Sefton Resources Jim Ellerton RESIGN NOW YOU CROOK!

Today is the day that the shocking truly awful truth about the lies, deceits and frauds of the Sefton Chairman Ellerton  can be revealed. The awful truth is that Ellerton has been swindling UK Investors for years. The Gary Dillabaugh Deposition is crystal clear Ellerton has used and abused company cash to pay off his personal loans. This is Criminal Fraud.

After he gave assurances to Allenby that what Myself and Tom Winnifrith were saying was taken out of context. Jim Ellerton is a pathological Liar. You can read all about how Jim Gave Gary Dillabaugh the company secretary’s job on Tile 11 on Page 6 of the PDF. You can read the truly disgraceful Deposition by CLICKING HERE J.Ellerton Deposition + Exhibits Brokermandaniel transcript

Ellerton gave Gary Dillabaugh the job as a reward for the cash loans he received from Dillabaugh. Shocking! An abuse of Company money. Ellerton “lobbied” (Harangued) fellow Directors until he got his way. Ellerton freely admits dozens of times that the cash Dillabaugh received as Company Secretary was to be offset against Ellerton’s personal debt to Dillabaugh! What an horrendous situation this is. It is criminal fraud.

Ellerton has repeatedly lied to ALL & SUNDRY in his greed for cash. He has fleeced UK Investors for millions upon millions of pounds knowing all the while that Sefton Assets were worthless. Assets that he has used time and time again in other companies that have gone bankrupt. It is the worst case of corporate fraud I can remember in the last 13 years on AIM.

Sign the Government e-petition now Demand an investigation.

His resignation must be demanded by Allenby Capital. Failure to go must see the resignation of Allenby Capital and the suspension of Sefton Resources. Investors and Traders alike need to be protected.

This is exactly what Ellerton is doing right now.

They begun drawing down/diluting share-holders last week through the EFF. Ellerton knew last week that the game was up yet he still instructed Darwin Strategic (without telling his Directors) to flood the market quietly so as not to crater the Sefton share-price.

As you read this Ellerton is grasping as much cash as he can to line his pockets one last time. He’s raping the company before his last flight back to Hawaii with your cash!

If you are a Darwin Strategic client who has been hoodwinked then I suggest you demand your money back. You have been sold stock in a company that is INSOLVENT!

Sign the Government e-petition now Demand an investigation.


Daniel Levi

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