Daniel Levi Statement
We here at the brokermandanel website stand by all we have written on Sefton Resources. We will not be bullied or cajoled into withdrawing what we believe to be a FRAUD perpetrated on UK investors by American/Canadian oilmen who collectively have been involved with 3 listed Oil Company’s that have gone Bankrupt. We look forward to opening up the can of worms through the summons witness list which will include amongst many Dr. Farouq Ali.
The Sefton Board have profited to the tune of Millions upon Millions of dollars while UK Investors have been left with huge financial losses. We accuse Sefton Resources of lies, deceit & fraud. We gladly take up the cudgels for & on behalf of all UK Private Investors who have been mis-lead and lied to by Sefton Resources.
Dan Levi