The Titanic t1ps Ship!

It seems that one of the last true stars at has today jumped ship and joined the highly respected city of London financial journalist, Mr Tom Winnifrith at

The latest defector is Malcolm Stacey the founder of Sharecrazy. (“Mally” will be joining myself on the Blogger forum at the UK INVESTOR SHOW IN April 2014) It must have been really painful for Stacey to abandon his baby. Stacey follows Steve Moore (Excellent), Darren Atwater (A whizz techy), Lucian Miers (Sharper than a scalpel) and Robert Sutherland Smith (Shogun) in switching across. Is there any one still there at t1ps or has the light been switched off? Richard Gill what the fuck are you doing?

I did make a joke enquiry to buy Sharecrazy some months ago for a nominal £1. The offer was ignored. But the fact that it has lost most of its best writers, while paying customers are declining almost certainly indicates to me that it’s becoming cashflow negative. I am withdrawing that offer. Captain Dick should man up and take responsibility for this lamentable performance.

I did hear that Dick is posting on advfn under a few pseudonyms rubbishing my good name in the Sefton libels. Maybe he is, maybe he isn’t. Maybe if he was to spend less time posting on advfn? He’d have achieved a decent show and I wouldn’t be slating him online at my “shitty blog” that “no one reads” Not to worry Dick no one according to you reads this!

Buying into sinking ships, skippered by the Richard (Gollum) Gill is not something I fancy any more. But if multi zillionaire Jim Mellon wants my assistance in refloating the whole kit and caboodle then my fee is £250,000. I would consider taking if off his hands subject to him launching Gollum over the side weighted down with concrete boots.

I gather that my offer was the third offer made for Sharecrazy. But since it has not had an article (other than Stacey’s blog) published since March 19th; has lost its two star columnists (Miers and Stacey); has a Bulletin Board which makes your average Dodo seem alive and kicking and – according to independent web analysis data – has almost no users but is locked into an expensive 3 year data contract thanks to Captain G, my £1 offer is also off the table. I reckon fair value for taking on this liability is c MINUS £50,000.

So just for fun I am now running a reader poll: who will be the next writer to quit the tips stable:

a) Evil Knievil
b) Gollum Gill
c) James Faulkner of WatsHot
d) Any of the young men just into long trousers who work there but who are not even household names in their own households

Perhaps t1ps should consider an all paper merger with Sefton Resources? Maybe Jim Ellerton could be the new star columnist it needs – the man has a 13 year career of consistently producing creative fiction on a regular basis. Ellerton the proven perjurer and liar with Titanic Dick. A dynamic duo.





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