Matra Petroleum. Eyes on!

Investors in Matra need to get on their game here. Matra has now neen placed on a stock watch  pending the resumption of production.

With just under 12 million shares bought/sold today, approx 180 thousand pounds worth of stock has been horse traded resulting in an increase of 4.4% on the close.

What this means is that Matra stock will be on the radar with brokerages. Their AIM sector analysis (sub sector oil E+P) will be taking a keen interest here. A watch will be put on them for news.

Matra could quite possibily hit any where from 3/6p on production resumption.

As always please do your own research this is not a rec’ to buy. It is information placed on here for the benefit of Matra stock holders.


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No Responses

  1. ken123r says:

    Averaging down at this price for most long term holders is a no brainer

  2. brendan says:

    Thats great news Dan, holding with an average of 3p after averaging down from big tanking from A-13 recently, glad to see I hope to be in the blue soon!!

  3. Mikejones says:

    Hi Dan as a longterm holder of Matra…averaging at 3.1p… i,m quietly confident that we’ll get back to 6p levels once the cock up on well 13 is finally overcome.
    There’re on the march again this morning over 3% up. I think they are definately on a slow climb the further we get into August.
    My question is will there be a big sell off from holders at 3p to 4p? The reason i ask is that there are some very disgruntled share holders who hold Matra at roundabout these levels. Now there is talk that the oil production will increase once it begins will this have an effect on holders sp targets?
    Your thoughts please.
    thanks for all your efforts and thanks for posting the info.

    Mike Jones

  4. Captain Patience says:

    Hi Dan,

    re’ GCM Resources – the speculation for end of July announcement turned out to be false. PI’s have noticed massive short covering over the last 2 months, 1m reduced to 171k – can you shed any light on this? Simon Caukwell is very bullish on this stock and reckons a decision is very imminent, would appreciate your comments.



  5. mary says:

    dan can l ask your opinion on caza