, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Sefton Resoures Share Holder Action Group.

I am today launching the official Sefton Resources Share-holder Action Group. Any Sefton Member/share-holder who wants to see this company saved from Bankruptcy needs to contact the site at

It has become increasingly apparent that Sefton Resources is riddled with mis-management, corporate greed & nepotism. The company’s failure to address genuine share-holder concerns reached a new low today.

Jim Ellerton has refused to release the company share-holder register? Why would Ellerton do this? Ellerton is attempting to conceal from his own share-holders vital information that can be used by you the share-holders to force an EGM. Shame on you Ellerton. What are you trying to hide?

The light of transparency is now being shone on Ellerton & his cohorts who are scurrying back into the dark hiding behind their British Virgin Islands Company Registration. The Jackals are running scared.Their feasting on the Sefton body has been threatened, hence their knee-jerk reaction.

If needs be we will go to court to secure this information. As holders and Members of this company we are entitled to it.

I accuse you Jim Ellerton of wholesale mis-management and greed. You are a disgrace to good corporate governance. Resign immediately!

Stay well away from this company until we force our EGM. $18 million in capex to return $5 million! That’s a $13 million dollar loss. You have been Alerted & Warned!

We are going to take back our company from these American Jackals.



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No Responses

  1. FK2 says:

    I’m a holder from 2006, another bad investment. Big losses.

  2. tyresson says:

    I’ve been here since May 2011. Just one of several poor aim shares I have.

  3. cattleman says:

    Yes i have a 100000 of these in @3p ..hey think i am gonna try and get on the board 541 k …whoooooooooo fantastic ……the barstewards, pub-7842875684800919, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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