, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Tagged: Oil and Gas

Mr Hydes Tip: Union Jack Oil-Company Maker Nailed On?

(1st posted on ADVFN Jekyll & Hyde Tip sheet) There’s not much out there at the moment, in the market sectors that I trade/invest in. I’m currently sat on large blocks of two companies, Andalas Energy (LSE:ADL) (3%) & Online Blockchain (LSE:OBC)...

Xcite energy. Eyes on here. Knutsen

Xcite energy. Eyes on here. Knutsen

    The count-down has now begun in ernest here. News of possible Knutsen OAS tanker activity. Currently  Knutsen OAS have the Hanne Knutsen and the Siri Knutsen crude oil shuttle tankers registered In...

Leni Gas and Oil.  Alerts on! News sought!

Leni Gas and Oil. Alerts on! News sought!

    Well it finally looks like  some in the market are now turning their attention to Leni. Alerted here at 8.05am. News is now being sought re’ this company. When market brokerages get...

Leni Gas and Oil. It isn’t Rocket Science!

Leni Gas and Oil. It isn’t Rocket Science!

    Many emails requesting response/information on Leni. Take a look at Leni’s full asset portfolio and research the company in full. The 1 BILLION BOE is not a typo, an invention of the..., pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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