Zoetic V ShareProphets… Get the popcorn in!


It’s time to get the popcorn in. Tom Winnifrith’s ShareProphets are going for the ‘Zoetic jugular’. Claims of Corporate malfeasance are now doing the rounds at The FCA, City of London, as well as Stateside, The Food & Drug Administration who, make no mistake, are both investigating the ‘ShareProphets Zoetic Dossier‘, which I might add looks DAMNING….

Dossier Link

Claims of health benefits on their website have ‘vanished’ into thin air…. For those of you that don’t know the history here it’s basically TW claiming Corporate wrong doing on an Industrial Scale; “An attempted mass cover up of multiple LIES told to regulators, investors and consumers”. A share price rise from 3/4p to 82p in the space of 12 months on sales of ‘nuppence’


Zoetic Revenues

£81,000 in the 12 months to September 2020 and only £450,000 cash. The Market Cap’ is a whopping £162m, their SP is 83p as of writing. There’s no way on God’s green earth, that this valuation is based on fundamentals or reality. Even on sentiment or ‘Hope Value’ it’s an affront to ‘Vulcan logic’.

TW 60 Red Flags Link

ShareProphets state; “A multitude of red flags across the business have been identified”,. The rise now sits at 2400%. on a CBD infused chews & smokable cigarettes, business. ShareProphets give Zoetic (LON: ZOE) a 5p valuation based on contemporaries in their sector.

In Zoetic’s defence they state that their  ” ‘Prepare for Lift Off’ plan, works in close partnership with distributors to orchestrate a successful rollout and to implement best practices across appropriate marketing, trade spend, advertising, in-store display, education, and speed to market.”

The Financial Advisor is Allenby, people that follow me, or ShareProphets will note that Allenby, the well known AIM Nomads, will be taking the SP allegations seriously. They’ll also know that TW is usually correct, having came up against him many times. Whoever is ‘chewing’ or blowing CBD smoke up the retail investor arse, you can be assured Allenby will get to the…… ‘Bottom’ of it…

Tom Winnifrith is very well known and feared, regardless of what some may think, he has a huge following both Retail & Corporate, having exposed major ‘Jiggery Pokery’ at Globo, The Woodford Fund and Quindell to name but three. CEO’s, Journalists, Brokers, Directors, Analysts and even the BBC, SKY, Russia Today etc Make pilgrimages to his ‘Welsh Hovel’.

His phone never stops ringing and his email never stops pinging. I know this because I’ve witnessed it on numerous times, in person.

Under-Estimate Him At Your Peril……





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6 Responses

  1. Evil Banksta says:

    Allenby are just the “financial adviser” rather than nomad. ZOE is a (sub-)standard listing rather than AIM.

  2. WallStDude says:

    I Linked over from Reddit. Who’s this guy Tom Winnifrith?

  3. Zoefraudster says:

    Interesting that your comments where posted this morning, nothing offensive but where deleted by LSE! Bloody conspiracy for ramping up this piece of shit.

  4. Charles3rd says:

    They look ripe for a short. If Zoe are committing questionable practices they’ll get caught, the USA SEC don’t mess about.

    Have a look at GameStop, once traders smell blood it’s trouble for companies in this environment

  5. UrracineX says:

    Gone through the financials with a fine tooth comb.

    Pump and dump stock. Absolutely no cash. £450k declared at Sept 2020 end
    Sales of £50k
    Gross profit of £16k
    Debts £1.7m

    It’s got a market cap of £160 million!!!!!

    BB loons pushing it.

    This is on the road to suspension imho