Well it seems that I was wrong. It took five minutes before John Mitchell from Guildford Surrey tagged me yesterday at the Master Investor seminar!. Well done John. Your moneyam L2 account will be live tomorrow. I have organised it already. The details have been forwarded to you via the admin email so check your spam folder etc.
Yes it was a busy day yesterday I could only stay a couple of hours but I did have several decent conversations with cluff,sefton,Sitius,Rrr and tips.com. Jan Nelson unfortunately was unavailable due to family matters. However I will be speaking to them next week. I spoke to many fellow investors. Katy, who lost her pink Iphone, being one of many. Great day although the Saxo freebie bag went straight in to the nearest available bin.
Remember that exhibitors at forums such as these represent an opportunity for private Investors to meet the custodians of their investments however large or small. And it is you the Investor who can on days like this call the shots and voice your opinion.
Cluff seemed remarkably sanguine about the troubles in Burkina Faso….time will tell whether they are right to be so relaxed.
Finance director suggests placing end of this year, stating that he hopes to push the price up to closer to 2p. The big question is whether African politics will allow this.
And your conclusions?
What did Cluff have to say on the problems starting in Burkina Faso etc
Dan, it only just hit home this morning how lucky I am to have my phone dropped and then have it returned to me by you (was looking for you for freebie prize). Haha what is the chance of that!
Thanks again and look forward to reading more of your great work.
Best regards
I also went to the Master Investor Show and thoroughly recommend it to any investor. Excellent opportunity to meet and speak to Directors of companies you may invest in. I visited and spoke to around 12 different companies. Out of those 12, I would only consider investing in 2 of them – Pan African Resources (where I already hold a fair few in my ISA) and Cluff Gold. Ariana Resources I would put on my watch list, but wouldn’t invest just yet.
I wonder Dan what you think about Ascent Resources? I’ m currently invested in them and spoke to their MD & Financial Officer yesterday.
BMD and other attendees,
Did any of you speak to or hear from Tom Winnifrith/T1ps.com and more specifically about Athol Gold (AHG) and/or Ascot Mining (which is listed on the Plus Market)? If so, could you kindly detail what was said.
Many thanks
Hi Dan,
How did it go with Sefton? You mention above that it is one of the decent conversations that you had.
Are they still on track with increasing their production by steam flooding?
I know it is currently one of the more smaller AIM listed companies, but would love to hear your take.
Did anyone else apart from Dan manage to visit the Sefton stand?
I was unable to make it as I am out of the country! Doh!!