chief Geologist

Guoyu Li Chief Technical Consultant

962. Lime Rock Partners

jf@lrpartners.com Jonathan Farber Managing Director

jr@lrpartners.com John Reynolds Managing Director

sb@lrpartners.com Saad Bargach Managing Director

TBurgess@lrpartners.com Trevor Burgess Managing Director

sm@lrpartners.com Simon Munro Managing Director

tp@lrpartners.com Townes Pressler Managing Director

tb@lrpartners.com Thomas Bates Senior Advisor

HElbadawy@lrpartners.com Hossam Elbadawy Senior Operating Partner

lr@lrpartners.com Lawrence Ross Senior Advisor

RBarua@lrpartners.com Rajat Barua Vice President

js@lrpartners.com Jeffrey Scofield

963. Sproule Associates Limited info@sproule.com

keith.macleod@sproule.com R. KEITH MACLEOD, P.Eng.

harry.helwerda@sproule.com HARRY J. HELWERDA, P.Eng

john.chipperfield@sproule.com JOHN CHIPPERFIELD, P.Geol.

carstedd@sproule.com DOUGLAS J. CARSTED, C.D., P.Geol.

greg.robinson@sproule.com GREG D. ROBINSON, P.Eng.

963. Macquarie Bank

ian.marshall@macquarie.com Ian Marshall National Head of Resources

964. Morgan Stanley

James.Gorman@morganstanley.com James P. Gorman President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
Gary.Lynch@morganstanley.com Gary G. Lynch Vice Chairman of the Management Board

James.Rosenthal@morganstanley.com James A. Rosenthal Chief Operating Officer

Walid.Chammah@morganstanley.com Walid A. Chammah Executive Vice President,

Gregory.Fleming@morganstanley.com Gregory Fleming, Executive Vice President

965. Meyers Norris Penny LLP

daryl.ritchie@mnp.ca Daryl Ritchie Chief Executive Officer

kelly.bernakevitch@mnp.ca Kelly Bernakevitch Executive Vice President, Operations

randy.mowat@mnp.ca Randy Mowat Vice Preside
t, Marketing

phil.obrien-moran@mnp.ca Phil O’Brien-Moran Vice President, Technology

laurel.wood@mnp.ca Laurel Wood Executive Vice President, Advisory Services

966. PricewaterhouseCoopers PWC http://www.pwc.com/gx/en/oil-gas-energy/index.jhtml

Alan.Page@us.pwc.com Alan Page Global leader Energy, utilities & mining

Michael.Hurley@uk.pwc.com Michael Hurley Global energy

James.Koch@us.pwc.com James Koch Global energy

967. RBC Capital Markets

Mark.Standish@rbc.com Mark Standish President and Co-CEO

John.Burbidge@rbc.com John W. Burbidge Managing Director COO

Bryan.Osmar@rbc.com Bryan B.K. Osmar Managing Director

Morten.Friis@rbc.com Morten Friis Chief Risk Officer

Marc.Harris@rbc.com Marc Harris Co-Head Global Research

Richard.Talbot@rbc.com Richard E. Talbot Co-Head of Global Research

Bruce.Macdonald@rbc.com Bruce Macdonald Head, Wholesale Technology and Operations

968. RSM Richter Inc cgyinfo@rsmrichter.com

gtugg@rsmrichter.com Tugg, Greg

hzalcman@rsmrch.com Zalcman, Harvey Auditing and assurance services

pbouchard@rsmrch.com Bouchard, Paule

dfabian@rsmrichter.com Fabian, David

969. RBC Rundle rbcrundle@rbccm.com

tom.r.caldwell@rbccm.com Tom Caldwell Managing Director

mark.mcmurray@rbccm.com Mark McMurray, M.Sc., P.Geol. Managing Director

richard.wickens@rbccm.com Rich Wickens, P.Eng. Managing Director

bevin.wirzba@rbccm.com Bevin Wirzba, P.Eng., MBA Managing Director

970. Scotia Capital

Mike_Durland@scotiacapital.com Michael (Mike) Durland Co-Chairman and Co-CEO

Steve_McDonald@scotiacapital.com Stephen D. (Steve) McDonald Co-Chairman, Co-CEO

richard_lee@scotiacapital.com Richard Lee Managing Director & Industry Head

mark_ammerman@scotiacapital.com Mark Ammerman Managing Director & Energy Head

william_swords@scotiacapital.com William Swords Managing Director & Co-Head

matt_giffen@scotiacapital.com Matt Giffen Managing Director & Head Global Energy Solutions

Gregory_George@scotiacapital.com Gregory George MD Head of Execution

971. Scotia Waterous www.scotiacapital.com/IndustrySpecializations/IN_Global_Oil.htm

david_potter@scotiawaterous.com David Potter Vice Chairman & Deputy Head

david_cecil@scotiawaterous.com David Cecil Managing Director & Co-Head

drew_hickey@scotiawaterous.com Drew Hickey Managing Director Scotia Waterous – Europe

jp_cheng@scotiawaterous.com Jinping Cheng Director Scotia Waterous – Asia

972. TriNorth Capital Inc. info@trinorthcapital.com

jpennal@centivacapital.com John D. Pennal President, CEO, Director

JAnderson@trinorthcapital.com John Anderson Chief Financial Officer
abhalla@capitinvestment.com Amar Bhalla Director

cstretch@navinaasset.com Catherine Stretch – Corporate Secretary

973. Macquarie Capital Funds Canada Ltd.

mpwcanada@macquarie.com Macquarie Private Wealth

sarah.borg-olivier@macquarie.com Sarah Borg-Olivier


974. Ziff Energy Group

paul.ziff@ziffenergy.com Paul H. Ziff, CEO
bill.gwozd@ziffenergy.com W.P. (Bill) Gwozd, P.Eng., VP, Gas Services
richard.tucker@ziffenergy.com Richard M. Tucker, VP, Marketing & Client Relations
juancarlos.alba@ziffenergy.com Juan Carlos Alba, VP, International E&P

975. Thomas R. Nides NidesTR@state.gov ???. ???????????? ???????

976. Imperial Resources Inc info@imperialresourcesinc.com

RDurbin@imperialresourcesinc.com Robert R. Durbin – CEO,

ELawley@imperialresourcesinc.com Eugene G. Lawley, III – Land Manager

JSajan@imperialresourcesinc.com Josey Sajan CFO

977. Exxon Mobil Central Europe

Gernot.Kalkoffen@exxonmobil.com Gernot Kalkoffen chairman of Exxon Mobil Central Europe

Rex.W.Tillerson@exxonmobil.com Rex W. Tillerson Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

.Duffin@exxonmobil.com Neil W. Duffin President of ExxonMobil Development Company

Andrew.P.Swiger@exxonmobil.com Andrew P. Swiger Senior Vice President Gas

carlos.a.dengo@exxonmobil.com Carlos A. Dengo VP, Geoscience ExxonMobil Upstream Research Co ???? ?? ?????

donna.m.jackson@exxonmobil.com , sara.n.ortwein@exxonmobil.com

978. Harvest Operations Corp information@harvestenergy.ca

John. E.Zahary@harvestenergy.ca John E. Zahary, President and CEO, Director

Gary.Boukall@harvestenergy.ca Gary Boukall, Vice President, Geosciences

Jongwoo.Kim@harvestenergy.ca Jongwoo Kim, Chief strategy officer

Rob.Morgan@harvestenergy.ca Rob Morgan, Chief Operating Officer, Upstream

Brad.Aldrich@harvestenergy.ca Brad Aldrich, Chief Operating Officer, Downstream

Brian.Kwak@harvestenergy.ca Brian Kwak, Deputy Chief Operating Officer, Upstream and VP,Oilsands

Neil.Sinclair@harvestenergy.ca Neil Sinclair, Vice President, Operations

979. Dr.Ferdinand E.Banks ferdinand.banks@telia.com

980. Adino Energy Corp info@adinoenergycorp.com

TByrd@adinoenergycorp.com Tim Byrd, Chief Executive Officer

SWooley@adinoenergycorp.com Sonny Wooley Chairman of the Board

PBehrens@adinoenergycorp.com Peggy Behrens Secretary

981. Fore Group info@Fore-group.com

MShushan@Fore-group.com Mr. Moshe Shushan,

EShushan@Fore-group.com Mr. Eliyahu Shushan,

GSluk@Fore-group.com Mr. Gad Sluk,

DSluk@Fore-group.com Mr. Dov Sluk.

RKarmin@fore-group.com Mr. Rami Karmin Ginko Oil Exploration Limited ???? 972 3 612 4050

982. Buru Energy Limited info@buruenergy.com

TomStreitberg@buruenergy.com Tom Streitberg Company Secretary, Chief Operating Officer

ericstreitberg@buruenergy.com Eric Streitberg Executive Director geophysic

GrahamRiley@buruenergy.com Graham Douglas Riley Independent Chairman of the Board

PeterJones@buruenergy.com Peter Jones Independent Non-Executive Director

983. Surestream Petroleum Ltd info@surestream-petroleum.com

PAchach@surestream-petroleum.com Pierre Achach Executive Director

CPitman@surestream-petroleum.com Christopher Pitman CEO, Executive Director

jbrown@surestream-petroleum.com John Brown Senior Vice President, Exploration

PPhillips@surestream-petroleum.com Paul Phillips Vice President, Geophysics

DMacGregor@surestream-petroleum.com Duncan MacGregor Vice President, Geology

984.Frontier Resources International PLC

JWarren@friplc.com Joseph E. Warren – Non-Executive Chairman

JKeyes@friplc.com – John-Michael Keyes Chief Executive Officer

JODonovan@friplc.com John O’Donovan – Director

BSpurrier@friplc.com Barbara Spurrier – Corporate Secretary

rolson3358@aol.com Dr. Robert Olson

985. Shona Energy Co. Inc info@shonaenergy.com

JPayne@shonaenergy.com James L. Payne CEO and Chairman

JWomack@shonaenergy.com John R. Womack is President

LLeavell@shonaenergy.com Larry D. Leavell is Chief Operating Officer

986. PetroFrontier Corp. info@petrofrontier.com

PBennett@petrofrontier.com Paul Bennett has been the Chief Executive Officer

PPhilipchuk@petrofrontier.com Peter Philipchuk has been the Vice President Exploration

RParkes@petrofrontier.com Richard Parkes has been the Operations Manager

987. Blacksands Petroleum, Inc info@blacksandspetroleum.com

ddemarco@blacksandspetroleum.com David DeMarco President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

kbaker@blacksandspetroleum.com Keith Baker Exploration Geophysicist

overstreet@blacksandspetroleum.com Olen Overstreet Manager of Field Operations

988. Tiger Oil & Energy info@tigeroilandenergy.com

CEO@tigeroilandenergy.com Kenneth B. Liebscher – President / CEO Ken Liebscher kenliebscher@hotmail.com

Mr. Bill Herndon – Director

Ryan Kerr, Director

989. ONGC Videsh Ltd (OVL) contact@ongcvidesh.in

DK_Sarraf@ongcvidesh.in D K Sarraf Managing Direct

NK_Verma@ongcvidesh.in Narendra K. Verma Director (Exploration)

sp_garg@ongcvidesh.in S P Garg Director (Finance)

s_roychaudhury@ongcvidesh.in Samarendra Roychaudhury Director (Operations)

sudhakar_mahapatra@ongcvidesh.in Sudhakar Mahapatra General Manager G&G Centre

990. United Reef Limited info@unitedreef.com

MCoulter@unitedreef.com Michael D. Coulter – President, Chief Executive Officer

PGeorge@unitedreef.com Peter T. George director of the Corporation

HHodge@unitedreef.com Harry J. Hodge director of the Corporation

WOllerhead@unitedreef.com William W. Ollerhead director of the Corporation

991. U.S. Energy Corp.

Keith@usnrg.com Keith G. Larsen Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

Mark@usnrg.com Mark J. Larsen President, Chief Operating Officer, Director

youngbauer@usnrg.com Steven R. Youngbauer General Counsel, Corporate Secretary

Reggie@usnrg.com Reggie Larsen Director of Investor Relations

992. Tuscarora Energy LLC

sbgieni@gmail.com S. Brian Gieni President & CEO bgieni@shaw.ca

03osanchez@gmail.com Orlando Sanchez Geoscience

993. Liberty Energy Corp. info@energy-liberty.com , ir@energy-liberty.com

ISpowart@energy-liberty.com Ian Spowart, President and CEO

info@energy-liberty.com Dan Martinez-Atkinson, CFO

994. American Standard Energy Corp
sf@asenergycorp.com Scott Feldhacker Chief Executive Officer, Director
rm@asenergycorp.com Richard MacQueen President, Director
sm@asenergycorp.com Scott Mahoney Chief Financial Officer
aw@asenergycorp.com Andrew Wall General Counsel, Secretary

995. Savoy Energy Corporation info@savoyenergycorp.com
art@savoyenergycorp.com Arthur Bertagnolli President, CEO, CFO, Secretary, Director
William@savoyenergycorp.com William F. Howell Director
Ray@savoyenergycorp.com Raymond F. Crabbe Director
Charles@savoyenergycorp.com Charles J. Jacobus Director

994. Guardian Exploration info@guardianex.com

GKowal@guardianex.com Graydon L.M. Kowal, President, CEO

CKowal@guardianex.com Carter Kowal, Director

MRievaj@guardianex.com Mark Rievaj, Vice President – Administration

995. Xun Energy, Inc ????? ????

Peter Matousek, president

Donald Lynch

996. Gulf United Energy admin@gulfunitedenergy.com

JConnally@gulfunitedenergy.com John B. Connally Chairman and CEO

997. Fox Petroleum Inc info@fox-petroleum.com

JRenfro@fox-petroleum.com James R. Renfro President

info@fox-petroleum.com BLieberman@foxpetro.net William Robert Lieberman President, Chief Executive Officer,

BMacNee@foxpetro.net William MacNee Chief Operating Officer, Director

998. Legend Oil and Gas Ltd. info@legendoilandgas.com

Marshall@jayhawkenergy.com Marshall Diamond-Goldberg President Member, Board of Directors

999. ATP Oil & Gas Corporation atpinfo@atpog.com

PBulmahn@atpog.com T. Paul Bulmahn Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

GMorris@atpog.com George R. Morris Chief Operating Officer

TMcGinty@atpog.com Timothy P. McGinty Vice President, Business Development

RFrazer@atpog.com G. Ross Frazer Vice President, Engineering

1000. Victory Energy Corporation info@@VYEY.com

rmiranda@vyey.com Robert J.Miranda – CEO, CFO and Director

Kenny@VYEY.com Kenneth Hill – VP and Chief Operating Officer Kenny@VYEY.com

SLindsey@VYEY.com Stanley L. Lindsey – VP Exploration and Development

1001. Earthstone Energy, Inc info@earthstoneenergy.com, ahgood@earthstoneenergy.com

RSingleton@earthstoneenergy.com Ray Singleton President, Chief Executive Officer,

Andrew P. Calerich Independent Director

RRodgers@earthstoneenergy.com Richard K. Rodgers Director

1002. Sahara Energy Field Limited (Sahara Group) sahara@sahara-group.com

Cees.Uijlenhoed@sahara-group.com Cees Uijlenhoed MD of Sahara Energy Fields

Rusbek Bisultanov President

David A. Christ
an Vice President of Political and Governmental Affairs

1003. New Gulf Energy LLC mjenkins@newgulfenergy.com mjenkins@newgulfenergy.com

1004. PetroMax Operating Co ? ????? ????????

SBlackwell@petromaxoperating.com Steve Blackwell President

MHoover@petromaxoperating.com Mike Hoover Director of Field Operations

RSparks@petromaxoperating.com Robert Sparks Director of Business Development

1005. Ras Al Khaimah Gas Commission, RAK Gas info@rakgas.ae

ruurd.abma@rakgas.ae Mr Ruurd S Abma ( Chief Operating Officer )

Mohamed.Hawas@rakgas.ae Mr Mohamed F. Hawas ( VP Exploration )

Osama.Adel@rakgas.ae Mr Osama Adel ( Chielf Geophysicist )

Riyadh.Rahaman@rakgas.ae Mr Riyadh Rahaman ( Chief Geologist )

1006. Petrodel Resources Limited info@petrodel.com ???? ?? ????? ????????

dap@petrodel.com David Parker

phn@petrodel.com Dr. Phil Nelson

tlb@petrodel.com Tim Le Breton CEO

1007. East West Petroleum Corp info@eastwestpetroleum.ca

DSidoo@eastwestpetroleum.ca David Sidoo Chairman

GRenwick@eastwestpetroleum.ca Gregory Renwick President and CEO

MBustin@eastwestpetroleum.ca Dr. Marc Bustin – Director Ph.D., P. Geol.,

1008. Oil India Ltd oilindia@oilindia.in CorporateOffice investors@oilindia.in,

NMBorah@oilindia.in Nayan Mani Borah Chairman & Managing Director

BNT@oilindia.in B N Talukdar Director (Exploration & Development) g&r@oilindia.in General Manager (G&R)

kknath@oilindia.in K K Nath, Head-GeoServices

rdasgupta@oilindia.in Dr. R. Dasgupta, Chief Geophysicist

SRKrishnan@oilindia.in Mr. S R Krishnan Company Secretary

1009. Rheochem PLC admin@rheochem.com.au , petroleum@rheochem.com.au ????????????? ??????

haydn@rheochem.com.au Haydn L. Gardner CEO, Managing Director, Executive Director

Craig@rheochem.com.au Craig R. McGuckin Group General Manager, Executive Director

Lincoln@rheochem.com.au Lincoln C. McCrabb Executive Director

1010. Legacy Reserves

CBrown@legacylp.com Cary D. Brown Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board

KMcGraw@legacylp.com Kyle A. McGraw Executive VP — Business Development and Land and Director

PHorne@legacylp.com Paul T. Horne Executive Vice President — Operations

1011. Shoal Point Energy Ltd info@shoalpointenergy.com

GLangdon@shoalpointenergy.com George Langdon – age 54, President

JWright@shoalpointenergy.com John Wright Executive Vice President

1012. Homeland Resources Ltd. info@homelandresources.com

ArmandoG@homelandresources.com Armando Garcia President, Treasurer, Secretary, Director

HLindsay@homelandresources.com Heriberto Levy Lindsay Director

1013. Edison SpA

Giuliano.Zuccoli@edison.it Giuliano Zuccoli Chairman of the Board Age: 67
Umberto.Quadrino@edison.it Umberto Quadrino Chief Executive Officer, Director Age: 64
Pierre.Vergerio@edison.it Pierre Vergerio Chief Operating Officer

Claudio.Serracane@edison.it Claudio Serracane Head of Research and Development

maurizio.corbella@edison.it Maurizio Corbella G&G Services Manager

1014. Sagres Energy Inc. info@sagresenergy.com A member of the Forbes Energy Group Inc.

gwine@forbesenergygroup.com Gary Wine – President and Chief Executive Officer

Bob Petryk – Vice President, Operations

Daniel Bruno – Vice President, Corporate Development

hmcavoy@forbesenergygroup.com Heather McAvoy

1015. AltaGas Income Trust

David.Cornhill@altagas.ca David W. Cornhill Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Richard.Alexander@altagas.ca Richard M. Alexander President RAlexander@altagas.ca

David.Wright@altagas.ca David R. Wright Executive Vice President – Corporate Development

GAarssen@altagas.ca Gregory A. Aarssen Co-President – Gas

Randy.Toone@altagas.ca Randy W. Toone Co-President – Gas

Patricia.Newson@altagas.ca Patricia M. Newson President AltaGas Utility Group Inc

1016. Or
nto Petroleum International Ltd. ???????? ? ??????? ?????? ?????????????

Atlas Petroleum International Ltd. Mr. Chike Okoye Managing Director

info@orantooil.com Prince Arthur Eze Engr.: Chairman and CEO – AtlasORANTO www.crownroyalenergy.com



bondanika@crownroyalenergy.com Bond Anika, Arch, Sys-Engr.: Director Business Development

AlanJessop@crownroyalenergy.com Alan Jessop: Geologist and Chief Petroleum Advisor

1017. Overt Energy Limited nnemekify@yahoo.com

info@overt-energy.com, info@overtenergy.com

1018. ERHC Energy Inc. Dan Keeney dan@dpkpr.com investor relations

PNtephe@erhc.com Peter C. Ntephe President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

DBovell@erhc.com Vice President – Corporate Development

MWensrich@erhc.com Martin Wensrich ERHC geoscientist and technical advisor

1019. Alamo Resources II, LLC info@alamoresources.com

TPelletier@alamoresources.com A.F. (Tony) Pelletier Co-Founder

CCampbell@alamoresources.com Carl D. Campbell Co-Founder

1020. Kayne Anderson Midstream/Energy Fund (KA Fund) info@kaynecapital.com

KMcCarthy@kaynecapital.com Kevin S. McCarthy – Chairman, President and CEO

JBaker@kaynecapital.com Jim Baker – Executive Vice President

RLogan@kaynecapital.com Ron Logan – Senior Vice President

KProhl@kaynecapital.com Kurt Prohl – Managing Director

DLaBonte@kaynecapital.com David LaBonte – Senior Analyst

1021. Vetra Group ( Exploration) ????? ????

julio.bucci@vetragroup.com ????????

andres.guevara@vetragroup.com Trinidad & Tobago

comercial@vetragroup.com , Javier.larranaga@vetragroup.com Venezuela

Gabriel.garcia@vetragroup.com Mexico

1022. Afex Global Limited incorporated in Bermuda (Zedan Group) S.Africa.UK

Richard.Bray@afexglobal.com Richard Bray General Manager

Vernon.Cassin@afexglobal.com Vernon Cassin Chairman

pascal.lipsky@afexglobal.com Pascal Lipsky Director AFEX Global

1023. Texas American Resources Company TARC

DHoneycutt@texasarc.com David Honeycutt President and CEO

TRogers@texasarc.com Tom Rogers Vice President – Operations

MKlingseisen@texasarc.com Mark J. Klingseisen Vice President – Business Development

1024. ENEL Trade SPA

Fulvio.Conti@enel.com Fulvio Conti CEOr, General Manager, FConti@enel.com

Carlo.Tamburi@enel.com Carlo Tamburi Managing Director of International Division

Gianfilippo.Mancini@enel.com Gianfilippo Mancini Head of Generation and Energy Management Division

Livio.Vido@enel.com Livio Vido Managing Director of the Engineering and Innovation Division

Claudio.Sartorelli@enel.com Claudio Sartorelli Director of the Corporate Secretariat

Francesco.Starace@enel.com Francesco Starace Head of Renewable Energy Divisio

1025. Citadel Exploration Inc contactus@subprimeadvantage.com

mfinchy@gmail.com Michael Finch, 805-218-9785
mollycountry@subprimeadvantage.com Molly Country

1026. Japan Petroleum Exploration Co., Ltd. (JAPEX)

Osamu.Watanabe@japex.co.jp Osamu Watanabe Representative Executive Officer, President

Katsuo.Suzuki@japex.co.jp Katsuo Suzuki Vice President, Executive Officer,

Hiroshi.Sato@japex.co.jp Hiroshi Sato Vice President, Executive Officer

Norihiko.Sawara@japex.co.jp Norihiko Sawara Executive Officer, Vice President,

Nobuyuki.Ogura@japex.co.jp Nobuyuki Ogura MD, EO, Chief Director of Petroleum Exploration

yasuhiro.masui@japex.co.jp Yasuhiro Masui EO, Deputy Chief Director of Petroleum Exploration

1027. Oil Optimization Inc. ( Red Stag Resources Inc) info@oilop.com

Philip.Moore@oilop.com Philip Moore Chairman of the Board

Luc.Desmarais@oilop.com Luc Desmarais President, CEO,

Darren.Steffes@oilop.com Darren Steffes VP – Exploration

1028. Sentry Petroleum Ltd ir@sentrypetroleum.com

Rajeswaran@sentrypetroleum.com Raj Rajeswaran President, CEO, E
ecutive Director

AHart@sentrypetroleum.com Alan Hart Vice President – Exploration, Executive Director

CBarker@sentrypetroleum.com Charles Barker Vice President, Unconventional Resources

Sandy Belford Chief Geophysicist

John Kaldi Director

1029. GeoPetro Resources Company mail@geopetro.com

sdoshi@geopetro.com Stuart J. Doshi Chairman of the Board, President, CEO

DCreel@geopetro.com David V. Creel Vice President – Exploration, Director

edoshi@geopetro.com Eric Doshi Primary IR Contact

1030. ReoStar Energy Corporation info@reostarenergy.com
Trey@reostarenergy.com M.O. Rife III — Chief Executive Officer

Scott@reostarenergy.com Scott D. Allen Chief Financial Officer

1031. New World Oil and Gas info@nwoilgas.com ????????? ?? ?????

WKelleher@nwoilgas.com William (Bill) Kelleher Executive Chairman and Chief Executive Officer wkelleher@aol.com

GSztyk@nwoilgas.com Georges Sztyk Executive Director

PSztyk@nwoilgas.com Petro (Peter) Sztyk Executive Director

1032. Momentum Oil & Gas postmaster@momentumog.com

RShepherd@momentumog.com Rusty Shepherd, CEO

LLong@momentumog.com Loren Long, President

BMatsutsuyu@momentumog.com Bruce Matsutsuyu Vice President, Exploration and Development

1033. PF International FZE (PFI) info@pfi.ae ????? ?? ???????? ? ??? ?? ???????

pf@pfi.ae Parviz Farivar Managing Director

1034. C&C Energia Ltd. investor.relations@ccenergialtd.com

Richard.Walls@ccenergialtd.com Richard A. Walls, Ph.D., President and Chief Executive Officer

Tomas.Villamil@ccenergialtd.com Tomas Villamil, Ph.D., P.Doc. Executive VP, Exploration

Randy.McLeod@ccenergialtd.com Randy P. McLeod, P. Eng., Chief Operating Officer

@ccenergialtd.com Victor Hugo Franco T., P. Eng., General Manager — Colombia

1035. Avner Oil Exploration (Delek Group) contact@delek.co.il investor@delek.co.il

cohen_d@delek.co.il Dr. David Cohen Chairman: cohen_l@delek.co.il

Tadmor_g@delek.co.il Gideon Tadmor CEO:

reichman_ch@delek.co.il Chanan Reichman Head of Business Development

Tobias_I@delek.co.il Irit Shadar Tobias General Counsel, Secretary

Bartfeld_a@delek.co.il Asaf Bartfeld President & CEO Delek Group

Last_G@delek.co.il Gabriel Last Chairman: Delek Energy

black_d@delek.co.il Ms. Dalia Black Head of Investor Relations Delek Group

1036. Zedan Group Saudi Arabia Afex Global Limited info@zedangroup.com

az@zedangroup.com Amr F. Zedan Chairman & CEO

tz@zedangroup.com Tariq F. Zedan President Operations

yz@zedangroup.com Yehya El-Zein Vice President Business Development ???? ???-????

ta@zedangroup.com Tamer Abdouni Vice President International Investments

aak@zedangroup.com Amjed Ali Khan Manager Executive office

1037. Ptarmigan Energy Inc. ????? ????

lpower@ptarmiganenergy.com Leo Power MBA, Business Development Advisor Chairman

CBoland@ptarmiganenergy.com Craig Boland B.Sc.; B.ScM.Sc., P. Geol. President and CEO CraigBoland@ptarmiganenergy.com

RMacDonald@ptarmiganenergy.com Ron MacDonald P Eng., COO

CPike@ptarmiganenergy.com Dr. Christopher Pike, Ph.D., P. Geo., Geosciences Advisor

1038. Blackbird Energy Inc. dbrosseau@blackbirdenergyinc.com Dwane Brosseau Communications

RBooth@blackbirdenergyinc.com Robert David Booth Chairman of the Board, Secretary

GBraun@blackbirdenergyinc.com Garth Braun Chief Executive Officer, Director

DPaterson@blackbirdenergyinc.com Dennis Paterson Chief Operating Officer, Director

1039. Sim Siang Choon Ltd sims@simsiangchoon.com ????? ????

AdrL@simsiangchoon.com Adrian Lee, SSC’s director AL@simsiangchoon.com

1040. Roca Oil Corporation info@innovacapital.ca ? ???? ?????? ??????? ??? ? ?????????

SHSpindler@innovacapital.ca Sacha H. Spindler – President & CEO ????? ???? www.innovacapital.ca

+778-330-4358 – Canada 778-330-4363

Raymond Cochard – Peru
Country Manager +51 9-9756-8729 – Peru

1041. Dr. Shelton S. Alexander ???????. ????. ???????. shel@geosc.psu.edu

1042. Credo Petroleum info@credopetroleum.com

MSmith@credopetroleum.com Marlis E. Smith Jr. President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

ANeely@credopetroleum.com Alford B. Neely Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer, Secretary

KDeFehr@credopetroleum.com Kenneth J. DeFehr Manager- Petroleum Engineering

TVandeven@credopetroleum.com Torie A. Vandeven Manager – Geology and Exploration

1043. AsherXino Corporation

Bayo.Odunuga@asherxino.com Bayo Odunuga Chief Executive Officer

Michael.Hinton@asherxino.com Michael C. Hinton President

Warren.Anderson@asherxino.com Warren H. Anderson Chief Technology Officer

1044. Halcon Resources Corporation, formerly RAM Energy Resources, Inc.

FWilson@halconresources.com Floyd C. Wilson Chairman of the Board, President, CEO

MMize@halconresources.com Mark J. Mize CFOr, Executive VP, Treasurer

1045. Strait Oil & Gas Ltd. info@straitoil.com

Mustafa@straitoil.com Dr. Mustafa Mutlu Chairman

Alan@straitoil.com Alan J. F. Hitchins Director and Chief Executive Officier

John@straitoil.com John Gillan Chief Operating Officier

Damian@straitoil.com Damian Conboy Non-Executive Director

1046. Jacka Resources Limited info@jackaresources.com.au

RAden@jackaresources.com.au Richard Aden – Executive Director

BSmith@jackaresources.com.au Brett Smith – Non-Executive Chairman

JWood@jackaresources.com.au Justyn Wood – Technical Advisor

1047. Rialto Energy admin@rialtoenergy.com

Charlie.Nieto@rialtoenergy.com Charles Nieto Chief Operating Officer

Jeff.Schrull@rialtoenergy.com Jeffrey Schrull Managing Director

Gerry.Spanninga@rialtoenergy.com Gerry Spanninga Exploration Manager

Glenn.Whiddon@rialtoenergy.com Glenn Ross Whiddon Executive Chairman of the Board

Simon.Barkham@rialtoenergy.com Simon Barkham Technical Vice President

Brett.Woods@rialtoenergy.com Brett Woods Exploration director

1048. Circle Star Energy Corp. info@circlestarenergy.com

S. Jeffrey Johnson Non-Executive Chairman

1049. Porto Energy Corp info@portoenergy.com

Joe.Ash@portoenergy.com Joseph Ash, Director, President and CEO Joe Ash

PMonteleone@portoenergy.com Patric Monteleone, Director, Executive Vice President

RMcWhorter@portoenergy.com Ron McWhorter, Chief Geophysicist

CWright@portoenergy.com Christopher Wright VP – Business Development, Director

1050. QEP Resources, Inc

Charles.Stanley@qepres.com Charles B. Stanley President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

richard.doleshek@qepres.com Richard J. Doleshek Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

Jay.Neese@qepres.com Jay B. Neese Executive Vice President

austin.murr@qepres.com Austin S. Murr VP Land and Business Developmen

1051. Brenham Oil & Gas Corp., American International Industries, Inc info@brenhamoil.com , amin@americanii.com

DDror@americanii.com Daniel Dror, Sr. – Chairman of the Board

SGaille@americanii.com Scott Gaille – Director, President

RHardy@americanii.com L. Rogers Hardy, Vice President – Technology

1052. Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corp., (JOGMEC )

Kawano-Hirobumi@jogmec.go.jp Hirobumi Kawano President

Fujita-Fumiaki@jogmec.go.jp Fumiaki Fujita Executive Vice President

Wasada-Hironori@jogmec.go.jp Hironori Wasada Executive Directors

suzuki-akira@jogmec.go.jp Akira Suzuki Executive Directors

Moriwaki-Hisamitsu@jogmec.go.jp Hisamitsu Moriwaki Executive Directors

1053. Glen Rose Petroleum Corporation

andrew.taylor-k@glenrosepetroleum.com Andrew Taylor-Kimmins – CEO, President and Chairman

Ruben.Alba@glenrosepetroleum.com Ruben Alba – Chief Operating Officer

Sam.Smith@glenrosepetroleum.com Sam Smith – Chief Geologist Glen Rose

Luis@glenrosepetroleum.com Luis Vierma
Chairman of the Technical Committee

1054. C.O. Energy, LLC CoEnergy@CoEnergy.net www.coenergy.net/

rcamp@coenergy.net Randy Camp General Manager

1055. Petro One Energy Corp. info@PetroOneEnergy.com

TKing@PetroOneEnergy.com Terry King Chairman, CEO & Director

PReynolds@PetroOneEnergy.com Paul Reynolds Independent Director – P. Geol, Director

RKosick@PetroOneEnergy.com Richard Kosick Director

LZhang@PetroOneEnergy.com Lucy Zhang CFO, Corporate Secretary

1056. Exoma Energy Limited info@exoma.net

rcrook@exoma.net Rob D.E. Crook Chief Executive Officer

BMcGillivray@exoma.net Brian McGillivray Company Secretary and CFO

PLipski@exoma.net Paul Lipski Exploration Manager

JWhitcombe@exoma.net Josh Whitcombe Ph.D. Operations Manager

BBarker@exoma.net Brian James Barker Chairman

1057. Faulkner Exploration, Inc

Drew@faulknerexploration.com Drew Faulkner Chief Executive Officer

sharon@faulknerexploration.com Sharon Strate

Andrew Faulkner

1058. PGI Energy, Inc info@pgienergy.us , ir@pgienergy.us

MMcZeal@pgienergy.us Marcellous McZeal- CEO & Chairman of Board
CRobinson@pgienergy.us Carl Allen Robinson- President & Board Member
1059. Bridge Energy ASA

William.McCall@bridge-energy.com William McCall Chairman of the Board

Einar.Bandlien@bridge-energy.com Einar H. Bandlien Chief Executive Officer

Tom.Reynolds@bridge-energy.com Tom Reynolds Deputy Chief Executive Officer

eystein.westgaard@bridge-energy.com Eystein Westgaard Chief Financial Officer

1060. IDG Capital Partners idgvc@idgvc.com.cn , www.idgvc.com/en/contact/ ?????????

1061. Risco Energy Pte. Ltd ????????? ????

TSoulsby@risco-energy.com Tom Soulsby, CEO

CNewton@risco-energy.com Chris Newton, Director

BKamandanu@risco-energy.com Bob Kamandanu, Director

EYunasri@risco-energy.com Ery Yunasri, Director

1062. Petro Ventures International Limited Ph: +61.893534890

cgoldwater@petro-ventures.com , pvi980cwg@gmail.com //petro-ventures.com/ Western Australia 6106 Australia.
1063. Bob A. Hardage Bureau of Economic Geology The University of Texas at Austin
University Station, Box X Austin, Texas 78713-8924 Telephone: 512-471-0300 Fax: 512-471-0140


1064. Hutton Energy (as part of BasGas Pty) 1 Berkeley Street London W1J 8DJ T +44 (0)20 7016 8823

Keith.Lough@huttonenergy.com Keith Lough CEO

anna.maio@huttonenergy.com Anna Maio Corporate Communications Manager

1065. Gas Technologies LLC www.gastechno.com

walterb@gastechno.com Walter Breidenstein CEO & General Manager
nathanp@gastechno.com Nathan Pawlak Chief Technology Officer
Dr. Robert Carr Chief Scientist, Inventor & Board of Advisors
Dr. Arthur Nonomura Board of Advisors

1066. Zodiac Exploration Inc. info@zodiacexploration.ca

Murray@zodiacexploration.ca Murray Rodgers President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

Randy@zodiacexploration.ca Randy C. Neely Chief Financial Officer

Louisa@zodiacexploration.ca Louisa L. DeCarlo Chief Operating Officer

1067. Selan Exploration Technology Limitedcs@selanoil.com investors@selanoil.com vk@selanoil.com

cs@selanoil.com Rohit Kapur Whole-Time Director Chairman of the Board

cs@selanoil.com Andrew Wenk President, Chief Executive Officer

D. D. Sharma , Head of Exploration and Production

Mr. Shiv Kapoor , Head of Strategy Devel.

cs@selanoil.com Gunjan Jain Compliance Officer, Company Secretary

1068. Continental Energy Corporation

rlmcadoo@continentalenergy.com Richard L. McAdoo Chairman & CEO
ateriksson@continentalenergy.com Andrew T. Eriksson President, COO Exploration Manager

rjpaul@continentalenergy.com Robert J. Paul Chief Geophysicist
randy@continentalenergy.com Randy Geologist

1069. Clontarf Energy info@clontarfenergy.com ???? ???????? ???????? Hydrocarbon Exploration PLC

John@clontarfenergy.com John Teeling – Executive Chairman

DHorgan@clontarfenergy.com David Horgan – Managing Director dhorgan@petrelresources.com

MTakin@clontarfenergy.com Manouchehr Takin – Director

mgspetrolex@live.com Mauricio Gonzalez – President, Clontarf Energy Latin America

JFlores@clontarfenergy.com Jorge Flores – Operations Chief, Clontarf Energy Latin America

1070. ShorHolding ?????????-???????????? ?????? ??????-????????????? ??????, ???????? ? ????????

(0422) 57-85-31, 57-85-32, 57-85-33 ????: 57-85-31 ??????? MD-2001, ???.???????, ???.????????, 7, ??.105

Ilan@shorholding.com ???? ??? ????????? ????????? ? ????? ????

Valery@shorholding.com ??????? ??????? ???????????? ????????

Ilona@shorholding.com ????? ??? ???????

1071. Baron Energy info@baronenergy.com

RSteinocher@baronenergy.com Ronnie L. Steinocher Chairman of the Board, President, CEO

LHamilton@baronenergy.com Lisa P. Hamilton CFO, Executive Vice President, Treasurer

1072. Patriot Energy Group Programs@thepatriotenergygroup.com


1073. Patriot Resources Inc fax 1-(432)-686-9921

BStrickling@patriotresources.com Ben Strickling Owner

1074. White Rose Energy Ventures info@whiteroseenergy.com

John@whiteroseenergy.com John Mogford (Chairman

Jim@whiteroseenergy.com Jim Bradley (Chief Executive Officer

Tony@whiteroseenergy.com Tony Renton (Chief Operating Officer

Phil@whiteroseenergy.com Dr Phil Clarke (Technical Director

1075. Gravis Oil Corporation (formerly MegaWest Energy Corp.,) investor.relations@megawestenergy.com

George.Stapleton@megawestenergy.com George T. Stapleton, II Director, Chairman Of the Board

Tim.Morrison@megawestenergy.com Tim L. Morrison President & CEO

Pat.McCarron@megawestenergy.com Pat McCarron Vice-President, Operations

1076. Brookwater Ventures Inc A member of the Forbes Energy Group Inc.

Jason Cho jcho@forbesmanhattan.com Jason Cho (President & CEO)

Heather McAvoy at hmcavoy@forbesenergygroup.com

asaid@forbesenergygroup.com Ahmed Said – Director

spohl@forbesenergygroup.com Shannon Pohl (VP, Exploration)

Wagner Freire President of Agua Grande

1077. Gallic Energy Ltd. info@GallicEnergy.com

Jason Bednar Independent Chairman of the Board

BillSmith@GallicEnergy.com William (Bill)H. Smith President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

MArmanious@GallicEnergy.com Mark Armanious Executive Vice President – Exploration

EMessier@GallicEnergy.com Eric Messier Vice President – Operations

JohnKiss@GallicEnergy.com John Kiss Vice President – Engineering and Business Development

OStupnyckyj@GallicEnergy.com Oleh Stupnyckyj Professional Geologist

1078. Atikwa Resources Inc info@atikwaresources.com ir@atikwaresources.com donna@drillingfunds.com

SKehoe@atikwaresources.com Sean Kehoe CEO and Director

IAtkinson@atikwaresources.com Ian Atkinson Independent Director

PCollins@atikwaresources.com Philip E. Collins P. Geol.

1079. Abu Dhabi National Energy Co info@taqaglobal.com investment@taqaglobal.com ir@taqaglobal.com

PJSC “TAQA” ?????????

Carl.Sheldon@taqaglobal.com Carl Sheldon General Manager

David.Cook@taqaglobal.com David Cook Executive Officer and Head of Upstream Amal.Allan@taqaglobal.com

1080. RED EMPEROR RESOURCES info@redemperorresources.com

Gregory.Bandy@redemperorresources.com Gregory Bandy – Executive Director
Stephen.Brockhurst@redemperorresources.com Stephen Brockhurst – Non-Executive Director
Jason.Bontempo@redemperorresources.com Jason Bontempo – Executive Director

1081. South Atlantic Petroleum Limited Sapetro info@sapetro.com

General T. Y Danjuma GCON[Executive Chairman]

Martin.Trachsel@sapetro.com Martin Trachsel [CEO]

1082. Wessex Exploration PLC office@wessexexploration.com

fdekker@wt.net Frederik E Dekker — Managing Director

1083. Alan Chamberlain Cedar Strat Corp ????? ???? http://www.cedarstrat.com

Alan Chamberlain CEO President

1084. Killam Oil Co. Ltd. Killam Companies http://www.killamcompanies.com/missionstatement.html

MDrake@killamcompanies.com Mike Drake – General Manager

fmatthews@killamcompanies.com Frank Matthews, Wildlife Biologist

1085. Border Petroleum Corporation info@borderpetroleum.com

KKimbley@borderpetroleum.com Kelly Kimbley Director, President & CEO

SThompson@borderpetroleum.com Steve Thompson Director, Chief Operating Officer

DTian@borderpetroleum.com David Tian Vice President, Exploration

1086. Oranje-Nassau Energie B.V.

Berger@onebv.com Alexander Berger CEO

Emke@onebv.com Arnoud Emke Technical Director

Bergers@onebv.com Theo Bergers COO

Verkuil@onebv.com Eric Verkuil EVP Exploration

Veenhof@onebv.com Reinoud Veenhof Senior Explorationist

1087. Magnolia Petroleum PLC

rwhittington@magnoliapetroleum.com Rita Fern Whittington Chief Operations Officer

SSnead@magnoliapetroleum.com Steven Otis Snead Chief Executive Officer

1088. Radiant Growth Investments Limited


1089. New Zealand Energy Corp. NZEC info@newzealandenergy.com

BMcIntyre@newzealandenergy.com Bruce McIntyre , PGeol President

JProust@newzealandenergy.com John Proust , CDir Chief Executive Officer

IBrown@newzealandenergy.com Ian Brown , Chief Operating Officer

1090. Anatolia Energy Corp.

BSpring@anatoliaenergy.com Bob Spring (President and Chief Executive Officer)

pargiris@anatoliaenergy.com Peter Argiris (VP Business Development)

RMcGrory@anatoliaenergy.com Rob McGrory (Exploration Manager)

ANautiyal@anatoliaenergy.com Atul Nautiyal (Chief Geoscientist)

SEbert@anatoliaenergy.com Sean Ebert (Manager of Geoscience Technology)

1091. Rife Resources Ltd.

bingram@rife.com Bill Ingram President & CEO

gbieber@rife.com Garry Bieber Vice-President, Production

FGeorge@rife.com Frank George, Vice President, Exploration

1092. Larus Energy Limited admin@larusenergy.com.au

David@larusenergy.com.au David Williams – Managing Director

Michael@larusenergy.com.au Dr Michael Swift PhD – Exploration Manager

andrew@larusenergy.com.au Andrew Cooke Company Secretary

1093. AGL Energy

MFraser@agl.com.au Michael Anthony Fraser CEO, Managing Director, Executive Director

MMoraza@agl.com.au Michael Moraza Group General Manager – Upstream Gas

1094. Oil & Gas Development Company Limited (OGDCL) info@ogdcl.com

basharat_mirza@ogdcl.com Basharat A. Mirza Acting MD/CEO

aftab_ahmad@ogdcl.com Aftab Ahmad (Executive Director Strategic Business Planning)

masood_nabi@ogdcl.com Masood Nabi (Executive Director J.V)

zahid_farani@ogdcl.com Zahid Imran Farani General Manager (Exploration)

1095. Torchlight Energy Resources, Inc IR@torchlightenergy.com

TLapinski@torchlightenergy.com Thomas Lapinski President, CEO, Director

w.turner@jebcoseis.com Wayne Turner Independent Director

1096. Jubilant Energy NV,

Maxwell_Birley@jubilantenergy.com Maxwell Derek Birley Chief Operating Officer

Ramesh_Bhatia@jubilantenergy.com Ramesh Bhatia (Vice President, Exploration)

Apoorva_Ranjan@jubilantenergy.com Apoorva Ranjan (Vice President, Project

ajay_khandelwal@jubilantenergy.com Ajay Khandelwal Chief Executive Officer

hemant_kumar@jubilantenergy.com Hemant Kumar

1097. TVI Pacific Inc. Canada tvi-info@tvipacific.com

Robert.Armstrong@tvipacific.com Robert C. Armstrong Ph.D. Lead Independent Director

Clifford.James@tvipacific.com Clifford M. James President & Chief Executive Officer

Rhonda.bennetto@tvipacific.com Rhonda Bennetto Vice President, Investor & Corporate Relations

1098. Storm Resources Ltd info@stormresourcesltd.com

m Brian Lavergne President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

Robert.Tiberio@stormresourcesltd.com Robert S. Tiberio Chief Operating Officer

Daniel.Fitzgerald@stormresourcesltd.com Daniel J. Fitzgerald Vice President – Corporate Development

1099. China National Petroleum Corp. CNPC admin_eng@cnpc.com.cn

Jiang_Jiemin@cnpc.com.cn Jiang Jiemin President

Wang_Guoliang@cnpc.com.cn Wang Guoliang CFO

1100. Genel Energy plc natalie.fortescue@genelenergy.com ?????? ?? ????? ????

Tony.Hayward@genelenergy.com Tony Hayward Chief Executive Officer, Director

Mehmet.Sepil@genelenergy.com Mehmet Sepil President

levent.akca@genelenergy.com Levent Akca Chief Operations Officer ?? ????? ????

murat.ozgul@genelenergy.com Murat Ozgul Chief Commercial Officer

1101. Horn Petroleum Corp. hornpetroleum@namdo.com

KHill@namdo.com Keith Hill Chairman and Director

DGrellman@hornpetroleum.com David Grellman President and Chief Executive Officer

JKufflick@hornpetroleum.com Jeromie Kufflick Chief Financial Officer

1102. SacOil Holdings Ltd info@sacoilholdings.com

Robin.Vela@sacoilholdings.com Robin Vela Chief Executive Officer

Bradley.Cerff@sacoilholdings.com Bradley Cerff Vice President exploration

Willem.deMeyer@sacoilholdings.com Willem de Meyer Vice President – Commercial

Jordaan.Fouche@sacoilholdings.com Jordaan Fouche Vice President – Technical and New Business

1103. Far East Energy Corporation investorrelations@fareastenergy.com

MMcElwrath@fareastenergy.com Michael R. McElwrath President and CEO, Director

AYang@fareastenergy.com Alex Yang Senior Vice President, Geology

DMinor@fareastenergy.com David Minor Executive Director of Operations ?? ?????? ???

1104. Azimuth Ltd Bermuda www.azimuth.bm ?????? ? 1002 Sahara Energy ??????

erik@azimuth.bm Erik Tiller – Chairman

aaron@azimuth.bm Aaron D’Este, Managing Director MD Azimuth Limited, Bermuda Former MD of PGS Ventures

matt@azimuth.bm Matt Haartsen, Technical Director MD Azimuth

1105. PetroNova Inc. alexander.mora@petronova.com

Antonio.Vincentelli@petronova.com Antonio Vincentelli President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

Jose.Paz@petronova.com Jose Paz Vice President – Operations

Eugenio.Ochoa@petronova.com Eugenio Ochoa Vice President – Exploration and Production

Juan.Szabo@petronova.com Juan Szabo Director of Corporate Development

1106. Hansa Hydrocarbons info@hansahydrocarbons.com

JMartin@hansahydrocarbons.com John Martin Chief Executive Officer

SimonL@hansahydrocarbons.com Simon Lunn Technical Director

STortike@hansahydrocarbons.com Simon Tortike Developments Director

1107. Saudi Geophysical Consulting Office SGCO ( Saudi Aramco ) info@saudigeophysical.com

wahab@saudigeophysical.com Abdul Wahab F. Al-Ahamari President & CEO

tahir@saudigeophysical.com Dr. El-Tahir Osman Idris Technical Manager

wahid@saudigeophysical.com Mr. Wahid A. Al-Saleh Administration Manager

1108. Denali Oil & Gas

rlouden@denaliog.com Rick J. Louden CEO/President

mdaugherty@denaliog.com Marianne Daugherty Engineering/G&G Technician

phunt@denaliog.com Paul Hunt VP Exploration

dlove@denaliog.com Drew Love Sr. Staff Geologist

1109. Quantum Energy Partners ?????????

WVanLoh@quantumep.com S. Wil VanLoh, Jr. Co-Founder, President and CEO

AClemens@quantumep.com Alan R. Clemens Chief of Geology and Geophysics

JBaird@quantumep.com James V. Baird Managing Director and General Counsel

DBole@quantumep.com David L. Bole Managing Director

GTanner@quantumep.com Garry A. Tanner Managing Director

1110. Rex Oil & Gas ??????

Svein@Kjellesvik.biz Svein Kjellesvik owner Funder

Hans@lidgren.biz Hans Lidgren owner Funder

karl@lidgren.biz Karl Lidgren owner Funder

1111. Wakabayashi Fund LLC wakabayashi@wakabayashifund.com ?????????? ??????????
JeffS@wakabayashifund.com Advisor / Co-Founder

1112. Husky Ventures, Inc. info@huskyventures.com

Chuck.Long@huskyventures.com Chuck Long is the President

Gregg.McDonald@huskyventures.com Gregg McDonald Chief Geologist

Josh.Consalvi@huskyventures.com Josh Consalvi Geotech

1113. Schuepbach Energy LLC info@schuepbachenergy.com T +1 214 880 9035 , F +1 214 468 0260

Martin.Schuepbach@schuepbachenergy.com Dr. Martin Schuepbach Founder

1114. Gazprom EP International info@gazprom-ep-int.com

VGulev@gazprom-ep-int.com Director General

udayanga@srilankaemb.com Udayanga Weeratunga, Ambassador Sri Lanka in Russia

dg@prds.lk Director General Petroleum Resources Development Secretariat ,

1115. Sanchez Energy Corporation info@sanchezenergycorp.com

tsanchez@sanchezenergycorp.com Tony Sanchez iii founder, chairman, chief executive officer

ptalamas@sanchezenergycorp.com Patrick Talamas senior vice president – geoscience

1116. Upland Exploration, Inc.

Dale@uplandexploration.com Dale Watts, President
David@uplandexploration.com David R. Watts, Vice-President

1117. Wapiti Energy, LLC OwnerRelations@WapitiEnergy.com

RAgee@WapitiEnergy.com Richard Agee Chairman and CEO

BAgee@WapitiEnergy.com Bart Agee President and COO:
JMATTIZA@WapitiEnergy.com JERRY MATTIZA Chief Geologist

1118. Calypso Group

mapatterson@calypsocorp.com paepstein@calypsocorp.com

1119. Spero Oil & Gas, L.L.C.

pjmccarthy@spero-llc.com mwinston@spero-llc.com

1120. Sojitz Energy Venture Inc


1121. Black Dragon Resource Companies, Inc. info@black-dragonoil.com

TNeeley@black-dragonoil.com Thomas Neeley CEO and Board Chairman

AKhan@black-dragonoil.com Azam Khan Director and Investors Relation

DLanza@black-dragonoil.com Dei Lanza Secretary and Director

1122. Miller Energy Company

Mmiller@miller-energy.com Michael J. Miller, President,

Bdunn@miller-energy.com Robert Dunn, Exploration Manager

Lmiller@miller-energy.com Luke Miller, Business Development

1123. Miller Energy Inc
cwayne@millerenergyinc.com C Wayne Miller – President –
rwilkerson@millerenergyinc.com Richard Wilkerson – Exploration Manager –

dwiles@millernergyinc.com Donna Wiles – Secretary –

1124. LOTOS Group lotos@grupalotos.pl ???.: +48 58 326 43 00 ????.: +48 58 301 88 38

Pawel.Olechnowicz@grupalotos.pl Pawel Olechnowicz ??????????? ????????

Marek.Sokolowski@grupalotos.pl Marek Pawel Sokolowski VP of the Board, COO tel: +48 58 308 81 00 fax: +48 58 301 75 33

Pawel.Siemek@lotospetrobaltic.pl Pawel Siemek mob.+48 509434164 President of the Board LOTOS Petrobaltic Dariusz.Wojdynski@lotospetrobaltic.pl Dariusz Wojdynski petrobaltic@petrobaltic.com.pl

Zbigniew.Paszkowicz@grupalotos.pl Zbigniew Paszkowicz Deputy Chief Executive Officer

LOTOS Exploration & Production Norge AS

Gerhard.Bauer@grupalotos.pl Gerhard Bauer CEO of LOTOS Exploration & Production Norge AS

Stig.Bergseth@grupalotos.pl Stig Bergseth Exploration Manager

Helge.Thoreby@grupalotos.pl Helge Thoreby Technical Director

1125. Africa Hydrocarbons Inc. (604) 684-6535) (604) 602-9311 (FAX) ??????
John Nelson CEO www.africahydrocarbons.com
1126. Lion Petroleum Corp. info@lionpetroleumcorp.com investor relations g.meikle@lionpetroleumcorp.com

A.Robinson@lionpetroleumcorp.com Alec Robinson – President & CEO

C.Lewis@lionpetroleumcorp.com Chris Lewis – Vice-President, Exploration

P.Griggs@lionpetroleumcorp.com Paul Griggs – Vice-President, Commercial

1127. Bayfield Energy info@bayfieldenergy.com

hywel.john@bayfieldenergy.com Hywel John Chief Executive Officer, Director

Simon.Gill@bayfieldenergy.com Simon Gill Managing Director of Bayfield Galeota

Stefano.Santoni@bayfieldenergy.com Stefano Santoni Exploration Manager

Ian.Bingham@bayfieldenergy.com Ian R. Bingham,
Chief Geophysicist

1128. Force Energy Corp
TDeHerrera@forceenergycorp.com Tim DeHerrera President, Chief Executive Officer,

1129. Hawkeye Geosensing ltd ??????

hawkeyegeo@shaw.ca Harry Patrick Owner,

1130. Pegasi Energy Resources Corporation contact@pegasienergy.com

OCW@pegasienergy.com Oliver C. Waldron Chairman of the Board

mn@pegasienergy.com Michael H. Neufeld President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

bsudds@pegasienergy.com William L. Sudderth Executive Vice President

1131. ZaZa Energy Corporation

Craig.McKenzie@zazaenergy.com Craig McKenzie President & Chief Executive Officer

John.Hearn@zazaenergy.com John E. Hearn Jr. Executive Director – Geoscience

Kevin.Schepel@zazaenergy.com Kevin Schepel Vice President of Exploration & Production

Thomas.Bowman@zazaenergy.com Thomas Bowman Vice President of Evaluation, Geology & Geophysics

1132. AMEREX RESOURCES info@amerexoil.com www.arcousa.com http://amerexoil.com

RAbercrombie@amerexoil.com RJ Abercrombie President –

derek@amerexoil.com Derek Walker Consulting Chief Investment Officer

bruce@amerexoil.com Bruce Langhus, Ph.D. Consulting Petroleum Geologist

Dan Boyd Consulting Chief Petroleum Geologist

Martin Black Consulting Petroleum Geoscientist-Geologist/Geophysicist

1133. Petroecuador pecinfo@eppetroecuador.ec

mcalvopina@ind.eppetroecuador.ec Marco Calvopina general manager

COrdonez@ind.eppetroecuador.ec Carlos Ordonez Acting General Manager

1134. LaMarch Capital, LLC ?????????

len@lamarchcapital.com Len Ruggiero Chairman & CEO Skype: ltrugg

gary@lamarchcapital.com Gary Almond Managing Director Skype: Gary.Almond

1135. Eco Atlantic Oil & Gas Ltd. info@ecooilandgas.com

Moshe@ecooilandgas.com Moshe Peterburg (Chairman and Director)

Gil@ecooilandgas.com Gil Holzman, President and CEO of Eco Atlantic

Colin@ecooilandgas.com Colin B. Kinley ( Co-Founder, COO & Director)

Alan@ecooilandgas.com Alan Friedman (Co-Founder, Executive VP & Director)

jmaxwell@ecooilandgas.com Julia Maxwell Manager Investor Relations

1136. Banko Petroleum Management, Inc

Chris@banko1.com Chris McRickard

Ted@banko1.com Ted Chase

1137. Cress Oil info@cressoil.com

ATrivedi@cressoil.com Atul Trivedi President
EMoore@cressoil.com Earl Moore VP of Drilling and Exploration
info@cressoil.com Steven Engelhardt Senior VP and Legal Counsel

1138. Schlumberger Limited

pkibsgaard@exchange.slb.com Paal Kibsgaard Chief Executive Officer

ABelani@exchange.slb.com Ashok Belani Executive VP Technology

MOkoro@exchange.slb.com Monday Okoro President Geoservices

GSaygi@exchange.slb.com Gokhan Saygi President Russia & Central Asia

AJuden@exchange.slb.com Alex Juden Secretary and General Counsel

TTaylor@exchange.slb.com Tom Taylor Microseismic Team Leader

1139. Transerv Energy info@transerv.com.au

Stephen.Keenihan@transerv.com.au Stephen Keenihan CEO, Managing Director, Executive Director

Brent.Villemarette@transerv.com.au Brent Villemarette Chief Technical Officer

Brett.Mitchell@transerv.com.au Brett Anthony Mitchell Executive Director

1140. IPC Oil and Gas Holding 395 Bontan

hcooper@ipcoilandgas.com Howard Cooper – project manager hhowardcooper@yahoo.com

Igormoff@aol.com Igor Effimoff

1141. ConocoPhillips

Ryan.Lance@conocophillips.com Ryan Michael Lance Chairman of the Board, President, CEO

Janet.Kelly@conocophillips.com Janet Langford Kelly Senior Vice President – Legal, General Counsel, Greg.Garland@conocophillips.com Greg C. Garland Senior Vice President – Exploration & Production,

Matt.Fox@conocophillips.com Matt Fox Executive Vice President Exploration and Production

Al.Hirshberg@conocophillips.com Al Hirshberg Executive Vice President Technology and Projects

Don.Wallette@conocophillips.com Don
allette EV President Business Development and Commercial

1142. National Petroleum Council info@npc.org webmaster@npc.org ??? ?????. ???????????? ??????????

1143. P1 Energy Corp ir@p1energycorp.com

DStangor@p1energycorp.com David Stangor CEO & Director

BBurton@p1energycorp.com Brad Burton VP Exploration

ir@p1energycorp.com Aaron Stein VP Business Development & Investor Relations

1144. Palliser Oil & Gas Corp info@palliserogc.com

DFridhandler@palliserogc.com Daryl S. Fridhandler Q.C., Independent Chairman of the Board

KGibson@palliserogc.com Kevin J. Gibson President, CEO, Director kevin@palliserogc.com

ACarswell@palliserogc.com Allan Carswell COO, VP – Exploration, Director

1145. Bowood Energy Inc info@bowoodenergy.ca

RMercier@bowoodenergy.ca Robert f. Mercier, President and ceo, director

MKryczka@bowoodenergy.ca Michael j. Kryczka VP business development, director

DCassidy@bowoodenergy.ca David s. Cassidy, Vice president exploration

JPeterson@bowoodenergy.ca Jeff Peterson, Chief geologist

1146. Tourmaline Oil Corp. info@tourmalineoil.com

Rose@tourmalineoil.com Michael L. Rose Chairman of the Board, President, CEO

Nowek@tourmalineoil.com Stanley Nowek COO, Vice President – Operations

Yurkovich@tourmalineoil.com Robert N. Yurkovich Executive VP – Exploration, Director

Hill@tourmalineoil.com Ronald J. Hill VP – Exploration

1147. Oil & Gas Innovation Center ???????

jbarratt@oilandgasinnovation.com John Barratt

1148. Bromius Capital wendy.tng@bromiuscapital.com , www.bromiuscapital.com ?????????

Bhagyesh.Dash@bromiuscapital.com Bhagyesh Dash

Duncan.Reynolds@bromiuscapital.com Duncan Reynolds

Ian.Gibbs@bromiuscapital.com Ian Gibbs

1149. Gaither Petroleum Corporation Quantum Investment Group ?????????

Duane.Gaither@gpcoil.co O. Duane Gaither P.E., Managing Director

Douglas.Gaither@gpcoil.co Douglas W. Gaither Director

Hans.Bisewski@gpcoil.co Hans M. Bisewski, PhD., Director of Exploration

1150. Ute Energy LLC info@uteenergy.com

1151. IHS Upstream Oil and Gas

Michael.Marinovic@ihscera.com Michael Marinovic

Steve.Defazio@ihscera.com Steve Defazio

Philippe.Frangules@ihscera.com Philippe Frangules

1152. Challenger Energy Limited admin@challengerenergy.com.au ?????????

paul.bilston@challengerenergy.com.au Paul Bilston Managing Director

David.Prentice@challengerenergy.com.au David Prentice Executive Director

1153. US Capital Energy Belize Ltd

berichter@aol.com Brian E. Richter, President

mjhulings@aol.com Mark J. Hulings, Counsel and Director

1154. Peters & Co. Limited info@petersco.com http://www.petersco.com

mtims@petersco.com Michael J. Tims, Chairman
cpotter@petersco.com Christopher S. Potter, President & CEO
jmartin@petersco.com Jeff Martin, Managing Director, Research

jlawson@petersco.com, shutzal@petersco.com

1155. NJ & Exploration, Inc ?????????? ???????????????????? ??????? , MT method

rashidfg@njexploration.com Rashid Gabitov President contact@njexploration.com

1156. Freddie Cu Accounting & Systems Calgary, Canada Area Oil & Energy Industry

cufjrcan@yahoo.ca Freddie Cu

1157. Providence Energy Group info@providenceenergygroup.com http://providenceenergygroup.com

mike.pugh@pegoil.com Mike Pugh, President

steve.hamm@pegoil.com Steve Hamm Vice President – Exploration

scott.bayless@pegoil.com Scott Bayles CEO
justin.mcpherson@pegoil.com Justin McPherson

todd.mortenson@gmail.com Todd Mortenson Providence Energy Belize Ltd

1158. Petroleum Prospectors ltd.

cory@petroleumprospectors.com Cory Lanterman President

1159. Underground Energy Corp info@ugenergy.com

Mike.Kobler@ugenergy.com Michael Kobler President and Chairman of the Board of Directors

dhoyt@ugenergy.com David E. Hoyt Vice President Exp
oration & Development

randy.ray@ugenergy.com Robert Randy Ray Chief Geophysicist

Carolyn.walch@ugenergy.com Carolyn Walch Senior Geologist

1160. Hydrocarbon Exploration PLC

mgspetrolex@live.com Mauricio Gonzalez Chairman and President

1161. FOSSIL OIL COMPANY, LLC info@fossiloil.com www.fossiloil.com

dennis@fossiloil.com Dennis R. Kittler. President at Fossil Oil Company

phylko@aol.com Donald J. Timko, P.E. – Geologist/Petrophysicist

lisa@fossiloil.com Lisa A. Kittler adminisration

1162. EarthTek Associates info@earthtekassociates.com ??????

gbearss@earthtekassociates.com Grant Bearss Principal

1163. STCU Science and Technology Center in Ukraine

LimageSG@state.gov Simon G. Limage, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Nonproliferation Programs (ISN/NP)U.S. Department of State

InsleyKE@state.gov Kathryn Insley Foreign Affairs Officer U.S. Department of State

LundET@state.gov Eric T. Lund Science Center Coordinator U.S. Department of State

1164. Rohol-Aufsuchungs AG office@rag-austria.at elisabeth.kolm@rag-austria.at

Markus.Mitteregger@rag-austria.at Markus Mitteregger Chief Executive Officer

Kurt.Sonnleitner@rag-austria.at Kurt Sonnleitner Chief Technical Officer

1165. ONGC secretariat@ongc.co.in

Sudhir Vasudeva Executive Chairman of the Board, Managing Director

rao_sv@ongc.co.in S. V. Rao Director – Exploration,

bose_un@ongc.co.in U N Bose Director – Technology & Field Services

1166. AGR Tools Inc. info@agrtools.com

Vern@AGRenergycorp.com Vern Wilson CEO

1167.Rift Energy Corp info@riftenergycorp.com

JSununu@riftenergycorp.com John H. Sununu – Chairman of the Board

fred@riftenergycorp.com Fred Zaziski President and CEO (713) 294-0784

dtatum@riftenergycorp.com Dennis Tatum Chief Financial Officer

1168. Arizona Oil & Gas Inc.

carmonbonanno@hotmail.com Carmon Bonanno President

crownintegity@yahoo.com Christopher Slocum Vice-President

1169. Halbouty Exploration www.hkexploration.com

michel@hkexploration.com Michel Halbouty Hewitt President

matt@hkexploration.com Matthew Smith

Daniel@hkexploration.com Daniel Ebbs

1170. International Petroleum Ltd info@intpet.com.au

TonyS@intpet.com.au Tony Sage Executive Chairman
ClaireT@intpet.com.au Claire Tolcon Company Secretary
CarlosG@intpet.com.au Carlos Guzman – Geophysicist
MihailI@intpet.com.au Mihail Ianas – Geophysicist

1171. Quantec geoscience info@quantecgeoscience.com ??????

RVermey@quantecgeoscience.com Ron Vermey President and CEO

RSharpe@quantecgeoscience.com Roger Sharpe VP, Research & Development

KKillin@quantecgeoscience.com Kevin Killin Vice President

1172. Explora Petroleum AS contact.us@explorapetroleum.no ??????

john.pickard@explorapetroleum.no John R Pickard, Chief Executive Officer

Samuel.Johnson@explorapetroleum.no Samuel R Johnson, Exploration Manager

Knut.Hansch@explorapetroleum.no Knut Hansch, Chief Geophysicist

1173. PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna Przemyslaw.Wasilewski@gkpge.pl ???????.????. ????.???

Krzysztof.Kilian@gkpge.pl Krzysztof Kilian President of the Management Board

Boguslawa.Matuszewska@gkpge.pl Boguslawa Matuszewska Vice President of the Management Board

Piotr.Szymanek@gkpge.pl Piotr Szymanek Vice President of the Management Board

1174. Armada Oil & Gas armada@armadaoil.com

JCerna@armadaoilinc.com James Cerna President and CEO

DMoss@armadaoilinc.com David J. Moss Director

JBhogal@armadaoilinc.com Jatinder S. Bhogal Independent Director

1175. Marine Petroleum Trust Sabine Royalty Trust jana.egeler@ustrust.com

trustee@sbr-sabineroyalty.com Ron E. Hooper Senior Vice President of Bank of America ?????



1176. Heavy Earth Resources Inc investorrelations@heavyearthres

G.Draper@heavyearthresources.com Grant Draper President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

J.Rosenfeld@heavyearthresources.com Joshua H. Rosenfeld, Ph.D, Chief Geologist

A.Ives@heavyearthresources.com Anthony J. Ives, Chief Operating Officer

1177. Helix Energy Solutions Group

okratz@helixesg.com Owen E. Kratz Chairman of the Board, President, CEO

CChamblee@helixesg.com Clifford V. Chamblee Executive Vice President – Contracting Services

JEdwards@helixesg.com Johnny Edwards Executive Vice President – Oil & Gas

1178. Leveridge Systems info@leveridgesystems.com

john.allen@leveridgesystems.com John Allen CEO

1179. Deep Gulf Energy LP @deepgulfenergy.com

RClark@deepgulfenergy.com Richard Clark President

MStrickler@deepgulfenergy.com Mike Strickler Geologic Advisor

DClement@deepgulfenergy.com Don Clement Geophysical Advisor

TFord@deepgulfenergy.com Tim Ford Senior Explorationist

1180. Gulf Refining LLC

fred.bett1@gmail.com Fred Bett – CEO

1181. CAVU Resources, Inc info@cavu-resources.com

William@cavu-resources.com William Robinson, President/Director

Michael@cavu-resources.com Michael Sheikh, CFO

1182. EJ Grace LLC http://www.ejgracellc.com ??????

wsc@williamcavalier.com William Cavalier Investment Banker at Independent Investment Bankers Corp. williamcavalier@yahoo.com

1183. Congressman Pete Olson Texas Pete@Olsonforcongress.com

1184. RAW Energy Ltd ?????????

rwalls@rawenergyltd.com Dr. Richard Walls is the president

1185. Heramec Ltd., Bahamas INDIA info@heramec.com www.heramec.com

1186. Deep Industries Limited del@deepindustries.com ????????? ????? 1203

prem.sawhney@deepindustries.com Prem Singh Sawhney Whole Time Director

Drklal@deepindustries.com Dr. K. L. Patel Sr. Advisor (Exploration)

1187. Prize Petroleum Co. Ltd. prizepetroleum@prizepetro.com

spsingh@hpcl.co.in Mr. S. P. Singh is Chief Executive Officer

RajanKapoor@prizepetro.com Mr. Rajan Kapoor is General Manager

ANSingh@prizepetro.com Mr. Abhay N. Singh is Head

1188. National Thermal Power Corporation ????? info@ntpc.co.in

cmd@ntpc.co.in suniltrivedi0101@yahoo.co.in Shri Arup Roy Choudhury, Chairman & Managing Director

1189. Edge Resources Inc. info@edgeres.com

BNichol@edgeres.com Brad Nichol President, CEO, Director

KDodsworth@edgeres.com Keith Dodsworth Geologist

DMacKenzie@edgeres.com Duncan MacKenzie Senior Consulting Geologist

1190. Nava Resources, Inc

jagsandhu@telus.net Jag Sandhu, President, CEO and Director

1191. Pelangio Exploration Inc info@pelangio.com

IHibbard@pelangio.com Ingrid J. Hibbard President, Chief Executive Officer,

WBates@pelangio.com Warren Bates Senior Vice President – Exploration

1192. Red Emperor Resources info@redemp.com.au

GBandy@redemp.com.au Gregory Bandy Executive Director

1193. Calik Holding CALIK ENERJI. info@calik.com www.calik.com ????? ???????

acalik@calik.com Ahmet Calik – Chairman

BAlbayrak@calik.com Dr. Berat Albayrak CEO

atacyildiz@calik.com Ahmet Tacyildiz

1194. Methanex Corp, publicaffairs@methanex.com

THamilton@methanex.com Thomasa Hamilton Independent Chairman of the Board

BAitken@methanex.com Bruce M. Aitken President, CEO, Director

JFloren@methanex.com John Floren Senior Vice President –

1195. Ashford Oil & Gas Company LLC

rpledger@hotmail.com Robert Pledger President

1196. Steve Holditch

steve@holditch.com Steve Holditch Prof. Head of the Petroleum Engineering Department at Texas A&M University

1197. GVK Power & Infrastructure Limited info@gvk.com

GVKReddy@gvk.com Dr. G. V. Krishna Reddy is the Founder Chairman & Managing Director

sanjayreddy@gvk.com G V Sanjay Reddy Vice Chairman

madhu@gvk.com MADHUSUDAN S. Dir./Tech

sivaji@gvk.com SIVAJI M. Proj. Consult

1198. GAIL info@gailonline.com

BCTripathi@gail.co.in B. C. Tripathi Executive Chairman of the Board, Managing Director

PSingh@gail.co.in Prabhat Singh Director – Marketing, Whole Time Director

RDGoyal@gail.co.in R. D. Goyal Director – Projects,

venkat@gail.co.in S. Venkatraman Director – Business Development,

nknagpal@gail.co.in N. K. Nagpal Company Secretary

1199. Utica Resources Inc. www.uticaresources.com

ron@uticainc.com Ronald Coleman President and CEO

tim@uticainc.com Timothy D. Coleman Executive Vice President

Jon@uticainc.com Jon Malis Executive Vice President and CFO

1200. American Eagle Energy Corporation

richardfindley@amzgcorp.com Richard L. Findley Chairman of the Board

bradcolby@amzgcorp.com Brad Colby, President & CEO

tomlantz@amzgcorp.com Thomas G. Lantz Chief Operating Officer

1201. Tangiers Petroleum Ltd

mark.ceglinski@bigpond.com Mark Ceglinski Executive Chairman

Margaret Hildick-Pytte Director of Exploration

1202. Xtreme Oil & Gas, Inc.

will@xtoginc.com Willard McAndrew, CEO
nick@xtoginc.com Nick DeVito, COO
roger@xtoginc.com Roger N. Wurtele, CFO

1203. Joshi Technologies International, Inc jti@joshitech.com ????????? ????? 1186

sjoshi@joshitech.com Dr. S.D. Joshi president CEO

VLahti@joshitech.com Victor R. Lahti Consulting Geologist

MCorrales@joshitech.com Manuel Corrales Senior Project Manager

1204. Bharat Petroleum Corp info@bharatpetroleum.in

RKS@bharatpetroleum.in Raj Kishore Singh Executive Chairman of the Board, Managing Director

sv.kulkarni@bharatpetroleum.in S. V. Kulkarni Compliance Officer, Company Secretary

SK.Barua@bharatpetroleum.in S. K. Barua director

ssc@bharatpetroleum.in K.K. Gupta Director (Marketing)

1205. Adani Welspun Exploration Ltd. info@awel.com www.awel.com

Atul.Sathe@awel.com Mr. Atul Sathe Chief Executive Officer

D.Srinivas@awel.com D. Srinivas Head of Exploration

Amogh.Chitrao@awel.com Amogh Chitrao Vice President of Geology

1206. Adani Group info@adani.com 8 ???? ????? ????????? ????? 1186

Gautam.Adani@adani.com Gautam S Adani Chairman, Adani Group

Rajesh.Adani@adani.com Rajesh S Adani Managing Director

Pranav.Adani@adani.com Pranav S Adani Managing Director

Harsh.Mishra@adani.com Harsh Mishra Group President International Business

Atul.Sathe@adani.com Atul Sathe CEO Oil & Gas Exploration

1207. New Century Exploration info@newcenturyexp.com

philmartin@newcenturyexp.com Phil Martin President and CEO

walt@newcenturyexp.com Walt Stone Geological Manager

1208. New Ventures Australia Oil & Gas http://www.newventuresaustralia.com

roger.autrey@sbcglobal.net Roger Autrey Director

1209. Petroleum Production International Limited (PPI Limited)

JRees@ppilimited.com John Rees VP Technical

mpetkovski@ppilimited.com Maki Petkovski Director

bnisbet@ppilimited.com Belinda Nisbet General Manager, Corporate

1210. PetroStrata Corporation info@petrostrata.com , ir@draytonrichdale.com

aamaquera@gemellicapitaltrust.com Antonio Arnel Maquera, President

1211. Philms International Oil And Gas Exploration Services

phil@philms.co.uk Dr Philip Nelson

1212. Hydrocarbon Development Co (P) LTD. contact@hdcpl.com

SRDas@hdcpl.com S.R. Das CEO & Director

1213. KAPNA Energy Group www.kapna.com itkim@kapna.com

csy93@kapna.com Seungyong Chang PhD President

1214. The Center for Economic Development http://urban.csuohio.edu/economicdevelopment/staff.html


Cleveland State University | 2121 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland

i.lendel@csuohio.edu Dr. Iryna Lendel


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